Manganum [Mang-met]:

- Jan Scholten

In the literature on Manganum it is usually Manganum acetate that is being described, rather than the pure metal. Manganum has already been discussed in Homoeopathy and Minerals, but we can now see it in a wider context. A. Vrijlandt has also contributed a great deal to the overall picture of this remedy.

Signature Manganum is, just like Magnesium, derived from Magnesia, a part of the Greek province Thessalia. Magnes or magnet has the same root and Manganum contains pyrosylit which has magnetic properties. It was discovered in 1774.

The electric charge it can take on varies from 1 plus to 2 plus, 3 plus , 4 plus, 5 plus or 7 plus. Kali-permanganate, KMnO4, is a reductor.

The colours of the compounds can vary enormously and are used in paints and to colour glass, pottery and porcelain. Tiles and stones get their brown colour from MnO2.

Manganum is the second most common substance in the earths crust after ferrum. It reacts with many other elements. It increases the strength of steel, makes it easier to weld (joining) and at the same time less breakable. It increases the pliability of steel too. An alloy of copper and Manganum is used to make silent cogwheels.

Manganum makes bones more pliable and less brittle.


Stage 7 Ferrum series

Fine tuning Task Work Duty

Training Practice Craft Use

Doubts Ability Perfection

Learning Teaching Routine Order Rules

Feedback Control Exam

Compliments Observed Criticised

Cooperation Failure Guilt Crime

Helping Pursued



Group analysis

Fine tuning your abilities.

Feedback on your abilities.

Taught by professionals: help.

Likes compliments to know they haven't done it wrong.

Help in checking things over.

Practising for the exam.

Criticism gives a feeling of failure.

Feeling pursued by criticism.

Picture of Manganum metallicum

Essence: training for the task.

Fine tuning your abilities

The theme is extension. The first hesitating steps have been taken and they know in theory what they are capable of. But in order to get really good at it they have to train a lot. They want to do this training because they like to extend their knowledge and their abilities. To achieve this they need a lot of feedback. They need a teacher or guru who tells them what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. They like it best when someone tells them they are doing it right, as it makes them feel satisfied they have learned something.

Teaching how it is done: help

The main characteristic of Manganum is their desire to help. They are very kind and love to please others. They also adapt easily to other people. This desire to help is more than a desire, it is a need that has to be fulfilled otherwise they get very restless.

They are very sensitive people, sensitive to music and art as well. If they feel depressed they can feel better or worse depending on the type of music that is being played. They are often clairvoyant, their sensitivity making them understand how other people feel and they intuitively know what they should do to help. They often took care of others from an early age onwards, relieving their parents of the burden of bringing up the family.

Desire for compliments

Sensitive people who like to please others and who hope they will be acknowledged for what they do.

They like others to notice how much they do and they like to be complimented on their efforts. Compliments put them at ease: they know they have done well and they can relax now. Criticism makes them feel very indignant (DD Staph, Colocynth). They may dream about a reconciliation, because it will keep bothering them until it is solved. This shows in the frown on their forehead or the bitter expression on their face. It is a state of hurt and indignation that makes them want to avoid company altogether.

Vrijlandt gives a typical example of a Manganum woman who has given a party and who wont rest until she gets a thank-you phone call from her guests the next day, saying they had a wonderful time. The same theme of pleasing others but wanting to be praised for her efforts.

Constructive criticism

I can tolerate criticism as long as it is constructive. This is the answer they will give you if you ask them how they react to criticism.

If the criticism is purely destructive they get very bitter. They did so much and it still isn't enough. They tried so hard to please everybody and look what they get! This is the stage indicated by the rubric: Embittered mood, implacable, for a long time having a grudge against who offended him (Allen), and Irreconcilable and long continued resentment against those who injure him (Hering). They can be quite critical themselves too, although always in a mild form, because they mean it to be constructive.


Fears: failure, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation, future, fantasies, accidents, imaginary problems, insanity, death, agonising.

Dreams: failure, falling, futile efforts, paralysis, soldiers, being shot down, reconciliation, unprepared for exams, being told their train ticket is invalid (Sankaran 1993), accidents, doctors, humiliation, danger.

Delusion: head is very big.

Mood: kind, cheerful, laughing, phlegmatic, serious, discontent, gloomy (<) music, being talked to, talking, (<) trifles. Mental: everything is an effort, mistakes in talking, clairvoyant, difficulty concentrating, dull, difficulty learning, bad memory. Contacts: shy, sensitive, (<) crowds and company. Desires: music, Moonlight sonata by Beethoven (Sankaran 1993). Generals Build: big eyes. Weather: cold, (<) damp cold, (<) mist, (<) wind, (<) storm, changes in temperature, (<) outside, (>) inside.

Time: (<) 5 pm. Desires: tomatoes. Aversion: tomatoes, eating. Food: (<) tomatoes, (<) cold food, ice-cream, ammoniums. Menses: little, late, early, short, watery; (<) menopause. Sleep: unrefreshed. Physical: (<) touch, shaking. Complaints Band and bubble sensations. Anaemia. Weak and pale. Hot flushes. Cancer. Emaciation, swollen glands (mesenteric glands). Neurological complaints: Parkinsons. Patient walks backwards. Ataxia, myasthenia, Gilles de Tourette, epilepsy, paralysis, dyskinesia, rapid and alternating movements are difficult, lack of coordination between eyes and limbs. Vertigo. Headache with feeling of heaviness. Pain stitching, pressing, as from needles, boring, drawing. vertigo. Eyes:pain, (<) reading. Redness, inflammation. Eyelids inflamed and swollen. Sees red spots. Ear problems (3); everything happens around the ears, earache (<) wind (>) earplugs. Sensation of earplugs or wind in ears. Pain (<) motion, talking, laughing, swallowing. Tinnitus and deafness (<) cold. Ears burning and itching. Ears blocked with loss of hearing (>) blowing nose.

Discharge stinking.

Nose blocked with yellow, green, bloody, crumbly discharge.

Toothache with restlessness.

Throat (3): laryngitis, hoarseness (<) speaking and singing. Much scraping. Cough (<) boring in ear, (<) cold, singing, talking, laughing, breathing deep. Pain in throat radiating to ear. Hayfever, bronchitis, asthma. Anaemia, microcystic. Palpitations. Arteriosclerosis. Clotting functions disturbed. Stomach problems. Diabetes, hypoglycemia. Metabolism of carbohydrates, cholesterol, mucopolysaccharides, amino acids disturbed. Liver problems. Connective tissue affections. Blood clotting problems. Colic (>) bending double, diarrhoea. Pains around navel, contracting. Jaundice with congested liver, gallstones.

Affections of pancreas, diabetes. Cramps and prolapse of anus.

Stools irregular. Flatus.

Menses too late, scanty and irregular; sterility. Prolapse.



Inflammation of joints and gout. Arthritis with creaking of joints (<) cold and damp. Connective tissue and cartilage problems: pains in bones and surface of bones, nails weak, slow healing of wounds and bones, walks on toes because of pain in heels. Osteoporosis. Feet painful, can't find shoes to fit (Vrijlandt). Burning soles. Growing pains in tibia. Stiffness in neck.

Knee problems, meniscus.

Eczema, little vesicles, bleeding cracks and infiltration.

psoriasis. Purple ulcers. Wounds get inflamed and are slow to heal. Urticaria. Red hair.

Ingrowing hairs on legs, causing inflammation with stitching, burning and itching.

DD Ferrum series, Stage 6, Argentum, Arnica, Asarum (bells), Carcinosin, Dopaminum, Graphites, Lachesis, Phosphorus, Picric acid, Psorinum, Rhus tox, Ruta, Silica, Sulphur.

DD Chromium: are afraid of a challenge, afraid to do something stupid. Manganum has already started and knows he is bound to make some mistakes, but he will learn from them. They are more confident that they will succeed eventually.


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