- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.


Lower tissues

Joints and their components (bones,

cartilages, ligaments)

White fibrous tissue

Epithelial tissues

Mucous membranes



Glandular organs


Ovaries (l.) Testes (r.)

Nerves; sheaths


neuro- musculatures

L. Side


COLD; winter; damp





3-5am. 11am - 1pm

Rest. Lying. Sleep

Prolonged exertion


Riding in car

Touch. Mental strain;

fright ; anger

Loss of fluids;







wrapping up

Open air

Night (cough)

Lying (cough)




Warm drink;


Insidious. Indolent. Malignant

Sycotic. Exudative. Proliferative

Introduction : Silver is widely distributed in all tissues in the range of 0.002-0.008 ug / gm wet / weight. Mean blood concentration of silver are 0.008 Plus 0.0002 ug / gm. Cow's milk contains 0.027 Plus 0.54 mg / lit.

Functions and requirements are not yet clearly known.

Physiologically silver gives protection against infection.

Historic Tale : In the 4th century B.C. the army of Alexander, the Great, conquered Persia and Phonicia and invaded India. Here the Greek army was struck by an outbreak of a mysterious gastrointestinal disease and the soldiers demanded to be sent home. Interestingly, the Greek military commanders fell victim to the disease far less frequently than their soldiers, although they shared all the burdens of camp life with the soldiers. More than two hundred years had passed before scientists found an explanation of it. The soldiers drank from tin cups and their superiors from silver ones. It was proved that silver dissolves in water forming a colloid solution that kills pathogenic bacteria. And although the solubility of silver in water is low, it is quite enough for disinfection.

This tale explains why silver has been used in making domestic utensils, water vessels, dinner dishes, etc. for preservation of water and food since antiquity.

Acute poisoning : Throat pain. Gastro-enteritis.Renal failure. Convulsions. Collapse.

Chronic poisoning : Skin discoloration(Argyria), blue line on gums (like of lead poisoning), albuminuria, extensor muscle paralysis.

Dynamic overdosing : Catarrhs. Arthralgias. Arthritis.

Highlights: Slow, deep, low-grade processes (like t.b., cancer); they come on lingeringly, insidiously, but progress steadily (Sil.). "A very deep-acting remedy............ goes deep into life............a deep organic remedy........... affects all there is of man ............. low form of tissue making"- Kent.

Constitutional effects of sunstroke, onanism etc. Lingering complaints with weak feeling in chest.

A dyscrasia of latent diseases.

Make-up : Businessmen. Brain-workers. Students and readers, of all kinds (Sil.). Broken-down, emaciating progressively. Younger ones withering, wrinkling, aged-looking, imbeciling. Bad inheritence; tendency to catarrhs, rheumatism, caries, tubercles, athrepsia, deep ulcers, cancer. Tall, thin, pale, chilly, nervous, irritable, faggy, hollow-eyed, weak-chested. Complaints hang on and become more and more serious. Mentally vain, a guller, hysterical, confused, anxious.

Nerves Deep seated troubles of nerves, growing increasingly sensitive to surroundings. Trembling in stomach, chest, heart, hands, legs (on descending). Twitchings. General nervous irritability amounting to convulsions. Tendency to spasmodic action of limbs. Convulsions tonic, clonic, or internal / systemic. Epilepsy : (<) at noon, violent rage after attack. Convulsive or electric- like shocks in body ( Bar-m.); (<) talking; falling to or during sleep; when tired, or sudden, from talking, on falling into or during sleep. Hysterical neuralgias. Pains: violent, rending, tearing, along the course of nerves; increase gradually, cease suddenly; (<) touch, rest, (>) warmth. Sudden momentary pains (in belly, back, r. shoulder etc.). Spasmodic pains. Raw or sore (as if ulcerated). Sharp pains rarely. Sensation of soreness and rawness (as if ulcerated) or of expansion in internal organs. Also painlessness from deepening pathology.

Numbness in : arms, legs, tendo Achilles, feet, heels.

Weakness : from pains; tremulous, paralytic of the whole body; morning, on waking or sudden.Lameness of limbs,(upper) arms; worse waking, motion. Legs crampy, weak; tremble and totter;(<) descending; a walk is exceedingly fatiguing. Paralysis; of r. arm and hand; partial paralysis of forearm. Sudden : shocks; pains or their disappearance; weakness. Tissues Emaciation, a gradual drying up. Cartilages : Sensitive, sore pain. Inflame. Thicken. Knotty indurations. Infiltrations in. Ulcers begin there. Growths on ; epitheliomata. Necroses. Joints : Sore, tender; hysterical joints (pains sans swelling), hip, knee etc. Serum in. Hip joint disease. White swelling (fungus articulosus, hydrops articuli, tumor albus genu). Arthralgia; uterine reflex. Bones : Pains pressing, gnawing. Exostosis; on skull. Caries (resulting from stricture, closure or atrophy of smaller blood vessels). Muscles : Spasmodic action. Cramps in fingers (writers C.), in legs, calves. Involuntary contraction of fingers. Rheumatism; (<) in cold, damp weather; (>) warmth.

Mucous membranes : Discharges passive, indolent; like boiled starch; gray thick tenacious mucus, or thin; offensive.Rarely a thick yellow or greenish discharge as gonorrhea.

Growths : Tumors. Ovarian cysts. Malignant: testes, ovaries, uterus. Epithelioma. Lupus. Scirrhus. Exostoses.

Softening : brain.

Dropsy : scrotum; ankles (esp. in diabetes); feet; with anemia. Swollen centre of upper lip.

Blood: General anemia, with oedema pedis. The small blood vessels become clogged, atrophied or strictured and various affections result. Arteries not affected (?).

Degenerations : infiltrations. Thickenings. Indurations. Ulcerations. Disposition to gangrene (Lilienthal, p.289).

To conclude : A very deep-acting sycotic remedy of the cadre of Thuja., Med. or X-ray, to fight inveterate catarrhs, hypertrophies, new growths (even malignant), degenerations (caries, necroses), softening, phthisis. (For sclerosis, the nitrate). Troubles start with inflammations from suppression of catarrhs, aided by a negative inheritance; a mercurial cachexia. A virtual rejuvinator, this.

Select Particulars

Mind : Depression of mental-intellectual faculties, not affections, (contra Arg-n.), though affected by emotions like anger, fright or anticipation. Memory and reasoning faculty disturbed increasingly to imbecility. Loquacity. Hypochondriacal restlessness. Profound nervous breakdown; bewildered; disinclined to talk from fear of slipping into nonsense. Whimsical; foolish behaviour. Hasty; a hurried feeling within, (like Med.), time passes too slowly (a state of nervous excitement). Vain, rather than conceited; deceitful.

Head : Vertigo; sudden, with dim or cloudy vision and uncontrolable senses; whirling, as if drunken; (<) entering in room, mental exertion, reading, looking at running water. Reflex headaches; deep-in; unilateral; persistent; (<) nursing sick, worry, tension. Eyes : Lids main target : inflammation, infiltration into, thickened, itching. Ophthalmia; of children(Puls.); purulent; with photophobia. Glaucoma. Stricture of lachrymal duct. Amaurosis; mercurial; l. Ears : Itching. Eustachian catarrh. Infiltration in. Buzzing; singing. Nose : Copious, exhausting fluency, with sneezing, (<) morning. Epistaxis; after dinner. Face : Pale.Yellowish, with fetor oris. Bone pains. Mouth : Gums flabby, loosen teeth, tender, bleed easily. Sticky saliva, adhering teeth or tongue. Throat : Chronic catarrhal sore throats; raw and sore; has to hawk often. Mercurial angina and stenosis (stricture). Stomach : Great appetite; constant hunger; with nausea, without thirst. Or, anorexia. Dyspepsia; mercurial; ascending heartburn and pyrosis. Nausea; all day, with uneasiness; from anxious dreams. Anxiety and pressure in pit of stomach. Abdomen : Tenderness (ovaro-urinary reflex): tension; congestive pain, (<) riding, jar, (>) deflation. Crooking, rumbling in; with soreness in l. pelvic region; flatulent colic (if incarcerated, the nitrate).Tabes mesenterica.

Rectum : Stools frequent; sandy; scanty, but copious urine.

Urinary : Spasmodic enuresis, bed wetting. Diabetes insipidus. D. mellitus, with dyspnea and dropsies, burning, genital pruritus, albuminuria. Polyuria; with pains.

Male : Gonorrheal syndromes. Urethritis. Testes : inflame, harden,infiltrate; crushed (or bruised) pain. Itching. Emissions involuntary; with impotence and atrophy; after onanic indulgence. Lessened sex hormones with excess of thyroid and pituitary.

Female : Whole pelvic system engorged; sore. Cervix: congested, spongy or indurated, eroded, ulcerated; cancer, scirrhus, epithelioma. Discharge copious, putrid, burning, eroding, yellow-green, bloody. Metrorrhagia; at climacteric.

Uterine disease with pains in joints and limbs; cancer; uterus sagging and prolapsed.

Ovarian troubles : infiltration; hardness, cysts; tumors; induration; pain; esp.l.(Pallad.,r.).

Respiratory : Colds settle in larynx; voice untime or hoarse; aphonia (from overuse).

Sporadic dry hacking mild (or teasing) coughs, (<) in warm room, laughing (Stann.), talking ; (>) lying ( Mang.); short rattling, by day. Winter chest colds.

Expectoration easy, bland, like boiled starch, grey, gelatinous. (Paralytic) Weakness of chest muscles, l. side. Perichondritis. Inherited or threatened phthisis; laryngeal P.; pulmonary P., hectic (<) at noon or between ll-l. Weakness of chest (Stann.). Heart : Heart muscle sympathises with neuralgic pains; frequent spasmodic (though painless) twitchings (a cardiac chorea),(<) lying on back,with fear of apoplexy. Irritable heart; neuralgia cordis (sans anxiety); feels as if heart stops and then throbs or trembles,(>) deep inspiration; occasional miss-beat. Fluttering. Palpitation, with (or sans) anxiety, headache, trembling (knees); during menses or pregnancy;(<) night, (sudden) exertion, lying on back; (>) motion, sighing. Pulse irregular in force but regular in rhythm.

Back : Stiff neck. Severe pain, with oppression of chest, walks stooped.

Locomotor: All the limbs feel stiff, numb; jerks, shocks esp. when lying down to sleep. Rheumatic pains; (<) sitting, lying down, Coxalgia. Hysterical joints. Sleep : Restless; non-refreshing, has, in morning, to settle down (to work) with much effort of will, limbs feel limp. Dreams of emission; with or cause nausea. Sleep (<) troubles. Shocks, jerks, starting on falling into or during sleep. Skin : Neuro-skins; itching (Agar.), unchanged by scratching ; (<) touch or motion of skin (in exanthema). Disposed to gangrene. Ulcers : bleeding; suppurating; abscesses; (>) warmth. (Herpes zoster).

Thermic : Chill : noon, p.m., before midnight; begins in back; on uncovering.

Fever : at or before noon (11am or 12noon or 1pm); after meals; hectic; head less hot than body (or heat of body minus head); no thirst.

Sweat : esp. on trunk (ventral); easy; at dinner or meals; on upper half of body; oily.

Relations : Is a sycotic Sil.

Antidotes : Merc., Pul.

It antidotes : abuse of Mercury.Metals are mutual antidotes; generally exhibit a single miasm.

Precede well : Alu., Merc., Plat.

Follow well : Calc-c., Merc., Pul., Sep.

Acute : Rhus-t.

Similar : Alu., Arg-n., Fl-ac., Kre., Mang., Osm., Plat., Pul., Sel., Sil., Stan., Zin.

Compatibles, also: Asaf., Bell., Lyc., Pho., Stro-c.

Arg-m. is more chilly, more reserved and less impulsive than Arg-n. It has depression of mental- intellectual faculties, not affection (contra Arg-n.). Arg-m. acts more on cartilages, Arg-n. more on mucous membranes.


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