- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

False Gromwell


Sensory nerves

Cranial organs,



Pelvic viscera


Lower limbs

L. side more

Alternating sides


Warm humid air

Cold stormy air


Depressing factors : taking cold; anaesthetics

Depletions : sexual excesses

Sprains :


Other sprains

Jar (misstep)

Darkness (head)

Lying on l. side; on back (head, back)

Clothes on abdomen


Drinking ice-cold water


Drugs : Chloroform;




Rest; lying on back (colic)

Open air


Uncovering abdomen


Cold food and drink

Congestive. Neuralgic. Neurasthenic. Ataxic. Aged




The first stage :

Mild congestions, as after taking cold (Coty.): in cranial organs (head, eyes, ears, nose, face); in G.-U. organs (bladder, urethra, ovaries, uterus, mammae); in pelvis; in spine. A sense of fullness (in head, eyes, ears, nose, face); as also a feeling as if catarrhs etc. were about to appear (cold, diarrhea, menses or a chill, and perhaps sweat). Frank inflammations not favoured (unlike Spiran.). Paralysing congestions; pt. dull, dazed and dizzy (like Gels. but not drowsy); and dry. No hemorrhages. No convulsions (unlike Gel., Phys.).

Pains. Full of pains in various organs; in small parts / spots; neuralgic rather than rheumatic. Aching. Dull. Drawing. Dragging (down) in viscera (as of a stool or menses). Pains leave a heavy and tired, sore and stiff feeling. Numbness: l. forearm, below knees; tingling in calves and feet (l. more); in little toe; formication in calves and feet. General distress and full feeling.

The second stage :

A. Persistent prostration, muscular tiredness and weariness, as if born tired (Cur., Helon.); as if going into (like Echin.) or recovering from a serious acute illness (Bapt.). A nervous, shaky feeling incapacitating for any exertion mental or physical. Muscles feel unsteady and treacherous. Eyes, esp., feel tired. Weary, tired, lame, stiff and numb feeling in limbs, esp. lower legs. A light feeling as from chloroform; also a weak, tremulous feeling (as in Lec., Zinc.).

B. Fag. Nervous prostration, as after sexual excesses (esp. of the aged). Feebleness and functional incapacity as in old age (Ambr., Bapt., Carb-s., Cur.).

C. Incoordination expressed in six cannots: 1. Cannot concentrate : cannot decide or judge; cannot remember; cannot speak properly (aphasia).Slow thinking. Confusion. Omits letters. Apathetic and listless.

2. Cannot coordinate muscles. Unsteadiness, shakiness in limbs, a sense of insecurity; muscles become unruly; hands fumble at work, legs stagger, gait unnatural, cannot stand without a support. Locomotor ataxia (Agar.).

3. Cannot judge (physically): A side-walk or floor seems raised up, hence steps too high. As to size, distant objects look very large. Of time, minutes seem hours. Also of distances.

4. Cannot accomodate (focus). Presbyopia. Asthenopia.

5.Cannot perceive sensations. Analgesia. Anaesthesia. Morvan's disease (Aur-m.). Locomotor ataxia, cerebral crises, numbness. In headache not sensitive to noise, light, odours, but in ocular troubles darkness is preferred.

6. Cannot act. Sexual analgesia, neurasthenia and frigidity.

Tissues Mucous membranes: Dryness in nose, lips, mouth, throat, bladder, skin, with great thirst for ice-cold water (contra Gels.); not of vagina. Stringiness of discharges (stool, leucorrhea, menses, expectoration).

No influence on blood (Gels. has some toxemia). No hemorrhages (Cur.,Gels.), except in retina or eyes.

Other features

1. Tremulousness from least exertion; a nervous, tremulous sinking feeling as from hunger that makes him restless and drives to eat. A nervous shaky feeling making her unfit for any work. Trembling arms and hands. But no express paralysis (unlike Gel., Olnd.); and prob. also no spasms (unlike Phys.).

2. Associated symptoms: Head and eye. Head and ear. Head and ovary (Sabal.). Eye and ovary. Rectum and ovary (soreness). (Ear and ovary. Eye and ear). Rectum and bladder tenesmus (Carb-s.).

3. Cold (or feeling in) : nose, abdomen, genitals, vagina.

Select Particulars Mind : Restless; desire to change position just for the sake of it. Intoxicated, confused feeling. Slow thinking; irresolute;apathetic and listless. Fear of falling on going up or downstairs. Delusion, sees gaily dressed persons. Forgetful.

Head : Vertigo, (<) lying on l. side (Gels.-r.). Levitation. Dizzy or nauseated before or after headache; fear of looking down. Fullness in head (>) sleep, eating (Gels. no change).

Various pains, esp. those sympathising from eyes (strain or myopic), or from ears, or neurasthenic or sexual weakness. Migraine. Occipital most; dull, heavy up-pressing in O.; pain up and down from (l.) O. to vertex and shoulder or back, (<) exertion; O. as if screwed in, (<) lying on back or l. side; occipito - frontal, (<) morning on waking; to O., reflex from eyes. Eyes : Congestion: retina, optic disc, optic nerve. Retinal vessels engorged. Aching, heavy, tired, stiff, strained, tense or lame feeling; dull ache over eyes, esp. in and over l. eye, from dictionary or other close work (Ruta); pain in eyeball, or between orbit and ball ext. to l. temple; eyelids sore and heavy (but not so drooping as in Gels.). Tension in eyes due to incoordination of ocular muscles, congestion or paresis; on looking at near objects (they have to be held at a distance). Eyes feel wide open, enlarged. Vision : Amblyopia, from alcoholism, onanism, bromides. Myopia; aching in r. side of occiput and r. eye, (<) fatigue, coughing or sudden motion (i.e. jerk), strained sense in eyes, vertigo. Colour-blindness for red, green. Diplopia. Ears : Pains in E. and shooting in front of auricle, vertigo, PM headache, ringing in E., unable to lie on l. side or raise arms above head. Pain in mastoid and temples. Catarrhal otitis media. Noises : singing (like from Quinine); ringing; roaring; hissing. From hyperemia after sleeping in draft during a thunderstorm. Meniere's disease: tinnitus, vertigo, nausea, occipital pain; after exposure to a cold stormy wind tinnitus, vertigo, deafness, vision blurred and diplopic, steps high, loss of memory, numbness. Nose : Dry, but P-N discharge with raw, scraped, stuffed feeling. Sneezing, esp. in morning, when first getting up. Face : Flushing : after excitement (Meli.), (<) motion, (>) headache (without epistaxis). Pain in malar bones, with numbness, weariness in limbs.

Oris : Clammy feeling and taste. Sore throat, raw, scraping, soreness, (>) eating, cold drinks. Constriction when swallowing.

Stomach : Craving for ice water, very cold drinks (distaste for ordinary water), wants to drink often. Nervous hunger; a nervous tremulous faint feeling as from hunger; a sort of tremulous pulsation (like Asaf.); after siesta (Ang.). Nausea (<)morning (as in pregnancy). Nauseous eructations; after eating. Attacks of acidity. Abdomen : Colics (with a tense feeling), (>) undressing esp. over A., bending backward or lying on back. Colic, as from ice water (a stiffened feeling).

Rectum : Tenesmus. Stool: morning, urgent; mushy, yellow, slimy, stringy, bloody.

Urinary : Bladder irritation; tenesmus.Urethral irritation (Sabal.); after urethral surgery; pain before and after micturition. Urine scanty (opp. Gels.); aromatic (Sabal., raspberry); loaded with urea; urging seldom.

Male : Constant sexual excitement. Priapism (Sabal.); with numbness and tingling in legs, (<) lying on back. Emissions in an onanist. Psychical impotence: loss of desire, incomplete erections, speedy ejaculations; sexual abuse or involution of the aged (Carb-s.). Cold feeling in glans (Sabal., cold genitals). Female : Menses too early and too prolonged. Leucorrhea profuse, offensive, yellow, acrid, causes itching ((>) scratching). Ovarian pain, (<) pressure; aching, pulsating, cutting; leave a sore feeling; change sides. With head, eye, ear or rectal pains. Severe uterine pains:cramps as from taking cold during menstruation, (>) undressing (esp. abdomen); bearing down pains; soreness in uterine region; recurrent pains. Displacement. Prolapse. Fibroid.

Desire completely lost (Sabal.); after abuse of contraceptives (Sep.).

Mammae: sore, aching (l.); (feel) engorged and swollen; tender (Sabal.); atrophied (Sabal.). Itching about nipples. Shooting from (l.) nipple to breast.

Respiratory : Laryngeal cough, (>) drinking cold water; expectoration white, stringy. Voice husky. (Asthma). Chest sore.

Heart : Oppression. Depressed feeling in H., as if it would stop; and pain, causing apprehension of death. Pain: at apex; in precordia with headache. Pulse: weak, rapid, irregular (Gels. has slow also), intermittent. Aortic and mitral murmurs; heart dilated.

Back : Pain in various regions, (>) about noon, moving about; with sexual excitement, legs numb and tingling. Congestion in spinal cord. (Spinal irritation).

Locomotor : Limbs weary, tired, heavy, weak, prostrated, numb; tremulous aching.

Sleep : Sleepless (unlike Gels., Lot-t., Naph., Sec.). Rarely sleepy.

Thermic : Flushed feeling over whole body (a glow, orgasm, ebullition warmth). Entire lack of sweat (unlike Gels.). Periodical fever, every day 12 to 1 p.m.

Relations : Comparisons: Gels.:A nearest analogue and counterpart. Onos. is milder and more chronic Gels.; a virtual second Gels.,however with less emphasis on motor nerves and cerebro-spinal system, and having a restricted applicability; has no influence on blood. Gels. more right sided, Onos. more left.

Naph.: Incoordination. Eye symptoms; but of O. are due to incoordination, of N. due to degeneration (of fluids). N. has twitchings, O. trembling / crawling. N. drowsy, O. sleepless. N. emphasises on nose (hay asthma), diaphragm (whooping cough) and kidneys.

Cocc. : Onos. is a C. without its pathol.(i.e. hysterical) element. Cocc. is like Onos. and Poth. together.

Visc. : Continues the work of O. to paralysis (also of Gels.).

Phys. : The depression leads to congestion; but it goes to spasms or paralysis, and continues the sclerotic work of O. Olnd. is non-spasmodic Phys.

Poth. : Meteorism, arterial pulsation, asthma; but Onos. is not hysterical, and has urinary symptoms.

Related:Cimi.,Hyper.,Lil-t.,Lol-t.,Nat-m.,Nat-s.,Pic-ac., Sabal.,Spig.


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