Magnesium phosphoricum [Mag-p]:

- Jan Scholten

Of Magnesium phosphoricum we only really know the usual physical complaints, such as the typical spasmodic pains, which improve with pressure, bending double and warmth. But the mind picture is quite unknown. What is the underlying theme in Mag-p?


Magnesium Phosphoricum

Pacifism Communication

Aggression Sympathetic

Fear of loss Friends, acquaintances, neighbours

Pain Brothers


Curiosity and travel

Restlessness and fears

Group analysis

The group analysis gives the theme for Mag-p: the fear that their aggression will take away the possibilities for contact. They need to make many contacts, to exchange ideas and feelings. But they are afraid that they will say something wrong and make the other person angry. Then the other person might even break off the friendship. So they are very careful. They quickly have the feeling that their ideas might offend someone. They become more and more tense, almost spastic. Eventually it becomes such an effort to have a normal contact that they start to avoid it altogether. They even develop a fear of people. A variation on the theme could be that aggression will take away the possibility for study. They can have the fear that they will not be allowed to carry on with their studies if they show their anger too often. For instance a child at school, who would like to study, but who is afraid that he is not allowed to go on to university.

Another variation is that they might have a brother who is aggressive. They feel suppressed by that brother. They feel that they cannot express their own ideas and opinions because he always brushes them away. This can also cause the withdrawing and timid behaviour as described in the previous paragraph.

It is rather striking that both Magnesium and Phosphorus have a great need for contact and are afraid of losing contacts. This theme comes out clearly in a proving dream of Lassauw (personal report): 'I was standing in a courtyard enclosed by a school building (Phos) on three sides. It felt a bit like a prison. There was nobody else there, I suddenly felt very lonely (Mag and Phos), away from home, not knowing where to go. It was an awful feeling; I had never had it before. There was a black person who came out of the building and walked away. I then started wandering through the town. I was then approached (Phos) by a woman, who offered to show me a beautiful park. She was a very nice (Mag) person. We went to the park down a long stairway. It was all very beautiful, but it did not make me any happier. I still had the feeling 'all this isn't for me. When it is all over I will be left with the lonely feeling I had in the courtyard'.

The feeling of loneliness in this proving is even stronger than in the other Magnesiums and Phosphoricums.


A man, aged 28, comes with mental problems. He feels very insecure, is afraid of people. He feels that everyone is always observing him. He has a strong inferiority complex, cannot make decisions. He would rather stay at home. In his dreams he often has confrontations with other people. When he feels insecure and nervous he feels a tightening in his diaphragm. It is in a spot exactly between his xyphoid and his navel. The pain is (<) breathing deeply. Sometimes it is accompanied by nausea. His nervousness also shows in other ways. He has a severe nystagmus,he cannot look straight at you for a single moment. He speaks haltingly. He has had one or two severe bouts of hiccoughs, which were very difficult to stop. He also smiles continuously, as if he wants to please you all the time. His sense of smell is very poor. He has pain in the throat (<) strong, dry wind. He often has a headache right behind his eyes, (<) heat and sunlight. His neck and shoulders are stiff. Itching legs below the knee. Nagging pain in kidney region, with the sensation as if his kidneys are being pushed out. Sometimes pain in testes. General characteristics: Temperature: cold, cold hands and feet. (<) heat and sun. (<) strong, dry wind. (>) sea.

Perspiration: copious.

Time: (<) 3 pm. Desires: spicy, bitter. He is a vegetarian. Aversion: sour, sauerkraut, sprouts, meat, fish, eggs, milk. Sleep: not relaxed; sleeps on his side. Childhood: His parents are divorced. They were always quarrelling. They were not a good match for each other. After his father had left his mother was always speaking ill of him. During his secondary school years he went to live with his father. When his father found a new girlfriend the boy was kicked out. Mind: He is very vulnerable and unsure of himself, as described above. He is rather apathetic. He feels as if everything is grey and flat, as if he can't get into contact with real feelings anymore. He thinks that he is too serious, he can't laugh anymore. He is very sensitive and vulnerable. He feels unappreciated. In the past his ideas were often challenged. He was declared unfit for military service because of his nystagmus. He is really an individualist who wants to carry out his own ideas. He can be very forceful in this,when everything has to be done quickly. He gets very annoyed if his friends want to push him in a certain direction. It makes him afraid of getting trapped, of being imprisoned. He had a relationship in the past, but this did not last. Now he is afraid of starting a new one, in case he can't express himself freely anymore. He likes playing games, just for the sake of playing. He hates it if things gets too serious. His father always pushed him to study 'otherwise you will be swamped by the big, threatening world'. He is a good learner, studied law and English, but didn't finish it. In the end he couldn't absorb anything anymore. He now does part- time administrative work. Analysis His biggest problem is his fear of people. He has difficulty making contact with them. This leads us to the Phosphoricums. Other symptoms which confirm this are: (<) alone, exhausted from studying, very sensitive, (>) spicy food, (<) fish. The Magnesium side is less obviously present. The quarrelling and divorced parents make us think of Mag-m in the first instance, but this can apply to all Magnesiums. We do find a few more symptoms of Magnesium: (<) sour, milk and meat, (<) confrontations. There are two very characteristic symptoms of Mag-p: he wants to carry through his own ideas and, in contrast to this, he is very afraid of his ideas being challenged. We also find Mag-p in the physical symptom of nystagmus. Reaction One month after he was given Mag-p 1M he had become a little more sure of himself. In the following 6 months he received Mag-p 1M three more times. Slowly but surely he improved. His fear of people became less. He could feel emotions again and he felt more secure and stable inside. Picture of Magnesium phosphoricum Essence: The delusion that they will lose all contacts if they get angry. Mind: They are very nervous and fearful, especially in their contacts with other people. They are afraid that the other person will get angry with them. They are afraid of saying something wrong, which will annoy the other person. And they are afraid of quarrels, in case the fragile contact gets broken. But they do have a great desire for contact and communication. However, in the long run they start to avoid these contacts again, because the tension that comes with them gets too much for them. School is difficult for them. They feel that they cannot learn fast enough. They think that others will blame them for this and will start quarrelling. Or they think that they will be sent away from school. Because they are so tense while they are studying they soon get exhausted. They like travelling or, quite the opposite, they often suffer from homesickness. Fears: of being alone, people, disease, death. Easily frightened. General characteristics: Location: right sided. Physique: thin and tall. Temperature: cold, sensitive to thunderstorm. Time: (<) 7 am and 9 pm. Desires: spicy, salt, fish (3), cold drinks (2). Aversion: salt, fish. Menses: copious. Physical: (<) movement, walking, (>) rubbing.

Complaints: burning pains.

Haemorrhages of bright red blood.

Neuralgias, neurological complaints, convulsions, hyperventilation.

Cramps, colics, chorea, Parkinsons, writers cramp. Nystagmus.


Tuberculosis, lung problems, bronchitis, asthma.

Bone problems, growing pains, rachitis, osteoporosis.

DD: The remedy which most closely resembles Mag-p is Colocynth. Both have suppressed anger. The difference, as far as I have discovered until now, is that Coloc suppresses his anger because of social pressure or a social code of behaviour. Mag-p however suppresses his anger because he is afraid that he might lose his contact with others. The physical complaints are very similar in both remedies: spasmodic pains, (>) pressure and bending double, (>) warmth. But there is a slight difference here too. Coloc is ameliorated more by pressure, which we could translate as 'keeping it under control', or 'holding it in'. Mag-p is ameliorated by warmth, which we could translate as human warmth, or 'contact'.


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