Manganum aceticum [Mang]:

- Jan Scholten

Manganum aceticum is relatively well known, at least as far as the physical symptoms are concerned. The mental picture is less well known. The differentiation between this remedy and the other Manganums, particularly Manganum metallicum, has not always been clear.


Manganum Aceticum

Learning Ascetic

Fine tuning Lonely

Practising Hardship

Helpful Deprivation

Compliments Stark

Criticised Hard

Group analysis

Being helpful and going without: being of service.

Hardship teaches you a lot.

Teaching deprived people.

Work is stark and hard.

Criticism makes you feel lonely.

Picture of Manganum aceticum

Essence: being helpful and doing without comforts: service.

Helpful and doing without comforts: being of service.

They like to do good, to be of service. But they are inclined to deny themselves the basic comforts. They feel that having too much for themselves will be detrimental to their work and the help they can give to others. The theme is: being of service. An example of such a person is Mother Theresa.

Hardships can teach you a lot

They feel they don't really learn anything until they have undergone some hardships themselves. They feel they should go without rest, food and comforts. Their work wont be perfect unless it has been achieved with absolute minimum means. They have to continue, even when their materials and energy have almost run out. This is hard work, stark and cold, but the warmth is created by what they can do for others. Eventually they may collapse with exhaustion.

Teaching deprived people

They feel drawn to help those who have a hard time. They want to teach the poor and the disabled.

Criticism makes you feel lonely

Because they are eager to learn they will use criticism to their advantage and try even harder to be of service. They like to get compliments because it makes them feel they haven't gone through all these deprivations for nothing.

But negative criticism makes them feel lonely and let down.


Fears: failure, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation.

Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, being stuck and unable to escape.


Type: emaciation.

Weather: cold, (<) damp cold, (<) mist, (<) wind (3), (<) storm, (<) temperature changes, (<) outside, (>) inside, (<) mountains. Time: (<) 5 pm. Desires: tomatoes. Aversion: tomatoes. Food: (<) tomato, (<) cold food, ice-cream. menses: little, late, early, short, watery; (<) menopause. Sleep: unrefreshed. Physical: (<) touch, shaking; (>) lying down (3); (<) feathers. Complaints Neurological: paralysis, Parkinsons, ataxia, myasthenia, Gilles de Tourette. Headache with great heaviness. Pains stitching, pressing, as from needles, boring, drawing. Vertigo. Ear problems (3): earache (<) wind (3!), (>) earplugs, cotton wool or hat (3!), (<) motion, talking, laughing, swallowing. Sensation as if plug or wind in ear. Tinnitus and deafness. Hayfever and asthma. Throat: laryngitis, hoarseness (3), (<) speaking and singing. Much scraping. Cough (<)(<) boring in ear, (<) cold, singing, talking, laughing, (<) deep inspiration. Pain in throat radiating to ear. Heart and vascular diseases (3); angina pectoris. Palpitations and arrhythmia. Arteriosclerosis. Claudication. Cerebral haemorrhage. High blood pressure. Anaemia (3), pernicious. Weak, pale. Hot flushes (3), (<) night,(<) after urinating. Hypercholesterolaemia. Stomach problems. Diabetes. Colic (>) bending double, diarrhoea. Drawing pain around navel.

Inflammation of joints, arthritis, gout, creaking joints.

cartilage, periosteum, bones; hands, feet, back; congestion, swelling, stiffness; (<) cold, damp, (<) touch, pressure, pressure of clothes. Lumbar back pains (<) stooping, (<) sitting bent forwards.

Burning soles.

Weak nails, slow healing of wounds and bones.

Skin: red spots, allergy, eczema with vesicles, bleeding cracks.

Purple ulcers. Urticaria.

DD: Carbon series, Ferrum series, Stage 7, 11 and 15, Aceticums.

Case by Alex Leupen

A 34 year old woman complains of chronic tiredness, ear infections and cystitis.

Her job is very demanding, both mentally and physically. She does video home training for families with mentally handicapped children. She travels on trains and buses with a rucksack full of video apparatus and toys. She tries to do her very best for each family and when the advice she gives isn't immediately accepted she feels she has done it wrong.

The complaints started during a walking holiday in the mountains in Nepal. She was still very tired when she started off and at 5000 metres she got a strong, cold, wet wind blowing straight in her ear. She wasn't wearing a hat, which was unusual, and she got a sharp pain in her left ear with a feeling as if a cork had been stuck inside. She developed a high fever and she felt as if she was in a film. She could hardly walk, but you have to go on. It took 5 days before they reached the next valley. Since then she hasn't felt right. She was given some antibiotics and then she got cystitis and then more antibiotics, but even after 4 courses of antibiotics the cystitis wasn't cured. She got diarrhoea and lost a lot of weight. She feels paralysed, can't do anything, just lies in bed all the time, feeling as if she has got flu with constant pressure in her ears.

Social services are constantly checking on her and pressurising her to start work again, which she hates I feel guilty enough anyway.

She loves walking, it clears her head.

As a child she used to dream that she was being chased by lots of people, but she was glued to the ground and couldn't get away.

She also dreamt that she was buying a lot of furniture in a large shop.

She has had headaches and earaches from the wind all her life.

She always wears a hat in the winter. As a child she used to get cystitis if she walked barefoot on the cold floor.


Type: very thin.

Weather: warm, cold feet; headache (<)(<) sun.

Perspiration: profuse.

Desires: chocolate, cheese, fish, vegetables, fruit; drinking.

Aversion: sweet, sour, meat, coffee.

Sleep: difficulty sleeping after 3 am.


The ear infections caused by wind and better from wearing a hat are typical of Manganum. The video home training, i.e. teaching, fits too. Other Manganum symptoms: feeling she is not doing it right, sensation of a cork in her ear, dream that she was glued to the ground and couldn't get away.

But which Manganum should we choose? She teaches handicapped people, a theme that belongs to the Aceticums. Further confirmations for Aceticum: she is extremely tired and has to lie down, she is thin, has profuse perspiration, diarrhoea, (<) mountains, not rested, has to carry on, feeling paralysed. This leads us to Manganum aceticum.

The dream in which she was buying lots of furniture is the opposite of the general theme of deprivation. Perhaps an unconscious compensation?

Other possibilities are: Coca, Manganum, Carcinosin and Dulcamara.


After Manganum aceticum she felt as if she got flu and her ears started to burn and became red hot. Two weeks later she started to work part time again. She has decided to decrease the amount of home visits per day. She stops and thinks before she says yes.

She has given some of the responsibility back to the parents.

She doesnt come back until a year later, when she has a slight return of earache with tiredness, but she tells me that her attitude of having to be helpful is not so extreme anymore. One dose of Manganum aceticum 1M soon solves the problems again.


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