KALI ARS [Kali-ar]:

- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Fowler's Solution



Mucous membranes


Cardio-vascular system

Nerves. Solar plexus


Every tissue generally


COLD : air, drafts, becoming feet getting

Change of temperature or weather

Warmth (itching)

Becoming heated

Every other day, morning: 1-3 am (Ars.); 2-3 am

Uncovering, Noise


Milk. Ice-cream. Quinine

Walking (fast). Motion

Exertion. Touch. Ascending

Suppr. sweat, eruptions



Rainy days



Skiny. Chilly. Exudative. Neurotic

Calcareous. Cachectic. Psoro-syphilitic

Highlights : A very deep and long-acting medicine. Complaints associated with eruptions of long before, or at present. Tendency towards malignancy. Takes cold easily, from drafts, from being heated and then chilled. Inveterate skin diseases.

Make-up : Chilly, nervous, restless, anemic. Puffy under the eyes. Pale, waxy, clammy. Emaciated, old-looking. Lack of vital heat, a constitutional coldness with aversion to and (<) from everything cold. Wants very warm clothing and warm room even in Summer (Psor.). Averse to open air. Coldness of many parts. Gouty. Neurotic. Nerves : Tremors; from loud noise or 'sudden unexpected motion.' Numbness in limbs. Tingling in limbs. Weakness, as in pts. heading towards phthisis, Bright's disease (or gout); unwilling to move (opp. Ars.). Sensitive to touch, to noise, esp. voice. Convulsions, with consciousness, clonic. Epilepsy (all KALI'S). Hysterio-epilepsy. Paralysis. Rheumatic, gouty and syphilitic pains; (<) at change of weather. Pains burning, stitching. "Itching, jerking, twitching, burning, nausea and constriction." Pulsation all over body. Gouty nodosities; (<) change of weather. Fissures about flexures of joints. Catarrhal inflammation and ulceration of mucous membranes. Blood : Anemia. Chlorosis. Pale and waxy complexion, with sweat. Veins of legs varicose. Dropsies : Ascites. Oedema of chronic nephritis or myocardial weakness (Ars.); under eyelids, of face, of limbs (with rheumatic stiffness). Discharges : Bloody, yellow, offensive. Muscles flabby. Glands atrophy. Bones and other tissues necrose. Inflammations in many organs and glands; esp. stomach, liver, kidneys. Fatty degenerations (all KALI'S). Growths : Small nodules under skin. Warts grow rapidly. New growths; lupus; epithelioma; cancerous ulceration; skin cancer, where suddenly an alarming malignancy sets in without any external signs. Presents a good picture of malignancy coupled with a h/o eruptions. Parakeratosis (horniation) of corns, warts. An Ars. minus its temperament (fastidious, austere, miser, greedy), and plus calcareous (gout) and other Kali features (like rheumatism), and a prominent skin phase. Select Particulars Mind : Conscientious; emphasis on morality. Nervous, anxious and restless, contentious, curt, jealous, oversensitive etc. like Ars. Neuropathia : nervous tremors from a loud noise or a sudden motion; globus hystericus.Apprehension in pit of stomach from emotions. Head : Headaches : gastric, catarrhal; chronic periodic sick headaches, after suppr. eruptions or malaria; toxic, uremic. Worse : uncovering head, cold (opp. Ars.), sleep, lying down, eating. Better : hot drinks, warm wrapping, heat. Hot head, cold limbs. Eyes : Brilliant, glassy, fishy, protruding. Veins injected, eyeballs fixed, with dyspnea. Cornea: spots on; ulceration. Lids : lower swollen (upper Kali-c.). Ears : Pain (<) evening and night, cold air, (>) heat. Tinnitus and deafness; after quinine.

Nose: Chronic catarrh; since childhood. Discharge offensive, acrid, bloody, yellow-green, burning. Sneezing frequent and violent.

Face : Expression: anxious, frightened, startled, staring. Looks sickly, haggard, pinched, sunken and oldish; pale and waxy; muddy. Periodical pain (neuralgic or rheumatic).

Acne, pustular, (<) during menses. Boils. Rash. Nodular eruptions. Epithelioma. Mouth : Aphthae. Vesicles. Ulcers. Toothache (<) eating, menses, cold. Tongue : inflammation, swelling (or feels swollen); burning; dry; clean red like raw beef, coated on edges only. Taste abnormal. Dry. Salivation. Throat : Choking, with saliva. Globus, (>) eructations. Dry and sore; burning; torn as if; ulcerated.

Stomach : Desires: sour, sweet, warm things. Averse to food, meat. Worse after : fats, cold food and drinks, milk, ice-cream (when overheated). An anxious, or empty sinking sensation (when faintness) from pit of stomach to spine, with palpitation. Obstinate forms of gastritis, acute or chronic. Intense nausea with most complaints, during pregnancy, (<) cold things. Abdomen : Enteritis and ulceration. Peritonitis. Tympanitic distension. Dropsy. Liver painful; jaundice; gall-stone colic. Catarrh of colon (mucous colitis). Rectum : Burning; with piles, (<) walking. Diarrhea (<) night, after midnight, milk, cold drinks. Constipation. Urinary : Nephritis (all KALI'S), cutting and stitching pains, oedema; Addison's disease. Bladder: catarrhal inflammation. Incontinence. Not finished sensation. Male : Syphilis. Testes hard, painful, swollen. Erections feeble. Seminal emissions. Female : Itching. Burning. Leucorrhea offensive, acrid, burning. Menses: acrid, offensive, scanty; absent or suppr. Cauliflower excrescences, with flying pains, pressure below os pubis and stinking discharge. Cancer of uterus (palliative). Mammae: milk suppr. Respiratory : After suppr. eruptions hoarseness, aphonia. Asthma, (<) every other day, 2-3am, touch, noise. Cough: wet in morning, dry at night; choking, asthmatic cough, in cold, anemic subjects; with fever; gastric; spasmodic; (<) 2-3 am, cold. Expectoration muco-purulent with specks of blood. Tropical eosinophilia, fever from 4 pm. lasting all night, cough worse during fever, after eating and again 2-4 am; pt. has black otorrhea (is warm blooded), allergic to dust, thirstless; (>) in wet weather.

Chest : Constriction. Oppression. Inflammation of lungs; pleura (with effusion).Threatened phthisis, pt. with unmanageable chilliness.

Heart : Endocarditis. Pericarditis. Anxious and violent palpitation; with nephritis, with anxiety in stomach. Cardiac and anemic murmurs.Myocardial weakness; dropsy. Pulse weak, small, imperceptible; contracted; rapid.

Back : Cold and sensitive to cold air. Stiffness. Much pain and tenderness down spine. Spinal irritation.

Locomotor : Rheumatic and neuralgic pains in limbs; during chill, in cold air, (>) heat. Limbs numb and tingle. Aching in (r.) shoulder and elbow joints followed by herpetic eruption. Skin of arms thickens and roughens (of soles, Ars.). Gouty nodosities.

Sciatica, extending downwards. Muscular contraction of knees. Crampy feeling in legs, with partial loss of motion and sensation, livid in places, tending to slough.

Sleep : Restless, disturbed, by horrid dreams. Late falling to. Yawning. Sleeps with one hand over the heart region. Skin : Most troubles have a skin phase or base. Neuro- skins. Allergic skins. Dry, wilted (dull), wrinkled, inelastic; muddy, cicatrices (of eczema) remain dark-coloured.

Chronic dry eczema, scales (larger than of Ars.), intense itching (<) night, warmth (of bed), walking, undressing, on uncovered parts. Herpes: papules, then vesicles, then pustules which dry up into scabs. Herpes zoster. esp.r. Psoriasis. Rash. Lichen confluens. Intertrigo. Boils; to remove the tendency. Exanthemata. Erysipelas. Lepra (vulg.?). Epithelial cancer. Phagedenic ulcers, with deep base and turned up edges, ichorous, black, offensive discharge.

Thermic : Chill and coldness dominate; even during fever. Internal heat with external chill or coldness.Temperature intense or subnormal. Sweat profuse, cold, offensive, from weakness, slight exertion like eating; with chill; in chronic cases. But otherwise absent.

Chronic intermittent fever; after abuse of quinine. Febrile complaints after suppr. of sweat from entering a cold damp room or cellar. Hectic fever. Scarlatina: brain and kidney affected; coma alternating with delirium; subsultus; renal elements (casts) in urine, oedema pulmonum with uremic symptoms (cp.Ter.).

Relations : Compare: Ars., Carc., Chin., Kali-sil., Psor., Rad- m., Rumx., X-ray.

Kali-a. may be a member of the radio-active group (Cal-fl., Phos., Plb-m., Stron-c. etc.).

Antidote : Kali-i. (to overdosing).


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