- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Iodide of Arsenic


Mucous membranes

Respiratory tract

Digestive tract





Blood. Aorta




Side: R.; lung

L .


Cold dry or wet

weather; winds;


Foggy weather

(Cold) bath, drinks

Cold and heat


Warmth ( exc.colic)

Room, in. Sneezing

Motion. Exertion

Lying on painful side


Tobacco smoke


Warmth; colic



Cold (to

(Cold) bath, drinks abscess)

Open air



Scrofulous. Syphilitic

Exudative. Tuberculous

A deep- acting constitutional remedy of a wide range: from catarrhs to ulcerative destruction. All stages of syphilis: primary, secondary, tertiary ; buboes; ulcers; eruptions.

Make-up : Persons with pale delicate skin, enlarged tonsils (with tendency to induration), defective nutrition, skin troubles, passive oedemas (puffy eyelids), tubercular diathesis, malarial or cancerous cachexia. Always taking cold. Thin, wiry, anxious persons of cachectic appearance, with poor appetite and digestion, wasting (emaciating) inspite of fairly eating. Rapid and profound debility; prostration with nervous erethism (Sil.). Scrofulous anemic persons: chronic catarrhal processes; enlarged tonsils, mesenteric or other lymphatic glands (cervical etc.). Chlorotic girls. Women subject to faintings. Children hyperactive; tear things.

Catarrhal inflammations; in eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs. Discharges: copious, acrid, greenish, thin, later thick, gluey, yellow (like honey).

Region Worse Better

Mucous membranes Cold dry or wet Warmth; colic

Respiratory tract weather; winds; Wrapping-up

Digestive tract Winter Summer

Genito-urinary Foggy weather Cold (to

Glands (Cold) bath, drinks abscess)

Lymphatic Cold and heat Open air

Liver (extremes) Rest

Blood. Aorta Warmth ( exc.colic) Eating

Heart Room, in. Sneezing

Nerves Motion. Exertion

Skin Lying on painful side

Side: R.; lung Apples

L . Tobacco smoke

Scrofulous. Syphilitic

Exudative. Tuberculous

A deep- acting constitutional remedy of a wide range: from catarrhs to ulcerative destruction. All stages of syphilis: primary, secondary, tertiary ; buboes; ulcers; eruptions.

Make-up : Persons with pale delicate skin, enlarged tonsils (with tendency to induration), defective nutrition, skin troubles, passive oedemas (puffy eyelids), tubercular diathesis, malarial or cancerous cachexia. Always taking cold. Thin, wiry, anxious persons of cachectic appearance, with poor appetite and digestion, wasting (emaciating) inspite of fairly eating. Rapid and profound debility; prostration with nervous erethism (Sil.). Scrofulous anemic persons: chronic catarrhal processes; enlarged tonsils, mesenteric or other lymphatic glands (cervical etc.). Chlorotic girls. Women subject to faintings. Children hyperactive; tear things.

Catarrhal inflammations; in eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs. Discharges: copious, acrid, greenish, thin, later thick, gluey, yellow (like honey).

Mucous membranes : Red, angry, swollen.

Glands : Enlarged. Suppurating. Venereal buboes. Tabes mesenterica. Lymphoma; malignant. Axillary gland tumor.Goitre.

Blood : Infectious blood diseases. Scurvy. Anaemia. Sepsis.Threatened pyemia (Pyr.). Abscesses.

Oedemas.Elephantiasis. Hydrocele. Hydrothorax. Hydroperi- cardium.

Paralysis. Fatty degenerations, liver, kidney, heart.

Tumors; sensitive, tender.

Malignancies : Cancers of lips; epiglottis (after operation for piles in a smoker having t.b.of nails already), uterus, mammae. Burning pains. Open cancers, puckering of skin over the tumor. Lupus. Lymphoma. Epithelioma. Leukemia. Hodgkin's disease. Tubercular background.

Nerves : Fainting attacks. Chorea, in girls. Burning pains. Constrictions; in orifices. Formication.

In general chilliness of Ars. ion predominates over the Iod. (an exception to the warm-bloodedness of all Iodides), but is more catarrhal, has more glandular involvement and is indicative of a later ( suppurating) stage.

Select Particulars Mind : Impatience, hurry, flurry and peevish nervousness (Med.). Anxiety, more nervous than mental. A person reticent, not fussy or apprehensive, but amiable and officious. Averse to being spoken to (Ant-c.). Fear: of insanity, misfortune, people. Confused; impulse to kill. Delusions about dead people.

Head : Vertigo; in aged; with tremulous feeling (in precordia). Catarrhal congestive headaches; syphilitic; malarial periodic (the brow-ague) ; with heart trouble; (<) fasting, mental exertion. Feels cold. Eyes : Chronic catarrhal conditions. Scrofulous inflammations; parenchymatous keratitis. Heavy feeling. Ulcerative tendency. Ears : Catarrhal otitis, chronic, of M.E. and E.T.; after exanthems, chronic irritability of M.E.; thickening of tympanum. Hypertrophy of (opening of) E.T., and of nasal tissues. Discharging acrid and fetid. Pain, (<) driving in a cold wind. Nose : Obstinate catarrhs, first dripping, then collecting finally snuffly. Typical, annual, hay fever(or asthma); tubercular or malarial background; 'flu type with (like Lob-s.) unrelenting sneezing; burning (and in throat); pain over root of nose and frontal sinuses; pungent irritation in nose and eyes; soreness; hunger. Post-nasal catarrh; green; redness of upper lip (Merc.). Face : Sickly, oldish, sunken, sallow and emaciated. Aching malar bones. Swollen; submaxillaries. Acne rosacea; inveterate; hard; shotty; indurated base and pustular at apex. Mouth : Salivation,(<) morning. Fetor. Aphthae; in last stage of phthisis. Scorbutic gums. Tongue brown, or white with red tip and edges; cracked. Throat : Follicular pharyngitis, with raw burning; ulceration (syphilitic). Tonsillitis with swelling. Membrane (from lips to fauces) thickened, hypertrophied. Diphtheria, later stage, putrefactive degeneration. Stomach : Catarrhal gastritis. Thirst for (cold) water, which is ejected at once, but food an hour after. Distressing nausea (rarely, (>)cold water). Craves stimulants. Raised appetite. Pain and pyrosis; (<) rising after sitting. Abdomen : Tympanitic distension,(>) deflation, stool. Tubercular peritonitis. Inguinal megaly, bubonic plague. Splenomegaly (malarial).

Liver : inflammation; damaged function; tender; enlarged; abscess (syphilitic); lardaceous.

Rectum : Diarrhea,(<) morning after moving about, (>) nights; of phthisis; relaxed sphincter; stool excoriating (in the aged).

Cholera infantum with watery stools, cold limbs, collapse and vomiting (like Ars.). Dysentery; stools black, mushy, with black scybalae, like faeces of an ox. Abscess. Fistula. Cancer.

Urinary : Kidney : Bright's disease, from cardiac disturbance or pleuritic effusions. Addison's disease. Lardaceous kidney.

Urine increased (skin dry; opp. Op.); diabetes. Catarrhal conditions in uro-genitalia esp. in females; in scrofulous subjects.

Male : Indurated testes. Syphilitic chancres. Hydrocele.

Female : Leucorrhea acrid, burning, bloody. Menses pale; membranous; crampy dysmenorrhea; stopped. Labia indurated, swollen, metastasing to axilla; abscess. Ovarian tumor. Ulcers in


Mammae : abscess; tumor; nipple retracted, tender, ulcerated cancer.

Respiratory : A homoeopathic antibiotic here. Catarrhal laryngitis; hoarseness; aphonia; diphtheric (membranous) or spasmodic croup.

Air hunger;asthma in psoric or phthisical persons; (<) 11 pm to 2 am; (<) when first lying down, must sit up. Bronchitis; loose coarse rales. Cough hacking; winter; chronic. Sputa heavy, purulent, yellow-green, (may be) stringy. Acute / chronic catarrhal pneunonia; delayed or slow resolution; abscess; caseous degeneration, fibrosis; with valvular disease, esp. mitral. 'Flu broncho-pneumonia. Pleurisy; exudative, tubercular. Burning heat in chest. Hydrothorax secondary to heart disease. Morbid cellular irritation in lungs. Oppression; in a warm room. Phthisis : inherited; hemorrhagic; miliary; with profound prostration, recurring fevers, night-sweats, cardiac debility, dilatation, rapid irritable pulse, ulcerative conditions; after pleuro-pneumonia. "Non-tubercular phthisis. Heart : Myocardial weakness, with erethism; syphilitic or rheumatic; degeneration, after myocarditis. Senile hearts; arteriosclerosis, with HBP (Aur-i.); emphysema; precordial anxiety, tremulousness; enlarged area of cardiac dulness; vertigo; pulse irregular, shotty, rapid, tremulous, fluttering; tendency to faint; pulsations. Aneurism of aorta. Mild carditis. Endocarditis. (Malignant) Pericarditis. Angina pectoris; shooting precordial pains, from sternum to back. Post-infarct sub-sternal soreness (chest wall syndrome). Chronic coronary artery disease, leading to infarcts. Locomotor : Gouty and rheumatic pains. Muscles twitch on quick walking. Coldness of limbs. Skin : Dry, harsh, dusky; scaly; itching. A legion of (chronic) skin affections. Boils. Ichthyosis. Tinea. Impetigo. Pityriasis. Herpes. Acne. Eczema, desquamating; barber's itch. Urticaria. Erysipelas. Abscesses and ulcers; indolent, foul, indurated, malignant, corrosive, watery, oozing; (<) washing; (>) cold.

Leprosy : dirty-looking tubercles; dropping off of fingers, toes; enlarged glands.

Psoriasis in the syphilitic or tubercular; exfoliation of large scale's leaving a raw exuding surface beneath; of scalp, crust thick dry but much inflammation underneath. Lichen scrofulosum.

Sleep : Restless night, with little sleep.

Thermic : Constitutional coldness and chilliness; too cold to get warm. Cold- damp hands and feet.

True influenza; with E.E.N.T. symptoms; chills, flushes of heat, sweat; respiratory type, tendency to lung abscess, h/o t.b.; alternate heat and chill or heat and sweat.

Recurrent fevers and sweats. Night sweats of debilitating diseases. Suspicious fevers and coughs. Intermittents; h/o cachexia.

Hectic conditions, with abscesses; febrile in evening and night and remission in morning as one begins to move about.

Septic fevers; continued high temperature; dry yellow skin, or debilitating night sweats (Chin-a.). Feverish coldness.

" Pink eye" influenza in horses. (Ars. is reputed as horse's remedy).

Relations : Complimentary : Aur., Bacill.,Cal-ph.,Kali-i., Pho., Sul., Syph., Tub.

Similar : Ant-i., Carb-an., Cist., Dig., Fer-i., Gall-ac.,Hep., Iod., Kali-bi., Kali-i., Pho., Tub.

In hay fever : All-c., Ambros.,Ant-iod., Cist., Hep., Lob-s., Naph., Nat-a., Nat-i., Nat-m., Phos., Psor., Ran-b., Rosa-d., Sabad., Sang-n., Sin-n., Sol-l., Stic., Sul-i., Tub., Wye.

Antidotes : Bry.

Symbiotics : Aur., Cal-c., Con., MERC's, Pho., Psor., Pyro., Sil., Sul., Syph., Tub.

Compare : Phos.(Ars-i. has an anxious hurry, Phos. is refined and artistic; Ars-i. is hot and, (<) dry cold weather, Phos. is chilly and (<) stormy weather ).


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