Aluminium metallicum [Alum-met]:

- Jan Scholten

The most important aluminium compound known in homoeopathy is not pure aluminium, but Alumina or aluminium oxide: Al2 O3.3H2O.


The name is derived from alumen or alum. It was discovered in 1872 and it is the most common metal and the third most common element on earth (7,5 percent). Aluminium is found in earth and clay.

The metal is very light and is used in aluminium foil and in aircraft. It is often used as a component in steel to bind the oxygen and to make it light in weight. Bearings usually contain magnesium, silicium, cuprum, zincum and zirconium (the latter is particularly used in spacecraft).


Stage 3-9 Silicium series

Investigating Exploring Relationships family

Differentiating Comparing Other You

Trying out Love Hate

Hesitating Communication

Changeable Unstable Language Learning

Underestimating presentation

Discouraged Suppressed Play

Unofficial Noncommittal Teenager

Confusion Home Neighbourhood

Group analysis

Confusion in relationships; confusion about roles.

Indecisive about who he is in relation to others.

Confusion about who he is and who the other person is: confusion identity.

Doubt in relationships.

Doubt whether they belong to the family.

Doubt whether they are exercising their own will or that of the group: mis-guided.

Confusion in groups.

Doubt about the relationship they want to have: triangular relationships.

Searching for contact and relationships.

Confusion in relation to others.

Doubt from the other person in relationships.

Picture of Aluminium metallicum

Essence: confusion about who he is and who the other person is.

Confusion within the relationship; confusion about roles

They feel they have managed to find their own place and they deserve to have this place, but there are still several points that aren't clear to them. They wonder whether they really want this relationship. They also wonder how to proceed. How much of themselves should they give to this relationship? What is left of them since they have given themselves to this relationship?

Confusion about identity within the relationship

They are confused about their own position in relation to the other person. They know they are in a relationship but they don't know where their own identity and responsibility end and the other persons begins. They ask themselves questions like: Was it really me who did this? or Am I being myself at the moment? This is the well known rubric'Confusion about identity.

Another typical symptom is that they don't recognise themselves when they look in the mirror. They look at themselves in surprise and think: Is that really me? The confusion about where they end and the other person begins is sometimes so strong that it stops them from taking responsibility for their own actions.

Doubt whether it is their own will or the will of the group Out of a desire to belong to the group they often do whatever the other person wants, thereby ignoring their own wishes. They carry out a task as requested by a family member or a peer group and later on they discover that it was probably not such a good idea.

They feel uncomfortable about it and start to ask themselves whether it was really them who carried out this request: After all it was the group who asked them to do this, so isn't it the groups responsibility? We find this in the repertory under the rubrics Delusion other speaks, Delusion other hears, Delusion consciousness belongs to another, Delusion head belongs to another and Errors about identity.

It is a very important remedy for people who did wrong during the war, who did things that did not agree with their own morals, but Befehl ist befehl; also for people who spend their life thinking they have committed a crime.

These people might talk about themselves in an impersonal way, as if they are talking about someone else, using the words you or one instead of I.

Doubt about which relationship to choose: triangles.

They doubt whether they have chosen the right partner or the right relationship. They keep on searching to try and find out whether another relationship wouldn't be more suitable. This creates complicated triangular relationships with all the confusion and doubt that goes with these. Who should they choose? Whose ideas should they follow? Should they listen to their boss or to their colleague? Should they choose for their wife or for their sister. They can never make up their minds, always afraid to make the wrong choice and regret it later.

Doubt from the other person in the relationship

All this wavering and hesitation eventually makes their partner unsure about the whole relationship too. The partner thought that a commitment had been made but now it all looks very unstable and he doesnt know what to think of it anymore.

Doubt whether they belong to the family

A similar doubt may exist with regard to the family. They know they are part of the family but they don't really feel at ease, as if they can't really be themselves, as if they have to give part of themselves away for the sake of the whole group.

This theme may emerge within a very strict or religious family, where everybody has to obey the rules. Or we may see it in religious sects where there is a strong regime of discipline and obedience to authority. Nobody can be themselves, they have to do as they are told. A similar situation exists in the army, where they are forced to do things they would never dream of doing themselves.


Fears: knives, blood, insanity, own impulses.

Mood: timid, adapting, complaining, moaning, hurried, slow to act and speak, depressed, suicidal.

Delusions: time going too fast, parts of body belong to someone else, being a criminal, insanity, having no friends, ghosts, killing, marriage, mistake about own identity (<)(<) looking in the mirror. Aggression: impulsively aggressive (<)(<) seeing knives or blood. Mental: absent minded, confused, doubting, overwhelmed, as if in a fog, wandering, being lost, mistakes and faults, dementia. Causes: executing other peoples commands, loss of relations, (<)(<) being hurried or pushed. Generals Weather: (<) dry, (>) damp.

Perspiration: little or none.

Time: (<) 9 am; (<) winter. Desire: dry food, rice, starch, coffee. Aversion: meat, beer. Food: (<) potatoes, milk, artificial food, warm drinks, (<) tobacco. Menses: too early, short, little, pale; tiredness afterwards. Sleep: (<) waking. Physical: (>) lying down, (<) coitus. Complaints Feeling of numbness and cobwebs. Constriction. Discharges little, watery, acrid. Dryness. Paralysis (3), ascending. Vertigo (<) closing eyes, tendency to fall forwards. Liver. Pancreas. Constipation (3), hard, dry stools, no urging or frequent urging. Stools have to be removed by artificial means. Testes, ovaries. Leucorrhoea. Kidneys. Muscles. Skin eruptions, itching (<) heat; dry and rough skin with cracks, itches until it bleeds. DD: Boron:These remedies may appear very similar, as both have Confusion about identity. Boron has a similar sort of confusion with regard to himself. But his confusion is more to do with his own personality. He asks himself: Who am I? Am I worth anything? Alumina has more confusion about himself in relation to the other person: Did I really do this myself, or did the other person do it? DD Magnesium: feels more abandoned, has to fight more to keep the relationship going. Aluminium knows he can have the relationship but he feels he has to sacrifice too much of himself. Case A 40 year old woman has been coming for treatment for the last 4 years, with a gradual improvement of her overall condition. Now she has come complaining of stomach pains. They are nearly always there and her stomach feels empty, as if it being squeezed and there isn't enough room. She once had a bout of vomiting whereby it felt as if her intestines were coming out. This revolted her so much that she could hardly swallow anything for the next few days. She still has difficulty swallowing her food and it is quite painful. The pain is worse from wine and the smell of tobacco makes her stomach contract. She can tolerate warm food better than cold. She likes pasta and fish and has an aversion to dry food. She has had problems with a neighbour lately. He was angry with her because of a letter he had received which he thought had been sent by her. She has assured him it wasn't her, but he remained angry and threatened her: If it turns out to have been written by you Ill come and rape you. At a birthday party with her other neighbours they advised her not to speak to this neighbour anymore, but this is difficult for her because their children often play together and she often looks after his little daughter. She feels she has adapted too much to other peoples wishes and isn't allowed to be who she really is. In her relationship with friends the same sort of problem occurs. She feels she has to adapt to their wishes too much. These friends think that she is still depressed, which she used to be in the past, but this was a long time ago. The other day an old friend told her it was better if she didnt come to his birthday when lots of other people would be there; it would be better if she came separately on another day. He told her a complicated story but the gist of it was that he didnt want her there with the others. She hated being approached in such a indirect way. Her childhood situation was very similar too. It was always a matter of adapting to parents, sisters and other family members. There was never a clear indication or code about the space you were allowed to take within the family. She always complied out of fear that she would not be accepted, or that she would be thought strange or mad. She had to adapt to the image which was expected of her, otherwise they wouldn't love her. But now the anger and the resistance is brewing up inside her and she wants to take her own space. During past life therapy she experienced the same feelings of there not being enough room for herself. She was only a woman and their was really no room for her in society. She also gets feelings of pressure in her forehead. When questioned about her stools she says that they are usually quite thin. When questioned about hurry she answers that she is always feels hurried around 9 am. Analysis The theme of not being allowed to take up her own space runs through her whole life. It happens with her neighbours, her friends and her family, even in past lives. It is the relationship theme of the Silica series. She has always done what others wanted of her (stage 3), which could be viewed as a confusion about her identity within relationships. She feels that she is not allowed to be herself. She had to live up to the expectations of other people (stage 3), otherwise she wouldn't be loved (Silicium series). This theme of having to adapt and comply may look like stage 2, but in this case there is the added factor that she feels it is wrong: she wants to be herself but she doesnt dare. Symptoms confirming Aluminium: hurried, vague and indirect stories, (<) 9 am., (>) pasta, (<) dry food, cramping stomach pains, swallowing difficult or impossible. The thin stools are the opposite of what we would expect in Aluminium.

There is no reason to look for an Aluminium combination because the whole picture fits Aluminium, hence the prescription: Aluminium metallicum.


A month after she took Aluminium metallicum 1M she reports that a lot has happened. The tension has gone out of the relationship with her ex-boyfriend and they are able to communicate about their daughter without any problems. She started a new relationship which was very stormy in the beginning, because she was afraid she would lose herself. But this time she managed to talk about her fears, which brought back the peace.

She has also taken a good look at a relationship with an old friend and now realises that this relationship was much too non- committal. She is able to choose for herself much more than before. Occasionally she feels a bit frightened by the space she is taking, because she has been confined within a small space for so many years. Friends have suddenly started to invite her for little outings.

She had a healing sessions in which she discovered that she never had any real contact with her father. This made her cry for several days, but afterwards she felt much less dependent on her fathers opinions.

She is different in the way she moves within the neighbourhood.

She now does her own thing and feels free to do so.

A few months later she woke up one night feeling very disorientated. She didnt know where she was and it frightened her. She had also developed diarrhoea again after a holiday. A repeat dose of Aluminium metallicum cleared up both problems.


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