- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Bushmaster or Surucucu









Solar plexus

Cellular tissues




Glands; sex


Mucous membranes

Alimentary (G.-I.)


Urogenital (G.-U.)

Respiratory (B.-P.)

Side: L,: l. to r. (throat, chest, cranium)

L. upper, r. lower

R.: liver, appendix sciatica to l.



A. Depressing factors

HEAT : Spring. Summer

Autumn. Sun


Bath (fainting)

Foods. Drinks

Cold : Weather. Snow

Food. Drink

Weather : Extremes of. Changes of Warm wet Cloudy. Stormy. Windy

Closed places


Before discharges, flow, menses


Periodically :


Morning, waking

Morning to evening

Evening to morning

12 N to 12 M;

12 M to 12 N

1 to 3 am or pm

Every 12 hours or

their multiples

Alternate days,

nights, months

Every 4,7,10, 14 days

Moon (?)

Monthly, 1/2 yearly



During sleep, siesta; latter part of; on awaking from Worse (contd.)






Swallowing; empty; liquids (Long) after eating

Drugs: quinine, ' metals, chemicals, organic, narcotics, synthetic vitamins, alcohol, tobacco

Bad foods, odors, sour

Slight touch

Pressure of clothes

Mental trauma, mortification constraints, jealousy, grief, shock, etc.

Aloneness at night

B. Depletions Emissions Sexual excesses Hemorrhages


A. De-tension


Free secretions incl. seminal, katabolic waste, eruptions, deflation, epistaxis etc.

stool, rain-pour Catharsis divesting, diversion, venting, weeping, talking, change, end of eclipse end of winter

Clear weather


Rest; while asleep (esp. early)

Sitting bent

Bathing part (cold or hot)


B. Stimulation


Open air. Light


Slow fan

Cold bath (though averse)

Better (contd.)

B. Stimulation (contd.)

Warm room (chill)

Warm or cold (throat)

Warm foment.

(forehead, teeth, abdomen, skin)

Keeping awake and occupied

Pleasant atmosphere

Hard pressure (Chin.)

Rubbing, stroking, reassuring, patting

While eating; citrus fruits, coffee

Normal thermic food, drink, bath


Hypersensitive. Tactophobic. Hysterical

Hemmed in. Heliophobic. Hypnophobic

Hydrophobic. Hemotoxic. Hemorrhagic. Blue

Purple. Destructive. Venous. Phthisic. Tense

Animal characters

1. Snake : sensitive animal; intolerance of anybody coming nearby

2. Snake : nocturnal reptile

3. Snake : sluggish in morning hours

4. Snake : life more secluded

5. Snake : moves quickly

6. Snake : poisonous animal

7. Snake : sensory pits between eyes and nostrils sense from a long direction

8. Snake : sensitive to touch and vibration

9. Snake : sensitive to heat

10. Snake : cold to touch

11. Remains curled and silent in Winter

12. More furious and poisonous when hungry

13. Snake: sheds its skin in spring

14. Snake : gets attracted to fire

15. Tongue : constantly darting in and out

16. Snake : bifid tongue

17. Snake : coils itself from left to right. Most of the organs situated on left side

18. Neck of snake : constricted, thinner portion. Most vulnerable to catch

19. Lies quiescent but ready at the slightest provocation to bite

20. Snake bite : application of ice

21. Snake bite : application of tight tourniquet

22. Incision at the spot - to let out the blood and venom

23. Snake bite : circulation

24. Snake bite : localised and generalised blueness

25. Snake (Python) : able to swallow even large creatures (solids)

26. Holding snake, it tries to raise the head up

27. Snake bite - the victim is not allowed to sleep, but to walk

28. Voluntary movements of snake-consecutive waves of contraction

29. Snake poison: mixture of neurotoxic blood coagulating, hemolytic, cardiotoxic, cytolytic, proteolytic enzyme characters

30. Said that snake takes a revenge

31. Snake : religious,

God: Shiva

Mythology : symbol

32. Snake: moves in zig-zag

33. Stools : black, offensive

34. Can't recognize male or female for coitus.

35. In esotoric traditions the coiled serpent energy, solid to be and sexual type.

Remedy characters

Hypersensitive : mind, body

Mental activity, (<) night (<) Morning Misanthropy, secretive Desire to travel;quick actions Mind : poisoned - jealousy, suspicion etc. Clairvoyant; prophesying (<) Touch, (<) noise (<) Sun, Summer, heat, hot drinks Coldness of affected parts (>) Winter, (<) Summer (<) Fasting, (>) eating after

(<) Spring Dreams of fire Trembling of tongue, of whole body, flow of speech-irrelevant Patient uses double the number of words or repeats words, duplicacy Left sidedness. Complaints go from left to right Neck prominently affected; sensation of constriction; cervical spondylosis, eczema, carbuncles etc. Slighest triggers-explosion. Impulsive. Like a volcano. Thought passion obsession compulsion action (>) Cold air, application, bath, fan

(>) Hard pressure

(>) Discharges in general;

(>) menses, bleeding,

(<) suppression of discharges, (<) before and after menses, (<) climaxis Action more on circulatory apparatus Cyanosis : central, peripheral; ulcers, eruptions etc. bluish (>) Solids

Upward direction of symptoms Ascending effects (<) During, after sleep All sphincter areas, throat, cardia, anus, tubular muscular walls, GIT, blood vessels, spastic contractions Action vividly expressed as the poison Vindictive; malacious, revengeful Religious; control of super-human being; mania; repetition of mantras (chanting); obsessions Thinking not straight Discharges-blackish, offensive Homosexual. Perverted sex Sexually oriented. Passionate. (>) coition after. Sex is regarded as the only expression of love.

Highlights : Constrictions (mental and physical). Sensitive mind and surface. Blue in mind and surface. Sleep has a special role (agg. in lower schemes, amel. in higher). Flushes of heat. Disintegration. Septicemia.

Make-up : Nervo-bilious.Bilious-lymphatic.Tubercular. Mercurio- syphilitic. Syco-syphilitic (Kali-i. is syphilo-sycotic).

Weak, emaciated, indolent. Vascular; the aged with (cerebro-) vascular ageing, but not senile otherwise. Venous (Aesc.). The aged (apoplexy etc.) facing young wives (Agar., Nat-m., Onos.). Psychopathic; melancholy (i.e. blue, choleric), unhappy, suspicious, jealous, impatient. Neurasthenic, but not neurotic. Lively, affable, sharp, even ecstatic. Generally out-spoken, but may be reticent also (due to inhibitions).

Worse : Whatever restricts or enforces. Better: whatever detends, expands, radiates, stimulates or releases (e.g. diversion, conversation, pleasant company, giving love, philanthropy, social work, creative ventilation). Even discharging, secretions; coitus amel.

Actions : It is a tensive (irritative) depressant. On nerves- Vagus (irritation in throat, larynx, bronchi, gastrum, heart). Neurotoxy (prostration, convulsions, unconsciousness, paralysis, like Zinc.). Haemotoxy (decomposition, hemorrhages, abscesses, malignant inflammations and suppurations, gangrene, pyemia, sepsis (cp. Am-c., Bufo)). Local inflammation with secondary blood-infection (and nervous prostration) in visceral organs: gastritis, hepatitis, peritonitis, appendicitis, cystitis, metritis, oophoritis, mastitis, laryngitis; also meningitis (cp. Med., Rhus-t.).

Blood : Hemorrhages of decomposed black blood looking like charred straw on settling, or contains dark particles, and perhaps occult too, like coffee-grounds; vicarious; after suppr. scabies. Blood-decomposition and tissue de-generation, with peculiar nervous phenomena. Purple or bluish affected or pressed parts, face, gums, tongue, sordes, inflamed parts etc. Cyanosis; congenital, with patent foramen ovale; (<) during sleep. Blackish eyes, face, diphtheric membrane, vomit, stool, urine, sordes, blood, edges of ulcers, pustules; melanosis (dark blotches in the aged). Scorbutic; spongy gums; ulcers. Fungus haematodes. Purpura hemorrhagica; ecchymoses, extravasations, petechiae. Uremia (see Urinary). Varicosis. Nerves Pains : Constricting. Bursting. Throbbing. Hammering. Burning. Twinges, (flatulent) in abdomen, chest or head. Play between localities. Periodical. Intermittent. Shifting. In spots. At climacteric. With voluptuous feelings (Gins.). Universal Commotion : Trembling general, internal; of hands, legs. Formication; crawlings, in head (l.). Tingling in l. arm (splenic flexure syndrome), hands, toes, genitals, nose, face.Twitchings. Pulsations and wave-like sensations (orgasms) or surgings (in chest. See ears). Sudden jerkings; during sleep.Cramps (occasional). Rolling eyes. Rolling tongue. Chorea (l.); paralytic; with ulceration; after ear-puncture. Violent convulsive hiccoughs. Numbness, I. arm; (<) pressure; during sleep; in heart trouble. Hysterical nervous exaltation and trembling; any news, excitement or harsh word agg. (cramps in abdomen and chest, sinking, faintness). Frightened by a snake years ago; now the child hates mother and shrinks from strangers (a conversion hysteria). Convulsions : from pains or abscess; during chill; puerperal; h/o sunstroke; with spurting. Begins in (or violent in) : legs, in face (l.). Falls to l. side. None while awake, agg. fatigue. Epilepsy : Sexual (excitement, onanism, excesses, emissions, hypersex, disappointed love). Traumatic (bite, blows, sunstroke). From jealousy etc. Before exanthem, leucorrhea or menses appear. At climacteric. After suppr. (or pain stopping in) abscess, ulcer or caries. Aura : confusion, vertigo, sizzling in forehead, pale face, eructations, flatulence, heart discomfort or palpitation, mouse running (or formication) down spine, or up uterus to throat, cold feet (and during). Catalepsy : from jealousy, disappointed love, during (scanty) menses, at climacteric; with cold upper lip. Fainting spells; with vertigo, nausea, dyspnea, cold sweats; from warm bath; during heart pain; at climaxis. A general weak, sick feeling, morning on waking; in bed (Agar.). Weakness, even to sinking; with (? im-) perceptible heart beats. Rapidly growing prostration; after confinement etc. Feeling as if the body was overwhelmed by a disintegrating process, with sinking of vital forces. Exhaustion; physical (followed by) mental weakness in morning; after a night of ecstasy. Weakness, vertiginous, from indigestion or flatulence. W. (rising from) abdomen, after sleep. Agg. heat, Sun or weather vagaries, after pneumonia etc. Incipient paralysis. P. (l.) after apoplexy, diphtheria, cold exposure or extremes of temperature, cerebral exhaustion, typhoid. P. with heaviness, stiffness (and numbness) of limbs. Toxic paresis in typhoid, whitlow, dissecting (Pyro.). Functional P. : deglutition, speech; stool or urine involuntary. Paresis; of lower jaw; of l. arm, (<) morning. Tottering gait; paraplegia. Tissues Lax tissues : (flatulent) hernias (Lyc., Syph.). Prolapses: rectum, uterus, vagina. Para - oesophagal hiatus hernia (Lyc.). Cellulitis, with burning and blue skin (Tarn-c.). Infiltration of cellular tissue. Orbital cellulitis with sloughing. Emaciation : Arms, legs, nates (Bar-m.); with suffering and weakness; with insanity. Dropsies : From liver, spleen, kidney, heart disease; after pleurisy, scarlatina, abuse of iron. Anasarca, with ecchymosis. Ascites. Oedema: (brain), face, lungs, wrists, ankles, feet from sour (l. first). Elephantiasis, with ulceration. Exudates and debris of inflammations, to dry up and absorb (Kali-i.). Glands : Hard; testes, ovaries, mammae. Buboes. Mucous membranes: Dry (on waking), eyes, throat: with ulcerated margins; hemorrhagic (Ailan.). Discharges: copious, ropy, acrid, offensive, membranous. Bone : (Peri-) ostitis. Caries. Necrosis; also of tendons; in whitlow. Joints: sprained pain; osteo-arthritis. Nails ? Fissures; between toes. Fistulas: lachrymal; rectal. Calcareous tendency : has tartar on teeth and sand in urine (hence suggested in gall-stone or renal colic); is yet not definite on gout. All the 3 make a remedy calcareous. Growths : Polypi; fleshy growth in (l. side of) vagina. Wens (sebacious cysts). Tumor on back. Hard tumors. Erectile tumors; bleeding. Brain tumors. Pterygium. Subcutaneous papilloma (rice- bodies). Warts; fleshy; hard; painful; infectious (molluscum contagiosum). Breakdown, disintegration; general tendency to subcutaneous decomposition and ulceration. Inflammations and ulcers, or (strangulated) hernias turn gangrenous. Degenerations : Brain softening; dementia after surgery (e.g. of anal fistula, uterus or phimosis). Liver: softening; nutmeg. Sclerosis : early progressive posterior spinal sclerosis (locomotor ataxia); awkwardness of hands and feet (fumbling, stumbling), mild incoordination; laryngeal crises of. Myelitis; spondylitis; spinal irritation. Broadly however, destruction prevails over degeneration. Malignancies : Cancer; of syphilitics, drunkards, chimney- sweepers (lupus). Of eyes, lips, tongue, oesophagus, stomach, bowels, ovary, uterus. Scirrhus, of rectum, mammae. Melanotic. Colloid. Encephalomoid. Other Features 1. Oversensitive peripheral nerves; will not bear a touch even on hair, or a cloth around neck, abdomen, wrist, legs. A diffused sensitiveness (Kali-i.). More l. side (Crot-h. r. side). Sensitiveness to external impressions (noise, odors, light, esp. sun, heat, but also to cold as in teeth); to vibrations of riding in (closed) cars. Aversion to touch of water (bath etc.), but bath invigorates; (lukewarm for bath is welcome); will not drink unless it is cold. 2. Sleep : Agg. during / after sleep, a symptom from bite persisted also in the proving. Agg. in Spring is equivalent to agg. on waking after sleep (or the cosmic sleep of hibernation) of Winter. There is also an amel. from asleep esp. in higher tissues (equivalent to amel. from detension). 3. Constriction; causes paraphimosis, infarction, gangrene. 4. Associating symptoms : Heart with headache and/or amblyopia or other troubles. Faintness with vertigo, nausea or angina. Coldness with most complaints. Pain in tibia with quinsy, hepatitis, dysentery or typhoid. With alimentary complaints amblyopia or lumbago. Albuminuria in various diseases. Toothache with pain in opposite limb. Dysphonia with diarrhea ('sermo abdominalis'), flatulent twinges; reflex aphonias. Nausea with prosopalgia. 5. Alternations : Sides of pain (like Lac-c. which has dreams of snakes). Heat (day) and coldness (night). Drowsiness and insomnia (each other day); similarly scanty and copious stools; scanty or none and copious menses. Diarrhea and constipation. Headache and pain elsewhere. Pains in limbs and pains elsewhere. Colic and chest pain. Skin and chest. Loquacity and rage (or irritability). 6. Anomalies : Less exhausted after a bad sleep than after a good. Physical troubles are worse during (later part of) sleep compelling to keep awake; continuing during day they (as also the stress of keeping awake and other tensions) find relief during early part of sleep. Swallowing liquids causes more pain than solids, empty swallowing still more. Stimulated while eating, depressed after. Radiate heat (<), contact heat (>). Sensitive to cold but not to cold drinks. Spring braces him up, but physical troubles dormant in Winter also come up then. Menses may flow on alternate days, or appear only in alternate months. Wants warm for bath and food, but cold for drinking.

7. The hysteria quartet : Hysteria, flatulence, rheumatism, heart is significant here too.

8. Metastasis : To brain from rectum, chest or skin.

9. Dryness: of eyes or throat (sans thirst) on waking. Of hands, fingertips.

10. Ascending effects : Colds, globus, chills, heat, pains.

11. Rapid onset : Prostration; rapidly growing intensity or malignancy.

12. Lump feeling in : Throat, liver, abdomen, rectum, bladder (Ab-n. Also a plug feeling like Anac.).

13. Poisoning from gas (sewer, autoexhaust, industrial) and ptomaine.

14. Lach. depicts the evolution:Thought Passion Obsession Compulsion Action.

15. Left sided or l. to r. troubles: Body bent to l. while walking; dragged to l. Tendency to fall to l. side (vertigo). Tongue bent to l. after apoplexy, typhoid. Penis slanted to l. R. sidedness of certain troubles (e.g. liver, appendix, sciatica etc.) not excluded.

Injuries : Shock: incessant sighing, rapid gasping respiration; cold forehead, ears, nose, giddiness and blindness, pulse thready and imperceptible. Poisoned wounds; from dissecting, surgery, post - mortems (Gunp., Pyro.), stings, bites, (of rattlesnake, mad dog) even years back. Sequelae : fever; fungus of dura mater; insanity. Gaping wounds. Skin around injured parts bluish green, purple, lead coloured, yellow (or black). Controls extravasation and helps absorption. Old cicatrices reopen, pain, bleed or turn fungoid. Straining of muscles; of back.

Signs of good reaction : Catarrhs. Epistaxis. Vomiting. Diarrhea. Sweat. Eruption. Expected outflow (menses; even hemorrhage).

Epilogue : Though discharges amel. in Lach. (as in Zinc.) it is not an elimination remedy (unlike Sul.) i.e. one which can reestablish external manifestations formerly wrongly suppressed. Yet it is a stop-gap constitutional remedy, sub-chronic (i.e. some what chronic) in character, at least so far as psora is concerned. Dr. M.B. Desai classes it as an acute and subacute remedy not relevant to deeper constitutional dyscrasias like gout, degenerations, sclerosis, growths, malignancies, tuberculosis etc., except to their results or fulgurating symptoms (a palliative in short). At any rate it does help in incipiency or early stage of organic damage and soothes in advanced cases. It thus serves as a bridge between Pul. and Arg- n., Pul. and Sil., Bufo and Crot-h., Bufo and Merc., Lyc. and Graph., Rhus-t and Caust., Phos. and Aur. and so on.

Mind : Paraphernalia of constraints or impaling : narrow- mindedness, jealousy, suspicion, malice or misanthropy; obsessions; e.g. fear of infection (hence prolonged hand-washing like Syph.); easy hatred; censorious; dictatorial (will not allow free life). Lastly melancholia and even insanity or religious dogmatism (a result of wrongly sublimated sex). Congesting-crowd- closed room hater (claustrophobia / agoraphilia); upset by every bondage, yearns uncaging. Or, rarely, a closed personality (introvert). Vivacious, high-spirited; or, indolent, easy-going. Fastidious, but careless. Immature, because of lack of free scope, the source of troubles mental, physical, moral; and the struggle ends with dementia (cerebral palsy). Migratory voluble deliriums; alcoholic. Smothered feeling from neglect or disgrace in an unaffable set-up.

Attacks of vanishing of thoughts (dementia), of senses (desentia), or even of personal identity; stupefied (blank, vacant) feeling (<) in morning on waking, followed by unsteadiness, also after surgery. Mental Make-up : Claims too high for one self. Cynic. Dynamic but jealous and suspicious and low-minded with a depressed undertone (like Indira Gandhi). Hard-hearted (syphilitic trait) and selfish (a psoric trait) but also subdued selfish with an altruistic trend / bent (like Phos.). Careful, meticulous (like Syph.), and adroit, vivacious, unlike Sul. Possessive. (Superstitious). Heterogenous. Darkness-shy. Also, romantic, joyous, ecstatic; liking pleasant company. Women : Sharp, active, affectionate but somewhat aggressive. Lack feminine grace, sweetness and charm, even unattractive, mannish. Or, mystic, of vivid poetic imagination (like Mahadevi Verma). Worn out multiparas by too frequent advances of their husbands (Sep.). Restlessness drives him into open air; and hurry. Psychogenic disorders: Prolonged grief. Jealousy. Anxiety. Shock. Upsets. Bad news. Vexations. Fright. Frustration. Disappointed love. Tensions. Mortification. Disharmony. Being neglected. Threat of unlived life (Sep.). Compensatory social workers. Select Particulars Head : Congestive (cerebral or gastric) vertigo, with reeling, swimming, staggering. Worse: Before convulsion, menses, stool.Looking up. Rising (Chel.). Stooping. In morning on waking. Sour things. Sudden motion of head. Various headaches, chiefly catarrhal (obstructed) or congestive (cerebral or hepatogastric: the toxic sick or tension headache). Rheumatic, epileptic, menstrual, solar, erethistic (vascular, like Ver-v.) or nervous. Cerebral irritation and inflammation; reflex from alimentary or genito - urinary tract. Brain : tumor, softening, traumatic fungus of dura mater. Cerebral ischemia, embolism. Eyes : Dry (and gritty) on waking. Intraocular inflammations and hemorrhages. Post - surgical, diphtheric, uremic and diabetic problems, e.g. orbital cellulitis, opacity, retinitis, cataract etc. Lachrymal fistula. Pterygium. Glaucoma. Cancer. Ears : Dry. Cold; sensitive to wind, to sounds and noises (though deaf to voice). Tinnitus; Meniere's disease. Pulsating-humming, as of a (fan or) machine. Sizzling-simmering as of boiling fat or tea. Nose : Ascending or descending colds, esp. (from a cold wave) in Spring; hay asthma. Epistaxis; in fevers, vicarious, in incipient t.b., (<) mornings. Red tip: in heart disease; of drunkards. Ozaena. Face : Red; purple and mottled; hectic flush; but pale before convulsion; greasy. Hot flushes; from chest to face; of drunkards; from stopped outflows; ascend into head (followed by tic). Mumps, l.; septic. Erysipelas; purple; with brain symptoms; septic. Pain; alternates with nausea. Teeth : Pain : during sleep or on waking; in Spring, or Summer; on getting wet; with oligomenia; (>) external heat; with heaviness of limbs, headache, alternate chills and hot flushed, cold ears. Sensitive; wisdom teeth. Carious. Brittle. Gums : bluish, scorbutic, sensitive.

Mouth : Stomatitis, aphthae; in nursing women; in (last stage of) t.b. Fetor. Saliva; stringy; in diphtheria, cancer. Tongue : brownish or red streak down the centre (Ver-v.), paralytic (affecting speech); dry, during sleep, with incarcerated flatulence; cracked tip; cancer. Sore mouth (ulcerative) in (last stage of) phthisis.

Throat : First and main target. Constriction, choking, as if the cravat were too tight (Agar.), even with half a spoonful of water (Lach.), stricture (<) touch, wrapping neck or warm drink. Sore throats: l. to r. or r. to l. Diphtheria (membrane purple, white or gray), debility from start or even before, D. carriers. Lump (or empty) feeling. Tonsillitis, quinsy. Uvula relaxed, elongated Ulcers : syphilo-mercuric, sloughing, (<) wet weather. Angina crouposa or nervosa; empty swallowing agonising, liquids (esp. cold) less painful, solids least (Sanic.). Regurgitation. Stomach : Desires: fat, cream, sweetened butter, ice-cream, sweets, dry food, cold drinks and (warm) food, pickles. Neutral to : sour, salt, warm drinks. Thirsty (or thristless) with aversion to drinking (a kind of hydrophobia). Cannot stand fasting; emptiness at 11 am, hungry sans real appetite; feels well while eating, but after it weak, drowsy and heavy in head with hot flushes. Dyspepsia, slow (or even suspended) digestion, alcoholic, mercurial or psychogenic, but better eating in pleasant company (a kind of stimulation). Worse after : Proteins. Tubers. Milk. Fibrous foods. Sour. Vegetables. Pulpy fruits (not sweet-sour juicy fruits). Stale-spoilt foods. Tea. Ice-cream. Fats (esp. ghee, sesame). Mush. Cold foods. Garlic. (Lyc. complementary here). Constant qualmish nausea, from iced drinks or milk. Vomiting black, green; in cholera; cerebral. Attacks of gastrosic headache, then of oppression in chest, then of vertigo (Sul.). Weak, sinking (or a lump) feeling in epigastrium; precancerous; (emotional) apprehension in. Or, fullness. Abdomen : Bilious attack; at climaxis. Gall-stone colic; septic gall bladder. Liver complaints: Abscess. Inflamed. Enlarged. Nutmeg L. Acute yellow atrophy. Jaundice: catarrhal; obstructive; uterine reflex. Sago (i.e. white-anemic) spleen. Flatulence; incarcerated, hours after eating, during sleep, with colic, bubbling or oppression (of chest); distension, tympanitic, ascending pain. Splenic or sigmoid flexure syndrome. Peritonitis. (Peri-) typhlitis. Appendicitis. Buboes. Enlarged, of young girls at puberty. Hernias; turning malignant. Pelvic cellulitis. Rectum : Proctitis; cellulitis (Rhus-t.); pain (<) standing, (>) lying, (>) sitting. Obstipation, even obstruction, with inertia. Pulsating pain; in piles, fistula, scirrhus. Offensive (even formed) stools.

Diarrhea. Dysentery, tenesmus after stool, with tibial pain (Rhus-t.). Dark (blackish red) stools. Stitches in. Prolapse.

Hemorrhoids : protuding; purplish; with hemorrhage (Lept.).

Urinary : Acute nephritis, with suffocation. Strangury (Tereb.). Cystitis; polyuria (<) lying or during sleep; or infrequent urination. Poor elimination from kidneys of nitrogenous waste concentrates in and poisons blood causing headache etc. (Urt.). Urine : bloody; black, in various dropsies; sugar; albumin, after infections, during pregnancy, with heart trouble; red sand, brick dust; high odor. Suppressed. Male : Chancres. (Para-) phimosis. Desire (<) after sleep. Varicocele. Orchitis. Ejaculation burns, tardy or absent. Female : Desire excited; luxurious convulsive thrills of delight (i.e. orgasms) run all through her; esp. during pains (cp. Bar- m.,Gins.). Nymphomania; tickling-jerking from thighs to genitals. Leucorrhea : Acrid, offensive, greenish, yellow, milky; worse exertion, before menses start; cause of sterility (Sep.). Dysmenorrhea: (Labour-like) pains on first day, (>) after flow starts freely (less flow, more pain).

Menses : Flow may appear on alternate days, or it may be scanty (or absent) and copious on alternate periods; or, the nisus itself may be feeble.

Before : Desire for open air; bulging waist; bruised feeling in hips; l. ovarian pain; vertigo; perhaps sore throat (like Mag- c.). During: cramps; a trance-like state. Blood: dark, clotted, (sometimes) membranous. Suppressed: from emotions; causes vicarious bleedings, rheumatic pains ('rheumatism of vagus') in throat, head, teeth, joints ('hysterical joints'), sciatic nerve. Such pains occur in metrorrhagia too (which is thin, unclotted).

Ovaries : Pain : after emotions, after confinement; in l. or l. to r.; ext. to heart; (<) motion (>) flow of menses (Lac-c.). Inflammation, with fever, pulsating pain. Suppuration. Induration. Cystic tumors. Sacculated (sac-like) ovarian disease. Cancer.

Uterus : Congested, with malposition or prolapse. Ulceration. Troubles after removal, e.g. paralysis, dementia.

Vagina : Prolapsed and strangulated; purple hue; gangrenous. Fistula; itching after menses; with leucorrhea.

Pregnancy : Veins swell up. Movements of foetus cause anxiety and faintness. Labour pains surge upwards, or cease suddenly with clutching at throat. Delayed labour, h/o snake-bite. After- pains. Lochia scanty, thin, ichorous. Milk thin, blue.

Climaxis : Hot flushed (by day and cold flushes at night); flooding; capillary circulation affected; fainting spells. Hot, burning vertex. Biliary derangements; jaundice. Anal fistula; hemorrhoids. Palpitations. Uterus congested or inflamed; hypertrophy of uterine wall; cancer, flooding, after grievous shock. Never well or whole since climaxis or after hysterectomy, at least worn out.

Mammae : Swollen, painful before menses (Bry.,Con.,Lac-c.).Pain in l., ext. to l. arm (Cimi.), with menstrual troubles. Inflamed. Tumor on (l.). Cancer, bluish or purple hue with blackish streaks. Fungus haematodes on. Nipples: erect, swollen, very tender, itching tetters on and around.

Respiratory : Epidemic laryngitis. Croup. Spasm of glottis, (<) on waking (Gels.). Voice stiffled, deep, hollow, gutteral, hoarse (cardiac). Aphonia in various troubles. Sensation as if breath would leave her when lying down, she must get up and walk (Am-c., Lac-c.). Dyspnea, with anguish, fainting, cold sweat, (<) night during sleep. Emphysema. Must sit erect or bent forwards with head thrown back. Asthma; after suppr. eruptions. Chronic dry coughs, reflex or nervous, cardiac, (<) in various weathers, attempting to speak (Cimi.). Bronchitis; capillary B.; tubercular; cardiac. Pneumonia, hepatization, l., typhoid state, brain symptoms, abscess or t.b., pleurisy during. Lungs: oedema, bleed, threatened paralysis, dropsy, gangrene. Chest : Oppression, with tachycardia, flatulent twinges (stitches), (<) prolonged talking, during sleep, towards morning, lying on r. side, (>) deflation. Rheumatic pains. Dropsy. Chest colds from banana, exposure of feet.

Heart and circulation : Nervous heart affections, sympathising with most other troubles; the so-called neurosis cordis. Senile hearts; cardiac insufficiency; perhaps also ischemia. Heart failure; post-diphtheric etc.

Peri-, Endocarditis; after diphtheria, scarlatina with rheumatic pains there.

Anxiety at heart; in sunstroke. Faint-weak feeling about heart, with (flushes of) heat up spine and flushings of face. Feels suspended or turning over. Full feeling in body with anxiety, on ascending, exertion, after stool, prolonged talking, or sudden; (>) with rise in temperature. Anxiety and faintness also from movements of foetus (or flatus); during precordial or chest pain.

Palpitation, nervous; in young hysterical girls or at climacteric, with faintness, giddiness, anxiety, choking, sweat, numb l. arm; (heart throbs) felt in head; tremulous palpitation and fluttering, (<) morning, on waking; while sitting; standing; resting; lying on back or l. side; after exertion; in warm room; warm soup. (>) sitting up or lying on r. side.

Shocks in cardiac region during sleep. Spasms in heart, with (aneurism of r. carotid and) pulsation in ears. Oppression; in sleep; during chill and heat; before menses; (>) deflations.

Constrictive, cramp-like pains (with palpitation and anxiety). Stitches in precordia. Rheumatic metastasis, pain, with restlessness, trembling, anxiety at heart, dyspnea, suffocation on lying down, oppression, fainting fits, hasty speech (or dysphonia), numb (or pain in) l. arm, cold sweat. Angina pectoris; also of pseudo-and sub-pseudo types in absence of retrosternal pains. Pain (>) by bending to, and pressing r. side; (<) emotions. Organic hearts : Fibrin deposits on surfaces of heart, valves and investing membranes; septic valvular vegetations. Hypertrophy (of l. ventricle). Dilatation of (r. or l.) ventricle, aorta, carotid. Patent foramen ovale. Fallot's tetralogy (i.e. narrowing of pulmonary artery, a septal defect between the ventricles, hypertrophy of r. ventricle and displacement of aorta to r.). Circulation uncertain : Heat flushes (in waves); headache in waves; a surging of waves (orgasms), surging (or waves) of pain; cold feet etc. Pulsations anywhere; in carotids ((<) l.) congestions. Dilated capillaries. Cerebral thrombo-embolism or apoplexy (Phos.). Orgasms; from any disagreeable news or citation, suspense, with restlessness, oppression, anxiety. Arteries : Atheromatous condition in old people (causing unstable angina, ischemia). I.H.D. Coronary thrombosis with myocardial infarct, and after (to prevent recurrence); resulting in gangrene, ischemia or chest wall syndrome. Chronic aortitis, with terrible dyspnea. Aneurism. H.B.P.; L.B.P. Pulse soft, weak, intermittent, irregular etc.; extra-systoles. Veins : Cyanosis; neonatorum (from P.F.O.); congenital. Phlebitis, secondary to ulcer. Varicose veins; of pregnancy; incipient gangrene (very blue); V. ulcers. Induration of veins and surrounding cellular substance. Venous stasis; with a direct paralytic like affection of medulla spinalis and a general anemia. Back : Neck sensitive, stiff; spondylitis. Myelitis; sprains; neuralgic affections, (>) inspiring. Lumbago; reflex; (<) acids, flatulence. Caries of (dorsal) vertebrae. Infiltration on back, limbs, with paretic formication.

Extremities : Rheumatism; annual. (Osteo-) arthritis. Arm : numb, weak; red streaks (whitlow); blue-black swelling; openings on, erysipelatous, necrosed, fistulous. Palms and soles burn at night (Sul.). Pain in the ulnar (or radial) side of l. forearm (Con.); in shoulder or upper arm (<) raising or bending arm backwards.

Sciatica; after suppr. menses; alternating with other pains. Milk leg (phlegmasia alba dolens). White swelling of knee. Hip- joint disease. Tibia pain with sore throat, hepatitis, dysentery; caries of.

Sleep : No comforter; hence dread of going to bed. Reflex sleeplessness. All sorts of dreams, wakes in a fright. Must uncover abdomen to get sleep. Sleepiness: P.M. (or insomny); from sun (Gel.).

Skin : Sensitive to touch, it leaves a blue patch like ecchymosis; in purpura tardy fitting up after removing pressure on it. Itching as from nettles (<) in Spring, in sunlight.

Exanthema : Measles black, or suppr. with typhoid state. Malignant pustules. Scarlatina.

Abscesses; to mature (like Hep.); necrosed whitlow; anthrax; sphacelus (degenerated tissues). Erysipelas: infantile or senile, alcoholic, septic. Sore spots turn fungoid. Cellulitis, with burning and blue skin. Carbuncles; erysipelatous, with multiple (pepper box) openings, purple surroundings, tardy suppuration from low vitality. Gangrenous blisters, black. Pemphigus. Gangrene senile, atherosclerotic, traumatic, diabetic.

Urticaria : From acids, tomatoes, juicy fruits; in spring, rains, autumn, solaric; similarly, erythema, herpes. Herpes zoster, neuralgia, burning.

Ulcers : Indolent; pimples, vesicles or small ulcers, and purple skin around; traumatic; gangrenous. Sloughing. Bed sores with black edges; general tendency to subcutaneous decomposition. Leprosy. Localized pyemia from reabsorption, with hectic fever. Cicatrices burn, reopen, bleed, turn red.

Thermic : Chill: begins in back; tertian or quartan; preceded by cold calves; nightly cold flushes with hot flushes during day. Cold limbs with most complaints. Icy cold feet: after warm bath (with stupefaction); with (internal) heat; on walking in sun. Fever rises during or after sleep with shivering; preceded by headache or stitching in throat. Feverish coldness; (<) morning, on waking.

Catarrhal or gastro-catarrhal fevers. Septic, puerperal fevers, with convulsions. Low asthenic fevers. Slow, chronic fevers. Anual. Yellow fever. Ptomaine or sewer gas poisoning. After sour foods. Irritative, nervous fevers; after worry.

Typhoid : rambling loquacity, black tongue and sordes (also purple), swollen glands; typhoid state skin cold and clammy; lastly, paralysis of l. limb. Dyspepsia after it.

Intermittents : after fright; after sour; returns every spring after suppr. by quinine. Prodrome - thirst. Apyrexia-complete relief, but weakness esp. in morning on rising.

Relations: Antidotes : Alum.,Ars.,Bapt.,Bell.,Carb-v., Card.,Cedr., Chin., Cic., Cham., Cocc., Coff., Hep., Led., Lyc., Merc., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Op., Ph-ac., Sep., Sul.

Complementaries : Alum.,Ant-c., Ars., Asaf., Aur., Bac., Bar- m., Calc., Cal-fl., Cal-s., Carb-v., Caust., Chel., Con., Crot- c., Fl-ac., Gel., Grap., Hep., Iod., Kali-c., Kali-i., Lyc., Med., Merc-i-r., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Phos., Psor., Ran-b., Sep., Sil., Stram., Sulph., Sul-i., Syph., Tarn., Thuj., Thyr., Zinc., Zin-i.

Lyc. is chronic of Lach., a chronic of Merc. which is the chronic of (and deeper-acting than) Merc-c.

Counterparts (i.e. mostly similar but opposite in some respects): Agar., Ap., Arg-n., Ars., Bufo., Calc., Chel., Cimi., Fl-ac., (Guaco.), Ign., Lil-t., Lyco., Lyss., Phos., Phyt., Pul., Pyro., Rhus-t., (Sep.), Tarn.

Some other similars : Ail., Am-c., Ant-a., Aris-c., Aster., Bapt., Bart., Both., Caust., Con., Gel., Glo., Grap., Grin., Iod.,Lac-c., Merc-i-r., Nux-m., Sul-ac., Sul-i., Sumb., Trin., Ust.

Acutes : All-s., Am-c., Amyl-n., Ars., Bell., Carb-v., Chel., Echin., Nux-v., Phos., Pul., Rhus-t., Stram.

Pairing well with Lach. are- Chel., Con., Fl-ac., Kali-i, Kali-n., Lyc., Nux-m., Pho., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Sul., Syph.

Trios : Lach - Lyc.- Graph. Sul.- Lach.- Lyc. Lach.-Lyc.- Sul. Lach.- Phos.- Lyc. Lach.- Sil.- Fl-ac. Bell.- Bry.- Lach. Bry- Lach.- Lyc. (like Pul.- Sul.- Fl-ac.).

Bry. develops into Lach. (or Merc. or Tarn.). Lach. may require Bry. later.

Mild snakes : Arg-n., Card., Kali-i., Pul., Sul-ac., Ust.

Chemical snakes : Am-c.

Close-ups of Lach. : Bufo., Raph.

Collaterals (i.e. very much similar) : Carl., Coty., Nux-m., Phos., Raph., Sul-i.

Greater neurotoxics : Am-c., Crot-c., Merc., Nux-m., Zinc.

Inimical : Acet-ac., Am-c., Carb-ac., Dul., Fl-ac., Nit-ac., Psor., Sep.

Antidoted by : Alum., Bell., Cedr., Cocc., Coff., Hep., Merc., Nit-ac., Nux-v.,Ph-ac., Sep.

Agar. is a psoric Lach.

Arg-n. is the Lach. of Nat-m. people; it walks out, while Lach. talks out (Kali-i. doing both) tensions.

Bufo and Cimi. are sycotic Lach.

Aged Lach. may need Graph.

Lach. has like Sep. the distinction of mediating between many remedies, acute and chronic; it is virtually a pivotal remedy, a hub so to say.

It antidotes : Bufo, Cedr., (Chloramphenicol),Croh-h., Echi., Pyro., Rhus-t., Tarn.

Crot-h. presents a further deterioration than that of Lach. the break-down is there complete. It is r. sided. (<) at beg. of sleep. Blood is dark and thin or stringy (like Croc.). Heart sympathises with pains (but with less extensive damage).

Lach. seems to be the central remedy for the trio : Sul.- Calc.- Lyc.

Fl-ac. a decisive synergist to Lach. pushes its work further in destruction and finishes it just as in degenerations Kali-i (e.g.) continues its work and Calc-f. (e.g. again) finishes it. Fl-ac. is not inimical to Lach. as sometimes considered.

Gels. is a sycotic Lach., a vegetable Lach.


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