Magnesium nitricum [Mag-n]:

- Jan Scholten

Magnesium nitricum is an unknown homoeopathic remedy.

Signature Magnesium nitricum is used as an agricultural fertiliser.


Magnesium Nitricum

Aggression Assertive

Pacifism Enthusiastic

Broken relationships Tension Congestion

Uncertain relationships Relaxation

Excluded Enjoying life

Supply Fat



Fear of narrow spaces

Group analysis

Quarrels make it impossible to enjoy life.

Breaking off a relationship in order to avoid quarrels.

Assertiveness leads to quarrels.

Enjoying quarrels: sadomasochism.

Pacifism is the only thing that provides relaxation.

Aggression is a release of tension.

Picture of Magnesium nitricum

Essence: quarrels make it impossible to enjoy life.

Quarrels make it impossible to enjoy life

They like to build up a proper relationship because they need it to feel good about themselves. They like to enjoy the good things in life together with their partner. But because they feel so tense inside they can't help but quarrel, usually about minor issues. They don't like it and try to hold it in, but this only makes matters worse. The release of aggression usually happens at parties or other festive occasions, so that every outing gets marred by their inability to contain their tension.

Breaking off a relationship in order to avoid quarrels

They may feel forced to break off a relationship. This happens when different relations can't get on with each other and there is always tension between one or more of them. They may decide that it is better to break with one in order to save the other.

Such a situation may also come about through jealousy of their partner; You have to choose, it is either her or me!

Aggression as a release of tension

Their tendency to suppress their anger leads to a feeling of inner tension. This tension may suddenly explode in a terrible fit of anger. Or they may feel an almost uncontrollable urge to use violence towards anyone who puts them under pressure, the tension in their body running out of control.

Pacifism is the only way out for them.

They may even use pacifism as an idealistic cause to fight for.

They go around proclaiming that nobody should quarrel because it leads to tension in the world and stops people from enjoying the beauty of everything.

Enjoying quarrels: sado-masochism

In extreme cases we may see this theme expressed in the form of sado-masochism. These people can only enjoy things that are associated with violence.


Fears: narrow spaces (3!), tunnels, caves, shops, lifts, planes, trains, cars, queues, being locked in, fainting, cancer, heart diseases, blood, death, vague, unknown, life, strangers, future, travelling, flying, open spaces, streets, failure, insects, spiders, snakes, aggression (3!), criticism.

Dreams: falling, dead relations, marriage, parties, exhausting, abandoned.

Irritability: irritable, sadomasochism.

Mood: hurried, restless, impatient, discontented, moody, depressed, hypochondria.

Desires: star (!) patterns on clothes and earrings. Causes: loss of parents and relations.


Type: obese (3).

Locality: left.

Weather: cold, (<) cold hands, (>) outside.

Perspirations: stains the linen.

Time: (<) 7 and 9 am: (<) summer; sudden and periodical complaints. Desires: meat, fruit, refreshing and raw food, fried food, sweet, vegetables, fried bacon, (3!), fat, fatty meat, bacon, ham, cheese (3), salt, fizzy drinks. Aversion: fat (2), cheese (2), bacon, ham, meat, vegetables. Food: (<) cheese, fat, bacon, beans, coffee, sweet. Menses: (<) night; dark blood; stains the linen. Sleep: unrefreshing. Physical: (>)(<) pressure, pressure of clothes, (<) jars, (>) driving, (>) bending double, (<) touch; (<)(<)great changes in atmospheric pressure. Complaints The discharges are putrid and stinking. pains are congestive, pulsating (3), stitching as of a splinter (3!) with redness, swelling and heat. Spasms, cramps, colic, neuralgias. Hot flushes (3), (<) night, (<) after urination. Floating sensation. Nose: crusts difficult to dislodge and painful. Sneezing. Colds with fullness in head on the side he is lying on. Allergies. Hyperthyroidism. Hyperventilation, feeling suffocated. Feeling as if the oesophagus moved towards the back. Heart and vascular diseases (3); angina pectoris, heart cramp. Palpitations, arrhythmia. Arteriosclerosis. Claudication. Cerebral haemorrhage. Stomach cramps with eructations and vomiting bile. Liver and gallbladder problems (3). Abdominal pains with distension, much rumbling, flatus and eructations. Acrid diarrhoea. Prostate problems. Inflammations of joints of hands with congestion, swelling and stiffness. Complaints of muscles, teeth and nails. Skin: red spots, allergy, gangrene, necrosis. DD Carbon series, Silicium series, Stage 2, Anacardium, Fluoratums, Muriaticums, Staphysagria. Case A 48 year old man suffers from hyperventilation. He is afraid wherever he goes, in tunnels, in cars, in traffic jams, in planes, in shops and in school when he has to give a lecture. It feels as if the sky is going to come down on him. During his attacks he feels pain in his chest. He gets cramp in his heart, his body jerks, his hands and feet get cold, he gasps for air and it feels as if his oesophagus shoots towards his back. He feels faint when he hears about an accident or when he sees blood. He feels as if he is floating and as if the tables and chairs are moving. It all started 14 years ago when he was teaching. He suddenly collapsed and thought he was going to die. He feels as if his heart will stop. The worst thing for him is that he feels as if something is happening in his body that he can't control, as if his body is the boss instead of him. He also has fear of heights. He is afraid that the building will collapse under him or that he will pass out. He also has problems with his wife. Her behaviour has caused a row between him and his own family and between his in-laws. She is extremely emotional and tends to make a drama out of every occasion, especially a festive occasion. She created an enormous row at a celebration party after an exam and another row during the christening of their grandchild. She told him he shouldn't see his own parents again because they were two minutes late for church. He finds it impossible to be spontaneous nowadays. The other day he got an attack when he was in the theatre watching a musical. It feels as if he is boiling inside, he thinks he is going to suffocate, his throat feels numb and tingling. He gets cramp in his thighs when he cycles. He gets occasional colds which makes his head feel blocked up, worse in the morning and worse on the side he has been lying on, (<) dust. His throat is raw and his voice hoarse. He has had problems with his vocal cords before. He completely lost his voice once. He sometimes gets cramps and stitching pains in his stomach with eructations and occasional vomiting of bile. Generals: Weather: slightly cold, cold hands. Perspiration: occasional profuse sweating at night. Time: (<) morning. Desires: salt, spices, sour (2), meat, fatty meat, skins, cheese. Aversion: peanut butter (2), fat. Food: headache from spicy food. Sleep: difficulty falling asleep. Analysis Most typical in this case is the fact that every enjoyable event ends in a drama, in a huge row. This indicates Magnesium nitricum: quarrels (Magnesium) at enjoyable events and parties (Nitricum). The Nitricum element is further confirmed by the subsequent inability to enjoy life and the loss of spontaneity. Other Nitricum symptoms: fear of narrow spaces, tunnels and shops; (<) 9 am, (>) fat, cheese and fatty meat.

Magnesium symptoms: fear of quarrels, (<) morning, (>) meat, sour.


The first week after Magnesium nitricum he feels much more positive, more himself. Afterwards he gets some positive dreams too: a child has fallen into a ditch and he gets her out and manages to bring her back to life.

Soon it becomes easier for him to recover from his panic attacks, he feels more in control. His body doesnt shake anymore and he generally feels better. He doesnt get so involved in the problems with his wife and family, is better able to see it all in perspective. Gradually he starts to mend all these relationships.

This patient was later given Ruthenium (see later chapter) with good results too.


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