Manganum [Mang]:

- Jan Scholten

Provings have been done with Manganum aceticum and Manganum carbonicum, but it is not quite clear which symptoms belong to which element. On the whole one tends to consider Manganum aceticum as having a typical Manganum picture, but the element Manganum itself has not been proved yet.

Physical: after Ferrum it is the most common metal in the upper crust of the earth. It bonds with many different elements, because its electronic charge can vary between 1 plus, 2 plus, 3 plus, 4 plus, 5 plus and 7 plus. The colours of its different compounds also vary greatly.

Physiological: Manganum is present in many enzymes and assists our metabolism in the processing of Carbohydrates, cholesterol, connective tissue, mucopoly-saccharides, amino acids and the coagulation of the blood (it assists the action of vit. K).

Helpful The strongest characteristic of Manganum is their helpfulness. They have a great desire to help others. They are friendly, adaptable and do their best to please other people. This behaviour is sometimes rather compulsive: they feel they have to do this. If they can't be helpful they become restless and ill at ease.

Desire for compliments

They like to appear helpful too. They like others to notice how they do their best to help them, and they like to get complimented on this. Receiving compliments puts them at ease, it makes them feel that they have done enough,that they have done well.


At a later stage some bitterness may creep in. They have done their very best and it still wasn't enough. They have tried to please everyone and all they get is insults or reproaches. This is the stage that has been described in the literature: 'Embittered mood, implacable, for a long time having a grudge against those who offended him' (Allen, 1982, Vol 6, page 151).


This woman, aged 27, had been having earaches for the past year. The earache was on the right side and it came as soon as she was exposed to draught or wind. She always wore a scarf or used earplugs if she had to go outside. The ear would start to burn, with stitching pains, (<) at night when she was lying on it. The pain was radiating out and was worse when she turned her head to the right. She also suffered from stitching pains under her left breast, (<) lying on her left side, (>) lying stretched out on her back. During these attacks she felt suffocated, but an ECG test had not found anything abnormal.

Her stomach is often swollen, with a burning sensation, (<) pressure, (>) stretching and belching. She usually feels hungry at the same time.

Pain in her right knee.

Before exams she gets flu with fever for three days.

Past history: her appendix has been removed but it wasn't inflamed. Her left knee has been severely sprained. In 1985 she suffered from a minor nervous breakdown. Since that time she hasn't been well. Had less self confidence, is easily tired, irritable and prone to illnesses. Her nails break easily and she suffers from constipation. It all started on the day that her sister had a baby.

General characteristics:

Temperature: (<) wind (3), (<) draught (3), (<) damp, fear of storm and thunderstorm. She likes mountains and sea. Desires: sweet, spices, cheese, milk. Aversion: fat, tomatoes (2), meat (liver, kidney etc.) (<) coffee, eggs, mushrooms (2), apples, carrots. Menses: slight stomach pains during menses. Sleep: she needs eight hours of sleep, she sleeps on her right side. Mind: She seems very open and sympathetic. She feels responsible for other people's happiness. When she was only six she had already taken responsibility for the entire household, because she felt her mother couldn't cope very well. She is very sensitive and she takes great care not to hurt other people's feelings or make them feel uncomfortable. She is sensitive to everything, including to noise. She sleeps with earplugs because she is afraid that the neighbours will wake her. But she is always alert, with eyes and ears wide open. She is a very refined sort of person, but also critical and fanatical. She is always busy doing something, making her own clothes, doing some handicraft, designing things for the house. She would like to design her own dinner-service. She has many fears, fear of the dark, fear of water. Once she nearly drowned when she fell through the ice in winter. She is also afraid of wind: she even felt very afraid once when she saw a picture of a tornado. Some of her fears are strange imaginations: for instance, when she walks in the wood she is afraid that bears will come and eat her. When she doesn't have anything to be afraid of she will just invent something. She fears, for example, that she will die before she is 28, and she can't get this out of her head. Her parents had been very much in love with each other, but her father drank too much. When he was drunk they were always fighting, and eventually they got divorced when she was 16. Marriage: she has been happily married for three years and they don't have any children yet. Work: she works for a firm of architects. Her boss used to let her do only odd jobs instead of serious designs. When she was given a more important task and succeeded in drawing a beautiful design, her boss used to get all the praise by pretending that she had designed it herself. This was when the ear problems started. Analysis The ear aches are typical of Manganum. Especially the modalities (<) wind and (>) earplugs are enough to prescribe this remedy. But the whole picture fits Manganum: helpful, kind and artistic, with the original cause of lack of appreciation in her work.


After Mang-acet 1M the fear of dying disappeared immediately. The earaches got worse during the first two weeks and subsequently went away. The sensitivity to sound had almost gone after one month. She had some pain in her neck and a few bouts of fever. The stomach pains went away. The problems at work got worse and after one month she decided to leave. Four months later she found another job where she feels much happier.

She needed a repeat of Mang 1M after two months, when the earaches came back slightly.

Four months later she came back again with severe burning pains in her ear: it felt as if the muscles were being torn apart. She was also very irritable, particularly before the menses and she was taking it out on her husband. She remembers feeling like this twice in the past. The first time was when her father had got drunk and was quarrelling at Christmas one year. And the other time was when her parents were getting divorced. For this reason I gave her Mag-m 1M, after which the complaints disappeared. She has been well ever since.

Picture of Manganum

Essence: Sensitive people who do their best for others and hope to get appreciated for their efforts.

Mind: The first characteristic trait is that Manganum people tend to want to please everybody; they are always busy taking care of others. They are also very sensitive and artistic. Their moods can change depending on the kind of music they are listening to. They are highly sensitive to the needs of those around them, to decide what they can do to help (DD Carc). As a child they tend to take responsibility at an early age. Their sensitivity may come out as clairvoyance.

They tend to be busy and restless (DD Zinc). This may be expressed in trembling or restlessly walking up and down.

However, they want to be appreciated for all the things they do for others. If somebody happens to hurt them or insult them they get very angry (DD Staph, Coloc). But they will keep dreaming of a reconciliation. They may get a constant frown on their face or a bitter expression, as a sign of what is going on inside them. Then they will withdraw and avoid company. This shows that they are easily hurt and tend to sulk.

When they feel gloomy and bad tempered the only thing that helps is lying down and resting.

Vrijlandt (1990, page 185) gives us a typical example of a Manganum woman who has organised a party and who is only content when she hears the next day that her guests thought it a great success. Here again we find the theme of doing your best and wanting to be complimented on it.

At a later stage they develop difficulty in thinking. Also fears that something will happen, haunting fears about trivial matters.

General characteristics:

Temperature: cold, particularly worse in damp cold.

A typical aggravation from wind, especially in ear complaints.

(<) outside, storm, changes of temperature, (>) inside.

Food: (<) cold food, icecream. Menses: scanty, late, early, short, watery. Discharges. Prolapse. (<) menopause. Sleep: unrefreshing. Physical: an important keynote is the amelioration, also mentally, from lying down. (<) touch, shaking. (<) feathers. Complaints: Band like sensations and sensations as if she is hearing bells. Weak and pale. Hot flushes. Emaciation, swollen glands, a. o. mesenteric glands. Neurological complaints: Parkinsons, walking backwards. Ataxia, myasthenia, Gilles de la Tourette. Heavy headaches. Pains are stitching, pressing, as from needles, digging and drawing. Dizziness. Eyes: pain (<) reading. Red inflamed eyes. Swollen, inflamed eyelids. Sees red spots. Ears: everything affects the ears, earache (<) wind, (>) earplugs. They also feel as if there is wind or something inside the ear.

Earache (<) movement, talking, laughing, swallowing. Tinnitus and deafness (<) cold. Ears burn and itch. Ears blocked with weakness of hearing (>) blowing nose. Stinking discharge.

Nose blocked with yellow, green, lumpy bloody discharge.

Toothache with restlessness.

Hayfever and asthma with allergies e.g. to feathers. (<) mist. Throat: laryngitis, hoarseness (<) speaking and singing. Frequent scraping of the throat. Cough, (<) boring in the ear, (<) cold, singing, talking, laughing, taking a deep breath. Pain in the throat, radiating to the ears. Pernicious anaemia. Palpitations. Colic in the abdomen (>) bending double, diarrhoea. Abdominal pain, constriction around the navel.

Indigestion. Jaundice with congestion of the liver. Gallstones. Affections of the pancreas, diabetes. Prolapse or cramp in the anus. Stools irregular. Flatus. Sterility.

Inflammation of the joints and gout. Arthritis with creaking of the joints (<) cold and damp.

Problems with connective tissue and cartilage.: pain in bones and periostenum, brittle nails, slow healing of bones and wounds.

Walks on his toes because of pain in the heels.

Vrijlandt (1990, page 186) says that they can't find shoes that fit them. Burning soles of the feet.

Eczema with small blisters, bleeding fissures with infiltration. Psoriasis. Ulcers which are purple. Infected wounds. Urticaria.

DD: Arg-m, Arn, Carc, Cupr, Ferr, Graph, Kali-c, lach, Phos, Pic- ac, Psor, Rhus-t, Ruta, Sil, Sulph, Zinc.


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