Gallium [Gall]:

- Jan Scholten

Gallium is a new remedy.


The name has been derived from Gallia, France, because it was discovered by a Frenchman called Francois Lecoq in 1875. The Latin name for coq or cockerel is Gallus gallus, which could have been another reason for calling this newly discovered metal Gallium.

The metal is soft, silvery white with a blue sheen. It has a relatively low melting point (29,8C) and a high boiling point ((>) 2000 C), which gives it the longest liquid phase of all elements.

It is used in thermometers because it expands on being heated. It is also used in various alloys to lower the overall melting point. It is a semiconductor used in electronics and solar cells.

It also gets used as a catalyst in organic chemistry.


Stage 13 Ferrum series

Left behind Overtaken Task Work Duty

Outgrown Craft Use

Nostalgia Ability Perfection

Outmoded Routine Order Rules

Deteriorating Control Exam

Keeping back Observed Criticised

Suspicion Failure Guilt Crime

Disbelief Tried Pursued

Retreating Adult

Giving up Village

Group analysis

Stubborn in their work.

Stubbornly following routines.

Outmoded techniques.

Enemies undermine your work.

Disbelieving your own ability.

Falling back on old routines.

Nostalgia for old crafts.

Stubbornly denying failure.

Giving up after criticism.

Picture of Gallium metallicum

Essence: stubbornly holding on to your own abilities.

Stubborn in their work

They tend to stick to the well known routines and stubbornly refuse to give them up. They have been treading the well worn path, the path has eroded into a hollow road with steep sides an now they can't get out anymore. They are unable to see any new possibilities because the old patterns are too deeply engraved.

Their stubbornness makes it very difficult for them to listen to advice, let alone to follow that advice. They always know better, even against their own judgment. The communication has been broken, they wont listen and they aren't being heard anymore.

Outmoded techniques

They realise that their old patterns no longer give the best results. Their techniques are outmoded and they can see that others are doing much better. It is as if their own pupils have overtaken them and are threatening to demote them. The old civil servant can't keep up with the new techniques and feels threatened by the younger generation.

Enemies are undermining the work

Their position is being undermined by the newcomers. They do what they can to hold on to their position but everything is changing and it hurts.

Disbelief in their own abilities

They feel that it is impossible for them to change, to learn the new techniques and improve their performance. They no longer believe in themselves. They feel they have always worked at maximum capacity and that is all they have to offer.

Falling back on old routines

They give up trying to develop themselves and merely hang on to the old patterns. But others are obviously doing better using the new techniques. So the threat that others will overtake them and force them out of a job is constantly hanging over them. That is why they tend to retreat to their own fort, closed off from the rest of the world and all its innovations. It is the theme of the tactical retreat: they proclaim that everything is going fine, but have to admit that reality tells them differently.

Nostalgia for the old crafts

Another escape is trying to portray the old ways as being much better than the new. They develop a very nostalgic attitude. This could be likened to the mentality of Gallia, i.e. France, where the people are very keen to do things their own way. They stubbornly want to remain independent and when something threatens to go wrong they retreat into their own camp. They like to go along with the European Community, but when things go too far they insist on doing it their won way. They stubbornly stick to their own traditions, their wine is still the best!


Fears: failure, falling, paralysis, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation.

Dreams: crime, murder, futile efforts, paralysis.


Locality: right.

Time: (<) morning. Complaints Cancer. Paralysis. Eyes glued together. Ears blocked. deafness. Anaemia (3). Stomach problems, nausea, vomiting. Diabetes. Cancer of the bladder or cervix. Osteitis deformans. Psoriasis. DD: Ferrum series, Stage 13, Clematis. DD Zincum: are just managing to hold on, even if they have to work overtime. They do get obstructed by they can still get on with their work. Gallium feels that the area in which he can operate successfully is gradually being taken away from him. All there is left for him is partial success. Case A 43 year old man has come complaining of inflamed joints and psoriasis. The skin is red and scaling, worse on the outside of elbows and knees. Sun and Sauerland ameliorate. It started on his sternum when he was 17. Later on it went to his nails. The proximal joint of his middle finger and the distal joint of his little finger and his toes are the worst affected by the inflammations. Alcohol and eating aggravate the complaints. His blood pressure is too high so he stopped smoking and went on a diet. He lost 20 kilos and since then his blood pressure has been much better. He was the youngest child and when he was 14 the others had left home and he was the only child there when his father got ill. His father got a heart attack and later on a brain tumour. He had just joined the military service at age 17 when his father died. he had to take over his fathers role to support his mother. His father had always been quite strict, a bit overprotective and formal rather than emotional. He had been collecting worldly rags to be able to pay for his childrens studies. When he got ill the business went down and he was declared bankrupt. His mother was left with a lot of debts to pay. And when it was his turn to go to college there was nothing left. None of his brothers who had been able to finish their studies offered to help their mother. So he decided he would break with his brothers and sisters and sort it out himself. You can all go to hell, don't worry about me, Ill sort this out myself. He tells me he is a Capricorn, stubborn, likes to manage his own affairs, be his own boss. He talks freely, but tends to sound a bit harsh at times. He doesnt care a hoot what others think about him or his psoriasis. He is able to give and take and feels you shouldn't make a big fuss when something goes wrong. Material goods are not that important to him, but he does like to earn a lot of money. When he was a child he frequently had high fevers with delirium and visions of demons coming out of the wall paper. He has had jaundice and he often gets headaches in his forehead, coming up from the neck and accompanied by nausea. Generals Weather: (<) too hot, (<) draught, (>) fresh air (2).

Perspiration: profuse, (<) exertion, (<)thinking about it.

Time: (<) winter, (<) evening.

Desires: meat, salami, garlic, old cheese, brown beans (2), spices.

Aversion: fish (3).

Food: (<) fish (3), alcohol, peanuts, meat.

Sleep: getting to sleep is difficult at times.


He has some typical Gallium character traits: he is stubborn (Stage 13), wants to be his own boss, mange his own affairs. This is confirmed by his indifference to the opinions of other people and the way he speaks quite freely. He was the last in the row (Stage 13) and by that time everything was gone, there was no money to study or to learn a trade (Ferrum series). He retreats (Stage 13) from his brothers and sisters who have taken everything.


One month after Gallium 1M the psoriasis seems to be less severe, the patches are not so bright red and they fade more quickly, although with ups and downs. Nine months later, after 3 more doses of Gallium 1M the psoriasis is as good as gone. He also feels good in himself.


By Jan Scholten

-Dream: The wife of an old farmer had disappeared. Everyone was looking for her thinking she had been killed. Many people were suspected of murdering her but eventually it turned out that the old man himself had done it and cemented her body into the wall.

- Dream: A young sportswoman and other sporting people didn't belief in themselves. They couldn't make the grades set by the Dutch athletics society to compete in the World championships. This was because they didn't believe in themselves, didn't believe they could become first. Many of them had given up deep inside. It was my task to treat them with homoeopathy and guided visualisations to dissolve their illusions of failure and I wont make it anyway.

- Mental: I realise that I dream much more during provings than I used to do and that this has something to do with the fact that I never believed in myself. I used to do a proving without knowing the remedy, saying to myself that I shouldn't be influenced by preconceived ideas about it. I could have tried to make contact with the remedy and the energy of the person who was conducting the proving. Now I realise that refusal to make contact and disbelief were the reason that I hardly ever got any good dreams or symptoms.

- My eyes and ears were glued shut in the morning, worse on the right side.


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