Arsenicum album [Ars]:

-Jan Scholten

Arsenicum album is one of the best known remedies in homoeopathy.

There is not that much difference between Arsenicum album and the Arsenicum metallicum, except that Arsenicum album tends to display more of the victim behaviour (Oxidatum). They have a feeling of being abused (Oxidatum) and a fear of disease and death (Oxidatum).


Arsenicum Oxidatum

Redundancy Egotism

Bailiff Claiming

Thieves Indignant

Avarice Abused

Fastidious Victim

Alone Lazy

Restless Corruption

Decay Begging Tramp

Group analysis

Indignant about redundancy.

Redundancy means having to beg.

A victim of thieves.

Restlessly demanding attention.

Indignant about burglary.

Corrupt bailiffs.

Selfish greed.

A lonely beggar.

Picture of Arsenicum album

Essence: indignant about redundancy.

Indignant about redundancy

They feel very indignant about the fact that the end of their career, or the end of their studies is in sight. They feel abused, they have always done their best and now they are about to be cast aside like a piece of rubbish. They don't know how they will manage and are afraid of being reduced to the miserable existence of a beggar.

A victim of thieves

It is unfair that their possessions and their job are being taken away from them. Robbers are coming along to take way everything they have built up over the years. They consider themselves a victim of circumstances and are very indignant about it all. They tend to get angry with anybody who demands any form of financial contribution.

Precision prevents corruption

By being very precise and meticulous their work they hope to prevent further losses. This way they hope to undo the declaration of bankruptcy, to prove it was unjust. If this doesnt work they may even try to bribe the officials to hold of the approaching bankruptcy.

In the area of health they try to be extremely hygienic to avoid infections of any sort.

Selfish greed

They live in constant fear of not getting enough, always afraid that someone will try to steal things from them. So they try to hold on to what they have got, to keep something for a rainy day.

When they buy something they feel as if they have won it. And they can only spend money if they think it will be to their advantage.

By saving and collecting things they hope to accumulate a pension for later on. It is hard for them to throw something away.

Occasionally we may see an extreme form of this avaricious type of behaviour.

Restlessly demanding attention

When the end seems inevitable they want to have someone with them all the time. They feel offended and indignant and they want others to support them and tell them that it was unfair that they lost everything. The moment they are alone they get confronted by the feeling that the end is in sight and nothing can be done about it, that is why they want to have someone near them all the time.

A lonely beggar

When everything has been lost they may decide to spend the rest of their days as a beggar. They try to retain their self-respect by accepting their losses in a dignified manner. Even if they have lost their position in society, they'll show the world they can bear their life as a tramp with dignity.


Fears: disease, infection, health, cancer, heart disease, death, alone (3), others, thieves (3!), burglars, poison, murder, expectations, failure, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation, constriction, others; easily frightened.

Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, thieves, burglars.

Delusions: worms, animals, death, falling, thieves, mistakes, crime, ghosts, violent, delirious.

Irritability: (<) mistakes, (<) contradiction, (<) insult. Mental: critical. Mood: complaining, gloomy, crying, suicidal. Causes: loss of work, loss of money, burglary. Generals Type: brown hair, thin. Locality: right. Weather: cold (3), (>) heat (3).

Time: (<) 1 am (3), periodical, every 2 or 3 weeks. Desires: sour, vinegar, fruit, lemon, refreshing, mustard, spices, milk, coffee, warm food, fat; drink in small sips. Aversion: fat, meat. Food: (<) melon, sour, fruit, strawberries, ice-cream, alcohol, spoilt food. Sleep: restless, sleeplessness; on the back with hands folded under head. Complaints Weakness, emaciation. Pains are burning, (>) heat (3).

Cancer. Leukemia. Sepsis. Fevers, malaria.


Headache left sided, radiating to eye and ear, (<) stooping, (<) lying down. Vertigo. Eye infections, pain in eyes (<) light, redness. Colds; hayfever, watery, acrid coryza; sneezing. Asthma, lung emphysema, hydrothorax. Anaemia (3). Stomach problems. Nausea with vomiting, small quantities. Diabetes. Diarrhoea in small quantities, frequent, stinking, cramps; cholera. Syphilis. Arthritis. Skin dirty, dry; eczema, red, scaling, dry, psoriasis; thickness of skin on palms and soles; hairloss, nails deformed. Skin cancer. Keratosis of soles of feet. DD: Carbon series, Ferrum series, Stage 15 and 16, Aconite, Allium sativa, Belladonna, Carbo vegetabilis, Cedron, China, Cuprum, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Sulphur, Veratrum. Case A 60 year old woman suffers from vertigo, nervousness, anxiety and depression. It started a year ago and she is taking Sibelium, Ludiomil and Serestra. She feels anxious at the thought of another day ahead of her, doesnt know how she will manage. She has been contemplating committing suicide, throwing herself in front of train. Everything inside her head is whirling around, but without nausea or fear of falling. It suddenly started one night. She is afraid of burglars when she is on her own, they live in an isolated place. She can't bear being alone for a single moment, it makes her tremble all over. She is afraid when her husband goes out to do the shopping. He even had to accompany her during the consultation. She is quite egocentric and very preoccupied with herself. She loves her three children and her grandchildren. She is fastidious, everything has to be in its proper place. She is ultra hygienic. And meticulous with finances, the books have to be in order at all times. She gets nervous when the tax return forms have to be filled in. She is very careful with money, has difficulty buying things, can't decide what to buy. She doesnt easily throw things away. Her hobbies are playing bridge and doing crossword puzzles. She occasionally dreams about her parents who have died. She is afraid of heights (2), spiders (2) and mice (3). Generals Weather: cold (2), cold hands and feet (2); (>) sun (2); (<) damp; (<) cold weather and thunder. Desires: sweet, sour, spices, cheese, fruit. Menses: in the past very profuse, with cramp and stomach pains. Sleep: Often awake at 5 am., gets up feeling listless. Analysis When we look at this case we don't really need to do an analysis, it is a classical Arsenicum album picture. She has a strong fear to be alone, fear of burglars, she is fastidious and thrifty. The trembling, depression and suicidal thoughts all fit in with this picture. We also see the typical Arsenicum symptom of anxiety about not being able to manage her work and the fear of the tax man. Further confirmation for oxydatum: egocentric and ultra hygienic, dreams about deceased parents and fear of spiders and mice. Further Arsenicum album symptoms: (<) night, cold, cold hands and feet, (>) sun (2), (>) sweet, sour, spices, fruit.


Three days after Arsenicum album 1M she gets an aggravation which lasts a week. After that she gradually starts to get better and one month later everything is 50 percent better. During the course of the following year the whole situation clears up completely.


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