The Muriaticums [Muriaticums]:

nullnullnull-Jan Scholten

Of the Muriaticums we only really know Nat-m and Mag-m quite well. Our knowledge of remedies like Kali-m and Mur-ac is quite superficial. What then is the theme of the Muriaticums?


When I compare Nat-m with Nat-c, I often notice the greatest difference in the area of self-pity. Nat-c bears his grief with dignity, whilst Nat-m is often very bitter about what has been done to him. They feel that it is all unfair, and they brood about that. They get an air of 'poor me' about them. We can find this theme of self-pity very clearly in Mag-m too. There is a feeling of pity and unfairness.

Care and nurturing

This self-pity stems from a need to be nurtured and cared for. In Mag-m the fear of being abandoned and left uncared for, is so great, that they dare not get angry any more. In Nat-m there is a lack of nurturing, they do feel the need deep inside, but they live with the realisation that they have been left alone. That is why Nat-m is the great remedy after the loss of a loved one. But another situation in which a Nat-m state can develop, is the incubator: the baby is completely left to his own (emotional) fate.


Directly related to the need to be nurtured is the mother. In many Muriaticums we can find problems with the mother. In Nat-m you often see a cold, strict, and certainly not a very loving mother. Or she is completely absent. With Mag-m we often she a quarrelsome mother. The mother is also the symbol of nurturing, as in the expression 'mother earth'. In cases where you find problems related to the mother figure, it is necessary to think of a Muriaticum.


From the characteristics mentioned above we can deduce that attention is a central theme with the Muriaticums. They ask for a lot of attention, or the opposite, they have lost all hope of getting it. Attention is something in which you can bask, like a cat who always sits on that part of the newspaper that you are just reading.


Our self-awareness has the function of focusing the attention. So there is a close relationship between attention and self- awareness. The ego is a part of us that not only gives attention, it is also a part that needs a lot of warmth and attention. Flattering the ego is a good expression of this. This theme manifests itself in that their life is very feeling orientated, as expressed in dreams about water.

Quite a few words which play a role with the Muriaticums, have the same root: mother, mere, mare (sea), muri(aticum).

General characteristics

Physique: thin.

Location: left.

Temperature: slightly warm, (<) (>) sea.

Time: (<) 11 pm.

Desires: salt, starch.

Aversion: meat.

Menses: (<) before, during or after menses, (<) after pregnancy.

Sleep: falling asleep is difficult.


Swollen and painful breasts before menses.


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