- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

ent or patent (cuts and burns as well as bad air, food and drink)


White Bryony


Mucous Membranes














Nerves; solar plexus ; vagus

Coats of N.

Cellular Tissue

White fibrous tissue

Connective tissue

Muscular fibre

Blood. Circulation. Veins

One side. R. side



Weather. Warm relaxing Spring

Summer heat. Damp hot

Becoming; exertion; room

Ironing. Fire. Light of sun Tropics, stay in


Weather. Heat

Cold; in spring, summer

Cold winds. Winter



Warm weather

Scarce rains

Rainy season



Forenoon (9-12)

Noon (12)

Foremidnight (9-12)

Postmidnight (12-3)

AM / PM 3,4,4, 5,5, 6, 9 10am-10am

Every third day


Least; even opening eyes

Postural change

Being disturbed

Working. Deep breathing

Masticating. Coughing Sneezing.Exertion. Lifting Eye-strain

Worse (contd.)

Rest (rarely). Lying(cough) During sleep

Touch and light pressure

Sudden hard pressure (Allen)

Suppressions; eruptions; discharges

Vexation. Mortification Anger. Fright. Mental exertion

Calomel; operients

Tabacco. Typhoid shots


Depletions; fasting

Eating. Overeating

Long after eating

Drinking; cold, while hot; hard water

Acids. Bread; old. Stale food

'Cold' fruits. Beer. Beans Vegetables


Warmth; of Sun (not its light)

to affected part; of bed

in cool air or room (opp. to

Asar., Fer-ph., Phyt.)


Daybreak. Evening. Night

After midnight (often)

Cool: weather (mild); room

open air (congestions, mind)

Cold applic.(head, teeth); food


Continued moderate pressure

Lying on painful part, side

Lying; with head low; drawing

legs up. Sitting

Any support. Dark, in sleep; but not siesta


Shaking limbs

Hanging limbs


Continued walking

(unsteadiness; nervousness)

Fibrous tissue pains

Walking in open air (toothache)


Rainpour. Sweat may (>)

Epistaxis. Deflation

Discharges. Eruptions


Incipient. Dry. Catarrhal. Bilious. Hard. Heavy Steady. Composed. Tense. Rhoeo-rheumatic- pectoral

Plant Remedy

Resemblances between characters of Plant and Remedy


1. Grows in wet places depicting biological thirst.

2. The roots and stems are succulent (juicy).

3. Root is firmly anchored in the ground.

4.The fresh root contains the active material- an alkaloid-Bryonicin.

5.Contains two glycosides Bryonin and Bryonidin.

6. Hair on the leaves protect the plant from excessive perspiration.

7. The succulent long stems are not able to hold the plant erect.

8. Spiral tendrils of the plant are sensitive to touch.

9. Tendrils coil to make a hold secure.

10.The plants dries out its environment with great energy for survival.


1. Increased thirst to redeem off dryness.

2. Thirst for large quantity to maintain the moisture; sodden a characteristic.

3. The person seeks stability in life. Perseverant.

4. 'Dryness' observable through and through.

5. Craves sweets, ice-cream; (<) fasting; hypoglycemic action. 6. (<) warmth; damp weather induce more sweating and consequent 'drying effect.' 7. (<) Erect position, sitting up= nausea, fainting etc. Muscles of nape and lumbar more affected. 8. (<) Touch. Mind-sensitive. 9.Wants to hold a 'secured' position in life. 10. The person will lean on,grasp firmly and drain and dry out its environment to serve his own needs Make-up : Gastro-hepato-rheumatic. Gouty. Black hair, dark complexion, firm muscular fibre, dry, sallow, spare, wiry, slender, nervous (Alu.). Or venous, plethoric, heavy and lazy. Tendency to leanness. Medithermal: hostile to either too hot or too cold (air or foods). Personality: A security and rest hunter. Many of his dreams, deliriums and fears stem therefrom. Man without much imagination, artistic talent, science or philosophic instinct, but with much calculation and e'lan. The economic or businessman, insurance man, stock broker, a tough (unlike Phos.), "dry" fellow, sober, pragmatic, reliable, deliberating, methodical, calculating, hard working, steadily perseverent ('pig-headed') (But real pig is Sulph., however. Bry.-Sulph. make a pair (as e.g. for Negroes), as both are psoro-sycotic. To be more precise: Bry. psoro-sycotic; Sul. syco-psoric), but always concerned with Safety, Security, Stability. (Stability in temperament belongs to Sil. also, but Bry. hankers after a stable life more. Sucking thumb of children may also mean an instinct for security). Really austere (Ars. is sham austere) and determined. He will lean on or grasp firmly and drain and dry out its environment with great energy to serve his own ends (like the plant itself). Generous only at the spur of the moment, obliging but not with his money, reluctant bill-payer, commanding, vehement (esp. when ill), obtrusive: a typical Indian aristocrat. Spare and sparing: taciturn, loath to give out symptoms; will not admit that he is improving. Will become ferocious (even mean) if his security is jeopardized. Hence affections from loss of livelihood. Takes everything en mal. At the highest rung "they are the mighty people, capable of real results." Their obstinacy is an aid, choleric disposition an added strength. Slow on the up-take but follow mighty projects with a phenomenal tenacity (contra Sil.). They rise slowly to the mettle that occasions demand of them and their calibre can never be adequately measured.Like W. Churchill or our Lal B. Shastri they exhibit a cold resoluteness and courage without being aggressive. Hahnemann himself was the best type of a Bry. personality. Seeker of security, but altruistic and full of volition."A bear" (Habbard). Bry. has given us more benefactors than Sul. This is in them a vein of benevolence. Also (possibly) a religious bent. Highlights : Insidious, slowly advancing but forcible processes, proceeding slowly from organ to organ until finally the principal organ- the target of pathological changes, the 'unyielding tissues' is reached. Regarded as slow in pace; however, some acute illnesses (like 'flu) may come on with rapidity. Inflammations: where tenseness and swelling dominate the other features (redness, pain, heat). Inflammations that have become localised and advanced to the stage of serous effusions. A fibrinous I. (a kind of dry I.), deposits of fibrin impending motion and finally adhesions which abolish motions altogether. The parts which are the seat of subjective pain become subsequently sensitive to external pressure, and then swollen and somewhat red. I. of serous membranes on rheumatic base. Tendency towards torpidity; sluggish functions, digestion etc.; of the aged; even fever does not rise high. Violent effects. The antimotion (just as Ars., Iod., Mag-c. and Tarn. are the antirest and Ruta the antiexertion.) Motions generally (<). Sometimes patient may be anxious, restless and desire to change position or place or there may be restlessness in affected parts, yet motion always (<).Or, continued motion may (>) but with total aversion to motion (unlike Rhus-t.). Nervousness is sometimes (>) by motion and continued walking (>)unsteadiness of limbs. Fibrous tissue pains (>) by motion. "Bry. patient, when restless, is compelled to move, though thereby he intensifies other sufferings


A hemotoxic like Penic. or Bapt. or Lach. but with less zymosis, more paralysis and no disorganization. Vitality more degraded should suggest: Bapt., Crot-h. or Lach.

Remember these S'S: Sluggish. Still. Sodden. Steady. Settled. Sober. Stitching. Spare-sparing. Safety. Security. Stability.

Tissues : DRY mucous membranes; its action is to produce an atonic, dry mucous surface (resulting in e.g.constipation) rather than irritation of mucous membranes. A 'Dryonia' indeed ! A depressant to be precise.

Seborrhea; greasy face, esp. forehead and nose. Oily sweat. Exudations : sanguineous; scanty; adherent secretions; serous.

Dropsy: dropsical effusions; into synovial and serous membranes; begin in morning and increase as day advances, disappear during night. Hydrothorax. Ascites. Anasarca. From taking cold, with anuria. Hydrocele; congenital. Oedema: face; penis, arm, pedal (after sour).

Hemorrhagic: vicarious, metastatic hemorrhages, esp. epistaxis to which all must ultimately resolve before final disappearance.

Veins: venous stasis. (Swollen veins).

Growths: painful indurations in muscles. Small nodules and indurations on face like abortive boils or subcutaneous glands. Hard nodosities. Painful corns.

Tension: everywhere; in limbs, joints, hollow of knee, legs etc.

Lax muscles etc.; prolapse (rectum, uterus); hernia.

Emaciation; wrinkling skin.


Pains: Stitching. Stabbing. Tearing. Distensive. Pressing in whole body esp. in chest. Bursting. Soreness (in belly of muscles like Cimi.). Fixed- settled pains. Pain goes to distant parts; on coughing. Motion of distant parts too agg. Pressing outward (like All-sat.).

Numbness : in head, lumbar, limbs (upper arm, hand, fingers, feet, toes).

Weakness: in a.m., on walking. Malaise for days before illness. Complete aversion to motion, even of distant parts. Every exertion fatigues. Easy faintness, even from raising head.

Unsteadiness (tottering) when walking, rather when rising and beg. to walk, (>) continued walking. Weariness : with anxiety; in morning on rising, worse forenoon, has to drag legs while walking, continues till afternoon, better in evening and esp. after supper and in evening after deflation.

Trembling; T. fluttering in chest or heart.

Paralysis in rheumatic and gouty subjects. R. hemiplegia after fever with delirium ('wants to go home'). Poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis).

Spasms from repurcussion of measles. S. preceded by deep and violent coughing and oppressed respiration. Constant motion of l. arm and leg. Hiccough. Starting, when falling asleep.

Chronic range of Bryonia

1. Congenital hernia and hydrocele

2. Tumour on lower jaws

3. Fibroid or interstitial form of t.b. with pleural complication. Tubercular peritonitis and (serum) discharging l. axillary gland, hectic afternoon fever, wasting, enlarged liver, dropsy, h/o typhoid, mother died of t.b. After Bry. an abscess developed at l. clavicle discharging pus and later still r. sided pleurisy, all managed by Bry.

4. Suppurating neck glands (like Ins.).

5. Local motor ataxy (prodromal stage). Compare Alum. here (Bry's chronic).

6. Hyperthyroidism with levitation. Bry. belongs to the Ars. group or to the Aur-m-n.- Bry.- Nux.- Sep.- Nat-m. group (which is collateral to Thyr.).

7. Mammary cancer;after suppr. gastralgia, after suppr. erysipelas. Pain (<) heat, motion, (>) open air; worry about her domestic cares.

8. Meniere's disease

9. Poliomyelitis (with Tub. as intercurrent)

10. Pyorrhoea

11. Suppr. cervical glands

12. Rheumatoid Arthritis

13. Bleeding papilloma of bladder. Bry. caused a rheumatic aggr. and his bladder was healed (D.F.Kerr.).

14. A chronic duodenal ulcer with cicatrised cap (after operation for it); constant pain in stomach esp. stitching an hour after meals, vomitings, watering mouth, constipation even loose stools difficult, is under physical and emotional stress, nervous and restless.

15. Diabetes (Bry. contains two glycosides Bryonin and Bryonidin).


1. Anomalies: Relief during sleep, but agg. during siesta. Warmth of sun amel., but its light aggr. Headache is better both from hot and cold application. Hot food (<), but hot drinks (>). Vertigo(>) rest as well as walking. MM rhoeac but seborrhea withal. Even if restless, motion (generally) aggr. Parched dry lips or mouth but no thirst (see Mouth). Dysphagia more to liquids than solids. Either drinks much and eats little, or eats much and drinks little. Vomits food eaten, not fluids drunk; or "all that has been drunk, without solid food.

2. Reflexes: Vicarious menstruation. Reflex aphonia. Gastric reflexes.

3. Complaints develop slowly.

4. Attacks : i) Attack as if the ailment rose up and took away breath and speech. ii) Attack early morning during sleep: oppression of chest with rapid breathing and pulse, abates on walking (colon dyspepsia from beans or starches).

Reaction : Vomiting; convulsion (eruptive fever).

Injuries : To joints. Myelitis traumatica. Traumatic fever. Violent pain e.g. in eyes after surgical operation. Transient draining and tension in almost all joints.

Select Particulars

Mind : Easily out of gear. Irritable if disturbed (a kind of motion!). "He wants something and he knows not what." "Desire for things which cannot be had, which are refused, or not wanted when offered." Wants to be left alone. "Irritable humor later degrades to positive meanness" (H.Farrington). Is not averse to consolation. An all-pervading apathy (Boericke). Wants to lie still, isolated (effect of motion!). Sensorium confused, cloudy. Benumbed, stupid, from suppr. eruptions. Attacks of momentary vanishing of senses, and loss of one's identity. Stupidity bordering on unconsciousness.

Apprehension felt in pit of stomach; emotions reflected there. Great anxiety (or uneasiness) in chest, before midnight, apprehension for the future. Anxiety in early morning or evening in bed, from constriction (or pain) in chest, (>) in open air. Anxiety in morning seeming to rise from abdomen.

Insecurity the central theme. Fear of poverty, of bankruptcy; engages in mundane activities; must be doing something. "Too busy; she wishes to undertake and to work at too many things" (Nux-v.; it has nervous tension. Bry. muscular; and is more poised; Hyos. has commotion everywhere)." The American Banker": gives away everything he has leaving himself in lurch. But is miser in giving out symptoms or for himself.

Delirium : talks of business; repeatedly asks to be taken home; on waking; morning; at daybreak; 9 p.m. Great and unaccountable dread of imaginary incurable ills and desire to escape. (Shock of) loss of livelihood. Desires immediately things or persons not to be easily had or are far off.

Hasty speech.Quick reply. Frank.Hurried (a kind of motion ! ).

Head : Vertigo on rising up, sitting erect, standing or raising head; gastric V. with headache. Swaying or swimming of brain on stooping, being erect or raising head. On lying ,sensation as if he were sinking down through or with the bed. Aural V., on sudden motion (Meniere's disease). V. of aged (Phos.); unsteady walking either agg. or does not agg. or amel. Always better sitting.

A variety of headaches, but splitting, bursting, crushing, tensive more common. Whatever the headache, tension is the ruling feature. Headaches start in or settle in occiput. They are sympathetic from gouty or rheumatism, gastric disturbances, but not usually the sick variety. H. with suppr. lochia; with cough.H. in morning after opening eyes, lasts till noon or increases until evening; (<) lying on painless side or goes to the side lain on (Lilienthal); (<) damp weather, sleeping in damp room (vaults etc.), jars like coughing, sneezing (<) it, from ironing, emotions, light, noise, sunstroke, during siesta, eating, overeating; (>) rest, pressure, warm applc. (also cold), deflation.

Sinusitis after abuse of tamarind, later severe throbbing in frontal bone with tenderness thereof (and of eyeballs too),(<) from 10 am to 4 pm (also at other times), (>) frowning, history of Sun headache; fever and headache play hide and seek; loose cough during day, dry at night esp. during fever.Bry. prescribed only on tension in forehead cured sinusitis with preocular pain.

Congestion (more of simple non-inflammatory character). Apoplexy preceded by constipation (Aster.); A. minor.

Meningitis : Eruptions develop tardily or recede and cerebral symptoms develop; the first stage of excitement is merging into that of depression or stupor. Constant sopor with delirium, chewing motion of jaws, cold sweat on forehead or copious general sweat, child cries when moved. Livid, flushed face. Drinks greedily. Motion of one arm and leg (like Hell.). Partial loss of consciousness; simple meningitis as soon as symptoms of exudation appear; sensorial depression but no perversion of senses; cerebral effusion with a benumbed sensorium. Acute hydrocephalus.

Sensitive scalp, every hair pains, does not allow combing. Hair greasy (due to oily sweat).

Eyes : Feeling of tense fullness as if the eyeballs would be forced out; raised ocular tension: glaucoma, prodromal stage.Pain behind eyeballs.

Sensation of sand in eyes (due to dryness). Eyes pain not by exertion (e.g. reading), but by their movement while reading (contra Ruta.).

Inflamed eyes and lids of newborn. Sympathetic soreness and congestion of eyes (with chest troubles). Gout of the eyes. Metastasis of rheumatism to eyes esp. iris. Scleritis. Episcleritis. Choroiditis. Styes.

Vision: Dim ; after sitting in Sun; with vertigo. Diplopia. Presbyopia. Chromatopria (Kaleidoscopy) colors appear bright.Halo jumbling of letters. Photophobia or dazzling from bright or sunlight.

Ears: Noises: chirping; humming; ringing; roaring; singing; distant wind mill. Hissing (as of boiling water).

Nose: Epistaxis: regularly in morning after rising, less during day; after exposure to heat of sun etc.; in prodrome of typhoid; and above all vicarious; passive E. of young people. E. reflex from stomach, from liver, from kidney.

Ulcerative pain at tip, with swelling; when touched. Coryza with frontal pains. Obstinate dry coryza, dryness and obstruction of nose; sudden suppression of discharge and headache.

Face : Redness towards evening (typhoid), from anger. Dark red, purple or pale, besotted. Soft puffiness. Greasy. Chewing motions. Dry, parched lips, blackish, cracked and sore. Constantly pecking. Dryness of lips as a symptom of hepatic disorder or gastric headache more prominent than any other remedy and it is one of the earliest symptoms of assimilative diabetes (with also a persistent bitter taste, thirst, constipation, languor and morose disposition).

Pain: in one side. Amel. cold applic. and hard pressure (as lying on painful side); masticating. Burning lower lips of old smokers.

Mumps. Painful swelling. Threatened suppuration. Knob-like swelling of glands before and behind ears. Malignant mumps. Small nodules and indurations like abortive boils or subcutaneous glands. With piercing stitches deep into ear.

Mouth : Toothache from constipation, more in sound teeth than in the carious,(<) tobacco, hot drinks, (>) cold water, lying on the painful side; tenderness as if a nerve were touched, (>) walking in open air.

Offensive odour. Hawking of O. tough mucus. O. flatus. Eructations taste like faeces.O.vomiting. Tongue: white in gastric troubles. Parched, dry and rough in low fevers. White with red border as of a saree(pharyngitis). Yellow patch in centre. Y. coating at root, front clean; dark brown. Burning, from smoking.

Dry mouth; child takes to breast only after its mouth is moistened (sore mouth); with thirst; without thirst. Saliva soapy, frothy; with thirst; less the saliva and more the dryness the more the thirstlessness.

Pyorrhea and resultant rheumatism.

Throat: Sticking on swallowing. Raw or scraped feeling, on empty swallowing. Extremely dry; affecting voice. Pain (drawing, tearing) in sides of external throat. Diphtheria: to develop the case; thirst for warm drinks. Tonsillitis; l. to r. Goitre, hyperthyroidism.

Stomach : Thirst for large draughts (at long intervals, or even short), but in inverse ratio to dryness; T. decreases as fever prolongs and tongue turns brown. Thirst uncertain: appetite and drinks much and seldom, eats little and often (reverse to Ars.). Drinks and eats much. Drinks little but eats much. Drinks much but eats little.

Desires warm foods, warm milk, coffee, acid drinks, sour salads, warm drinks during heat (during chill, Ars.), cold water which chills, but pleases the stomach. Capricious-knows not for what; for strange things; sweets; sweet-sour; ice-cream; sweetened cold-drinks; fried food. Averse to milk, but relishes on taking it; fats, coffee.

Bulimy, with little appetite; must eat frequently. Or appetite vanishes with first morsel. Hungry before attacks.

Dyspepsia: from overeating; in summer heat (Phos.); after abuse of mercury. Summer D.; effects of cold drinks when heated, or in warm weather. Heavy load on stomach, as of a hard lump, esp. after eating (like Ab-c.). Hiccough after eating, hard, shaking the brain. Nausea (with faintness) on rising up or lying on r. side.

Vomiting: bile soon after eating or warm drinks; offensive, musty,"of all that has been drunk, not of solid food", "of solid food, not drinks" (Hering); of food in mouthfuls (Phos.); of bright red blood; of water, but once after 3-4 drinks.

Pains : Tender epigastrium and abdominal walls. Stitching pains to shoulder blade. Pains start 1-3 hours after eating and subside gradually; or soon after eating, child screams after nursing.

Worse after: Proteins: Beans; whole. Milk; cold. Starches: Bread. Fermented foods. Tubers. Rice. Flatulent, fibrous foods. Fats: Pancakes. Pastry. Heavy, rich foods. Fruits. Vegetables; cabbage, sauerkrunt; salads. Coffee. Garlic. Spinach. Sour foods; tamarind (cough). Stale food; old cheese; ptomaine. Cold food; chilled, frozen foods. Cold drinks (in summer). Hot food. Decaying foods.

Abdomen: Liver: complaints of hot weather; jaundice from obstructed bile; J. from anger, J. spoilt by calomel. Infective hepatitis. Swollen, tender and congested. Septic gall-bladder. Acute yellow atrophy, typhoid symptoms. Spleen: Inflammation of capsula of spleen.

Colic, r.sided, esp. during summer heat; after a hot day (>) lying on painful side, on abdomen, rest, heat. Colic due to visceral crisis of Henoch's purpura (with Sul. as intercurrent). Peritonitis, complicated with diaphragmitis, stage of exudation esp. serous; before resolution or suppuration, constipated; high fever and thirst; (<) motion; lies crouched up, or straightened up; thirst for small quantities and often. Typhlitis, pain in a limited spot in abdomen. A grand remedy for appendicitis. Burning in lower l. abdomen during pregnancy, (<) motion. Groins sore before menses. Diverticulitis; intense sharp pain in l. lower abdomen, (<) motion; shaking chills, high fever, threatened perforation. Hernia strangulated after cold fruit. Rectum: Constipation-a rule. No urging. Forerunner of tyohoid. While at sea. After abuse of drugs. With dry parched lips. Intussusception. Stools: large-formed, hard, dry (cause of obstruction); lumpy mucus after stool, dark. Involuntary stool night, during sleep, on motion. Gastro-enteritis. Catarrh of warm (wet) weather, or change into cold weather, from suppr. sweat, cold drinks, vegetables, stewed fruits, milk, anger, suppr. eruptions, drinking strange water (Ver-a.). Dysentery; all symptoms (>) after stool; (<) motion. Dysenteric diarrhea with colic but no tenesmus. Piles; with soreness, blood bright red, prolapsing with every stool, (<) mornings, walking, (>) night, warmth of bed, rest; thirsty, stool dry, frequent nightly urination; slow, sluggish, obese, phlegmatic, alcoholic person; burning after hard stool or with soft stool; sensation of plug in anus. Proctitis after sitting on cold stones or cold drinks. Periproctitis.

Urinary : Irresistible sudden urging to urinate; if the desire is not attended to feels as if urine had escaped. Scanty urine, gouty; before chill; in brain or heart or febrile affections; hysterical; in children, urinary tantrums. Nephritis, with swelling of r. upper eyelid. N. from renal calculi. Early uremia? ('beginning of toxic state'). Diabetes, see Face. Inchoate or early. Tubercular disposition. Urine red; brown, like beer; scanty, hot; pinkish sediment.

Male: Congenital hydrocele.

Female: Ovaritis; with numbness down thigh.

Menses too early, too profuse. Suppr. from overeating (ironing etc.). Vicarious M. Plethoric girls with scanty urine and suppr. menses.Metrorrhagia after castor oil. Dysmenorrhea. "Bry. will often be a powerful stopper of metrorrhagia" - Hahn.

Puerperium: Metritis. Mastitis. Suppr. lochia. Pelvic peritonitis.

Mammae: Inflamed, from sudden weaning, stony hard (Penic.), heavy; tense before menses (Con.), milk-filled, with fever; milk suppressed and engorged breasts. Abscesses.

Uterine dropsy, (<) day. Respiratory: Laryngitis. Hoarseness: with perspiration; (<) in open air, in warm room. Desires to take a deep inspiration but cannot because lungs refuse to expand or due to stitching. Expiration shorter (hurried) than inspiration. Want of breath during heavy lifting. Asthma: (<) p.m. Catching respiration with incarcerated flatulence. Cough (<) going from cool to warm air ( opp. Phos.), eating, drinking, motion, turning in bed, lying, talking; (>) lying or (<) lying, must sit up, or (<) movements, while lying on side ((>) lying on back). Cough dry hard painful. Hurts chest, head and distant parts. Suffocating cough after midnight, choking/suffocation precedes cough. Bronchitis.

Expectoration: rusty, blood-streaked, tough.

Pneumonia : gradual onset; congested, heavy- looking patient; dusky face; lips dry and cracked; headache (<) sitting up. Tongue: thick, white coating with bitter taste. Dry mouth with thirst for large quantities of cold water. Doesn't want to be disturbed; (<) contradiction. Usually r. sided or pleuro- pneumonia; sharp pains (<) motion, (>) lying on painful side, pressure. Cough with intense pain in chest. Typical 'going home' and 'business' delirium.

Friction murmurs in pleura. Dry pleurisy during pneumonia, pericarditis or phthisis. Pleuritic exudation when sharp pains continue; r.side (Fer-p.). Pleuro-pneumonia. After pleurisy a dull uneasy sensation in side.

Pleurodynia: pain (>) lying on abdomen and painful side; pain in clavicles, then below nipples, first began in l., now like a horizontal strip of pain, lies on r. side (which is less painful), no pain while lying on back, pain while coughing or sneezing. (Compare Ran-b. which is non-tubercular).

Tuberculosis; fibroid or interstitial form with pleural complication. "Not true tuberculosis" says Dewey. "Nine-tenths of all the forms of phthisis commence with intra-pleural plastic exudation" (Leaning).

(No study of Bry. will be complete without Tub.).

Heart : Cutting or stitching pain in r. chest down l. arm. Worse slightest motion, exertion, lifting. Crampy. Pressing. Angina pectoris, of gastralgic form. Oppression from least exertion, at 6 am with rapid and violent beats. Flatulent twinges, sub- pseudo-angina pectoris (solar plexus).

Pericarditis esp. serous, with effusion, stitching in cardiac region preventing motion, even breathing. Persistent friction murmurs in pleura from repercussion of measles. With pleural complications. II and III stages, esp. when rheumatic; does not usually correspond to P. from Bright's disease or pyemia; cramps in II region of the heart (<) walking or the slightest exertion on raising up; heart beats violently and rapidly, fluttering feeling in heart, (>) after eructations, (<) ascending steps; with oppression. Threatened paralysis of lungs or heart during pneumonia or pleurisy. Rheumatic heart; mitral regurgitation and stenosis, sensation as if heart would stop if she did not move, stitching in back through the chest, perspiration during attacks (or pain), general amel. rest. Pulse: full, quick, hard, tense; at times intermittent with strong orgasm of blood. Back: Lumbago of a quiet type (<) stooping, motion, beg. of motion, from hard waters; (>) shaking and twisting, lying on l.side though r. is the more painful one. Walking (>) stiffness. Chronic lumbago due to arthritis; history of asthma (requiring Nat-a., later Medo. and later still Nat-s.); presently an attack of L. from cold bath; stiffness from long sitting; after Bry. a chill developed at 10 a.m. with high fever and restless tossing about, mind out of control, speaks things one would normally keep to himself; summons absent persons, talks about business matters; Bryo. does not help, case looks like Pyro., but a dose of Nat-m. 30 was interpolated followed again by Bryo. which then worked a fast recovery.

Extremities : Weariness and heaviness; with stiffness. Limbs feel heavy as if loaded. Stiff joints after fright; tensive, painful stiffness of knees and other joints. Unsteadiness of legs, (<) beg. to move, (>) continued walking.

Rheumatic diathesis. Muscular or articular rheumatism, fixed rheumatism (like Colch.), pains do not shift, violent local inflammation, easy sweat, (<) evening till midnight, (beg. of) motion, touch, pressure; (>) shaking limbs, pressure, rest, continued motion, hot applc. Polyarthritis after sour fruit.

Synovitis : joint pale red, or "colorless", tense. Better warmth of bed; rheumatic or traumatic. White swelling of knee. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Milk leg.

Sciatica. Bry. acts on sheaths of organs. Swelling of the veins surrounding the sciatic nerve. S. of rheumatic origin. Pains (<) touch, light, light pressure, (>) hard pressure. No pain during rest, little during guarded motion, much from sudden motion and terrible from any strain like misstep, jar, sneezing (cp. Ruta). Pain in arm, no pain while hanging down, little during guarded exertion, much from sudden exertion and terrible from concussion; also pain while bending arm back, stretching horizontally or raising it and also in resting position (opp. to usual modality).

Sleep: Insomnia from business cares. Talks irrationally when he first wakes out of sleep Great sleepiness during day esp. after dinner. Comatose sleepiness. Dreams about his business affairs; battles, fights, quarrels; vexatious.

Skin: Feels tense and tight. Yellow, pale, dropsical. Shooting- itching-burning after excitement. Felon; at first cold applications pleasing, later hot moist poultices more agreeable. Miliary eruptions which may look scarlet or pale (or pink). Red rash (like prickly heat). Nettlerash, stitching, stinging, (>) hot bath and cold air; (<) thinking of it, excitement. Boils with fever. Abscess: heavy, hard pains (<) evening and night. Exanthem. Tardy development with chest symptoms intervening. Measles suppressed in whooping cough, spasm therefrom. Scarlatina rash in blotches. The typical eruption of Bry. is scarlet colored, miliary rash, while of Hyos. is varicellar vesicles. Pemphigus from suddenly checked sweat. Purpura hemorrhagica: fever, delirium, epistaxis, hematuria, hematemesis or hemoptysis (like snakes). P. hemorrhagica, to endocarditis. Herpes zoster; nausea and faintness on rising, desire for sour and averse to sweets, thirst for warm water, wants to be alone and quiet, pain (<) touch and motion (burning), r. sided. Eczema. Erysipelas confined to joints. Seborrhea. Indolent tumours of slow growth with slow and imperfect suppuration. Carbuncle. Ulcers: tense, biting, bluish, burning, smarting burnt as if fistulous burrowing, with cold feeling, crusty, brownish discharge, offensive with margins hard, elevated, indurated, inflamed, painless, pulsating, red areola, stitching, suppurating, (<) warmth; from pressure of side of spectacles (behind ear). Thermic: Chill: with pains; after anger; with hot head and red face; (<) in a warm room. Chill not immediately after exposure from cold winds or getting wet. Beginning in extremities like hips or finger-ends or toe-tips (termini) chilled externally; Rhus-t. is chilled either internally or externally and Bry. (like Phos.) internally. Fever: Hands and feet are hotter (like Sul., in Ars. they are cold). A quiet form of fever; or the patient may be restless and toss about but he is made worse thereby. Fever dry in the beginning, later sweaty heat. Chel. indicated. Bursting headache. Lumbar pain. Better pressure (opp. Chel.). Vaccination; dry fever after V., constant delirium yet brain clear, water tastes sweet (Vario.), epistaxis, (>) by cold compress, lips dry; complimented by Lach., Lyc. constitution. Effects of anti-typhoid or paratyphoid injections.

Nervous fever; inflammation of the type of a weak nerve irritability.

Painful continued fevers with gastric symptoms. Bilious remittents. Fever from a boil on buttock, desire for darkness, vertigo on rising, some headache, desires warm drinks, chilliness.

Toxic fever (but sleepless; sleepy will be Bapt., Eup., Hell., Penic., Phos., Pyr. etc.). Also non-toxic continued fevers; Pyro- (also Hyos.) toxic continued fevers.

Steady fever in an anemic Sep. lady since two months. Low fevers. Septic fevers early signs of. Dengue fever. Ambulatory fevers: paratyphoid; moderate temperatures; even low fevers.Feverish coldness.

No love is lost between typhoid and Bry. "Symptomatic typhoid is beyond its ken. It may however be required in the prodromal stage or in idiopathic typhoid." Early stage of Acid-Mur.and Zinc. may look like Bry. It has only a semblance of toxicity. Consider Upas if Bry. fails in typhoid.

"Its fever is neither synochal (like Aco.) nor asthenic and decomposing (like Bapt. or Acids): it is between the two and is dependent upon local affection- state of stomach, liver, chest etc." "Milder types of typhus" (Kaspar).

Relapse from indiscretions of diet (if with facial oedema, Phos.).

Relations:Compare: Rhus-t.: Bry. is complementary, antidote to and counterpart of Rhus-t. Bry. Rhus-t. Hyos. or Ars. Bry Hyos. Rhus-t Ars. Bry. (and Bapt. ) slow, Rhus (and Pyro.) rapid in pace. Rhus-t. is restless and has (>) movement and warmth; Bry. opposite. Bry. is toxic, Rhus septic (both mildly); Lach is both and is more befagged. Rhus akin to Card., Pyro., Merc-c., Eup-p.,Jug-c. Bry. akin to Chel., Bapt., Merc-d., Jug-c., Hyos. Nux Vom : Bry. and Nux. rub shoulders at many places.

Both are tense; Bry. physically and Nux. mentally. Also Bry. is coarse as compared to Nux. Though both are capable executives, Bry. is centralised and organized, Nux. distracted. Nux. is vindictive, Bry. is not. Bry. is resigning, Nux not. Bry. is a considerate defiant, Nux. a hard.

Nux. may be useful in typhoid after Bry. when tongue coating persists. Bry. polarised into catarrh is Nux. Bry. is required for fever persisting after spoiling stomach and loss of sleep (Nux. failing) if the patient is not chilly. Nux. further pushes the work of Bry. in dyspepsia. Bry. more rheumatic than Nux. Both are (<) from motion but Bry. more so. Bry. thirsty, Nux. thirstless. Bry. sluggish, Nux. more excitable. Both Nux. and Bry. are cognate to Chel. and the three are a liver trio. Chel: Both (<) motion; but Bry. (>) pressure, Chel. (<) even touch. Eating (<) Bry., (>) Chel. Chel. is a collateral, counterpart, symbiotic, quick and close-up of Bry. While Nux. is cognate to Chel. and Puls. is to Card., Bry. is cognate to both. Chel. is the Nux. of Caust. and Medo. patients. Chel. is a quiet Nux. Chel. is intensified Nux. Bry. intensified is Nux. and Nux. intensified is Chel.

Theridion and Cocculus: Cocc. syphilitic, Bry. and Nux.- sycotic. Cocc. stands between Bry. and Nux. in irritability. Bry. (nausea, vertigo, headache) (<) motion; Ther. plus noise; Cocc. (motion, noise) plus odors; Nux. (<) noise and odors; Lyss. all, plus touch, light. Penic.: Bry. is inchoate Penic., which manifests catarrh latent in Bry. More inflammation in both means Rhus-t. Penic. is the subacute of Bry. and Nux. It has thirst like Bry. Bapt.: Slow incubation but rapid development (Rhus. and Pyro. rapid). Bapt.'s early prostration should not be mistaken for the aversion to motion of Bry. and drowsiness of Gels. It`s soreness may mislead one into Pyro. or Rhus. which are not so asthenic. It is old man's Bry. ( and perhaps also Rhus-t.). Pyro.'s fetor comes earlier; that of Bapt. (and also delirium stage) come later. Bry. must be the acute of Bapt. because it partially relieves a Bapt. case; but can never relieve a Hyos. case. There will be sleepiness between answers in a Bapt. or Hyos. case ab initio. When there is diarrhea, it is yellow mushy in Bry.; but in Bapt. it is dark even when mushy. Palms and soles are hot in Bry., cold in Bapt. In Bry. are mistaken early stages of the following medicines (i.e. they may be required when vitality is down beyond the capacity of Bry.): Bapt., Chel., Colch., Hyos., Lach., Mur-ac., Zinc. Mur-ac.: Is tubercular Bry.; both are acutes of Tub. It has more sleepiness, polyuria, even involuntary, no thirst, pulse feeble, blueness, lassitude ab initio, fluctuating temp. even subnormal, cold extremities, prostration (slides down in bed), is more septic, will not lie on painful or r. side. Follows well after Bry. and Rhus-t. Curare : A super Bry. Asct-t.: "A lesser Bry." (Hale); also a lesser Kali-c. Kalmia : In rheumatism it is like Bry. (minus wandering pains) or Kali-bi. (minus early night (<) ) or Rhus. (numbness). Hyos .: Hyos. has like Bell. troubles from sun and like Bry after chilling. Bell. is psoric Hyos. In colic, Bry. is partly Colo. and partly Dios. Kali-s. is a hybrid of Bry. and Puls. Mill. is a special variety of Bry. with emphasis on catarrh and bleeding. Ap. is the psoric Bry. and Rhus-t. Phos. is the syphilitic Bry. Nat-s. is the Bry. of rainy weather. It partakes properties of Ars. and Bry. Chronic catarrh of chest of which Bry. is an earlier remedy: Senega. Bry. and Hell. are both dependent and reserved but Hell. is less active and sharp. compare belladonna and bryonia Belladonna 1. Onset-sudden 2. Pace- rapid 3. Thirstlessness 4. (<) lying on painful side 5. Appearance: congested, flushed 6. Pains: throbbing, congestive 7. Essense: Hyperemia 8. Delirium: violent 9. Tongue: strawberry, congested, dark red 10. Chilly 11. Headache (<) lying down Bryonia 1. Onset-gradual 2. Pace-slow 3. Thirst-for large quantity at large intervals. 4. (>) lying on painful side

5. Appearance: dusky

6. Pains: stitching, sticking

7. Essense: Dryness

8. Delirium-low, muttering

9. Tongue: white, thickly coated, yellow at centre, parched, rough.

10. Hot

11. Headache (>) lying down

Also Compare : Aco., All-s., Ant-t., Arn., Bell.,Beryl., Caust., Eup-p., Fer-ph., Gel., Hep., Ipec.,Kali-m., Kalm., Nat-s., Phos., Phyt., Ptelea., Puls., Ran-b., Sep., Stan(-m).

Character Bowel Nosodes

1. Stability (decisiveness)............. ...Gaerther and Dys-co.

2. Semi-stability (Emotional waves).........................Proteus

3. Instability (indecisiveness) .........Morgan

Thin Bry. leads to Alum. as heavy to Calc. Bry. like Alu. is useful in locomotor ataxia, sclerosis and cancer. Both produce dry MM. (Just as thin Puls. leads to lod. and heavy to Sul.) Bry. leads to Sul. (and through Bell. to Calc.) and Rhus. to Calc.Bry. develops into Lach. or Merc. or Tarn. Lach. may require Bry. later.

Chelidonium Bryonia

1. R. sided R.sided

2. (<) Motion (<) Motion 3. (<) Heat (<) Heat 4. (>) Eating (<) Eating 5. (<) Pressure (>) Pressure

6. (>) Hot food (<) Hot food 7. (<) After midnight (>) Before midnight

Chronics: Alum.,Ant-c., Arg-n., Con., Cur., Grap., Iod., Kali- c., Lach., Lyc., Mag-m., Med., Nat-m., Phyt., Psor., Sul.,Tab.

Antidoted by: Aco., Alum., Angu., Ars-i., Camp., Chel., Clem.,Fer-m., Ign., Mur-ac., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t., Seneg.

It antidotes: Alum.,Chlorum., China-off., Merc., Rhus-t.

Counterparts: Alum.,Cham.,Chel., Lach., Meli., Nat-m.

Counterparts of Cham: Ant-c., Bry., Ign., Nux-v.

Intensified are: Bapt., Eup., Hyos., Nux-v., Penic., Pyro., Tub.

Incompatible: Calc-c.

Trios: 1. Bell.-Bry.-Lach. 7. Bry.-Nat-m.-Medo.

2. All-s.- Bry.-Sul. 8. Bry.-Nat-m.-Carc.

3. Bry.-Alum.-Mag-m. 9. Bry.-Sep.-Plat.

4. Bry.-Nat-m.-Alum. 10. Bry.-Squilla.-Nat-m.

5. Bry.- Lach.-Lyc. 11. Bell.-Bry.-Puls.

6. Bry.-Tub.-Carc. 12. Asct-t.-Bry.-Ran-b.

Premordial illnesses and the remedies

Sycosis Natron (Catarrh)

(Vitation Bell Psora

Bry (Volition) Sycosis Merc's

(Ulceration) Silicon Syphilis

Carbon Psora (Inflammation)

Puls (Compassion) Syphilis)

Bell. Bry. and Puls. represent the premordial illnesses of man- Bell. the congestion, Bry. the rheumatism and Puls. the catarrh. Bell. will develop into inflammatory processes (starting from the dermis), Bry. into pains consequent upon circulatory irritation and Puls. into catarrhal processes (starting from eyes and nose, as in infants).These processes may still later metastase in the thousand-branched tree of diseases, requiring the whole armamentarium of our medicines. But diseases in their backward retreat must finally arrive at these three before their final dismissal: the point where began Nature's first onslaughts on man-the sun causing congestion, the rains causing catarrhs and ice or cold causing assaults on circulation (beginning with epistaxis and progressing to still deeper (vicarious) bleedings). Therefore all syphilitic processes and circulatory disturbances must end at epistaxis (answerable to Puls.), all the complex sycotic and allergic processes at simple ocular or nasal catarrhs (amenable to Bry.) and all psora and vasomotor storms at simple headaches or otorrhea in children ( resolvable by Bell.).

The intermediate stage during the onward march of diseases is represented by various Merc.'s where these primary three converge, parting again variously and ending in the three peaks: Grap., Nat-m. and Sil. - covering the three substances of greatest terrestrial distribution and highest therapeutic potential Carbon (co2 in atmosphere and physiology), Natrum (in sea and physiology) and Silicon (on earth and ash constituent). Can we say- Carbon controls gases, Natron controls liquids (water) and Silicon controls solids (the last requires substantiation)? Together they represent also Nature's highest contribution to the well-being of man, in health as well as in disease.

From another angle Bell., Bry. and Puls. represent Action, Poise and Inaction; from yet another angle Vitation, Volition and Compassion; in other words vital energy of Bell., determination of Bry. and mercifulness of Puls. : the three "residues" after all constitutional dross is removed.

Puls. plays a triple role: i) Basic syphilitic remedy (nerves and ulcers) ii) For catarrhs after polarisation of basic Bryo., as sycotic iii) In psora, it comes in III stage after Bell., Bry. or Ant-t.


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