ANTIM ARS [Ant-ar]:

- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Arsenite of Antimony


Mucous membranes








Warm room

Lying down





Exudative. Chesty

Make-Up : Both extremes of life, infants, aged. Warm-blooded (unlike Ars., but like Ars-i.). Restless (like Ars.) and rattling, expectoration (like Ant-t.).

General sick feeling. Sense of weakness. Great prostration, strength rapidly ebbing.

Convulsions; pustular eruptions, broncho- pneumonia, hypoglycemia, infant whose diabetic mother took insulin during labor.

Head : Congestion. Pain in temples, forehead, orbits.

Eyes : Inflammation; of conjunctiva; with burning, swollen face (oedematous).

Nose : Flapping of nostrils; with quietness and respiratory symptoms like Bry.

Mouth : Tongue clean.

Alimentary : Loss of appetite. Thirst like Ars. Nausea. Vomiting; copious, curdled, before fever.

Mild painless diarrhea.

Urinary : Nephritis : with pleural effusion and CCF, after terramycin for bronchitis (Ap. and Tub. later, for remaining oedema).

Respiratory : Excessive dyspnea; hard wheezing, rattling breathing, cannot lie, worse am.; emphysema.

Cough : loose, rattling, much mucous expectoration, (<) lying down, eating. Strangling cough.

Chest colds. Bronchitis, marked dyspnea, rattling, wheezing, developing cyanosis from hard breathing; chronic.

Bronchiolitis; hyperventilation ( rapid abdominal breathing), temp. 100, pulse 90, tongue clean, very restless, rapid heart- beats, CCF feared, catarrh of infant suppr. after drinking chilled water.

Pleurisy : serous or sero- fibrinous exudation on either side, but of r. side it takes longer time for absorption. Pleurisy of 1. side. Old pleuritic exudations, with sense of weakness.

Pleuro-pneumonia, esp. of (upper)1. lung, with recent or old exudations; chiefly in desperate cases, threatening asphyxia, strength rapidly ebbing, pulse weak and rapid, cyanosis.

Pneumonia : catarrhal; with influenza; of children. Hypostatic pneumonia. Old (r. or 1. sided) pneumonias.

Pulmonary sclerosis from (or not from) myocardial disease; severer than that disease would warrant, with emphysema.

Fibroid phthisis.

Heart : Pericarditis, with effusion. Myocarditis. Endocarditis; after influenza, systolic murmurs, loose coarse rales over entire r. lung, weak feeble pulse, temperature subnormal, profuse cold sweat over face and upper part of body (Dr. Royal). Endarteritis. Aortitis; chronic.

CCF; 1. heart failure with nocturnal attacks of breathlessness, rattling, H.B.P; after influenza, nephritis or pleurisy.

Locomotor : Wandering pain along sciatic nerve.

Thermic : Alternate cold and heat. Sweatiness. Fever in asthma (like Chin-a.). Influenza. Inimical in typhoid (Dr.M.B.Desai.).

Recurrent fever; in a Calc-c. teething baby, restless days before fever, vomiting (copious, curdled) just before fever, fever after playing in water, thirsty (little and frequent, like Ars.) during fever, likes sweets (but does not eat earth), sweat less, only on head, milestones normal (respiratory rattles), mother took calcium during pregnancy.

Relations: Complementary : Ap., Calc-c., Tub.

Similar : Am-c., Ant-t., Ars., Aur., Hep.,Lach., Merc-s., Phos., Pul., Sul.


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