Natrum phosphoricum [Nat-p]:

- Jan Scholten

Natrum phosphoricum is not a very well known remedy. There are not many really clear cases to be found in the literature. One would expect the opposite, since both Phosphorus and Natrum muriaticum are well known to us. Natrum phosphoricum is sometimes regarded as a refined but rather closed type of Phosphorus.


Natrum Phosphoricum

Sadness and depression Communication

Closed, alone Sympathetic

Restriction Friends, acquaintances, neighbours

Denial, forbidden Brothers

Sensitive Homesickness

Holding on Curiosity and travel

Restlessness and fears Group analysis

The theme according to the group analysis is that communication is forbidden. Vithoulkas said at one of his seminars that a typical trait of Nat-p is that they walk around with a secret. They have the feeling that there is something that they are not allowed to share with others. Their conscience forbids them to talk about their ideas or their problems. They carry the heavy burden of their secret around with them. Their fear of the telephone is a typical expression of this. When the telephone rings they suddenly have to talk to someone. They are afraid that they will say something wrong or that they will say too much.

A variation on this theme is that the communication is very sensitive and refined. They like to communicate, but only if it is at a very high level. That could mean culturally refined, but also delicate with respect to other people's feelings. They are very subtle and sensitive in the way they treat others. They expect others to treat them in the same way, because they feel very vulnerable.

Another variation could be that they feel they are alone with their learning problems. They think that they have to sort out every problem on their own. Later in life they feel that they have to cope with their work by themselves, find solutions to problems on their own. They feel that their thinking process is slow, that something is holding them back. This can also be expressed in the feeling that they are forbidden to be too curious. They are not allowed just to ask anything. All these restrictions they put upon themselves do not make it easy for them to make good progress in their studies, hence they become slow learners. A final variation on the theme might be that they don't have any brothers or friends. This could be the situation of an only child, or a child whose brother has died. Not having any friends is also similar to this situation. They feel lonely and depressed, they go their own way. This situation might come about through the loss of friends after moving house, or after the death of a friend.


A man comes with skin problems. His skin is dry and scaly, especially in the neck and fingers, notably the third and fourth fingers of the right hand. The nails are pitted. It looks like a fungal infection.

Headache (<) airconditioning, (<) coffee, alcohol. Past history: Eczema in the hollow of knees and elbows. Asthma(<) cold, winter, damp, mist, cats (2), dogs(2), dust, mite, exertion. (>) fresh air.

The asthma started after he had to repeat a year at school. The asthma shocked him very much. For a whole year he did not say anything, bottled up everything and pretended everything was fine.

Hayfever with lachrymation (>) sitting up straight, (>) in the tropics.

General characteristics:

Temperature: (<) cold, winter, damp, mist, aversion to sea, irritable in bad weather. (<) airconditioning; afraid of thunderstorms (3), as a child he was panic stricken once, when he became entangled in his bedsheets during a thunderstorm. Time: (<) 2 pm, (>) evening.

Desires: spices (3), meat (2), fish (2), salt, pasta.

Aversion: liver (3), pork.

Sleep: unrefreshed.

Mind: His complaints started after he broke off a relationship. They had been living together for 7 years. He had been very demanding. She broke off the relationship because she had had enough of him. It was as if his whole world collapsed. He did not speak to anyone about it. He is very tense because of his job. He is the manager of an educational institute. The work is nice but very hectic. It is never finished. He works long hours in order to do his job well. This makes him feel depressed from time to time. He can't delegate well either, takes too much on himself. He feels that he has to sort everything out by himself, and this causes him to be overloaded with work. He is a very closed person. He never talks about his grief over the broken relationship. He is ashamed to do so. He does not talk about any other problems either. He does not want to disappoint others. On the other hand he can be quite open, other people come to him with their troubles. He is very sympathetic. He can also be very enthusiastic and willing to try anything new. He feels that he is impatient. Stress and tension make his head flush. He is very fastidious, in his work, in cooking, in the way he dresses. But he still thinks he is too sloppy. He is unsure of himself and was very shy as a child. He used to be ashamed because he was the smallest of the class, and also because he often had a bandage round his face because of the eczema. He is afraid of the telephone.


There are many traits of Phosphorus in this case: fear of thunderstorms, sympathetic,desires fish and salt, enthusiastic to do new things. Natrum symptoms are also present: closed, lovesickness, aversion to sea, desires fish, salt, pasta. The beauty of this case is that the theme of Nat-p comes up clearly, following the group analysis: solving everything at work on his own, dislikes the telephone, dislikes talking about his grief, restricted in his relationship, not talking about having to repeat a year at school, being the smallest in the class.


After Nat-p 1M the eczema became worse for two weeks, after which it got much better. He also felt more energetic and optimistic.

Picture of Natrum phosphoricum

Essence: They have the delusion that there is something that they cannot talk about.

Mind: They have the delusion that there is something that they have to solve on their own, something that they cannot talk about. They can walk around with a secret for years. Usually there is a certain taboo on the subject too. For instance, they might have financial problems, or they might be homosexual, or they might know of a suicide which has been declared as an accident, or any such matter. They often have the feeling that they should protect others: if others knew all the facts, it might be more than they could bear. Because of their sensitivity they have a very acute feeling and understanding of the vulnerability of other people. Sometimes they project their own sensitivity on to others and make them seem more vulnerable than they really are.

They have a great desire for company and like to have many friends. They are very sympathetic and open to other people's problems. But they are not that open about themselves. They hold on to their contacts with friends and relations but they do not express themselves easily, even to them. If a relationship is broken they will be very upset, they tend to keep longing for this old contact. But they do not express this openly either, they bear their own problems in silence, because they don't want to burden others with them.

They are rather refined people, very sensitive to rudeness. They are easily touched by cultural beauty, they like to write poems for instance. On the other hand they can be very closed. They prefer to be alone at times, so that they don't have to talk, especially if the conversation threatens to become rough or coarse. They feel much more at ease with delicate and sensitive subject matters.

They may have learning problems, but here again they will not talk about this.

Fear: telephone, being alone, thunderstorms, disease, death.

General characteristics:

Location: right sided.

Physique: tall, thin.

Temperature: cold, sensitive to thunderstorm, (<) sun. Time: (<) 11 am and 9 pm. Desires: spices (3), salt, fish (3), cold drinks (2), fried eggs. Aversion: salt, fish. Menses: copious. Physical: (<) movement, walking, (>) rubbing.


Burning pains.

Haemorrhages of bright red blood.

Bone problems, growing pains, rachitis, osteoporosis.

Neurological problems, convulsions, hyperventilation. Weakness with nervousness.


Tongue and roof of mouth coated yellow or white.

Tuberculosis,lung problems, bronchitis, asthma.


  1. Hi my 2 yr old is considered to be autistic..the homeopath has prescribed Natrum Phosphoricum 200c to me also.. but just one dose of 2 pellets... Can you advice why she might have given it to me??

  2. Your babies constitution night matching Natrum phosporicum, please read the above symptoms and compare them whether your baby has the same symptoms to know the symptom matching.


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