Chromium sulphuricum [Chr-s]:

- Jan Scholten
Chromium sulphuricum [Chr-s]:

Chromium sulphuricum is briefly mentioned in Boericke.


Chromium Sulphuricum

Embarrassment Love

Discreet Marriage Partner

Keeping up appearances Egotism

Careful Jealousy

Tough Joy Satisfaction

Sticky Harmony

Slimy Clothes




Group analysis

Embarrassed about love.

Embarrassed about their partner.

Discreetly dealing with jealousy.

Hiding egotism behind a nice facade.

Harmony is only a facade.

The challenge of aesthetics.

Embarrassed about their looks.

Fear of showing the ugly side of things.

Discreetly theorising.

Picture of Chromium sulphuricum

Essence: embarrassed about love.

Embarrassed about love

They feel embarrassed about the love they feel for someone. They feel they might make a fool of themselves if they fall in love head over heels. So rather than giving in to these feelings, they hide them, even from their loved one.

Or: they want to be loved, but they are too afraid to ask for it.

This desire for acknowledgement is all far too embarrassing.

Embarrassed about their partner.

They feel embarrassed about their partner. It may be that their parents think this boy- or girlfriend is not suitable, not decent enough etc. Or it may be that they had sex before marriage and the whole neighbourhood knows about it and they feel acutely embarrassed. Or perhaps their partner has a different religion or has some mental illness in the family, or any other circumstances that had better remain hidden.

Discreetly dealing with jealousy They are very discreet in the way they handle any problems within the relationship. Adultery or jealousy should be kept quiet, in case the whole neighbourhood would get to know about it.

Or they are afraid they will lose their partner if they openly admit their adultery.

Egotism hidden behind a nice facade

They are inclined to hide their selfish tendency behind a smooth facade. They only show the good side, but nobody knows who they really are. They avoid anything that could be construed negatively, no vices, no quarrels, no drugs etc. They daren't get depressed or annoyed in case people might think them selfish.

They tend to gloss things over, carefully choosing their words to avoid the nitty-gritty. Their often come from a very prim and proper family, where the harmony was usually only a very thin layer of veneer.

Embarrassed about their looks Their fear of showing anything that is ugly extends to their own appearance too. They are very ashamed of things like eczema, overweight, menstruation, being pregnant, giving birth, breast feeding. They feel these things are too animal like and should remain hidden. They are also worried that their clothes arent nice enough, so to avoid any embarrassment they dress very properly and conservatively.

Discreetly theorising

All problems are handled discreetly. If anything needs to be discussed they will do this in an analytical way. They take a hypothetical example and will discuss the pros and cons in general, without ever letting on what it is really all about.


Fears: failure, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation, heights, poverty, ugliness, dirt. Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, marriage, nightmares (<) lying on back. Mental: long winded, details. Mood: uncertain, hasty, impatient, gloomy, indifferent. Causes: loss of loved ones, friends or family, insults, shame, humiliation. Generals Build: obese. Locality: left(3). Weather: warm, (<) heat, (>) open air. Hot flushes.

Perspiration: easy (<) exertion. Stinking. Time: (<) 5 am (3). Desires: sweet (3), liquorice, fruit, fat, fried, spices, sour, cold drinks, alcohol, beer. Aversion: egg, bread, sour, coffee. Food: (<) wheat, alcohol, sauerkraut, meat, coffee. Sleep: deep; frequent waking; unrefreshed; (<) sleeping late. Physical: (<) bathing. Complaints Discharges thick and stringy, green/yellow, creamy, stinking of rotten eggs. Burning (3) pains. Full, heavy, pulsating feeling. Pains jumping from one spot to another, or in one single spot. Boring, scraping pains. Cancer. Paralysis in infants. Ataxia. Ear infections. Sinusitis. Enlarged thyroid. Heart and vascular diseases. Cramps in heart. Varicose veins, heavy legs. Anaemia. Haemorrhages and haematoma. Palpitations. Stomach pains, nausea. Affections of pancreas, diabetes. Flatus. Diarrhoea. Cystitis, feeling as if the kidneys were blown up, bursting. Enlarged prostate; herpes on penis. Sciatica, Bechterews disease. Skin: infections with yellow pus. Itching. DD: Silicium series, Ferrum series, Stage 6 and 16, Calcarea sulphurica, Chininum sulphuricum, Fluoratums. Case A 28 year old woman suffers from leucorrhoea, which she feels very embarrassed about. It drives her to despair and she wants to forget about it because she is so ashamed. It itches very much, especially in the evening on going to bed and in the morning between 4 and 5 am. She wakes up scratching and her vagina burns as if she has been stung by stinging nettles, feeling very raw. The discharge is white, sometimes yellow and smells quite strongly. She has often had this in the autumn. The first time she had it was when she went to live with her boyfriend. Her mother had difficulties accepting this, because you shouldn't have sex before marriage. And the fact that she did have sex was one thing, but the fact that she was going to live with him so that the whole town would know about it was even worse. Her mother had always been very keen on keeping up a nice front. Nobody was allowed to look inside her house, but everything looked spic and span from the outside. Her mother never wanted her to take friends home on the spur of the moment. Such things should be announced long beforehand, so her mother could prepare herself. She has frequent infections of her earlobes where they have been pierced for her earrings. Her neck is very sensitive to draughts. Sometimes she has aphthae. And she also suffers from anaemia at times. As a child she used to have frequent sore throats, starting with a cold, then a dry throat with difficulty swallowing and very red and inflamed tonsils and finally a terrible rasping pain in her throat. Also loss of voice, fever, shivering, sweating and sore muscles in her whole body. The pain was (<) swallowing, (>) soft liquorice, (<) salty liquorice, (<) smoking. Her upbringing was a bit ambiguous, as on the one hand it was quite normal to walk around naked, but on the other hand nobody ever talked about sex. She quickly feels guilty, afraid she will get the blame. She is afraid of becoming too dependent on her boyfriend. Generals Weather: cold, (>) thunder and storm, (>) fresh air and wind.

Perspiration: occasionally at night.

Time: 5 am. Bad mood in the morning.

Desires: sweets, liquorice, chocolate, fruit, lettuce, butter.

Aversion: fried food (2), sour.

Food: (<) coffee, meat, sauerkraut. menses: back pains, stomach pains, feeling bad for first few days. Sleep: lovely, on back or right side. Analysis The cause of the leucorrhoea is the fact that she goes to live with her boyfriend and everybody can see they are having sex although they are not married yet. The relationship indicates Sulphuricum, and the nice appearance that needs to be kept up indicates Chromium. So we get Chromium sulphuricum. The leucorrhoea symptoms and its modalities are very typical too: she must scratch (Sulphur), it is worse at 5 am (Chromium and Sulphur), she feels embarrassed (Chromium), the itching is terrible (Sulphur) and the throat feels raw (Chromium). After Chromium sulphuricum she had a return of old symptoms which were typical of this remedy: problems with her clothes, feeling ugly, feeling she has to conform, feeling she has to dress nicely. The other symptoms in this case are not all that typical. Carcinosin would have been another possibility: strict upbringing, (>) chocolate and fruit, frequent throat infections.


First she was given Carcinosin, which made her feel much better mentally and emotionally, but did little for the leucorrhoea, which went away for a short while and then came back even worse.

After Chromium sulphuricum 1M she felt slightly depressed and weepy for a few weeks. She recognised this feeling from when she was a teenager, when she didn't know what to do with herself because she felt so unsure. She felt that she was ugly and always said the wrong things and that everybody was ignoring her. There was a conflict around clothes, because her mother never let her choose her own clothes. She wanted to wear jeans but her mother wouldn't let her because they weren't decent enough. She hated the conservative kind of dresses her mother used to make her wear.After this spell of depression she started to feel much better, becoming sunny and happy. And the leucorrhoea disappeared.


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