- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.



Neuro-musculature (of co-ordination)

Nerves of brain and spine esp, posterior spinal roots

Less on blood (unlike Sec.)


Wet weather



Eating; dinner

Free micturition

Narcoto-irritant. Ataxic-paralytic

Action :

A narcoto-irritant (like Op., Zinc.). Severe affections of brain and spinal marrow. Ataxia. (Paralysis).

Ataxic ramifications of Sec., but less spasmodic (like Naph.), titillating, sweaty and enervating than it. Not putrescent.

Dysphagia, Dysphonia, Dysphasia, Dyskinesia, Dysgraphia, Dysgrapia, Dyspraxia, Dysphoria, Dyspepsia, Dyspnea (Op.,Onos.).

Its toxic effects include : epilepsy, insanity, ataxia, incoordination, vomiting, irritation of mucous membranes; rarely, gangrene (because it contains some ergot infestation).

Universal spasmodic trembling with drowsiness (Gels.) and cold limbs. Spasmodic motions of arms and legs (a chorea). Trembling of limbs.

Prostration and restlessness; a general uneasiness, malaise, a sense of intoxication, lameness, torpor, exhaustion. Paralysis with restlessness. paralysis agitans.

A feeling of fullness in internal parts. Perhaps no twitching or numbness.

Select Particulars

Mind : Professional (or occupational neuroses). Anxious restlessness. Depressed. Delirium - wild, raving, frenzied, tremens. Confused, stupefied, after inability of hand to write (writer's cramp). Failing of memory. Insanity. Loss of judgement. Distraction of mind. Cretinism.

Head : Vertigo, reeling, staggering (on rising), must close eyes, worse sitting, motion, walking; with nausea, and aphonia. Head feels full, heavy, intoxicated as if. cephalagia. Stitching pains.

Meningitis rheumatica, cerebralis (Hell.); narcoto-irritation of brain; with trembling (Arg-n.).

Eyes : Pupils dilated. Scintillation before eyes. Vision: dim; uncertain; lost.

Ears : Feel stopped with wool. Tingling in. Noises like playing of drums and cymbals; roaring. Meniere's disease. Deafness.

Nose: epistaxis.

Face : Red, hot, puffy, pale.

Mouth : Tongue : first white; then back; tremulous. Burning in mouth and throat. Taste repulsive, offensive.

Speech : Difficult, cannot pronounce a whole word; indistinct; lost.

Throat : Paralysis of deglutition.

Alimentary : Loss of appetite (opp.Sec.). Irritation / inflammation of the whole alimentary canal with fever. Gastric toubles (<) at night, (>) eating (pressing). Pain in pit of stomach and abdomen, (>) eating. Uneasiness in epigastrium, with waterbrash-offensive or of a bile taste. Eructations of a peculiar nasty taste. Nausea, vomiting. Abdomen distended (with gas). Gastro-enteritis. Severe colic, with purging. Obstinate constipation, copious micturition.

Respiratory : Difficult breathing (Hay asthma). (Whooping cough). Stitching pain in sides. Pulse small, irregular.

Locomotor : Loss of power (a sense of lameness) in limbs. Trembling of all limbs; of hands (when grasping, in paralysis) (<) morning. Paralysis agitans, (<) morning. While attempting to write hand refused its service and he became stupefied. Incoordination; awkward at hands, cannot write, writer's cramp; cannot hold a glass of water, spasmodic motions of arms and legs. Professional (or occupation) neuroses.

Gait unsteady, uncertain, wavering, staggering, reeling, (<) morning. Thrombo - angitis obliterans (Buerger's disease); intermittent claudication (Sec.). Locomotor ataxia.

Sciatica. Calves; violent pain (not cramp) as if bound by cords; constriction, tightness (not in Agar.); or cramps. Stitching pains in sides. (Spinal irritation).

Blood : Gangrene; it is clear that our Lol-t. has some ergot infestation (giving rise to Sec. like symptoms), as otherwise it is inert.

Sleep : Sopor; deep sleep (Naph.); not purely narcotic, but narcotico-acridity. Constant deep sleep with half open eyes.

Skin : Eruption on forehead. Rarely, gangrene (from poisoning).

Thermic states : Chilly internally. Cold rigors. Cold limbs. Fever. Cold sweat.

Relations :

Compare : Agar., Arag., Arg-n., Arundo., Astria., Anan., Dub., Gel., Lathy. (Paralysis; (<) wet weather), Merc., Naph., Nux-v., Onos., Op. (sleep), Oxyt., Rhus-t., Sec., Stry., Visc., Zinc.

Note : Repertory gives Lob. wrongly instead of Loli. at several places.


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