Cadmium [Cadm]:

- Jan Scholten

Cadmium metallicum is not mentioned in any of the old homoeopathic books. Julian (1979) and Stephenson (1986) have written a report on a proving, Dam told me he has done a proving and Shah has shown a Cadmium case once.

Signature The name is derived from the Greek word kadmia, meaning earth.

Cadmea used to be another name for Zincoxide. It was discovered in 1817.

Cadmium is usually found in combination with Zinc. Its capacity to absorb neutrons is very high. It is a component in nickel- cadmium batteries and in colouring agents, in the form of bright yellow or bright red cadmiumsulphide. It is also used in telephone and tram cables. Asteria rubens, Cannabis sativa and Tabacum contain high amounts of Cadmium.


Stage 12 Silver series

Overshooting Creation Inspiration

Exaggerating Ideas Culture

Repeating Unique Admiration

Pollution Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly

Decay Art Science Mysticism

Divided Show Performance

Enemies Queen Ambition



Middle age

Town Province

Voice Hearing

Group analysis

Exaggerated success.

Ideas that are overshooting the mark.

Overdoing art: artificial.

Overdoing art: over-dramatic.

Overdoing culture: know-all.

Repeating art: reproductions.

Repeating art: forgeries.

Repeating science: copying research.

Pollution of the arts.

Enemies of culture: barbaric.

Decay of the arts.

Dwindling of power: powerless.

Divided in your ideas, getting lost.

Divided influence.

Picture of Cadmium metallicum

Essence: decay and repetition in the performance of the arts.

Exaggerated success

They have been very successful in the past and they still have high expectations of themselves. They want to be able to continue in the same way, because they couldn't bear going downhill. It can make them extremely arrogant, acting as if they are very important and know it all.

A variation on this theme is that they may be far ahead of their times. They create all sort of things that nobody can understand or appreciate.

Exaggerated ideas: stubborn

Their ideas are a bit past it, they are very stubborn and conservative and refuse to accept anything from anyone. People should realise that they know best, haven't they proved that they know everything?Another variation is that they lose themselves in all sorts of creative ideas. They can't keep up with themselves and scatter their energies in a thousand and one projects. A typical symptom is that they often make mistakes in time or place, e.g. they end up in the wrong room, they arrive an hour too early, they misplace objects and can't find them again etc.

Overdoing art: artificial

They tend to exaggerate a lot because they are too caught up in their success. Their behaviour becomes a bit too dramatic, theatrical, or even quite bizarre. They want to translate everything into art, so that the whole thing becomes unnatural and artificial. Or they may pretend that they are nobody special and do their best to remain incognito, which is equally artificial because there is no reason for it.

Repeating art: forgeries

They have produced everything they could and now they have nothing more to give. There is no more inspiration, no new projects they can think of. All they can do is repeat what they have made in the past, but the spirit has gone, it is only more of the same.

Making a reproduction of a famous work of art is a legal way of repeating something that was unique. The illegal way is producing a forgery.

Decay or pollution of the arts

If they carry on producing more and more of the same it is as if they are polluting the beauty of the original. It becomes empty and meaningless. It is like the scientist who has to publish a paper every year in order to remain eligible for a state subsidy, but he has nothing new to offer, so he changes his old reports a bit here and there, hoping people wont notice that it is the same old stuff. This is how scientific literature often gets clogged up with meaningless drivel. One can't see the wood for the trees.

Enemies of the arts

They develop the feeling that many people are against them. The art critics will start to criticise their work as being old and boring, the director of the theatre wants to cancel the show because the public is tired of the same old performance. The mecenas will withdraw his support. Or the assistant manager will lose the support of his manager, all of which makes them feel powerless. It is as if everyone turns against them and even their supporters cannot be trusted in case they dare to give adverse comments. And so they feel unappreciated, betrayed and abandoned, the world is their enemy, everyone wants to steal his ideas and take the credit for it.

It can also happen that they are enemies of the art themselves, by only wanting to reproduce the originals. Their stubbornness and suspicion creates hostility wherever they go and so they fulfil their own prophesy that the whole world is their enemy.

Expecting to be criticised whatever the occasion they are always ready with a sharp answer even before anyone has said a word. And of course they are always ready to criticise others, because it is a good way of diverting the attention away from themselves.

They practice the age old divide and rule tactic.

The situation is similar to the one Vincent van Gogh found himself in: nobody wanted to acknowledge his art and he felt betrayed by the whole world. He even fell out with his fellow artists. Only his brother made a supreme effort and managed to stay on speaking terms with him. Later on Vincent cut off his own ear (Silver series!) and eventually committed suicide. The bright colours in his paintings remind us of the bright yellow and red cadmium colours.

Decay of the arts

They have nothing more to give, it is all finished. The only possibility to continue is by artificial means, but there is really no point. There are other artists who have got something new to offer. They can't keep up with the competition. Typical of this stage are the slow, retarded movements, they literally can't move with the times.

The high flying performer slows down, misses the mark and crashes (Dam, proving).

Loss of influence: powerless

They can't defend themselves and they feel overwhelmed by their enemies, overwhelmed by the circumstances. They become the slave of a bureaucratic force that leaves them powerless. They have been misled by dirty tricks and false information. And whatever they say, nobody is listening. They are no longer able to say anything that might attract the attention. They are locked up in their old patterns and overtaken by a powerful force that leaves them utterly defenceless.

Loss of honour through overdoing it

Once they can't live up to the expectations anymore they tend to collapse in a depression. They can no longer concentrate on what they were doing and become depressed and suspicious. It is as if they have lost all sense of honour and respect and because of this they secretly brood on revenge.

Top sportsman

This is the stage of the sportsman who has won the first prize several times but now feels he hasn't got the energy anymore to have another go. He has won the Wimbledon title twice, but in the meantime there are some younger players who have gained much experience and who are bound to beat him in the finals this time.

Once they know they are about to lose they may become very angry, fighting with the linesman, querying every decision of the referee. In fact they are angry with themselves and the mistakes they are making. Another way out is by turning the event into a comedy, making theatrical gestures and throwing themselves on the ground after every lost point.


Fears: heights, narrow spaces, performances, speeches, dark, threatening; easily frightened (<)(<) breaking. Dreams: heights, falling, not reaching his goal, running behind someone, slow movements, running through water, ball travelling through the air very slowly, upper part of bodies, broken, plants that have grown too large, ceiling is restricting, old fallen down factory, large church, priest, altar, procession, treasure, cold, sterile, gangster, erotic, adultery, revelations, reciting a poem, overwhelming, stiff, surrounded by dangerous powers, injured, lung diseases, surrender to doctors, competitions, trains, bright colours, yellow, cellars, jewellry, earrings, sacred dance, oval ball, secret treasures, party, robot, monotonous rhythms, clapping hands, tight clothes. Delusions: unreal, no grip or control, breaking, cracking, slow and retarded movements. Mood: haughty; indifferent, without emotions, cold, hard; innocent, impatient, unstable, restless, (<) sunlight; excited; hyper sensitive, extremely unstable; cheerful, laughing; serious, gloomy, crying. Irritability: anger, (<) humiliation, (<)(<) least opposition. Mental: forgetful about details, forgets where he put things, mistakes rooms, times, lack of concentration, confused, absentminded, clumsy, handicapped, loss of orientation with regard to front and back. Contacts: (<) alone, (>) company; shameless.

Work: (<). Hobbies: art, music, philosophy. Professions: artist, painter, writer, musician, teacher, scientist, doctor, priest, vicar, bishop, shaman, governor, secretary, representative, public relations officer, advertising agent, top sportsman or woman. Causes: disaster, humiliation, wounded pride, too much in demand, war syndrome. Generals Locality: left Weather: cold, cold feet, (<) cold (2), (<) damp (2), (>) outside (3), (<) draught, (<) sun. Time: (<) 5 am and 5 pm; in waves. Desires: brandy, water. Aversion: sweet. Food: (<) tobacco, beer. Menses: profuse. Sleep: sleepy, yawning, falling asleep (<) sitting. Physical: (<)(<) accidents; (<) motion, (>) lying down.


Cancer, sarcoma. Inflammations with fever.

Weakness, bruised pains, itching. Encephalitis.

Headache; forehead, temples, vertex; light, empty, clean, hot; with waving and flickering before eyes; (>) vomiting.

Eye complaints: infections, disturbed vision; cataract, cloudy cornea; lachrymation (<)(<) yawning.

Face dark red, numb, paralysed.

Colds with watery coryza. Ulcers in nose; loss of smell. Cleft palate. Sinusitis, paranasal.

Teeth have yellow roots, stop growing.

Voice problems: hoarseness, stammering, loss of voice.

Lung complaints: inflammation, asthma, emphysema, oedema, fibrosis, cancer.

Cough with thick, stringy, yellow mucus.

Heart problems, shock, high blood pressure, anaemia.

Stomach: cramps, nausea, vomiting, cancer.

Problems with genitalia; testes, atrophy and cancer, cancer of prostate, affections of ovaries, sterility.

Kidney tubuli disturbed. Urine contains sugar, phosphates and protein.

Neck pains; stiffness. Arm problems; back of hand tingling, bruises, swollen arteries. Pain in back and thighs; osteoporosis, broken bones; waddles like a duck. Pain in anus and coccyx.


DD Silver series, Stage 12, Asteria rubens, Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa.

DD Argentum: still feels he can keep his position if he tries very hard, others will support him too. Cadmium feels he really can't do it and others will oppose him and try to make him fail.

DD Mercurius: doesn't feel so powerless, he still has some power, even if he is being threatened. The only power that Cadmium has got left is derived from his reputation in the past and when even that is being threatened he feels it is all getting out of hand and there is nothing he can do anymore.


A woman of 45 years has severe depressions and panic attacks. She has fears in crowds and churches, has often a sudden fear that she will be left alone. She's afraid of diseases and death and thinks that she will have a fatal disease with every little complaint. She's afraid that she won't really die. She doesn't trust the docters and thinks that they won't say the truth to her. Breathing therapy has helped her a bit with these complaints. Five times she has had a kind of attacks of catalepsy: she could hear and see all, but could not move and had the feeling of being a prisoner in her own body, of being dead.

She also has feelings or hallucinations that someone blows smoke in her face and when she has that she feels a pressure on her face and a trembling in her upper lip. She feels desperate and can hardly do anything during the day.

She has already for 10 years complaints of hyperventilation: palpitations, her heart races, she has vertigo, feels as if sitting in a narrow barrel, cannot get air and must sit right up in bed.

She has a red and congested face, which is aggravated when she has had some glasses of wine. It feels very unpleasant, as if she can explode every minute. Sometimes she has an eruption besides the wings of her nose; it feels very tense. She can loose her voice in half an hour.

The problems started at the time of problems at her work. She was a supervisor of a group of salesman. She trained these salesman and worked very hard, twelve hours a day. She was very ambitious and also very competent. When the directors started with reorganisations, she became angry about the way they treated the fellow-workers. It made her furious and sick, even more so when the directors offered her a promotion if she would stop her resistance. She felt as if sucked out by vampires. She stayed home sick for three months and when she wanted to go back to work, they said that they hadn't counted on that anymore and she was fired. After this episode she started working part time as a secretary to be able to study law, but was unable to continue it due to the tensions and hyperventilation. She tried to start a bureau for consultancy for her self, but that failed too.

She looks for problem situations, 'when it is quiet, it is the silence before the storm'. This is also expressed in a dream: she walks in a street and a bridge behind her suddenly closes with a bang. She is very communicative, but doesn't trust people easily.

As a child she was timid and very sweet. At the other side she was suspicious of nice remarks about her beautiful hair. She was wise for her age and obstinate, even impertinent. She lived in her own world and was afraid that she would something that people should judge weird. In puberty she was terrible, had the idea that everyone was crazy and compensated her timidity with verbal violence. She had a lot of quarrels and fights with her mother.

After high school she studied arts. She is the eldest of four children. Her mother had had a stillborn child before her due to medical mistakes and got pregnant of her very fast after that episode in order to process the grieve.

She can be very stressed and irritable, especially when someone is doing injustice to her. For example, she felt very irritated and powerless when a civil servant tried to cut down her payments.


Weather: restless (<)(<) heat and sudden changes of weather; hot head, cold body.

Time: (<) 4-5 pm, (<) morning.

Desire: sweet, chocolate, salt, meat, egg (2), cherries (3), avocado.

Aversion: spicy, sour, old cheese, milk.

Food: (<) alcohol.

Sleep: (<) sleeping long.


After different Ferrums that didn't do much good for her she told about her powerless feeling, a keynote for Cadmium. The catalepsy is an expression for that feeling. And then the rest fitted too. She felt as if sucked out by vampires (enemies, Stage 12). She is very suspicious (Stage 12-14), as if there is silence before the storm', as if a bridge behind her suddenly closes with a bang. In Cadmium is also the (<) 5 pm.

We can see a cause in the grieve of her mother during pregnancy about the stillborn child due to medical (Silver series) mistakes (Stage 12).

With Stage 12 fits: obstinate, impertinent.

For the Silver series we find also: arts, middle management.


Ferrum nitricum, Ferrum muriaticum and Ferrum arsenicosum gave only temporary relief. After Cadmium metallicum MK the real change started. She feels more at ease, the desperate feeling is gone after a month. With 6 repetitions she loses her complaints almost completely in the course a year.


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