- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Loepard's Bane



C.-S. System, motor parts






Neuro- musculatures

Serous tissues

Cellular tissue

Digestive system

Glands; adrenal

Blood vessels; veins


One side;

L.upper, r. lower


Weather: Wet cold

Cloudy cold

Sudden cooling (chest)

Sun (head).Heat (head)

Small hours of morning (2-3,4,6)



Sleep, during and after

Lying on l. side

Motion: train-or sea- sickness

Touch. Noise (pains)

Depressing factors:

Injuries (Bruises. Sprains


Labor. Overexertion- work

Hurrying. Bites.Stings


Mental strain / trauma:

Fright. Shock. Anger etc.

Poisoning : Quinine. Aspirin Alcohol

Depleting factors:


Abuse of sex (impotence)


Clear cool weather

Open air

Cold bath

Warm applications

Warm food


Sitting erect


Lying outstretched with head low

Changing position


Rheumatic. Stressed. Sensitive. Torpid. Overworked

Sore. Shocked. Paralytic. Scorbutic. Aged. Plethoric

Venous. Calcareous. Degenerative. Offensive.

Septic. Soporous. Concreting. Hemorrhagic

Highlights : Injuries : Anywhere from head to foot, external or internal. Bruises. Concussions. Torn fibres. Surgery; nerve injuries. Bullet injuries. Compound fractures with suppuration (burrowing pus; also a prophylactic thereof). Shock of injury, of operation (Acet-ac.), bee - sting, vaccination, rabid bite (non- poisonous), injection, burn: a frightened state, with stunned fixed gaze, convulsive trembling, cold sweat and surface etc., indicative of a depressed vitality (Camph.); coma; typhoid state; internal hemorrhages.Traumatic congestions and inflammations. Incomplete recovery from injuries, even of long ago.

Bruised, sore feeling all over, even to touch, with restlessness; keeps moving from place to place in search of a softer spot.Tired feeling as after hard work. Lassitude.Great desire to stretch.Torpidity;exhaustion and torpor, from continuous exposure to Sun, injury or failure of vital powers.

Make-up : Nervous, apprehensive persons who cannot stand pain (Cham.), or a trifling shock; with sensitive surface. The aged, laborers, gardners with rheumatic pains or "bruise of many days" (Shakespeare).The sanguine, plethoric, with red face and with a tendency to hemorrhages.The debilitated, with impoverished blood (acting but feebly in such people, however). Injury constitution (Gutman).


Pains : Sudden. Muscular rheumatic, paralytic or neuralgic (myalgias). Sore. Stitches. Constrictions (Cact.). Clavus pains. tearing, wrenching pains. Cramps in (l.) fingers, toes. Neuralgias from disturbed vagus with cutting etc.

Numbness : Of bruised parts, legs, feet, toes. Formication in contused part. Tingling : in nose, vertebral column (in myelitis), from jerking or treading.

Trembling; convulsive T. after shock; T. of lower lip. Nervous shuddering. Convulsive shaking.

Traumatic chorea, or even tetanus (Hypr.). Periodic convulsions resembling epilepsy, after trauma; C. with asphyxia, end with a cough. Locomotor ataxia.

Weakness. Great sudden sinking of strength (Ran-b.); while walking feels as if suddenly blighted with old age; tottering debility after sex (esp. of the aged or decrepit).Failure of vital powers (Kali-ph.); vital depression from exposure to Sun (Cact., Lach.). Collapse after a fall. Lameness; of fingers, knees.

A paralytic depressant on a rheumatic base.

Paraplegia from concussion of spine, "railway spine" (Hyp.). L.hemiplegia (apoplectic); r. from cold wet exposure. Paralysis: from a blow; from exudation in brain or spine. Spinal paralysis.

Tissues Inflammations: idiopathic; traumatic.

Muscles: Myalgias from overstraining healthy muscles or mild straining of weak muscles.Various pains.

Joints : Sprained pains. Sensitive. Stiff. Painful or paralytic lameness. Arthritis after injury. Gout (also associated renal gravel; tartar on teeth probable). To absorb debris, pathogenetic tissues (Kali-i.).

Glands: Swelling of cervical,salivary. Adrenal (which controls metabolism) malfunction (Lyc.).

Blood : Scurvy. Congestions. Septicaemia: affected part sensitive, ecchymose spots, pus burrows deep, steeple chase temperature, profuse sweat. Burrowing abscesses (Kali-bi.). Extravasations. Infiltrations. Petechiae. Hematocele. Hematoma. Gangrene;traumatic. Pernicious anemia. Varicose veins and ulcers.As a prophylactic also of pyemia. Hemorrhages from nose, bowels, lungs (Acaly-ind.).

Dropsy : Hydrocephalus. Eyelids. Ankles to toes. Anasarca. Cardiac D.

Tumors, even scirrhous, after injury. Brain tumors. Cysts.

Incipient tissue degeneration. Malignancy : scirrhous mammae.

Discharges: Offensive (coryza?), breath, taste, eructations, flatus, stool, urine, leucorrhea, expectoration, sweat, ulcers. Bloody. Brown. Involuntary.


1. Suddenness : Sudden horror of instant death or something very terrible, with cardiac distress at night; wakes in terror and springs up from bed; even though there may be no real alarm; while asleep sudden indescribable unpleasant sensations in trunk wake him up in horror, a status anginosus; sudden chest or precordial pains.Sudden stabbing pains on both sides of chest preventing breathing. Sudden congestive attacks.Suddenly shifting joint or paralytic pains. Sudden sinking of strength. Sudden Bell's palsy; chill; fever.

2. Alternating symptoms : Mental and uterine. Headache and anal (uterine) prolapse.Heart and head symptoms.

Select Particulars

Mind : Psychogenic troubles (a sort of mental or microtrauma): sudden grief, shock (of bereavement, or financial or status loss), a bad news, a fit of remorse, an air-raid (and a police- raid too), may have a stunning (even collapsing) effect. Delirium, or even stupefaction after a trauma, a micro- trauma (like exposure to Sun); during prodrome or in a continued fever. Brainfags of professionals (Con.).

Multiple fears: of being struck or touched; of being approached; of sickness; of instant death, with cardiac distress at night; of space; on awakening; of crowds; public places; of surgery (Pyro.).Easily frightened; from trifling causes.

Mentally apathetic but physically restless. Says nothing is wrong with him. Forgetful, of what he has read. Hypochondriacal. Foolish gaiety, levity and mischievousness.

Fear of being approached is expressed as (<) touch; averse to any conversation, 'does not wish to speak or to be spoken to'; also as ' apprehension of future evils'; violent attacks of anxiety, 'horror of instant death.' Depicts the evolutionary pattern from irritability to moroseness then to taciturnity and finally to hopelessness. In short, from sensitivity to complete indifference. Head : Congestive, apoplectic: vertigo, (chronic, of the aged), headaches, sunstrokes (Cact., Gels.). Migraine. Traumatic meningitis without loss of reaction (suggestive of an earlier stage of Zinc.); or hydrocephalus. Apoplexy; threatened, actual or sequelae (for absorption of clots and thus for hemiplegia); after trauma, or abuse of aperients (in which cases without active congestion); in newborn or in aged.Cerebral palsy due to birth injury. A first remedy in cerebral, and a must in cardiac, mischiefs. Eyes : Retinal congestion, inflammation (R. pigmentosa), hemorrhage, or apoplexy; esp. when traumatic.Tired; after sight seeing, movies etc (Cypr.). Rheumatic iritis. Ears : Congestive tinnitus. Otitis; maintained by a constant microtrauma (as from loud-speakers or strike of cold winds); suppurative, after typhoid, with stupor. Meniere's disease. Deafness after concussion, meningitis or fevers. Nose : Violent sneezing; after overlifting the previous day. P. N. dropping. Epistaxis; from exertion, a blow, washing face (Am- c.), in whooping cough, low fevers; in typhus; in growing children; blood dark fluid; preceded by tingling. Face : Neuralgia; of l. side; after taking cold; with cold nose; (<) night, touch. Ruddy, congested, bluish red. Teeth : Soreness after dental work. After extraction: troubles, even collapse. Gums scorbutic; pain from an incorrect set; bleed after extraction.Red stripe down centre of tongue. Throat : Swallowing prevented by a kind of nausea rising up from abdomen; after a fall (even years ago). Prophylactic of diphtheria (Dr. M.B. Desai). Stomach : Sudden agonizing pain (sometimes while eating), ext. to chest, (<) motion. Anorexia by day, appetite at night, before midnight. S. felt as if pressing against spine (a gnawing hunger response?). After meal a congestive-apoplectic state (like Op.), fetid exhalations, bruised pain in groins. Dyspepsias; even long- standing, after injury, strain, overwork or typhoid (Bapt.); atonic, flatulent D. of the aged (Carb-v.); with cardiac involvement (pseudo A.P.). Aversion to milk and meat. Desire for vinegar. Abdomen : Flatulence; incarcerated; smelling of rotten eggs; splenic flexure syndromes (Lyc.).Sore and tender; in pregnancy (Bellis.). Tympany; after labor. Appendicitis, pain (>) passing offensive flatus.Colics, with strangury or retention of urine (opp. Caust.); after overlifting; (<) motion. Rectum : Gastro-enteritis; diffuse, subacute. Diarrhea: (<) night during sleep; involuntary, in typhoid; in consumption; with deathly coldness of the forearms; in children. Dysentery, tenesmus recto-vesical, anuria, infrequent stools, distended veins. Hemorrhoids, (<) cold. Periproctitis. Prolapsus.Thread worms. Urinary : Nephritis. Calculus pains. Renal shock, from mental or physical trauma, with suppr. urine. Cystitis. Urine: bloody, in paralysis; from mechanical causes; brown (also stool). Urination; dribbling, after labor. Retention, after forcibly holding it; after exertion; in confinement (Caust.); in paralysis. Retarded; as in old age. Involuntary, after exertion, as in labor (Caust.), from bladder or sphincter paralysis.Bed-wetting; after injury. Polyuria, after strain of overstudy. Diabetes: skin phase (erysipelas, ecchymoses, unmaturing boils, gangrene); in the scorbutic; traumatic. Male : Traumatic: phimosis; orchitis; hydrocele; varicocele; hematocele. Impotence from excess or abuse. Female : Traumatic: metritis; dysmenorrhea; metrorrhagia; vaginitis; displacements; prolapse; ovaritis; threatened abortion. Anemia; in the plethoric. Pregnancy: soreness of sacro- iliac or pubic symphysis; abdomen tender (Bellis.); hypersensitiveness to motions of foetus. Labor: a good child-bed helper and antiseptic. Sore parts during labor and after. Post- partum (or post-mensum) hemorrhage. After-pains (i.e. pains after expulsion of placenta), (<) while nursing. Sub - involuted / displaced uterus. Mammae: Mastitis; after injury. Sore nipples after being pinched. Scirrhus of. Respiratory : Hoarseness after exertion, exposure; orator's sore throat. Asphyxia neonatorum after a painful labor. Asthma from fatty degeneration of heart. Nervous, spasmodic coughs; such as whooping cough; after suppr. sweat; anger; preceded by pain in chest, followed by hemoptysis or epistaxis.Children cry before cough (from anticipation of pain which accompanies the cough). Broncho or pleuro-pneumonia, with Bry. symptoms, and (<) touch; traumatic; tendency to hemorrhage; in plethoric persons; sudden stabbing pain in sides of chest obstructing breathing; impending pulmonary paralysis. Pleurisy : from trauma of overexertion ( in the Sun), pain (<) touch, motion, pressure. Malignant pleural effusion; threatening phthisis; rheumatic type. Rheumatism of chest muscles, cartilages, ribs (chest wall syndrome); soreness (Cact.); bruised, esp. about clavicles; from coughing etc. (otherwise called 'chest colds'); chest congested, from exposure while hot and sweating (like Sil.); aching in precordia. Sudden sharp neuralgic pains like stabbing, stitching, constricting (like Cact.); in sides,l.; in l. near sternum; in precordia; on (or under) sternum.The picture shares both of intercostal rheumatism and an angina pectoris; a pain from liver (region) through l. chest down l. arm, with asleep sensation there. Also are indications of a gastro-thoracic-cardiac syndrome (a 'pseudo angina pectoris') from incarcerated flatulence (suggestive of an earlier stage of Carb-v.), which in effect strains the system of associated muscles; occasional stitches, called flatulent twinges; from adrenal insufficiency (like Lyco.) or a vagus trouble. The gastric wind presses on precordia (like Carls.), hitting its rhythm, causing an anxious oppressed feeling or an upward pressure on the pit of stomach or chest and occassional sweat. Pinching, spasmodic griping in stomach, also with pulmonary and cardiac constriction (Cact.), sometimes with dysenteric stools. Heart : Claims a lion's share of Arn. symptoms (and chest too), head coming next. Strained hearts (like Rhus-t.). Weary heart, of aged (cp. Carb-v.). Athlete's hearts;hypertrophy, uncomplicated, from straining; arms swell from any exertion and turn red on hanging down, whole chest feels sore and intolerant of any cloth on it. Sudden violent attacks of anguish / agony across chest, with nausea, restlessness and sweat, on hurrying (Cact.), going upstairs, turning a screw, or letting a thing slip out unawares. Cardiac distress during sleep, a horrible congestion affecting the cerebellum and upper cord. Cardiac irritation or eurosis. Violent beating and agitation of heart with (or alternating with) congestion to head or chest (Glon.). Palpitation from (sudden) exertion (like pulling). Angina pectoris : Pressure under sternum with anguish, dyspnea, collapse, small irregular pulse (a C.C.F). Sudden stitches or pain as if heart were squeezed or had got a shock; from l. to r. in precordia; sometimes with loss of consciousness; with ext. to l. elbow. Heat involvement in (streptococcal) infections, the toxins hitting the myocardium or heart itself (Cal-fl.). Blood vessels : Coronary stenosis or insufficiency causing myocardial ischemia, esp. in the elderly sp. the busy ones, or the clear ones with weakened hearts (from stresses and strains); Arn. here assists their constitutional remedy (e.g. Arg-n., or Lyc.), failing which they are likely to head towards an occlusion. "A grand medicine, as also a first remedy to be considered for arterio-sclerotic or shock-precipitated cerebral or coronary thrombosis or internal hemorrhages. Inspite of whatever was given on symptoms do not miss Arn. as well"; it is a first remedy here; or after attack, for repair (to prompt fibrosis), or to meet ensuing chest-wall syndromes. Also meets early arterio- sclerosis, esp. traumatic; also due to excessive wear and tear (over-exertion). Circulatory failure, esp. in cases with (essential) hypertension and a h/o myocardial strain due to over-exertion or work. Venous stasis. Veins of hands swollen. Varicose veins and ulcers. Fainting fits, with sudden cardiac prickings or shootings; in fevers; even syncope (from stimulation of the cardio - inhibitory centre: a vaso-vagal attack, prob.). Faintness in precordial region. Fatty degeneration of heart (but more fat around it). Arn. is our three-in-one :A homoeopathic Aspirin (reputed as a clot-retarder and anti-apoplectic, like Cact., Alum., Arg-n., Kali-i., Kali-m., Lach., Latr-m., Laur., Phos., Sep., Sul. and Zinc (-ph) ); a h. Sorbitrate (vasodilator and effort tolerance improver, like Dig.); and a h. Heparin (clot - dissolver, like Kali-m.); could therefore replace allopathic treatment of I.H.D. It is perhaps also a h. Melleril (anti-spasmodic and sedative like Colo.); is one of the line of 'rescue remedies' like Am-c., Ant-t., Cact., Camph., Carb-v., Crat., Crot-h., Dig., Hyd-ac., Kali-ph., Lat-m., or Laur. In senile hearts it is a good friend of Carb-v. Locomotor : Spine ; weak feeling in ; pains in; spinal irritation. Early osteomyelitis."All the proverbial sensitive- ness and crabbedness of gout." Sciatica; during pregnancy; after overexertion, marching, race etc; with formication and lame feeling. Hygroma (a cyst with watery content) of knee with pain. Ascending type of rheumatism (Led.). Sleep : Starting from sleep, from frightful dreams, after an accident; awakes in terror. Dreams: of buried alive, dogs (black), graves, lightning, thunderstorms, etc. Skin : Inflammation of skin and cellular tissue. Sore site of injection; purple hue, threatened abscess (Lach.). Abscesses and boils (crops in succession) do not mature, merely shrivel up, or fester and heal and so on; begin with soreness (Ham.). Inflammatory erysipelas; of aged; dark blue; on mammae; on perineum. Painless fistulous (burrowing) suppurations. Post- traumatic depigmentation. Symmetrical eruptions (Syph.); acne indurata. Exanthema, not fully out; measles with parotitis; with dangerous swellings. Petechiae. Every little hurt causes ecchymosis. Thermic states : Coldness, partial, of parts lain on; cold nose, or limbs or hands (with hot face); cold abdomen and limbs (with hot head and chest); cold lower half, hot upper half; cold forearm; cold termini: vertex, ear-lobes, nose-tip, tips of fingers and toes.Uncertain circulation; erratic, vacillating or fluctuating temperature (of sepsis).Chill most in stomach. Desires uncovering but it chills. Heat : partial; of upper body; of head (with cool body); hot face, one side; internal heat with cold extremities. Sudden fever (as in symptomatic typhoid). Short, repeated febrile attacks. Various fevers: severe, malignant, cerebral malarias, with often a typhoid state. All the symptoms of a severe typhoid, symptoms akin to Bapt., but sensorium more clouded, hence the pt. does not feel like sick, and soreness is greater. While answering, falls into a deep sleep before finishing. Sordes, ecchymoses, intestinal hemorrhage, ebbing vitality etc. with fever. Typhoid turn in influenza. Infection; streptococcal; with stupor and poor elimination; even cardiac arrest. Epidemic relapsing fever (dengue?). Traumatic fever (Cact.). Fever after over-exertion. Intermittent fever after a fall. Hectic fever; after a blow on abdomen, with emaciation. Fever after over-exertion. Relations : Comparisons : Rhus-t. pertains more to strain or stretch, Arn. to concussion, blow or impingement. Arn. is more sore but less stiff and is sore and lame; Rhus-t. is sore aching and is not torpid. Arn. is not primarily restless. Arn. inclines towards Bapt.,Rhus-t. towards Kalm. Ran-b. a collateral, very much similar, but affects sensory nerves (Arn. more on motor) and is a neurotic; is not calcareous; does not vitiate blood, and is not offensive; its weakness does not progress to paralysis and is not torpid; yet is a close-up of Arn. in chest, while both Arn. and Ran-b. are close-ups of Arg-n. in chest. Ran-b. is a close- up also of Bry., Nux-v. Cact. : similar in congestions (esp. brain and chest) etc., but is not paralytic and is frankly periodic. Hypr. has a greater and wider shock, affects nerve endings, has little muscular involvement. Arn. has less spinal involvement. Arn.represents the primary condition of congestion and bruise; Hyper. later for the hyper-sensitiveness and irritation of nerves. "Ledum seems to supply the gap left by Arn., Calend., Staph. and Hyper" (Dewey). "Hyper. holds the same relation to laceration that Arn. does to contusions" (Dewey). Sul-ac. follows Arn. in bruises of soft parts; Con. in bruises of glands; Ruta. in bruises of ligaments; Hyper. of nerves. Mill. is the Arn. of hemorrhages. Ham. is similar in venous hemorrhages with soreness. In trauma, Ferr-p. may take precedence over Arn. Among its chronics are : Arg-n., Bar-c., Cal-c., Ip., Nat-s., Psor., Ruta., Sep., Spig., Sul-ac., Symph. "For concussion with persistent drowsiness with obviously increasing intra-cranial pressure, do not persist with Arn. but go on to Opium at once" - Borland. Bellis-p. is between Arn. and Echin. It comes after Arn. if swelling persists. It is a greater or deeper Arn. but with this difference Arnica mont Bellis per 1. Strain Fatigue 2. Arterial congestion Venous congestion 3. Cerebral congestion Cerebral arteriosclerosis 4. Softer tissues Deeper tissues 5. (>) warm appl. (>) cold appl.

6. (>) lying (>) motion

7. Sensitiveness more Tiredness more marked marked

8. Suddenness, acuity and Chronicity more shock marked

9. Sepsis, typhoid states Secretions not more marked viciated

10.Pus : bloody, fetid Pus : acrid

Antidote to : Am-c., Chin., Cic., Ferr., Ign., Ip., Seneg., alcohol, Charcoal, vapour.

Antidoted by : Aco., Ars., Camph., Chin., Ign., Ip.


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