Ferrum nitricum [Ferr-n]:

- Jan Scholten

Clarke gives a brief description of Ferrum pernitricum, but doesn't mention Ferrum nitricum.


Ferrum Nitricum

Firm Assertiveness

Persevering Enthusiasm

Durable Tension Congestion

Discipline Relaxation

Soldier Enjoyment

Beatings Congenial

Group Analysis

Firm assertiveness.

Persevering and idealistic.

Durable tension.

Discipline creates tension.

Beating people through tension.

Fighting for relaxation.

Enjoying your exams.

Duty gets in the way of enjoyment.

Perseverance in order to feel free.

Failure through too much assertiveness.

Picture of Ferrum nitricum Essence: firm and assertive.

Firm and assertive

They like to assert themselves through their work and persevere in what they consider to be their duty. They want to show the world what they are worth and they do this by means of presenting their ideals and then pushing as hard as they can to get them realised.

Lasting tension

Their will power is extremely strong and they never relax the tension. Their plans are always straight and to the point, but they themselves can feel quite emotional and tense.

Discipline creates tension

They try to keep their tension under control by being very disciplined, hoping that order and routine can keep that busy and restless feeling at bay. But it usually has the opposite effect: all these rules and regulations make them feel even more hurried and tense.

Beating people through tension

They are very impatient and the slightest form of criticism can provoke quite an extreme reaction, like a sudden slap for the person who happens to contradict them. Injustice or time wasting is something that makes them very angry.

Fighting for relaxation

They are under so much pressure that there is no longer time for any sort of relaxation. They have to fight for some space for themselves, for some time away from work. As soon as they think they have finished their task there is another job waiting for them. Their sense of duty prevents them from saying enough is enough. In their desperation to get rid of this pressure they may suddenly go to the other extreme and fling off all responsibilities.

They may even feel that relationships are nothing more than yet another duty, so they would rather avoid them. A mother might feel her child to be a heavy burden, or a husband may experience the presence of his wife as a huge pressure.

Perseverance in order to feel free

They like to work, and at the same time to be themselves. They feel they cease to exist if they allow others to walk all over them. Their feeling of self-worth disappears as soon as they are not allowed to be busy and exuberant.

Failure through too much assertiveness

Their extreme assertiveness can also lead to failures. They can be so pushy and put others under so much pressure that they turn round and say: Why don't you do it yourself. Nobody wants to be involved anymore. The other extreme is that they are so desperate to enjoy life that there is no time for work and the whole thing fails because they spend all their time or money on other things.

Failure means the end of pleasure When they fail they feel they don't deserve to enjoy themselves anymore. They feel guilty if they make mistakes, even if this is caused by the pressure they are under. Then the guilt takes over: they think that from now on they wont be allowed to enjoy themselves and they will probably get ill or some other terrible thing will happen to make sure the fun is over.


Fears: failure, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation, cerebral haemorrhage, crowds, death, accidents, narrow spaces (3), being locked up, tunnels, caves, shops, lifts, planes, trains, enjoyment, disease (3), cancer, heart disease, vague, unknown, life, strangers, future, travelling, flying, open spaces, insects, spiders, snakes.

Dreams: unsuccessful efforts, paralysis, straight lines, battles, fights, contests, war, water, falling, dead people, dead friends.

Delusions: large open spaces, criminals, poisoned, war.

Mood: happy, restless, gloomy.

Irritability: quarrelsome, cursing, insulting, choleric, (<) noise, (<) pain, (<) opposition, about food, (<) contradiction. Mental: sluggish. Contacts: (<) company. Professions: soldier, midwife, secretary, blacksmith, builder. Causes: opposition, contradiction, criticism, quarrels, suppressed will, injustice, abuse, incest, parents absent. Generals Type: obese (3), red hair. Locality: left. Weather: warm, (<) heat, (<) inside, (>) outside, (<) damp; hot flushes. Time: (<) 3 and 9 am; (<) summer; sudden complaints. Desires: fried bacon (3), fat, fatty meat, ham, cheese (3), salt, carbonated drinks, tomatoes, meat. Aversion: fat (2), cheese (2), fat, ham, meat, beans, eggs, tomatoes, nuts. Food: (<) eggs, tomatoes, sour, tea, beer, cheese, fat, bacon, beans, coffee, meat. Menses: profuse (3), large clots. Sleep: sleeplessness. Physical: (<) pressure, pressure of clothes, (<) shocks and jars, (>) driving in a car; (>) slow movement, (<) exertion; (<) noise, rustling of paper. Complaints Discharges putrid and stinking. Pains congestive, pulsating (3), stitching, as of splinters (3). Redness, swelling and heat. Hot flushes (3), (<) night, (<) after urinating. Paralysis. Vertigo (<) wine, getting up. Headache every 14 days. Red cheeks, (<) wine. Nose: crusts, difficult to dislodge and painful. Sneezing. Cough, mucus. Heart and vascular diseases (3); angina pectoris. Palpitations, arrhythmia. Arteriosclerosis. Claudication. Cerebral haemorrhage. Anaemia (3), from lack of iron. Low and high blood pressure Stomach complaints, vomiting without nausea. Diabetes. Abdominal pains with swelling, much rumbling, flatus and eructations. Diarrhoea acrid, (<) eating. Inflammation of joints of hands, with congestion, swelling, stiffness. Shoulder pains (3). Restless feet. Skin: red patches, allergy, eczema. DD: Carbon series, Ferrum series, Stage 8, 11 to 15, Ammoniums, Arnica, Rumex, Sulphur. Case A 30 year old woman has menstrual problems. The problems start 8 to 10 days before the menses, when she feels restless and less able to restrain her impulses. She walks up and down, is busy cleaning all day, her heart misses a beat from time to time, gets an urge to spend money on books and clothes. She feels tired and energetic at the same time, she can't stop all day. She can't get to sleep and keeps thinking about her job, feeling it is all too much. She starts to worry about herself and her family, that they might get ill or die, or that she will get AIDS because she made love without a condom one day. She has no patience, she jumps on anybody who does something wrong. She feels she will explode when she gets angry. When she was 20 she had a sort of identity crisis. She became terrified of trains, couldn't be in any enclosed space, afraid of getting locked in. She stopped her job as a nurse and moved in with her sister for 6 months, working in a shop for a while. Afterwards she took up her old job again, but this time the hierarchies in the system annoyed her so much that she gave up again. After that she retrained as an activity leader and at the moment she works in a day centre for psychiatric out patients. Her psychologist helped her discover that she still had not got over the feeling of: Who am I, am I allowed to be here? Her mother also had this problem. She says she is very emotional. She has a strong will and is very direct. She used to play truant at school and didn't mind the punishment. Her cheeks and neck tend to get flushed, especially when other people tell her she is a bit hyper. This makes her feel that she is not allowed to be who she is, i.e. someone with a huge amount of energy. She gets very angry when people abuse her or treat her unjustly. She loves children, but doesn't want to have any herself. She is afraid that children might demand her undivided attention and she is afraid she wont be able to put her own wishes aside for them. Her mother had not particularly looked forward to her birth because they already had 6 children and now there was another one on the way. All the pressure and work of having a little baby would start all over again. Her mother got toxemia during the pregnancy. She (the patient) doesn't have a relationship and doesn't want one either, she is too afraid of being tied down. She thinks it will oppress her and force her to invest a lot of energy to keep it going. She is afraid that her own self will suffer and get more diffuse. She has had a boyfriend in the past but she felt suffocated. It made her feel: I am stuck with this boy and now I have all sorts of obligations. She broke it off just before her menses and felt very relieved. She thinks this fear of getting tied down has something to do with the smothering love her mother used to pour over her. She couldn't pursue her own interests. She is blond and blue eyed, fashionably dressed, wearing lipstick and giving a very lively impression. She had a recurring dream that she was lying on the floor and couldn't move, talk or run away, while something frightening was very nearby. Another dream was that a child had been pushed into the water and people had blamed her for it, while she had been doing her best to save the child. Generals Weather: war, (<) gloomy weather, fear of thunder. Time: (<) 1 to 4 pm. Desires: chips, brown bread, sweet, bacon, fat, milk. Aversion: fish, game. Food: (<) alcohol: red face, tired the next day. Menses: later, used to be profuse; tension in breasts before menses. Sleep: unrefreshed, fear of not being able to sleep. Analysis The main theme is her fear of being tied, either to a relationship, or to her mother. Her mother experienced a similar fear during the pregnancy. She feels oppressed and suffocated in relationships, as if she has to put herself aside and do things for the other person, it feels like a heavy task. Her mother felt this too. There is no more space (pressure, Ferrum) for the pursuit of her own pleasures (Nitricum). She also feels as if she will explode (Nitricum) when she gets angry (Ferrum). She has to fight (Ferrum) in relationships that are too oppressing (Nitricum). The suffocative and oppressed feeling points to Nitricum, which is further confirmed by the following symptoms: warm, (>) fat, (>) bacon, (>) chips, (<) game, (>) outside, unrefreshed in the morning.

The other side is that she puts herself under pressure, with a feeling that she must do this and must do that and she musn't give up. This points to Ferrum, further confirmed by: blushing, red face (<) alcohol, profuse menses, hard work.


Four days after Ferrum nitricum 1M she gets a sore throat for 5 days. After that she slowly starts to feel better. There are still some times when she doesn't feel very well, but on the whole she is improving. After 6 months all the complaints are 70 percent better.


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