Natrum bromatum [Nat-br]:

- Jan Scholten

Although Natrum bromatum has never been proved it is still possible to get a general idea of the remedy by means of the group analysis.


Natrum Bromatum

Impulsive relationships Terminating work

Changing contacts Redundancy Pension

Vulnerable Forced labour

Lack of perseverance Guilt Fault

Withdrawn Passion Aggression

Alone Lonely Psychosis

Reserved Silent Fleeing


Group analysis

Alone with their guilt.

Depressed by their aggression.

Withdrawing when they feel guilty.

Restricting themselves to avoid guilt.

Aggression held in check.

Withdrawing when they make a mistake.

Withdrawing makes them feel guilty.

Picture of Natrum bromatum

Essence: The feeling that they are alone and have to deal with guilt on their own.

Alone with their guilt

They very easily feel that they have made a mistake and it makes them feel guilty. They don't express this, however, because they feel they have to solve it themselves. So they tend to bottle up these feelings and get depressed. The result is that they withdraw into themselves. The best way to avoid making mistakes and not to have to feel guilty is to avoid seeing people and to do as little as possible.

Withdrawing when they feel guilty Another variation is that they feel guilty about their own passions and aggressions. They are ashamed of this side of themselves and they try and restrain it so that other people wont notice it. But by trying to keep themselves in check they feel even more lonely than they were before and it leads to a state of withdrawal and depression.

Withdrawing when they make mistakes

Being a victim of incest may be the cause of their feeling of guilt. They may feel that they asked for it and that it was all their own fault. They may even feel guilty about the fact that they are so quiet and withdrawn and they think that they are asking for trouble because they are like this. The overall feeling is that there is nobody to talk to and they have to solve these problems on their own.


Fears: failure, criticism, opposition, looked at, anticipation, loss of relations, death, future, people; easily frightened, unexpected events.

Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis.

Causes: incest, loss of family or friends.

Mood: gloomy, melancholic, pessimistic; (>) or (<) music. Generals Build: thin, blond, blue eyed. Locality: left. Weather: warm, (>) fresh air, (>) sea (3), (<) draught, (<) sun. Time: (<) 11 am. (<) summer. Desires: chocolate (3), salt, fish, starch. Aversion: fat, fish, salt. Food: (<) chocolate (3), tobacco, milk, starch, fish, salt; (>) eating, cold.

Menses: pain before menses.

Sleep: somnambulism.

Physical: (<) touch, lying on left side, dust, (>) motion.


Acrid and watery discharges.

Chorea and epilepsy.

Swollen glands, hard, painless or painful.

Fever without perspiration. Cancer.

Headache (<) sun. Cold with acrid discharge, hoarseness. Air feels cold. Mumps. Enlarged thyroid. Hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Allergic asthma with flapping of alae nasi, constriction in throat pit. Whooping cough. Palpitations. Anaemia (3). Stomach problems. Diabetes. Kidney problems. Oedema. Swelling, inflammation and cancer of testes and ovaries. Acne, cobweb sensation on face, eczema on neck. Dirty wounds with green, foul smelling discharge. DD: Silicium series, Ferrum series, Stage 1 and 17, Badiaga, Fluoratums, Medorrhinum. DD Natrum fluoratum: Both remedies may be indicated in cases of incest, with the feeling they have done something that was forbidden and having nobody to talk to. The difference is that Natrum bromatum has a much greater feeling of guilt, as if they were the one who asked for it themselves. Natrum fluoratum has more of a feeling of being used and being rejected by everyone. Case by Sonja Obbink A 25 year old woman suffers from eczema, mainly on her neck, but also extending to her jaw line and down to the chest. Also some patches on her eyelids and in the bend of the elbows. The skin is dry, purple/red and rough and itches very much (3). The problem started when she was 14, around the time of her first menstruation. Modalities: (<) before menses, slow improvement during menses; (<) cats (3), evening (but never in bed); (<) coffee, chocolate (3), autumn, stress, after a shower (3); (>) summer, sun (3), sea (3), cold applications (2), pregnancy. Two weeks after the birth of her first child she got a severe aggravation, and was covered from head to foot with eczema. The itching was terrible; she scratched until her skin was bleeding all over, (<) at night: it kept her awake all night. She was treated in hospital and given some cortisone medication. She felt very divided: on the one hand she had a child which made her very happy, and on the other hand she had this terrible skin condition which made her feel very ashamed. The next two pregnancies caused no aggravations. Sometimes she has a headache, throbbing, pain behind her eyes, as if the eyes are being pulled back, (<)(<) sun. When she is tense she feels herself trembling inside, which is sometimes visible on the outside. She can't stand being tickled. Previous history: cystitis during her primary school years. She had her tonsils removed and she has had Pfeiffer. There is a family history of eczema and asthma. Generals Build: tall, slim, blond hair, blue eyes. Weather: cold, (<) dry air, (<) sun. Desires: sweet (2), egg (3), chocolate (3), meat (2), potatoes, vegetables. Aversion: fat, fish, bitter. Menses: irregular (4-5 weeks ). Normal flow in the beginning, clots later on. Prolonged and scanty. Sleep: on right side. Mental emotional: She talks quite openly about her problems. She has one elder brother and two younger sisters. She has always been a good girl: she considered it normal to do as she was told. Her brother did rebel against his parents and although he never got punished she simply couldn't do it herself. Rules are there to be obeyed. Her father had difficulty letting her go once she was engaged. Even then she did what her father wanted her to. She still finds it difficult to talk about it because she is afraid of hurting his feelings. When she gets angry she gets depressed: she suppresses her anger straight away and doesn't talk about it until much later, for fear of saying something wrong. She once got told off at school and felt terribly ashamed: she hated herself for it. She is also a perfectionist as far as other people are concerned: whatever you show to the outside world must look good. She has difficulty speaking in public: it makes her blush and stutter. She hates all those eyes being focused on her. She never speaks in front of a group of people. She can't say no, not to strangers, but especially not to friends. She feels uncomfortable: people expect so much of you. As long as she can make others happy she is happy herself. So she goes round pleasing everybody otherwise she feels guilty. She wants to be appreciated. She worked at the post office for a while but she got terribly worried about making mistakes, feeling she couldn't handle the responsibility. Even though she is very precise and conscientious, she was still afraid that things would go wrong. A nightmare she had during that time: she saw lots of money and everything went wrong. She didnt do her job properly and made all sorts of mistakes, which made her panic. Analysis The most striking aspect of this case is the feelings of guilt and shame. This makes us think of Bromium, which is further confirmed by: eczema on the neck, (>) sea, (<) chocolate, tension with internal trembling, blue eyes, blonde, being ashamed when reprimanded and fear of making mistakes. But which bromatum should we choose? If we take a look at the way she deals with her guilt we notice that she hates herself for it but she doesnt show it to anybody. She keeps all her feelings to herself. This is characteristic of Natrum, which brings us to Natrum bromatum. Her reaction to other situations seems to confirm this choice: She feels depressed when she gets angry and she doesnt like saying no to people because it makes her feel guilty. Other Natrum symptoms: (>) sea, headache (<) sun, (<) fish, (<) bitter, doesnt like speaking in front of a group. Reaction She was first given Calcarea phosphorica and Calcarea sulphurica, without result. But a month after she was given Natrum bromatum I could see it had worked the moment she walked into the room there was an openness about her that had not been there before. She had had a severe bout of flu without fever: a bad cold with green discharge; dry, hard cough, green sputum; sore throat (<) swallowing, loss of voice; soreness in chest and stomach, (<) every breath. The eczema did not get worse, but it also appeared on her right arm for one day, after which it disappeared again. Five to six days afterwards her skin started to heal. Since this flu her skin has been exceptionally good. She only had a relapse when she started taking the pill, but shortly after that it went away again by itself. Case by Sonja Obbink This is about a 25 year old woman who came with all sorts of vague complaints. She was extremely tired, got very hot on the slightest exertion with much sweating and trembling in her legs. She also had headaches and pains in her back. But the main problem was depression which made her want to crawl into bed to forget about the whole world. She frequently makes mistakes at work. She is silent and withdrawn, worse when she is criticised. The problem started 4 years ago when she went to live on her own. This move brought some feelings to the surface which she had tried to push down for many years. It was about her stepfather who had tried to touch her up when she was 14 years old. She had been very quiet and withdrawn at the time. She lived in her own little dream world. Her stepfather saw she was having problems and tried to help her which led to to the incident in question. She still feels guilty towards him. If she hadn't been so quiet he would never have approached her like that. She feels she is worthless and has self destructive tendencies like refusing to eat and scratching herself until it bleeds (she has a big scar on her cheek from doing this). She also feels guilty towards boys: when a boy expects more of her than just friendship and she doesnt realise this straight away she feels guilty that she has unwittingly raised his hopes in vain. She has a relationship with a boyfriend at the moment but she is very afraid of losing him because of all these problems. Whenever they have a quarrel they ignore each other for days before they finally talk about it and make it up again. Past history: warts on lips, inside nose and on left index finger. Her father died in a car accident in 1978 and she has never expressed her grief. Generals Build: slim, blond, blue eyes. Weather: sun (3), (>) sea (3).

Desires: sweet (3), salt (3), chocolate (2), egg (2).

Aversion: fat (3).

Sleep: on left side, grinding teeth.


The main theme is that she becomes very quiet and withdrawn when she is criticised. This leads us to Natrum bromatum straight away: Natrum withdraws and Bromium feels guilty. The patient associated the feeling with an unpleasant experience with her step father when she was younger. She used to be equally silent and withdrawn at the time. She feels guilty because she thinks that her step father approached her because she was so very quiet.

The same theme can be seen in her attitude towards boys: she feels guilty because she feels she has led them up the garden path. She isn't aware of their sexual intentions and she doesnt respond.

Another typical symptom is her self destructive tendency, scratching her own face until it bleeds. Also the grinding of her teeth, which points to the suppressed aggression, another strong Natrum bromatum symptom.

Other Natrum symptoms: warm, depressed, silent, withdrawn, (>) salt, (<) fat, (>) sea.

Boron symptoms: warm, blond, blue eyes, (>) chocolate, (>) sea.


After Natrum bromatum she had a slight aggravation. After that much more energy. She has not felt depressed since and the headache has gone too.


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