Ferula SUMBUL [Sumb]:

- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Musk Root


Neuro-circulation Nerves; peripheral Vagus; cardiac branch Solar plexus Spinal Circulation; arteries

Mucous membranes Genito-urinary Respiratory Gastro-intestinal Left side


Cold; air; damp

Sun, rays of

Morning. Evening; midnight before; 6 and 8 PM

Motion. After sitting

Exercise. Sleep

Ascending. Lifting

Inspiring. Stooping

Dinner.During digestion

Alcohol. Lead. Tea.



Thinking of it

Emotions. Excitement

Grief. Music



HEAT; of stove

Bath; Warm


Gentle motion




Cardio-neurotic. Hysterical. Exudative Degenerant. Paretic. Senile. Hearty

Make-up : Subjects having a peculiarly sensitive nervous system. Quick and lively, but unstable (hysterical), nervous men; unstrung, nervous and sleepless (cp. Lact. fagged but tense; and these alcohol- like tonics :Cypr. exhilarated; Pass. spasmodic; Abs. excited and tremulous; Aven. brain fag. All these are cerebro - circulatory irritants. Alet. is congestive atonic).

Faint-like sickliness all over, with exhaustion and sinking of heart. Easy fainting; from excitement, music or running upstairs (cp. Ambr.).

Langour, fatigue, weariness. Tired feeling all over, more in (l.) arm.

Weakness, tremulous, with oppression; with vivacious nervous activity (hurry-flurry, like Med.); of the aged, arising out of neuro-circulatory difficulties(cardiac insufficiency and arterio- sclerosis); worse morning, on waking. Semi - paralytic attacks (Tarn.).

Impaired nervous vitality (enervation), arising from deranged action of inhibitory nerves with paresis of cardiac branch (of vagus), consequently vertigo, faintness, feeble digestion, dreams, dropsies and mentals.

Geriatric torpidity (Carb-s.), sometimes with voluptuous itching and amativeness (Fl-ac.).

Shaky, unsteady or insecure feeling, unsurefootedness, tottering on (standing up and) beginning to walk (cp.Ambr.). Trembling; before (during or after) stool. Pulsation; in nape and between scapulae; tensive pulsation in l. spermatic cord while walking. Vibrations along nerves; in abdomen, r. hypochondrium, sacrum. Tremulous tingling, in palms and soles.

Jerkings; during sleep; of head and limbs, chorea, in a mongol.

Hysteria : Constrictive choking; constant swallowing (a lump as if) and eructations; falling forward; easy syncopes. Like Poth. hysteria, gas and heart; and occasionally rheumatism too, completing the quartet.

Epilepsy : Suddenly falls forward, foaming at mouth, unconsciousness.

Neuralgias : Tensive pains; tightness and constrictions in throat, anus, chest, heart (Cact.). Tension in head, face, stomach, abdomen, perineum, left spermatic cord, chest (Lact.).

Mucous membranes exudative. Discharges yellow, tenacious, oily, sweetish. Musky odor of eructations, (urine), sweat (hence called musk root).

Dropsies from enervation, of vagus esp.; of the aged.

Emaciation, with wrinkles all over.

Growths: needs verification.

Early stage of degenerative changes: Spinal irritation, posterior spinal sclerosis (locomotor ataxia), dragging feet. Festination. Arterio-sclerosis. General sclerosis (Cal-f.). Impaired glucose-tolerance and absorption, sweat attracts flies.

Decisive Symptoms

Sensitive to cold; to cold air and damp weather; the least draft is felt down the spine; cannot keep warm. Pains require hot applications.

Numbness, tingling-prickling, quivering, vibrations. Numb on becoming cold, in winter, in chilly cold air (cold exposure); with pain; l. side; l. arm, ext. to thumb; fingers (ulnar side); finger tips; during sleep after a heavy supper.'Internal itching' (Boger). Tingling. Thrilling. Trembling (Kalm.).

Peculiar Symptoms Uneasiness in : Head, stomach, abdomen, rectum, lungs, (esp. left), back, limbs. Even distress; esp. in chest, early morning (Lyc.).

Clogged (i.e. immobilised) sensation in body, esp. head, stomach, chest (l.), back (l.), limbs; from exposure to sun- beams.

Sun's rays disturb circulation; cause ebullitions (or hyperaremia) in brain (leading to apoplexy minor), uneasiness in spine, orgasms, trembling.

Sensations : As of a cobweb or hair on face. As of hot water flowing through part (esp. abdomen, spine); hot air streaming up spine into head; hot flushes, ebullitions. Trickling down (lumbar) spine. Heart beats softly as if in water (with sinking and faintness).

Select Particulars

Mind : Stage of exaltation : witty, vivacious, lively, jolly, quick; lightness and happy enthused feeling as after performing a noble deed (cp. Cypr.). Amorous; fond of women's company; nymphomania. Officious.

Emotional, nervous, hasty, unstable; laughs and weeps by turns; hysterical mood; nervous irritation.

Stage of depression: confused, dull, in morning, sharp in evening (Ambr.) or when warmed. Mistakes in writing and adding up. Animated talk upsets nerves, e.g. r.arm becomes lame or numb. Unconsciousness; or faintness from music (cp. Ambr., Tarn., opposite).

Easily frightened. Fear of becoming insane. Apprehension - anxiety in epigastrium (Ambr.). Early senility. Mongolism.

Head : Shaky giddiness, worse : stooping, sudden movements, excitement, warm wash, sun rays.

Rush of blood to; tensive fullness, with aching; sunbeams cause ebullitions in brain. Apoplexy minor. Oppression in head. Nervous headaches, migraine, (>) warmth.

Dandruff. Porrigo (l.), infantile.

Eyes : Conjunctivitis. Quivering, trembling, wavering, flickering or swimming before eyes, better after eructations. Sunlight dazzles before migraine.

Ears : Noises : loud surging (or singing) and hissing; singing as from a kettle. Meniere's (?).

Nose : Cold in the head, morning agg. Naso - pharyngeal catarrhs. Stuffy colds. Catarrhs of children, with great nervous irritation, spasms and sleeplessness (Pass.); picking nose (ascarides). Loss of smell. Tenacious, yellow mucus, more from l. Gummy nose.

Face : Greasy. Neuralgia. Acne punctata. Comedones (black head or pores). Reddish blotches.

Mouth : Salivation; sweetish; with nausea. Taste clammy. Tongue dry brown; white in front and brown at back; as if scraped.

Throat : Catarrh, hawks up tenacious mucus; of children with great nervous agitation and spasms. Burning heat, rawness and scraping. Stitches, amel. empty swallowing. Constant swallowing.

Choking constriction; from water (hydrophobia?). Spasms of pharyngeal muscles (hindering swallowing).

Stomach : Enfeebled digestion, consequent on cardiac function anomalies resulting from vagus disturbance (dynamic doses). A nervine tonic: stimulates appetite and facilitates digestion (crude or low, like Alf., Aven.). Gastro-cardiac syndromes. Intolerance of: vagetables, beans, fats, garlic (Lyc.) with milk.

Distress soon after dinner but long after supper, even next day. Heartburn. Burning pyrosis. Hiccough - like eructations, of musky odour. Pleasant warmth in stomach and abdomen; after mesmerization. Nausea; in throat; with oppression in forehead. Vomiting bile; biliousness; bilious-sanguine disposition. All gone sensation, with nausea (and vertigo, as in car-riding or tobacco effect, like Ambr., Lob., Lyss.).

Abdomen : Full and distended, meteoric (Lat-m.); hysterical (Poth.); with ascarides. Incarcerated flatulence; hysterical (or pseudo) angina pectoris. Pain in splenic region and precordia while eating; with flatulence (splenic flexure syndrome). Neuralgia of l. hypochondriac region, simulating angina pectoris, with palpitation. Bubbling in l. side; gurgling, amel. after (offensive) deflation.

Colic, agg. drawing abdomen in (Val.), amel. bending back (Dios.). Bearing down pain, l. side, with commotion.

Rectum : Uneasy dryness. Anus feels protruding (Dios.), or as if open. Chronic diarrhea due to atony of bowels; during typhoid. Chronic dysentery. Worms.

Constipation; sweat before and after stool; heat during stool, but soon followed by coldness (Ver-a.); with trembling and cold sweat; urging to stool from a depressing shock, or last part of stool comes out on hearing the sound of flush (Lyss.).

Urinary : Incessant urging; (from pressure of flatus); with urging to stool, cutting in anus and coldness in back. Ineffectual urging. Dysuria. Stitches up urethra.

Urine : reddish brown or orange-coloured; with oily pellicle on surface and cloud at bottom; ammoniacal odour.

Male : Painful tension along perineum to glans. Voluptuous itching. Erythema of scrotum. Night-falls. Sexual excitability lost (Carb-s.). Phimosis.

Female : Ovarian neuralgia, abdomen bloated and painful. Pains cork-screw like (or tensive) in region l. of uterus.

Leucorrhea : White, worse after sitting. Menses too early, scanty and short. Climacteric: flushes of heat rising upward or radiating from back; palpitations; hypertension; trembling; flushes excited by sunbeams. Voluptuous itching, heading towards nymphomania (Ambr.).

Mammae : Tensive pains in l., or tightness between l. and sternum. Lancinations and biting in l., agg. deep breathing; ext. to l. arm.

Respiratory : Loss of breath from any exertion; cardiac, of effort. Asthma spasmodic; hysterical; sometimes catarrhal. Worse : ascending, walking, flatulence. Better: lying on back.

Cough : with hiccough; in bouts of one, two, three coughs in successive series.

Tensive pains, tightness or oppressive stretched feeling across chest or in l. chest. Darting, cutting, pricking or biting, esp. in l. chest. Darting under lower sternum. Soreness in l. clavicle (Coty., Rumex). Pain below l.clavicle (flatulent ?). Chest pains (toxic) during digestion; oppressive tightness in l. side (Ran-b.); wakes up with oppression, amel. sitting up and deflating (Lyc. pt., Colo. helped initially). Aching in l. chest ext. to l. scapula or vice versa (flatulent).

Uneasiness (distress) in l. chest, about heart. Flatulent twinges, in l. (sub-pseudo-angina pectoris) or continuous pain (pseudo or hysterical angina pectoris).


Circulation : Blood vessels: Loss of elasticity in all l. cranial vessels, arm, leg, foot. (weakened or thinned down, causing purpural extravasations).Circulation feeble; termini cold and numb. Arterial spasms; pulsations. Early stage of arteriosclerosis :dyspnea on ascending (not perhaps on walking), hypertension, vague precordial pains, palpitation, "air - swallowing", sudden numbness of limbs; esp. when exposed to cold.

Heart : "Deranged action of inhibitory nerves (branching from the vagus) causing a paretic state, vertigo, faintness, dreams. Mental conditions betray deficient innervation" (Hering). Weakened heart; cardiac insufficiency. Nervous affections of heart; cardiac neuroses; vague precordial pains, hysterical; from tea, tobacco. Anomalous, functional heart troubles.Cardiac neuro- circulatory defect causing weakness in the aged.

Palpitation (from vagotomy, like Sep.), nervous, violent, in hysterical subjects, at climaxis; worse during digestion (Lyc.), from incarcerated flatulence (Aven.); agg. least excitement or exertion, on thinking of it, stooping, ascending. Gastro-cardiac syndromes.

Angina pectoris: Cutting or tensive (constrictive) pains, with sharp wiry shootings reaching fingers; left arm tingles, aches (as in Lat-m.), becomes numb, heavy and weary. Spasms in heart. Paroxysms of dull pressure under the sternum. (Pressure at heart with urging to stool).

Rheumatic (endocarditis. Rheumatic heart, a murmur and a purring sound over l. scapular region; Bellow's murmur, with hysterical mood.

Hypertrophy, with mitral regurgitation.

Pulse : Irregular (arrhythmic); strong, jerking, during digestion or exertion (extra - systoles); tumultuous; compressible.

Back : Easily chilled, sensitive to cold air (Ran-b.), least draft is felt down the spine. Either coldness (deep) in the spine, or, heat (hot water flowing down the spine or warm air rising up spine as if).

Stiff neck and back. Uneasiness in nape (l). and spinal cord, agg. heat, esp. of sun. Trembling along nerves of neck and back, during day, with feeling of unsteady insecurity and festination, awkwardness and unsurefootedness. Tingling (Med.).

Lumbago, worse l. side; heat radiates from lumbar on mesmerising; as of wind in; stitches, as from flatulence.

Locomotor : Uneasiness, with quivering, vibration or thrills along the course of the nerves (Cur.); amel. walking in cool open air. Easily chilled and numbed, l. arm and leg; with a paralytic sensation (lameness) and tingling; attack of numbness in l. arm (and leg) in cold night air from pressure or a heavy supper, amel. deflation.

Weak, weary, aching, sore, heavy or lame arms (l. or r.); r. arm feels lame, paralytic after prolonged (animated) talk (Cocc.), or sudden (Syph.).

Cold and numb. Cold : joints, hands, finger-tips, toes, l. side. Fingers: heaviness and (sharp wiry) shooting in (l.); numb in ulnar side (Cact. has tingling); tips numb and cold. L. toes numb.

Legs : ache; weak, feel alienated, has to drag them along. Feet tremble. Chronic gonitis, knees stiff, painful, its appendages feel loosened.

Skin : Pale, cold, dry, white. Shrunken like washerwoman's; wrinkled. Internal itching (i.e. tickling); voluptuous itching. Erythema; reddish miliary spots. Strophulus (tooth rash). Comedones.

Sleep : Drowsiness, during day, in cold. Sleeplessness at night; drunkards (with delirium tremens). Jerking of limbs during sleep. Dreams of falling, of coitus followed by emissions.

Thermic : Chill, heat and sweat in flushes.

Constant chilliness with sensitiveness to least draft (esp. of cold air), difficult to get warm; spine and peripheral parts unpleasantly cold; creeping chills, esp. in (lumbar) spine (l.). A "constitutional coldness." Nervous heat: with restlessness. Dry heat; nightly. Noon fever. Worse : exertion, ascending stairs, staring sidewise, hot drinks (tea), eructating, mesmerising, from sunbeams. Flushes of heat.

Heat (like chill) radiates from lumbar back. Heat, with throbbing in l. side of neck and occiput, causing vertigo and faintness. Heat in face (l).

Sweat : in flushes; (sudden); cold, clammy; musky odour; oily; sweetish; before or at stool (Poth.); general except palms; on back.

Congestive fevers. Typhoid: with cerebral excitement, diarrhea. Low and nervous fevers; after typhus; deranged digestion after typhoid.

Relations : Compare: Agar., Ambr.,Arg-n., Asaf. (Ferula-narthex; takes up the venous side, while Sumb. the arterial) Aven. (acts on cerebral nerves, Sumb. on peripheral), Cact., Carb-s., Cimi., Coca., Colo. (acute), Coty., Graph., Ign., Lact., Lat-m. (neuro- circulation), Lyco., Lyss., Mez., Mos. (hysteria, musky odour of Sumbul discharges), Naja., Nux-v., Pass., Plb., Syph., Tab.,Tarn., Tarax., Thea., Val., Xan.

Poth. (meteorism, hysteria. But in Sumb. heart is more directly involved, 'anomalous functional cardiac disorders'; l. arm aches, is heavy weary numb; cardiac asthma. Poth. is more spasmodic. Sumb. more hearty and numb).

A combination of Lach. and Carb-v. A Lach. with a noble mind. A close-up of Nux-v. A circulation close- up and acute of Lyc. A mild version of Lat-m. Sumb., Lyc. and Lat-m. are mutual symbiotics (i.e. comrades).

Sumb.-Lyco.-Syph. (the anti-garlic trio), Sumb.- Lach.-Lyc. and Calc.-Sumb.-Lyc. are worthy trios.

Circulatory difficulties that start with Sumb., develop in Kali- i. and climax in Phos. or Syph.

Complementary : Arg-n., (Calc-fl.), Lact., Lat-m., Lyc., Nat-m., Phos., Syph., (Xan.).


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