Magnesium Lacticum [Mag-l]:

- Jan Scholten

A difficult little girl


Magnesium Lacticum

Uncertain within relationships Girl

Aggression Childish

Pacifism Dependent

Excluded Feminine

Group Analysis

The aggressive little girl.

Angry because you are only a girl.

Fear of being hurt as a little girl.

Avoiding loss by acting like a dependent little girl.

Girls don't fight.

A little girl who is afraid of the aggressive outside world.

Picture of Magnesium Lacticum

Essence: a difficult little girl.

The aggressive little girl

They are often difficult children. They feel very weak and need lots of attention, which they will try and get at any cost, even if they have to scream and shout. Any situation where they are required to grow up and act their age might provoke a whole series of complaints, for instance when they are weaned from the breast, or when the parents separate or one of the parents dies, or when they have to leave home, or when it is time to get a job.

Holding on to people by behaving like a dependent little girl The need for attention and support also shows in the type of games they play: little girls will love to play fathers and mothers with their dolls. Or, in cases where their parents are threatening to split up, they may act the helpless and dependent little girl who can't do without them.

Angry because you are only a girl

This is the other side of the coin: they don't want to be small and dependent any longer. And when anybody dares to treat them like that they get very angry. They rebel if their mother doesnt allow them to grow up and they get annoyed when someone calls them little girl.

Fear of the aggressive outside world, being only a little girl They can't handle aggression very well. They feel very awkward about it, as if they are not allowed to make a fuss. They should be quiet and content. But they still want to stand up for themselves, even although this is not allowed and even though they are afraid of being hurt. So they tend to resort to nagging about little things. They feel they don't get what they need and they are longing to have a real go at somebody or something. They feel as if everything is against them, as if other people are always in the way and are stopping them from getting what they want. This makes them impatient and irritable.


Fears: aggression (3), criticism, being abandoned, disease or death of loved ones.

Dreams: falling, dead relatives, marriage, parties, exhausting, abandoned.

Mood: tendency to suppress emotions.

Desires: star patterns on clothes and earrings.


Locality: right

Weather: (<) cold, (>) heat (3), (>) fresh air.

Perspiration: profuse, axilla, hands, stains the linen.

Time: (<) 7 am, (<) 5 pm, periodical complaints. Desires: meat, fruit, fresh and raw death, fried food, sweet, vegetables, cauliflower, milk, porridge, sour, buttermilk. Aversion: meat, cooked food, vegetables, sour, milk. Food: (<) sweet, fat. Menses: (<) night; dark blood, stains the linen; pain in breasts, nipples (2), before menses. Sleep: unrefreshing. Physical: (>) pressure, (>) benidng double, (<) touch, (<) getting up. Complaints Spasms, cramps, colic, neuralgia. Delirium tremens. Headache, (>) vomiting.

Colds and allergies.


Pain in throat with sensation of lump.

Hyperventilation: feeling suffocated with pressure on chest, nausea, vertigo, light headed, palpitations, with fears of fainting.

Hypotension. Vascular spasms, Raynaud.

Acidity with eructations of sour mucus.

Hypoglycaemia: nausea, dizzy, trembling, (<) fasting, (>) eating.

Stomach cramps, short and violent, with diarrhoea. Stools mushy, come suddenly, all at once.

Breast feeding very painful, mother screams with pain.

Inflammations of breasts, (<) touch. Painful and swollen breasts before menses. Liver and gall bladder complaints (3). Prostrate problems. Heaviness and trembling of legs. Complaints of muscles, teeth and nails. Eczema inside elbows, hollow of knees, back of hands. Skin: gangrene, necrosis, emphysema; fever. DD: Carbon series, Silicium series, Stage 2, Muriaticums, Staphysagria. Case A 2 year old girl is brought in by her mother because she has eczema. It started behind the ear and later appeared on the back of her hand, mainly on the right, and also in the bend of knees and elbows. Sometimes she gets it on her buttocks and on the chin. They are red spots which itch a lot. It all started when she was about 6 months old and was being weaned. The vaccinations she received around that time aggravated the problem. The eczema is (<) sea (2), (<) winter, (>) summer.

She used to have nappy rash during teething.

Her mother had been very sad during the pregnancy because her parents were getting divorced and she had to be strong to support them. She suppressed her own sadness, although she felt extremely upset that her base, her parental home was being taken away from her.

The mother felt sick and vomited a lot during the first 3 months of the pregnancy. She desired sour (3), rhubarb (2), buttermilk, fruit, oranges and apples. The birth was 17 days overdue.

The little girl can be very demanding. When she can't fall asleep she forces her parents to stay with her. She wants a lot of attention, especially from her mother, and she always wants it now, immediately. The dependency on her mother also shows in the sort of things she says: for instance when she sees a dog shell ask Where is his mummy? The worst thing that can happen to her is that the people she is used to having around aren't there.

She is very enterprising and bossy, and other children have to do as she says. She can get incredibly angry: shell scream and thrash around on the floor and throw earth from the garden into the kitchen. She gets quite beside herself and can't seem to stop, as she admits herself afterwards: Mummy, I don't know how to stop myself.

An hour after such an outburst her eczema will start to play up again. Her moods tend to be worse before dinner, around 5 pm. She herself hates bossy children and is likely to slap them suddenly.

She can also get very angry when you call her a little girl: I am not little anymore, I am big! These moods alternate with quiet spells when she plays quite happily with her dolls. She gets absorbed in her fantasies, whereby her doll plays the role of her own mother who has to take care of her all the time.


Weather: (<) heat, (>) and (>) outside.

Desires: fresh and crunchy food, cucumber, tomato, carrots, sour (2), gherkins, buttermilk, spices, sweet, vegetables, fruit.

Aversion: mustard, milk.

Sleep: on her back with her hands beneath her head.


The hypoglycemia symptoms are typical of the Lacticums. The aggravation around 5 pm confirms this. Her reaction to the hypoglycemia is aggression, which indicates Magnesium. Very typical is her anger when you call her a little girl. When we use the group analysis to combine these symptoms we get Magnesium Lacticum: the anger (Magnesium) is provoked when you call her a little girl (Lacticum). The pregnancy gives a few more confirming symptoms: her mothers parents were getting divorced (Magnesium) and this made her feel very sad about the loss of the family home, which could be interpreted as the feeling of no longer being able to be a little girl, dependent on the support of the family.

Magnesium symptoms: (>) sour, (>) fruit.

Lacticum: (<)(<) stopping breast feeding, (<) milk, (>) buttermilk, (>) outside, (<) heat.


One month after Magnesium Lacticum 1M the eczema had almost disappeared. She was emotionally much more stable. The improvement continued and she was completely better within 3 months.


By Yvonne Lassauw

Anger (Magnesium) because she had to eat (Lacticum), irritability around eating.

She cannot express her anger (Magnesium) because she is as powerless as a little girl (Lacticum).

She is angry (Magnesium) because she cannot empty her bowels and that is why she doesnt want to eat (Lacticum).

Laughing with anger and in spite of anger, very indignant underneath.

Dream: dancing on hillsides with much laughter.

Feels exuberant, which is very difficult for the parents.

Aversion to food after the first mouthful, a preference for drinking, especially milk (Lacticum).

Itching on the inside of left knee.

(<) 5 pm (Lacticum).


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