Indium [Ind]:

- Jan Scholten

Indium is described by Boericke and Clarke, also by Julian (1979, page 298 and in 1984, page 155).


The name is derived from indigo, because of its blue spectrum. It was discovered in 1863. Some of its uses: mirrors, photo-effect, transistors, car bearings, and long life batteries. It adheres to glass. It squeaks on being bent. Combined with Arsenicum it becomes a semiconductor (just like Gallium), used in infra red diodes. Alloys of Indium and Germanium are used to make transistors. For soldering of printing plates they add Indium to ensure maximum contact.


Stage 13 Silver series

Lagging behind Creation Inspiration

Outgrown Ideas Culture

Nostalgia Unique Admiration

Out of date Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly

Falling behind Art Science Mysticism

Secretive Show Performance

Suspicion Queen Ambition

Loss of faith Humiliation

Withdrawal Sexuality

Giving up Middle age

Town Province

Voice Hearing

Group analysis

Withdrawing to the arts: conservator.

Nostalgia for the ancient arts.

The science of nostalgia: history.

Outdated art.

Lagging behind in inspiration.

Withdrawing to old ideas: dogmatic.

Lagging behind in science.

Outdated creations.

Outgrown admiration.

Holding back inspiration.

Holding back admiration.

Lack of faith in inspiration.

Withdrawal because of being criticised over your talent.

Failure through dogmatic ideas.

The sportsman who is past the top.

Picture of Indium metallicum

Essence: holding on to an outdated form of art.

Withdrawing into the arts: curator They are people who feel they know it all, especially as far as art is concerned. This is the only thing that they find worthwhile, and care should be taken that it gets well preserved.

This feeling is often expressed in a desire to collect old artefacts, paintings, antiques etc. They make very good curators, who like to show the public how well things were done in the past, compared to the inferior type of art that is being produced nowadays.

Nostalgia for the old arts

The hankering for everything that is old can also be expressed in a love for classical music. It is almost a sort of melancholy, a nostalgia for the beauty of the old days.

Withdrawing into the old ideas: dogmatic

They have seen it all and heard it all and they are not interested in the opinions of others, as there is nothing new to add to what they know already.

This is probably quite true because their perfectionistic mentality has made them an expert in their field! But it makes them a bit dogmatic and stubborn, never giving others a chance to have their say.

Lagging behind in science

It is a waste of time to try and convince them of the value of the new ideas in their field. They do everything they can to keep these developments at bay, saying they have no use for such newfangled ideas.

Lack of faith in inspiration

Their lack of faith in anything that is new goes hand in hand with the lack of faith in their own possibilities. They don't believe they will be able to produce anything new anymore. Every possibility has been tried and exhausted and there is nothing left to create that is worthwhile. It is the lack of faith in the future of their own creative career that makes them want to hold on to the old with such tenacity.

Outgrown admiration

They can no longer admire other peoples work, because they have seen it all before. Perhaps very occasionally an old piece of art will come to light that will temporarily rekindle their enthusiasm, but on the whole they have lost interest. There is nothing new under the sun. Modern art is something that leaves them cold.

Withdrawing when their talents is being criticised

They withdraw into their ivory tower. Nobody understands nowadays what art is all about, so why should they bother to try and explain it. Those who are really interested will probably know where to find them and for the rest they will be happier to pass the time undisturbed by stupid people.

Failure through dogmatic ideas

They are involved in forms of art that are really outdated and that don't mean much to other people. They try to keep the production going, and they get quite upset when other people, or the government, try to restrict their activities or cut their grant. How dare these ignorant people who don't know what real art is all about try to take their livelihood away from them! They stare in disbelief at the crazy new artists who manage to convince the public of their wonderful new ideas and manage to get the backing of new sponsors. It hurts them to see the classical arts go to ruin.

The sportsman who is past the top

The career of the sportsman is in decline. At the big events he gets no higher than 4th or 5th place if he is lucky. He still holds the hope of a win at one of the smaller tournaments, but that is about all he can manage now.


Fears: heights, narrow spaces, shows, performances, speeches.

Dreams: heights, falling, travelling in a foreign country; lost in mountains or woods; pursued by mad bulls; falling in love; failed coition, lascivious, strait-jacket, futile efforts to escape, futile efforts to run.

Irritability: (<) humiliation; contradictory. Mood: dry, serious, haughty, excited, restless, indifferent, sentimental, gloomy, crying. Mental: dull, absent minded, lack of concentration, exhausted, numbed. Work: (<), (<). Professions: artist, painter, writer, singer, musician, teacher, scientist, doctor, priest, vicar, bishop, shaman, governor, secretary, representative, advertising agent, public relations officer, top sports man, - woman. Causes: disasters, humiliation, hurt. Generals Locality: left. Weather: (<) heat, (>) cold bath, (<) inside, (>) outside; (<) cold, cold hands and feet. Perspiration: on hands and feet. Time: (<) 1 pm. Desires: sweet. Food: (<) bread, tea; (>) eating.

Menses: profuse.

Sleep: sleepy.

Physical: (<) lying on left side, (>) lying on stomach or back; (>) deep breathing, (>) continued movement; (<) coition. Complaints Cancer. Weakness. Bruised pains, itching. Headache in forehead, temples and vertex. Headache with nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, sleeplessness and tiredness: (<) constipation, (>) stools, (>) vomiting, (>) dry weather, (>) sleep, (<) chewing, (>) jerking, (>) eating, (<) fasting, (<) stooping. From forehead radiating to the temples. With vertigo and fainting, (<) sitting. Sensation as if the top of the head will fly off. Red face. Eye complaints: inflammations, visual disturbances, pain; sees yellow colours in front of eyes. Colds with thin, watery, yellow-greenish mucus. Voice problems: hoarseness, loss of voice, stammering. Sore throat, stitching pains with tough mucus. Lung complaints. Lung injuries (Dreisbach), fibrosis. Abdominal pains around liver and navel, (<) sneezing and laughing. Constipation (2). Problems of genitalia, testes, ovaries. Pain in testes and spermatic cord; nightly seminal emissions causing weakness. urine smell bad. Trembling during stools. Pain in left scapula with stiffness, radiating to neck and shoulders, and on through the arm and elbow. DD: Silver series, Stage 13, Lycopodium, Natrums. Case A 38 year old man gets frequent headaches. His head feels heavy and it makes him feel very tired. It happens especially in damp weather with low clouds. It is worst just before rain or thunderstorms, because he cannot tolerate the light that is reflected from the clouds. Sometimes he vomits during the headaches, with alternating heat and chill, chattering teeth and inability to lie still. Other modalities: (<) constipation, (>) stools, (>) vomiting, (>) dry weather, (>) sleep, (<) 1 pm, and (<) red vegetables like red peppers. The headaches started when he was at secondary school, because he often felt tense before doing a test. He was not interested in school or homework, only in art. When he was at university he hardly ever had a headache, but when he started work the headaches came back. He is often constipated especially when he is busy at work. Sometimes the constipation turns into diarrhoea. He gets stomach pains when he doesn't eat for a long time. He can also get them from eating bread. His joints, particularly his hips and legs, get stiff when the weather is damp. He also feels tension in his chest, as if it is being tightened. He is afraid that it result in a heart attack. During the last two years he has had frequent colds with sore throats and much mucus in his nose and throat, difficult to dislodge. The mucus is yellow and very tough. It is worse in the morning and better in the fresh air. He is a serious type of person, in fact, very serious. He has difficulty taking life at it comes. You can notice this by the way he speaks: very quiet and with a very serious tone of voice. He is a typical observer, who watches every detail. He is rather obsessive and describes himself as a perfectionist. He is always convinced he is right and is proud that he knows it all. He feels he doesn't have to enter into any discussion because his opinion is the only right one. He tends to be very forceful in his ways. But he is also very sensitive to atmospheres. He likes anything that is old; it makes him feel slightly melancholic. He has turned collecting old things into a hobby and he is now a great expert in antiques. He has learned so much about the particular sort of antiques that he specialises in, that his knowledge often surpasses that of the professional antique dealers. As he is a great perfectionist he thinks very carefully before he will buy something. He often takes several days to consider whether to buy a certain piece or not. Sometimes the piece in question has been sold by the time he has decided to buy it. When he is on holiday he visits many museums to further his knowledge of art. He pays the violin and is a member of an orchestra. When he started it was very hard, but since his playing has improved he has started to enjoy it a bit more and he feels emotionally involved in the piece they are playing. But he still gets very tense and nervous before a performance. It irritates him when there are some people in the orchestra who can't play as well as the rest. Antiques and his work are everything to him. His wife and child only come in third place. He was an only child and spent a lot of time with his father. His father had the same interest in art and antiques and had a hobby of repairing old things. He himself can't do this, unfortunately: he has got two left hands, he says. His father was very critical, a dominating type who never saw much good in what other people achieved. He himself is more refined: he weighs up what is good and what isn't. When he was little he used to have recurring dreams about a sort of strait-jacket, like a hollow tube in which he was imprisoned. Another theme in his dreams was that he had very fat fingers and couldn't grasp a thin object like a blade of grass. Generals Weather: (<) damp (3), (<) before thunder and storms (3), stifling weather 93), (>) dry; cold.

Time: (<) 1 pm. Desires: sweet (3), salt, meat, beer with yeast, fried potatoes. Aversion: dry food (2), lentils, boiled potatoes, egg. Food: (<) bread, peppers, beer with yeast, tomatoes with pips, tea. Sleep: on stomach. Analysis The extreme sensitivity to heavy and damp weather reminds us of remedies like Natrum sulphuricum, Rhus tox or Rhododendron. Symptoms that might confirm Natrum sulphuricum are: wife and child only come in third place, serious, melancholic, (>) sweet.

But does not have the typical theme of perfectionism, knowing best, pride and sensitivity to art that we see in this case. But the most important reason why Natrum sulphuricum is not the correct remedy is that it only worked temporarily! And there are few reasons to choose Rhus tox or Rhododendron, apart from the sensitivity to storm and damp. So this symptom alone will not lead us to the right remedy.

Another modality that is very strong is the aggravation at 1 pm.

When we look it up in the repertory we find Argentum metallicum, Argentum nitricum and Indium, all remedies from the Silver series. This seems to be more appropriate, as the patient is very involved with art. I chose Indium because the Argentum didn't quite seem to fit the case. It wasn't until later that I learned that the stubbornness and conviction that they know best is typical of Stage 13. His love for conserving everything that is old is also expressed in his love for classical music. His irritability and refusal to listen to others is typical of this stage too.

DD: Argentum, Silica, Germanium, Calcarea carbonica, China, Cobalt, Carcinosin, Stannum.


The first remedy he was given was Natrum sulphuricum 1M. After a month he felt much better: he felt less locked up in himself and the headaches were less frequent, even during damp weather. This seemed an excellent reaction, especially because he had an initial aggravation of the stomach pains. I repeated Natrum sulphuricum but three months later we were back to square one.

Then I gave him Indium 1M and after a month he felt better again.

He had the impression that this remedy worked better but more slowly. He felt stronger, calmer and more grown up. He didn't get nearly so worked up when he had to preform or achieve something.

This time the amelioration continued and he has remained well for three years.

His three year old daughter also did very well on Indium. She was a serious, pale little girl who didn't like to mix with other children.

Case by Alex Leupen

An assistant director (middle management, Silver series) of a school suffers from dizziness when reading and when turning over in bed. The ceiling seems to whirl around. He is a very intellectual type of man (Silver series) and very sensitive. He is nostalgic about the teaching (Silver series) he used to do.

When he was 15 he had a stomach ulcer, the main complaint being a great distension of the abdomen.


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