Lithium phosphoricum [Lith-p]:

- Jan Scholten

This remedy is also virtually unknown.


Lithium Phosphoricum

Changeable Communication

Impulsive Naive Sympathetic

Manic depressive Brothers

Worthless Friends Neighbours

Weak willed Learning Curious

Unthinking Travelling

Easily influenced Homesick


Group Analysis

Changeable in communication.

Doing anything to communicate.

Changeable thoughts and ideas.

Changeable in learning.

Doubting own ability to learn.

A changeable brother.

Doubting ones friends.

Changing friends.

Naive towards friends.

Worthless travels.

Feeling worthless because of homesickness.

Picture of Lithium phosphoricum

Essence: changeable in communication.

Changeable in communication

They are unsure of themselves, but they still like to make contact with others. This makes them throw themselves into any communication in an impulsive way. Spontaneously and rather naively do they try to make new friends. But they don't think about what they are saying, so that others often look puzzled and turn away. This makes them feel they are not good enough and they get depressed.

Changeable in learning.

This is an area where they are very changeable, one moment they are very enthusiastic and the next moment they have lost interest in the subject. Sometimes their school results are excellent, and at other times it looks as if they haven't understood a thing.

They can also suffer from blackouts. They are easily distracted when something interesting is happening somewhere else. Because their school results vary so much they feel they are no good at learning, this may be aggravated by criticism from teachers on their methods of studying. This feeling of being a failure can also be caused if they are left handed and they are forced to learn to write with the other hand.

A changeable brother A possible variation on the theme is having a changeable brother or sister. They just don't know where they are with regard to him or her. One moment they are getting on fine and the next moment they can't talk with him or her anymore. Or they may find themselves in the extreme situation of having a manic depressive brother. Then they wont know at all where they stand. They may feel they are doing everything wrong, although they don't know what exactly. Such a situation at home may cause them to develop a low self image.

Changeable as a brother

They themselves can also be very changeable in their behaviour towards their brothers and sisters. They can either be very spontaneous in their interaction, or they shut themselves off completely. Deep down they feel quite worthless so they don't dare to show too much of themselves to other members of the family. This can be caused by various circumstances, such as having divorced parents for instance, and having lots of half brothers or sisters around so that they feel there is no solid base to rely upon: one week their half brother is there for them and the next week he is not. It can make them feel that this is happening because of their own short comings.

Changing friends

Their relationship with friends is similar to that with their brothers. They like to make contact, they throw themselves into the friendship, but they are easily disappointed when something goes wrong. They don't see their own part in this, they are too naive to see how they come across. When their friends express some criticism or go away they feel rejected and worthless. They get depressed and don't want to know them anymore. But after a while they feel the urge for communication again so they go out once more to try and find new friends.

Feeling worthless because of homesickness

They like travel, new situations, new people to meet. They can be very impulsive in their search for new people. One day they suddenly decide they want to travel to new places again and off they go. Unfortunately they are quickly disappointed if they don't immediately find what they are looking for. They hadn't really planned it properly in the first place, so they often end up in the wrong places with the wrong people. Then they get homesick and they feel worthless and frightened in this place that is all wrong.


Fear: vague, unknown, life, friends, future, travelling, flying, crowds, failure, alone, dark, thunder (!), twilight, disease and death of family and friends; appearing and disappearing fast; easily frightened.

Mood: nervous, restless, discontent, excited, impulsive, manic, hysterical, depressed, listless, meaningless, timid, unsure, indecisive.

Mentally: curious, restless, lively fantasies, confusion, slowness, problems orientating, dementia, psychoses, schizophrenia, dissociations.

Contacts: (>) company, new contacts, talks, (>) support of a strong father figure.

Hobbies: travelling, games.

Causes: loss of friends, brothers or sisters, moving house.


Type: thin, tall, red hair, obese.

Locality: right.

Weather: cold, sensitive to thunderstorms.

Perspiration: profuse.

Time: (<) 1 am and 9 pm. Desires: spices, salt, fish (3), ice-cream, sweet, chocolate, chicken, cold drinks (2), coffee, tobacco. Aversion: salt, fish, oysters. Food: (<) fruit, chocolate. Menses: profuse. Sleep: on right side; (>) short sleep, sleepwalking; sleeplessness.

Physical: (<) motion, walking, lying on left side; (>) rubbing; (<) cats, odours, wool, (<) light; (<)(<)(<)radiation, chemotherapy. Complaints Burning pains. Haemorrhages of bright red blood. Petechia, cerebral haemorrhage. High fevers. Retarded growth. Neurological complaints, shocks, hyperventilation. Weakness combined with nervousness. Vertical hemiopia (!). Migraine, pain above lateral side of right eye. Hypothyroidism, goitre. Cardiovascular diseases (3). ECG abnormalities. Trembling hands, muscular jerking at night, tremor, ataxia. Affections of lymph glands. Salivation; metallic taste. Affections of lungs, bronchitis, asthma. Tuberculosis. Vomiting (<) drinking. Nausea, vomiting, stomach pains (>) eating. Stomach ulcer.

Diarrhoea, stinking, (<) fruit, (<) chocolate, (<) night.

Constipation, pain around the navel; sloshing feeling in abdomen.

Sterility, little milk, miscarriages.

Kidney problems (3), stones in kidney, bladder (3), uremia, frequent and copious urination.

Bone problems, growing pains, rachitis, osteoporosis.

Arthritis, gout.

Tingling fingertips.


Acne, psoriasis, itching, hairloss, increased secretion of sebaceous glands, herpes, seborrhoeic eczema.

DD: Carbon series, Silicium series, Stages 1, 10, 11-15, Sulphuricums, Carlsbad, Crocus, Hydrogen, Lachesis, Tabacum, Titanium, Vanadium, Vitamin B12.


An 8 year old boy suffers from diarrhoea. The stools smell badly.

He has a high temperature (40 degrees C), with vomiting and apathy. This often happens around 1 O'clock in the morning.

Sometimes the diarrhoea is alternated by constipation and pains around the navel. He has a feeling as if water is sloshing in his stomach. All this is being caused by problems at school. He feels he is under a lot of pressure. He has to learn to write with his right hand, although he is lefthanded. Learning in itself is no problem for him, but he gets easily distracted. One moment he is doing very well, the next moment his performance is far below standard. He needs strict rules. he doesn't like to talk about these things because it makes him feel he isn't good enough.

He loves computer games, he is a computer fanatic.

he has petechia on his cheeks and upper eyelids. His nose gets blocked when he lies on his back and it makes him grunt like a piglet.


The causes being learning problems at school makes us think of Phosphorus. But an added typical symptom is that he will perform very well one moment and very badly the next. This strong alternation makes us think of Stage 1, and of Lithium in particular. The alternation between having to write with the right hand, but being left handed on the whole also fits with Lithium. This leads us to Lithium phosphoricum.

Other Phosphoricum symptoms: high fever, petechia, apathy. Other Lithium symptoms: diarrhoea alternating with constipation.


One month after Lithium phosphoricum 1M he is much happier at school. His concentration is much better and his level of performance is much more even. His complaints have disappeared.


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