Calcarea lacticum [Calc-l]:

-Jan Scholten

The afterthought

Calcarea lactic is a new remedy.


Calcarea Lactica

Uncertain Girl

Observed Childish

Sensitive to criticism Dependent

What do others think Feminine



Group analysis

An uncertain little girl.

Your are only a girl: you don't count.

Others think she is only a girl.

Seen as the little girl: the youngest child,the afterthought.

Others think she is still dependent.

Doesnt want others to see that she feels like a frightened little girl.

Withdraws into her little girl state.

Picture of Calcarea lactica

Essence: an uncertain little girl.

An uncertain little girl

They feel very uncertain, as if they are still a little girl and don't really count. They wont be asked to partake in the real business, the grown up world. If they promise to be good they will be allowed to sit and watch quietly, but they shouldnt enter the discussion because they are not old enough.

This sort of situation can come about when the youngest child in the family is an afterthought and a little girl on top of that.

The parents and the older children are discussing some important issue, but she is not allowed to join in because she is too young. As the years go by the age difference doesnt get any less, so the situation remains the same and the pattern is fixed. Even though she has grown up in the meantime and is quite old enough to have her say, she is still seen as the little sister who should keep her mouth shut.

Others think her only a little girl

They can't stand being seen as the little girl. They get very annoyed when others give her a little pat on the shoulder, saying don't worry little one, everything will be all right, but they don't show that it upsets them.

Withdraws into her little girl state

But somewhere deep inside they really feel like a little girl who is weak and small and afraid to participate in the big wide world. They don't like to show this weakness however and prefer to give the impression that they are quite happy to remain in the background because they are not particularly interested in airing their views anyway.


Fears: being abnormal, loss, disease, poverty, future, mistakes, anticipation, being watched by the village, judged on their values, heights, failure, criticism, opposition, anticipation.

Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis.

Mental: perfectionists.


Type: fat and weak.

Locality: left.

Weather: cold, (<) damp, (<) cold; (<) heat, (>) outside.

Perspiration: on back of head and neck.

Time: (<) 3 and 5 pm. Desires: sweet(2), egg (2), milk. Aversion: milk. Food: (<)(<) fasting (3), (>)(>) eating (2), sweet.

Menses: profuse.

Sleep: on abdomen.

Physical: (>) lying on abdomen.


Cancer. Anaemia (3).


Swollen glands, tonsils, thyroid.


Hypoglycemia (3!). Vertigo. Trembling.

Headache, nervous, with oedema of eyelids, lips or hands.

Colds, runny nose, (<) contact with children who have colds. Bronchitis, hyperventilation. Breasts insensitive and small, like a little girls, painful, swollen, painful nipples, (<) before menses. Lactation problems, too much or too little milk, inflammation of breast. Affections of stomach. Diabetes. nausea (>) eating (3), (<) pregnancy (3).



DD Ferrum series, Carbon series, Oxygenium, Muriaticums, Lacs, Sarcolacticum acidum.


Both these cases are quite short, because they only represent one layer. I have not seen a case yet where Calcarea lactica covered the whole picture.

A 35 year old woman complains of hypoglycemia (Lacticum) and tiredness (<) exertion. She is the youngest child, being born years after the other 3 children (Calcarea lactica). She desires sweets, sweet (Calcarea) and sour and has an aversion to milk and buttermilk. She says that milk feels like lead in her stomach (Lactica). She is very sensitive to criticism (Ferrum series), she allows herself to be led (Stage 2) by other peoples wishes and hates it when she can't keep up with others.


A 35 year old woman feels she is a still little girl (Lactica).

Since her childhood she felt that she really didnt count, her 4 older sisters didnt ever take her seriously, because she was so much younger than them (Calcarea lactica). They called her titch or sis (Lactica), and it still irritates her when other people treat her like a little girl, or pat her on the head. She gets a headache if she doesnt eat on time (Lactica). She likes fruit (Lactica), sweet (Calcarea) and chocolate and has an aversion to milk (Lactica) and slimy food (3). She doesnt feel very well around 5 pm (Lactica), she is warm blooded (Lactica), and feels better at the seaside and outside (Lactica). During her pregnancies she felt sick, worse in the morning after breakfast.

She didnt have enough milk to breast feed two of her children.


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