Magnesium silicatum Homeopathy Remedy made of Silicate of Magnesium

Magnesium silicatum Homeopathic Remedy side effects and symptoms given by Jan Scholten

A brave image

Magnesium silicatum is also a new remedy. In the short time that I have been using it, it has proved to be very useful for teenagers who try to keep up a brave front by playing the tough guy.


Magnesium Silicatum

Uncertain relationships Image

Aggression Relations, family

Pacifism Family-image

Excluded Father

Home At home





Group analysis

The aggressive, tough image.

The image of the pacifist.

Angry about separation.

Quarrels at home.

Quarrels with father.

Excluded from the family.

Pacifism and timidity.

Aggressive and sharp.

Picture of Magnesium silicatum

Essence: The image of the aggressive, tough boy.

The aggressive, tough boy

They like to present an image of being tough. They want to be a leader and impress people with their bravery. They love to show the world how aggressive and daring they are. So they do all sorts of dangerous things, like driving too fast, daring stunts on skateboards, taunting their teachers, stealing from shops. All with an air of; this is nothing, wait until you see the rest.

Their weak side remains carefully hidden; nobody is allowed to see this.

Magnesium silicatum patients showThe image of the pacifist:

Another variation is the image of the lover of peace. They like to be known as the peace maker. They can't bear aggression, they can't watch violence on TV for instance. They don't want to know about their own aggressive side either. So they like to be known as a peace lover, but not somebody who is afraid of violence. This kind of attitude may be formed in someone who is brought up in a family where nobody ever quarrelled, because it was not the done thing.

Quarrels at home

The situation at home is often one of frequent quarrels between the parents or between the parents and the children. This atmosphere makes them feel very insecure, to the extent where they start worrying about everything that is being said, in case it results in another row, or even worse, in divorce. They get so upset and angry about all this that they will do anything to try and stop it. They often vent their anger on outsiders, especially outsiders who cause strife and unrest within the family.

Magnesium silicatum patients Quarrels with the father

Sometimes the father is the person with whom they have a particular quarrel. This makes them feel uneasy because they feel as if they have lost their solid base in life. Or they may have a very good relationship with their father, but they feel they have to show their tough side to the outside world, because nobody except their father is allowed to see their warmer and vulnerable side, as it wouldn't be good for their image.

Aggressive and sharp

So we sometimes only see their aggressive side, together with their sharp tongue, as they notice every tiny detail and wont fail to comment on it. They hate contradiction and are quite capable of teasing and taunting. They show off their bravery to the point of being arrogant.

Pacifism and timidity

The other side is the timid pacifist who wants to create a gentle atmosphere at home. They are easy going and friendly, refined and delicate, aristocratic and artistic.

Magnesium silicatum patients Expression

Fears: aggression, criticism, abandoned, disease and death of loved ones, needles, injections, AIDS, death, poison, trifles, narrow spaces, not waking up from sleep, failure, exams.

Dreams: crystals, ice, mirrors, clairvoyant, cobwebs, needles, friends, school friends, family, falling, dead relatives, marriage, parties, exhausting, abandoned.

Mood: refined, delicate, aristocratic, artistic, obsessive, nail biting, suppressing emotions.

Mental: forgetful exams, absorbed by activities and reading, monomania trifles, precise, punctual, mathematical, perfectionists. Contacts: sympathetic, clairvoyant, clairsentient. Desires: stars on clothes and earrings. Causes: loss of parents, family, friends. Generals Build: thin, tall, fragile, old looking. Locality; right. Weather: cold (3), blue with cold, purple/blue nails  cold, (<) cold water, (<) undressing, (<) cold wind; cold hands and feet (2), (>) warmth; (<) draught (3), (<) outside. Perspiration: profuse, stinking foot sweat (3!); sweating at night, stains the linen. Time: (<) 7 and 11 am (2), periodical complaints; (<) full moon; (<) winter, December. Desires: meat, fruit, refreshing and raw food, fried food, sweet, vegetables, egg, salt, cold food, fruit, milk. Aversion: milk (2), mothers milk (2), salt, meat, broccoli, alcohol, cooked food, vegetables, chicory. Food: (<) fat, chocolate, mayonnaise, milk (3), broccoli, alcohol, fasting, sweet, fat. Menses: (<) night; dark blood; stains the linen. Sleep: light, tossing around; wakes up unrefreshed; grinding teeth. Physical: (<)(<)(<)vaccinations, radiation; (>) massage, magnetising; (<) coitus; (<) soap; (>) pressure, (>) bending double, (<) touch. Complaints Pains: stitching, as from needles or splinters. Sensation as of a hair in different places. Discharges: thick, yellow, smelling of old cheese, difficult to dislodge. Epilepsy, petit mal. delirium tremens. Spasms, cramps, colic, neuralgias. Inflammations: chronic, stubborn, hard; abscesses. Headache from the occiput spreading to forehead. Ear infections. Pustules inside the nose. Colds, sinusitis. Swelling of glands, allergies. Teeth: caries, crooked, large incisors; (<) dentition. Hyperthyroidism. Vascular complaints. Vascular spasms, Raynauds. Liver and gallbladder problems (3). Constipation with hard stools which slip back. Enuresis. Arthritis. Back problems, scoliosis. Bones brittle, not elastic; rickets; exostoses. Prostate problems. Complaints in muscles, teeth, nails. Wounds heal slowly, leaving scars or keloids. Boils and acne. Eczema, itching, scaling, red, dry; on occiput. Hair thin, brittle, grey, forelock pronounced. Nails brittle, crumbling, fungus, yellow, brown or black, ingrowing, white spots. Skin thin, delicate, sensitive, fissured; fingertips; gangrene, necrosis, emphysema; fever. DD Silicium series, Stage 2 and 10, Ammonium carbonicum, Anacardium, Lycopodium, Staphysagria. DD Ammonium carbonicum: is also a good remedy for teenagers, but is much more concerned with idealism and revenge. DD Anacardium: feels more hurt or slighted. Feels he is not worth anything and therefore gets aggressive. Magnesium silicatum is aggressive to show how daring and brave he is. Case An 18 year old boy has come because he has many fears. He is afraid of many things, especially diseases. He is so afraid of AIDS that he weighs himself at least twice a week to check that he hasn't lost any weight. He is afraid of death and of committing suicide. He is also afraid of what happens after death. During these fears he gets a tight feeling of a band around his chest. He often wakes up at night between 2 and 4, with great fear and sweating. He used to smoke hash occasionally, but lately he doesnt feel very well afterwards. Recently he freaked out when he felt extremely afraid for 3 hours, thinking he had been poisoned and feeling as if he was floating. He loves warmth and tenderness. He likes his father to put his arms around him and he sometimes crawls into bed next to his father. But he doesnt want his friends to know about this, nor about the fact that he is often so afraid. He has built up a sort of leadership image with them where he is the one with the most bravado. He is the one who dares to drive his moped at 30 miles per hour within inches of the oncoming traffic, he is the one who is constantly showing how brave he is. He admits to me that it is actually quite tiring to keep up this front all the time. He loves being aggressive: it gives him a kick. He likes to tease his sister. He is very strong and can floor somebody with one well aimed blow. he loves horror films. His parents aren't very happy together, they often fight. He gets very angry when they talk about divorce: he also gets angry when other people try to cause trouble between his parents. He isn't doing very well at school, he can't concentrate. He is so restless that he has been given permission to get up and go for a walk around the school when he needs to. He suffers from severe acne, with blackheads on his chin and cheeks, (<) fat and chocolate. He occasionally gets a shooting pain in his left forehead, as of a metal bar. He has been biting his nails ever since he can remember. Generals Weather: (<) cold (2), (<) damp. His fingers and toes go numb and blue with cold. Perspiration: feet at night. Stinking, biting foot sweat in the past. Time: (<) morning. Desires: starch, spices, sweet, fish, fruit. Aversion: meat, chicory, aubergine, boiled potatoes. Food: (<) fat, chips, mayonnaise, (<) chocolate. Sleep: needs at least 8 hours; used to grind teeth. Analysis This is a typical picture of a teenager. But how do we treat this? We could give Medorrhinum or Lycopodium or Thuja, but I didnt think these would do very much. If we take a look at the central theme we see that everything revolves around his brave image which has to be preserved at any cost. The brave and aggressive part belongs to Magnesium, while the image part belongs to Silicatum. Other Magnesium symptoms: (<) morning, (>) fruit; (<) meat, chicory, boiled potatoes, desire for horror films.

Silica symptoms: cold, stinking foot sweat, warts, acne, stitching pains, grinding of teeth, nail biting and his obvious need for fatherly support.


One day after Magnesium silicatum 1M his anger gets worse and it stays like that for 5 days. After that he starts to feel better.

The fear and the restlessness are getting less and he is not so intent on proving himself. His feet don't smell anymore. It is now two years later and he is still doing very well.

I had given him Silica 5 years previously, without any success.

He had also had Thuja, which made his warts disappear, but did little else. I had also given him Belladonna, Tarentula, Lyssinum, Mercurius and Staphysagria in the past, because of his aggressive behaviour, but there was little change on any of these remedies, except on Belladonna, which improved his acute attacks of headache and aggression, but brought no lasting change.


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