- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Wild Indigo



Mucous Membranes



B.- P.

Liver. Gall bladder


R. or l. side


Depressing factors

Sun. Summer

(Hot sun in)

Autumn (Rhus-t.)

Hot. Wet. Foggy

Vagaries of nature

Old age

Overwork; fatigue

BAD: air, water,

food, odors


Emotions: shock,

bad news

DRUGS: Anti-typhoid

serum, barbiturates,

anaesthetics, cough

mixtures, narcotics,

beer, chloramphenicol



2,3,10,10-11,11 am, 3, 6 pm


Bites and Stings

Hot sponge

In room. Also open air

On awaking

Motion. Pressure

Depleting factors

emissions, sweat

pregnancy, nursing



Rest (some



Lying on painless side

Sore. Infective. Toxic. Broken-down

Lymphatic. Scorbutic. Phthisical. Cachectic

A toxic state through and through from vital depression/insufficiency. Toxemia ` Adynamia ` Hyperemia `Helcoia / Pyemia. Labours under the influence of an intense, rapidly acting, systemic (sometimes viral) infection, poison, drug or a sting which first exalts and then depresses the sensibilities, ending in disorganizing the blood and moving towards a low, typhoid state, or malignancy, with a rapid pace (Crot-h.). Slow incubation, but a rapid onset of desperate symptoms (e.g. vomiting, diarrhea, ulcers, exhaustion). Temperature rises but slowly, yet degeneration rapid. Indolent ulcers (also).

Infections : Viral. Bacterial. Zymoses. Generally not Streptococcal. Infections sneaking into a low battered state of the economy. Tubercular tendency the cause of such infections. Influenza. Diphtheria. Typhoid. Paratyphoid. Diphtheria and typhoid carriers.

Weakness : Depressed, prostrated, fagged. Vehemently sick. Feels as if sinking away. Lowered vitality from depressing and / or depleting factors (Kali-ph.). Indescribable sick feeling all over. Asthenia: feels weak and tremulous as if going into a serious affection or as when recovering from a severe illness. Feels as an old rag. A ready victim to infections. Uneasy feeling in the entire body, but more specially in the lower limbs. Early extreme prostration (but later than in Echin.); slides down in bed. Also afebrile adynamia (as in Cur.). A deathly, sinking feeling (like Cupr.). Hence an energizer par excellence (of Psor. cadre). Also a restorative (like Cur.). A lifeless body with a restless mind (like Ars.). Frequent fainting spells.Great muscular tiredness.

Restlessness : Wants to continually move from place to place (but (>) rest also).

Soreness : Sore and bruised, as if pounded all over the body, any pressure intolerable. Achings. Yet later stages painless and insensible (Ant-t.).Sometimes painless throughout (as in throat affections); or pain vanishes as fever comes on.Painlessness of complaints is also a sign of old age. Painless : sore throat, dysentery, paralysis.

Hemorrhagic tendency : Eyes, gums, vomit, stool, urine, menorrhagia.

Blood : Toxic; sepsis (acute); scorbutic (chronic). Like Echin. congestion of all organs in the cranium (Hyos.); of mucous membrances. Early malignancy. Putrid phenomena; tendency to putrescence (like Sec.). Commencing destruction of tissues. Disposition of the fluids to decompose, early stage (like Cur., Echin.; later stage Carb-ac.; later still Crot-h.). Presents certain aspects of subacute snake-poisonings (see Mind, Throat, Alimentary tract).Disposition to ulceration with a tendency to putrefaction. Cancers, cancerous ulcerations.

Mucous Membranes : Congestion of all organs situated in the cranium esp. the m.m. (Gels. has of cord also). Catarrhal inflammations and ulcerations ( throat, mouth, intestines (not much respiratory)). Excretions sluggish, slackened, scanty. Exudations: dark, brown, acrid, fetid. All discharges offensive (fetor, stool, sputum). Brown (sordes on teeth, tongue, stripe down centre of tongue, stool, menses).

Purulent : Stool, urine, (sputum).

Glands : Buboes; tabes mesenterica.

Nerves : Through Gels. connected with Arg-n. Numb, tingling / prickling and paralytic feeling in whole body; of extremities; of l.; thrilling through hands and feet somewhat like going to sleep or want of circulation.

Paralyses. Toxic P. Painless paralysis. Hemiplegia(l.); apoplectic. L. arm numb and lame.

Injuries : Bites and Stings.

Reaction : Epistaxis; sweating.

Some features 1. Great aversion to open air (Pyro. not Gel.); but opens windows in fever.

2. Aversion to all exertion mental or physical.

3. Sinking sensation : in stomach; in lungs; of life.

Mind: Sluggish mental operations. Indisposed to think, or want of power to think; mind seems weak, inability to control it or to fix it on anything; don't care to do anything. Brain fag (Zinc.). Imbecility. Ideas confused; after barbiturates. Stupor; in midst of an answer. Unconsciousness (typhus).

An undefined wild feeling; later a bewildered feeling. A peculiar feeling in brain (Chlf.). "Mind cannot be confined." Looks intoxicated: dull, drowsy, dizzy (like Gels.), confused, staggering, swimming. Wandering (rambling) delirium, as soon as eyes are closed. Thinks his body broken up and scattered about and must collect the pieces together; one part of body talking to another part.

Perfect indifference, no complaint, wants nothing, says he feels well (Pyro. from euphorbia); does not like to talk about cases esp. incurables; worse when thinking about his pains.

Select Particulars

Head : Depressed sensorium. Confused, as if drunk. Feels receding in inner cave or sinking down deep within himself.

Vertigo with feeling of weakness, esp. in knees and legs; as if swimming (Carb-ac.); with nausea; with confusion; with paralysis of eyelids; (<) closing eyes (Bry.). A dull, stupefied heavy feeling; in forehead; at base of brain; with drowsiness. Tension in forehead. As of a blow on occiput. Sore feeling in brain; in diphtheria; in typhoid; scalp feels sore. Toxic / septic / bilious headaches; (<) while coughing; on sitting up. Sunstroke (see Fever). Meningitis : picking at bed clothes, biting fingers, groping, rolling head from side to side, restless feet (Zinc.). Recurrent cerebral upsets (sudden stupor, flushed face, slurred speech). Apoplexy. Toxic apoplexy, with sore pains (with bursting, Aster., Fago.). Post-apoplectic hemiplegia (l.), pains, (>) lying up; glosso-pharyngeal paresis. Incipient brain softening.

Eyes : Congestion of eye vessels. Ocular headaches (Gel., Onos.). Weight on eyes; lids partially paralysed (blepharitis). Feel as if exposed to wood smoke (smarting); or as if swelled. Photophobia; painful, on reaching.

Vision : bleary (in fevers or dyspepsia); acute during fever.

Ears : Roaring, with mental confusion. Deafness, confused sight, delirium in diphtheria, typhoid.

Nose : Dull pressure at root of nose, with vertigo and frontal pain. Sensation of fulness in posterior nares. Full feeling and sneezing as after a severe cold. Epistaxis (of dark blood); may come as a reaction. Odors: of scents; nasty; of burning feathers.

Rhinitis : with dysentery; with fever of a low type; in old persons. During October heat, catarrh slackens and stool becomes scanty followed by slight fever, later a low fever with cold ears and extremities, dry lips, constant clammy pungent sweat; old Calc. patient previously chloramphenieolized.

Face : Besotted (dull) look. Soddy. Stupid ? Dark red or purple, flushed, dusky. Lips cyanosed. Face and whole head feel numb. Cracked lips; in typhoid. Sordes on lips and teeth (Mur-ac.). Lower jaw drops; in typhoid, jaw muscles rigid (convulsions). Mumps (l.).

Mouth : Teeth: sore, tender, sensitive to touch.

Gums : scorbutic; bleeding; sore, ulcerated (pyorrhea). A filthy taste is an early sign. Breath offensive; fecal (Op.); mercurial fetor. Saliva increased; mercurial; offensive, viscid. Also dryness in fevers. Congestion; dark red buccal cavity. Stomatitis materna (Eup-a.), in feeble women with fetor; tendency to putrescence. Ulceration. Chronic mouth ulcers with red areolae, ext. down intestinal canal; mercurial; phthisical; nursing; in typhoid.

Tongue : initially with red edges and papillae, brown stripe down centre; later dry, cracked and ulcerated.

Throat : Great difficulty in swallowing solid food, can swallow only liquids, least food gags (Crot-h.); vomits due to spasmodic stricture of oesophagus (Naja); sometimes even for liquids, " Chokes even with half a spoonful of water (Lach.)"- H.C. Allen. Regurgitation. Convulsive contraction. Constricted feeling in oesophagus, causing frequent desire to swallow.

Throat numb inside, but sensitive externally. Sticking in; followed by lassitude with wandering pains and tinnitus, then chill in waves in trunk with dry lips, followed by a remittent fever with daily chills at mid-day. Sore throat : granulated, dark red; painless (Ail., painful); ulcerated (ragged) and gangrenous. Recurrent tonsillitis.

Diphtheria : sight and hearing affected; fulness in nose, flushed face, delirium, semicomatose, typhoid state, no pain in throat (Carb-ac.), malignant cases, membrane dark like washed leather.

Stomach : Constant desire for water; for cold drinks; for hot drinks and food during fever. Cannot drink much, it causes nausea. Can retain only milk, cold milk, least solid food gags. Want of appetite; with nausea; averse to nourishment on stimulants; all food is repugnant. Undefined sick feeling in stomach. Easy vomiting.

After dinner weakness and sleepiness (Op.). Burning heat rising up into throat (acidity). Epigastric pain; tenderness. Spasmodic contraction at cardiac orifice. Sinking, gone feeling; in typhus or dyspepsia thereafter. Worse after beer (Kali-bi.).

Inflammation and ulceration of the alimentary tract, typhoid state accompanies.

Abdomen : Tenderness of abdominal muscles, as from cold or coughing. Distension; tympanitic. Rumbling. Hot sensation. Catarrhal inflammation of (lower) intestinal tract. Worms. Dull aching. Colic coming and going suddenly. Sudden pinching in region of transverse colon as if flatus passed through it; in a spot below l. hypochondrium. Pain in splenic region with darts in body, esp. fingers.

Liver : Congested ( in 'flu, typhoid). Inflamed. Biliousness (Lach.). Sore over liver and gall bladder (Xanth.). Biliary intoxication (Ver-v.). Gall bladder stone and pain. Marked affinity for the r. side of abdomen from the liver region to the caput coli.

Appendicitis: tender r. iliac region (also in typhoid); ulceration.

Plague : swollen inguinal glands (l.). Tabes mesenterica. Ulcerative aphthous inflammation of stomach and bowels with cracked, bleeding lips (Nit-ac.); during typhus.

Rectum : Feebleness of intestinal action. Rectal peristalsis slow or felt reversed.

Chronic intestinal toxemias of children (Psor.) or aged (Carb- ac.); fetid eructations and stools; can retain only milk. (Sudden) painless diarrhea. " Exhausting diarrheas, in phthisis; in low malarial fevers, ptomaine poisoning." Stools acrid, mushy, dark brown, thin, fetid, spluttering, involuntary. (<) daytime; hot weather; during dentition; sudden urging, not many stools, some tenesmus but no colic, stool on drinking water, frequent eructations that postpone stool, (<) after vegetables. Dysentery : in summer; in autumn; of old persons. With lumbar and limbs pains, creeping coldness over head and along thighs, rigors. Tenesmus, but no colic. Or colic but no tenesmus (Blackwood). Or colic before and tenesmus during and after stool. (In other words, colic and tenesmus do not exist together). Vital depression. Stools brown, mucous, or all blood; dark, offensive. Typhoid state or low fever. After a prolonged fever. Stricture from hemorrhoids. Urinary : Shooting pain in region of l. kidney. Pyelitis with coma; suppurative. Uremia: falls asleep while answering. Acute nephritis after (tainted) meat. Urethra: burning when urinating. Urine : high colored, scanty, alkaline; fetid. Urinary tract (B'coli) infection. Male : Squeezed pain (cramp) in testes. Orchitis, with delirium. Female : Menses too early and too profuse, (decomposed) chocolate brown, offensive. Leucorrhea : acrid, fetid (Echin.). Threatened miscarriage from mental depression, shock, bad news, fasting, night-watching, low fevers; with sinking in stomach, fetor oris. Puerperal sepsis from absorption of pus or infection, typhoid symptoms. Lochia acrid, fetid. Erosion of cervix ? Ulcerated nipples (Eup-a.); dull stitches in l. nipple. Respiratory : Dyspnea from constriction or weakness of lungs/ respiratory organs. Air hunger on waking, (>) standing, in cold air, opening windows. Fears going to sleep on account of (nightmare and) sense of suffocation / smothering. Lungs feel tight and compressed, oppressed in a warm or closed room, while coughing. On lying down difficult breathing often not due to constriction of chest ( as in Ars. ) but from want of power in lungs. Bronchial asthma.

Cough (<) night. Sputum difficult, scanty and sticky; rusty. Yet, not many (acute) chest symptoms. "In chest affections when you have a case like Bapt., give Op." says Templeton. Borland says, "Cough not remarkable in Bapt. Pneumonia : slow onset (rapid, Pyro.); befogged mental confusion, dullness, slow speech, mildly delirious; drowsy yet restless; soreness, puffy, cyanotic appearance, sordes about the mouth with dryness and offensiveness; tongue brown coat down centre; oppression (<) lying down but (pains) (>) lying on painless side; scanty sputum; a typhoid state, septic pneumonia (Carb-ac.,Pyro.).

Phthisis : Palliates purulent,offensive,(tenacious) expectoration of t.b. (Carb-ac.); cavities, hectic fever, chill 10 am, noon, 3 pm; last stage : diarrhea, eructations, anorexia, night-sweats, pneumonia.

Chest : Sharp pain in chest when taking a deep breath; (<) exertion, motion, inspiration. Rheumatic/ sharp lancinating pains/ stitches in sides of chest (esp. r.). Sore r. lung. Pain in upper part of r. lung; between 7th and 8th ribs, on 5th rib, fever 104, pulse 104,compensatory befogging of brain, drowsy, lies on l. side, restless, r. sole cold; old virgin (pain was as if plugged with glowing heat of the whole thoracic cage). Pleurodynia. Heart : Weak heart (from blood- poisoning) ? Sore at heart, sharp or dull pains in (centre of) sternum. Weight and oppression in precordial region with dyspnea. Tremulous, vibrating palpitation from least exertion. Back : Backache : Stiffness, sore, bed feels too hard (like Pyro.), yet, though restless, feels too weak to move. Pain in spine. Chill most over back. Neck feels tired, lame, sore, stiff (Fago.). Lumbago : Heat and sweat (or pain) radiate from small of back; with frequent urging to stool. Sacral pains as if from prolonged stooping and fatigue; from resting back against chair or lying on a board. Extremities : Sore, bruised, aching, (<) motion, (>) rest. Wandering pains, with dizziness. Stiffness of joints, as if strained. Drawing in forearms and lower legs. Numbness of l. arm and foot, with tingling pricking; in hysteria. Hands feel large, tremulous, or paralytic. Cramps in calves on moving them.

Sleep :Frequent yawning and oppressive dyspnea. Falls asleep in midst of talk. Delirious stupor. Drowsy, stupid, tired feeling in fever (Bry.), in toxemia (Op.), in uremia (Ter.). Dull after breakfast, sleepy after dinner (old people) (like Op. but less chesty).

Nightmare and frightful dreams, of ardous labor (Echin.), swimming, chained to bed, disputes, strifes, but coming out triumphant. Restless sleep. Sleepless after midnight, after 2 or 3 am (as old men).

Skin : Livid spots all over body. Itching (>) cold; since typhoid. Burning and heat in skin (>) cold. Urticaria. Erysipelas. Exanthem (with fetor oris, salivation, tardy eruption). Ulcers : syphilitic, phagadenic, putrid, gangrenous. Ulcers run through the remedy: mouth, alimentary tract, back (decubitus). Indolent ulcers due to low vitality as in the aged (Cur.); painless, blue ulcers. Gangrene: diabetic; in low vitality. Leprosy ?

Thermic : Chilly all day, whole body feels sore; in open air. Chill : with tiredness, soreness and rheumatic pains all over, (>) during (or alternates winter) fever; about 10,11 or 12 am. Chill, heat and sweat every afternoon. Chills in trunk, over (up and down) back. Septic chills. Viral chills. Cold : feet during fever.

Flashes of heat all over; in small of back. Skin hotter than the fever would warrant. Heat in waves. Fever may begin with a headache, throat pain, catarrh or chill, followed by heat with utter prostration, then mental confusion or drowsiness. Fulminating fever (Am-c., Pyro.). Hyperpyrexia. Burning, pungent heat (esp. face); has to seek every now and then a cold place in the bed, or wash face and hands and open windows (Sul.). Temperature rises but slowly, yet the deterioration is rapid. Dry heat with occasional chills. Limbs burning hot yet feel cold to touch (Sec.). Also sudden rise.

Sweat : frequent but not profuse; fetid; septic; clammy, over back; critical, on face.

Fevers from noxious effluvia from dunghills, sewers, mines, stagnant ponds, ditches etc. Shipboard fevers. Autumnal fevers. Quotidian; double quotidian; remittent fevers. Intermittent fever; malarial poisoning with low type fever in miasmatic districts (Eucal.). During phthisis. During dentition. Quinine cachexy ? Viral fevers. Zymosis. Exanthematous fevers. Relapsing fevers. Dengue. Relapse of typhoid. Catarrhal fever.

Gastro-catarrhal fever. Low nervous fevers ; with restlessness (Eup-a.).Continuous low moderate fever for days and months (Med., Penic.). Puerperal fever with typhoid state. Hectic.

Gastric fever. Gastro-intestinal influenza (also epidemic type). Sudden attack of violent vomiting and diarrhea (with fever). More toxic symptoms than Gels., more offensive, throat and upper respiratory tract more involved, with or without sore achings.

Sunstroke : from October heat, delirium, thirst, vomiting, typhoid state; sleepy, sudden high fever (1080 F), no headache; after playing in sun fever, headache, vomiting, beginning of typhoid; after loss of sleep, heavy diets, cold water and prolonged travels in sun.

Typhoid : epidemic. Cerebral. Typhus with rose colored spots. Pungent heat, pulse rapid, cannot digest food, gurgling, tender r. iliac region, parts lain on sore bed, feels too hard, aching, general soreness, delirium and stupor, tendency to putrescence, decubitus, (brown) sordes, nervous symptoms (but no trembling of tongue)."No remedy can supplant Bapt. in the first stage." Three stages of Bapt. typhoid : 1. Irritation : chills over back, alternating with burning heat, seeks cold places and open windows, sore and restless, an indescribable wild feeling.

2. Stabilization : continued fever, face purplish, besotted, rambling delirium.

3. Deterioration : temperature runs high, prostration extreme, stupor, insensibility and painlessness, blood and tissue disintegration, fetor.

Relations : Counterparts : Carb-ac., Echin., Pyro.

Intensified : Carb-ac., Echin., Pyro., Tereb.

Nearest analogues : Arn., Ars., Bry., Echin.

Complementary : Nit-ac. (dysentery, stomatitis). Tereb. (typhoid, uremia). Arn. (typhoid). Ars. (Typhoid, dysentery).

Acutes : Am-c., Bell., Fer-ph., Gel., Mill.

Compatibles : Carb-v., Crot-h., Ham., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t., Tereb.

Antidotes : Nit-ac., Nux-v., Phyt., Sang.

Antidote to : Arn., Ars., Cimi., snake poisoning (throat symptoms).

Similars (blood poisoning) : Aeth., Ail., Am-c., Anthr., Arn., Ars., Bac., Carb-ac., Crot-h., Echi., Eucal., Eup-a., Fago, Gel., kali-chl., Kali-m., Kali-ph., Kre., Lach., Lob-p., Manc., Mur- ac., Nit-ac., Nux-m., Op., Pyro, Rhus-t., Sec., Sol-n., Tarn-c., Terb.

Chronic : Arg-n., Calc., Cur., Med., Nit-ac., Ph-ac.

As to miasms: Cur. psoric. Bapt. syphilitic. Carb-ac. syco- syphilitic. Bry / Bufo psoro-sycotic. Echin. / Ars. psoro- syphilitic. Pyro. syco-syphilitic. syphilitic Zinc.

Compare : Ail.: more painful, Bapt. more painless.

Arg-n. : (Gels. is acute of both Bapt. and Arg-n.). Bapt., Arg- n. and Gels. a trio.

Arn. : brain concussion or hemorrhage; Bapt. brain toxemia. Bry.: Bapt. is old man's Bryo. (and perhaps also Rhus-t.). Both are complimentary also. A hemotoxic like Penic. or Bapt. or Lach. but less zymosis, more paralytic and no disorganization.

Bry. - Rhus : Like Bry in sensorium and rheumatism, like Rhus in sepsis.

Cimi. : is a mild mixture of Bapt., Gels. and Rhus-t.; after Bapt.(in typhoid ) for nervous symptoms.

Cur. : seems to be a chronic Bapt.

Eup : Stomatitis; low fevers with restlessness; but also sleepless and flatulent.

Op. : has more chest symptoms, Bapt. more throat and bowel symptoms. Bapt. has no involuntary urine.

Hyos. : increased cerebral activity, but non- inflammatory in type. Bapt. more fagged / imbecile, Hyos. more excited /intelligent.

Gels.: Bapt. is exaggerated Gels. Bapt. has rapid and sudden onset, Gels. slow developing pace. Bapt. more dusky, congested, besotted look with heavy eyes, Gels. sleepy, drooping lids; Bapt. more toxic, confused, fuddled and offensive. Sweat in Gels. sour, in Bapt. offensive. Bapt. thirsty, Gels. thirstless.


1. Sycotic

2. Pace-slow (like Bry., Gel.)

3. Sore, bruised but painless later

4. Mentally sluggish, sleepy, intoxicated

5. Less restlessness

6. Appearance- cyanotic

7. Asthenic (like Gel.)

8. Paralytic (like Gel.)

9. Too hot, air hunger; cold (>)

10. (<) Motion, pressure 11. Fetor-comes later 12. Low nervous states (fever) 13. Usually presence of diarrhea 14. Toxemia, pyemia and never well since 15. Ulcers : malignant / fulminating, gangrenous, cancerous 16. Tongue : more coating, brown stripe down the centre 17. Sputum : less 18. ............ 19. Thirst comparatively less, though dryness of tongue 20. Zymosis with patent sepsis(but not through cuts and burns) Autotoxemia PYROGEN 1. Syco-syphilitic 2.Pace-rapid (like Bell., Rhus-t.) 3.Soreness, but painful always 4.Mentally active, sleepless, stimulated. 5.Restlessness more marked 6.Appearance bright flushed 7.Sthenic (like Bell.) 8.Not so 9.Too chilly, warmth (>)

10. (>) Motion, pressure

11.Fetor - earlier

12. ....................

13.Constipation - usual feature

14.Septicemia and never well since 15.Ulcers : varicose

16.Tongue : less coating, yellow stripe down the centre

17. Sputum : profuse

18.Pulse-temperature discrepancy

19.Thirst enormous



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