- A.W. Cowperthwaite.

Synonym. Marum Verum. Natural order. Labiatae. Common name.

Acts especially upon the mucous membrane of the lower bowel, where it produces much irritation, leading to its successful use in the treatment of ascarides. It also acts prominently upon the Schneiderian membrane, producing violent sneezing, congestion and inflammation.
Mind. Irresistible desire to sing. Head. Dullness and dizziness. Pressure in forehead above the eyes (Hydras., Kali bi., Puls., Sang.). Very painful pressure in right temple, frequently alternating with same sensation in. right frontal eminence, and in left temple. Eyes. Red and inflamed; look watery as if from weeping; biting sensations; upper lids red and puffy. Ears. Otalgia, with lancinating pains (Bell., Cham., Puls., Merc.). Nose. Frequent sneezing, with crawling in nose, without coryza. Violent crawling in right nostril, with lachrymation of right eye. Sensation as if nostrils were stopped; blowing nose or sneezing does not remove the obstruction; nasal polyps (Calc. c., Phos.). Mouth. Violent tearing in root sand gum of right lower incisors. Smarting., as from pepper, at root of tongue. Throat. Biting and scraping sensation posteriorly in fauces; worse left side. Stomach. Unusual hunger; prevents falling asleep. Frequent very violent hiccough. Abdomen. Dull pressing, as from incarcerated flatulence. Frequent noiseless emission of warm flatus. Rectum Crawling in rectum after stool. Crawling and violent sticking in anus, in evening in bed. Ascarides, with creeping nd itching (Ferr., Sep., Spig., Sulph.), and nightly restlessness; worse from warmth of bed (Merc.). Urinary Organs. Increased discharge of pale, watery urine (Phos. ac.). Limbs. Rheumatic pains, mostly in bones and joints; worse evening, better on motion (rhus tox.). Inflammation in right toe, with pain as if the nail had grown into the flesh. Ingrowing toe nails with ulceration (Sil). Generalities. Very indolent; inclined neither to physical nor mental exertion. Sleep. REstless sleep; excited; vivid dreams. Fever. Frequent feeling of flushing heat in face, without external redness. conditions. Especially useful in old people and children. Compare. Calc. c., Caust., Cina., Lyc., Sil., Staph., Sulph.
Teucr. mar. ver. has often been successfully used in nasal polypi; polypus of the vagina; fibrous polypi of all kinds. Useful in ascarides; also in rheumatism, etc., the symptoms corresponding. Has been highly recommended for in growing tow nails.


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