Calcarea silicata [Calc-sil]:

- Jan Scholten

Calcarea silicata was not very well known until a few years ago.

It was mostly prescribed on its keynote: dreams of talking to deceased persons. Sankaran (1994) has done further research on this remedy, including a proving.


Calcarea silicate and calcarea aluminate together cause the hardening of concrete.


Calcarea Silicata

Uncertain Image

Observed Relations Family

Sensitive to criticism Family image

What do others think Father

Protecting Home At home

Withdrawing Timid Fragile


Family minded

Group analysis

Unsure about his image.

Unsure about the family image.

Adapting his work for the sake of his family.

Working for his home.

Using the family for protecting.

Withdrawing to his home.

Passive and obstinate.

Picture of Calcarea silicata Essence: unsure about his image.

Unsure about his image

They are very unsure about their image, afraid of appearing too weak. They feel vulnerable and are afraid that the people in the village will harm them with their criticism. They tend to adapt their behaviour to that of the current values. They are afraid that people will think that they can't handle their own business, that they are not in control or that they do things that are considered improper.

Unsure about the family image

They are equally unsure about the family image. They like to think that their family is well respected because it gives them a feeling of safety and support. They don't like it when their family gets criticised, but rather than try and contradict it they will try and avoid it in the first place. So they will make sure that nobody in the family does anything that can be taken against them.

Adapting his work for the sake of his family They work very hard for their families, trying to provide a sense of security and a strong financial base. If they can buy a nice house they can be sure that the community will respect them. The type of work they choose is usually nothing out of the ordinary, they don't like to attract attention with something unusual. If you work hard you not only provide your family with a secure income, you also make sure that people will not question your capabilities.

Using the family for protection

They are inclined to keep themselves well away from the public gaze, safe within the family, supported by parents, grandparents and other wise people. They don't want to be seen and talked about.

They are also anxious about losing the safety of their family and their home. If a family member dies they will dream about them, as if they were still there. They may even talk to them when they are awake, as it gives them comfort to believe they can still discuss the daily business with them. They particularly need this sort of support from their dead father.

Sensitive to criticism from the family

They are particularly sensitive to criticism from their own family. Even harmless teasing they find difficult to take. It makes them feel that they might not belong anymore, that their safe haven might be lost. They may also have a fear of being shunned by the rest of their family, perhaps because they have a difficult child or they have done something that is a bit out of the ordinary.

Passive and stubborn

One the one hand they are very passive, doing only what is generally accepted and approved, afraid of being the odd one out.

On the other hand they can be extremely stubborn. And although they may appear to be easy going and adaptive, once they have something in their head you can't make them change their mind, particularly when it has something to do with the family.


Fears: being abnormal, family, loss, disease, needles, injections, poverty (3), future, new and unknown things, anticipation, heights, mistakes, failure, criticism, exams, opposition, observed, being watched by the village, being judged on their values, trifles, narrow spaces, not waking from sleep.

Dreams: deceased relatives (3!), futile efforts, paralysis, disease, crystal, ice, mirrors, clairvoyant, cobwebs, needles, friends, family, fire, murder, insult.

Delusions: dead relatives, disease, old, wrinkled women.

Mental: precise, punctual, mathematical, forgetful of what they have just read or said, absorbed, clairvoyant, lack of concentration, mistakes in spelling and talking.

Type: refined, delicate, aristocratic.

Irritability: (<) consolation, (<) exertion, (<) coition. Contacts: sympathetic, adaptive, shy, (<) talking. Causes: loss of parents, family, friends, criticism. Generals Build: thin, fragile, weak, looking old. Weather: cold (3), blue with cold, blue/purple nails (<)(<) cold, cold water, cold wind, (<) undressing, (>) heat, (<) draught(3), (<)outside. Perspiration: profuse, stinking foot sweat (3!), night sweat, on back of head and neck, palms of hands. Time: (<) 11 am and 3 pm; (<) full moon; (<) winter, December. Desires: egg (2), salt, warm food, fresh, vegetables, fruit, milk, lasagna, pizza, sweet (2), buttermilk. Aversion: milk (3), cheese, mothers milk (3), salt, meat, broccoli, cauliflower. Food: (<) fat, milk (3), broccoli, alcohol, fasting. Menses: profuse. Sleep: light, much tossing, on abdomen. Physical: (<)(<)(<)vaccinations, radiation; (>) massage, magnetising; (<) coition; (<) soap; (>) lying on abdomen.


Pains: stitching as of needles or splinters. Hair sensations.

Discharges: thick, yellow, hard, stinking of old cheese, difficult to dislodge.

Inflammations: chronic, stubborn, hard; abscesses.


Epilepsy (<) exciting things and emotions,petit mal. Paralysis. Vertigo, unsteady walk. Headache from occiput to forehead. Ear infections (<) swimming, (>) rubbing, (>) boring finger in ear.

Swollen glands, thyroid. Hypothyroidism.

Colds, sinusitis.

Teeth: caries, crooked, large incisors; (<) dentition. Vascular diseases. Anaemia (3). Stomach complaints. Diabetes. Constipation with hard stools that slip back. Stomach pains (<) fasting; diarrhoea (<) fat. Myoma. Enuresis. Arthritis, joints of fingers. Back pains, scoliosis. Bones brittle, no elasticity; rickets; exostoses. Skin thin, delicate, sensitive, cracks, fingertips. Inflammation of rims; spots, boils, acne, eczema, itching, scaling, red, dry; on occiput, face; wounds heal slowly, leaving scars. Keloids. Hair thin and brittle, grey. Nails brittle, breaking, fungus, yellow, brown, black, ingrowing, white spots. DD Silicium series, Ferrum series, Stage 2 and 10. Case An 11 year old girl has all sorts of infections. She has in particular frequent ear infection, mainly right sided. She gets an earache after swimming, ameliorated by rubbing and by boring her finger in her ear. At night in bed her ears itch, worse after cold wind and loud noises. She also has a barking cough in the evening around 9 pm and after midnight. The rim of her nails are infected, (<) left ring finger. She has some spots around her vagina on the right side. She gets a stomach ache if she doesnt eat regularly. This gets worse when she is being teased by boys at school, or when her father is not nice to her. She is very sensitive to criticism and hates it when her family does something silly. She would hate to think that other people might find her stupid, or her bike stupid, or her family stupid. She often feels ashamed of her brothers rude behaviour; she thinks they are thick. She dreamed that her whole family, apart from her, died after they had eaten something poisonous. She can be very shy and doesnt like to be the centre of attention. She does like company and she is quite cheerful. She is very agile and clever at gymnastics. She is sensitive to atmospheres, and knows beforehand what her parents are going to say. She hates it when her parents quarrel or when they are angry with her. Generals Weather: (<) cold wind. Perspiration: little. Desires: lasagna, pizza, sweet, egg, fruit, buttermilk. Aversion: cheesecake, cauliflower (2), milk. Analysis Most typical is her fear that others might think that she has stupid parents. This in itself strongly indicates Calcarea (what people think) silicatum (family). There are further confirmations for this remedy: She is ashamed (Calcarea) of the rude behaviour of her brothers (this could also be Phosphorus, but in this case the brothers represent the whole family (Silicatum)). She is sensitive to criticism (Calcarea), when her family(Silicatum) does something stupid. Other Calcarea symptoms: shy, (<) being teased at school, cold, (>) sweet, egg.

Silicium symptoms: (<) when her father annoys her, dream that her family had died, infection of ears, rim of nails, spots, (<) cold wind, knows beforehand what her parents are going to say, (<) cheese, milk.


After Calcarea silicata 1M everything gets better quite quickly.

The infections disappear and she feels stronger inside. She doesnt mind others commenting on her family anymore. After six months she needed a repeat does because of a slight relapse.

Case by Rienk Stuut

A 49 year old woman wants to stop the anti-epilepsy medicines she has been taking since she was 11. When she has an attack she faints and thrashes her arms and legs around; afterwards she feels very tired. The first time it happened was during a school trip when she got out of the bus, surprised by the beautiful landscape. Later on she got it in class when she was excited because she knew the right answer to a question. Around the age of 33 she had spell of frequent attacks. This was at the time she first met a girl friend, which she was very happy about, although she was also afraid of losing her again. She had never had time for relationships because she had been helping in her parents chemists shop since she left school. Later on she took over the shop, but it took all her time to keep it a profitable business.

She was very close to both her parents. They are dead now, but she still dreams about them occasionally, and in these dreams they are still alive and she can talk with them. She even finds herself talking to them when she is awake sometimes as she misses their support very much. Sometimes she dreams that her girl friend is very ill.

On the whole she can't deal with stress very well. Especially in situations where someone she loves is ill or dying. She finds it impossible to look them up in hospital or to attend a funeral. Apart from the epilepsy, she has some strange drawing, contracting sensation in her forehead lately. She also has a slipped disc in her neck, frequent infections at the roots of her teeth, stiffness in the joints of her fingers and wrists and eczema after swimming.

In 1974 she had a hernia operation on the left side. It took her an abnormally long time to recover. During this time her sisters sold her shop and she hasn't worked since then. Two years after that she had both her breasts amputated because she suffered from increasingly large and painful cysts, worse before the menses. She felt very frightened at the time because her mother had died of breast cancer. In 1980 she had a hysterectomy because of myoma and cysts.

She feels cold but can't tolerate heat, especially not from the sun.


The dreams in which she talks with her dead parents are very typical of Calcarea silicata. We can also understand why she dreams about them, she badly needs the support (Silicium) of her parents (Calcarea). She worked hard (Ferrum series) in the family business (Silicium) and was not sure (Calcarea) how to keep it going financially. The fear of loss of her parents and friend through disease also belongs to the Silicium series. Sankaran (1994) says that Calcarea silicata could be the son of not very well-to-do parents, who is expected to do more than he is really capable of.

Other Calcarea silicata symptoms: disease through (over)work, fear of disease, death, financial worries, little self confidence, epilepsy, cold, cysts in breasts, myoma.


Since the first dose of Calcarea silicata her EEG showed no sign of abnormal activity anymore, so she was able to stop the medication. Her self confidence has clearly increased. She is still a bit anxious about her health, because she returns from time to time with minor complaints like eczema after swimming, itching in the ears, frequent urination, etc.

After several repeat doses of Calcarea silicata she noticed that she found it much easier to speak in public. She had never really dared to do this before, because she was afraid of people looking at her (Calcarea) and perhaps thinking that she was not good enough (image, Silicium).


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