Polonium [Polo]:

- Jan Scholten
Polonium [Polo]:

Polonium has never been written about in homoeopathic literature.


This metal has been named after the country Poland. It was discovered in 1898 by Curie in pitchblende. Its chemical symbol is Po. It is the rarest natural element in the world. It is used as a source of neutrons, also in neutron batteries.


Stage 16 Gold series

Used up Leadership Management

Expecting Organisation Structure

Tempting Serious Heavy

Digging up Responsible

Remembering King

Imagination Power Dictatorial

Making the peace Dignified

Living on past resources Alone Isolation

Neglecting Lazy Failure Hurt

Rotting Religion Sexuality

Ripe old age


Eyes Vision

Group analysis

Lost power.

Expecting to be seen as a leader.

Expecting obedience.

Fantasising how it would be to be king.

Living on past fame as a leader.

Neglecting your responsibilities.

Neglecting to organise.

Too lazy to take the lead.

Experimental forms of organisation.

The theoretical director.

Theorising about organisations.

Living on past dignity.

Failure through neglect of the organisation.

Picture of Polonium metallicum Essence: living on old fame as a leader.

Lost power

They have lost their power as well as their organisation. But they often expect to be treated with all respect be;longing to the position of director. It is like a king who has lost his kingdom and is living in exile. They live on their past status as a king, but they haven't got any power anymore. All they have left to do is to dream about the old days and to give huge parties like they used to.

Experimental forms of organisation

Another variation is that they have all sorts of fantasies about how they would lead an organisation if they were in charge. They are full of experimental ideas of how they society should be run.

But they are too lazy to make the effort to put their thoughts into action.

Neglecting their responsibility

If they are still director they tend to neglect the organisation.

Deep inside they have given up hope of keeping the business. They may be able to extend their resign for a bit longer if they use all their wits, but it will soon be over because of their laziness and neglect.


Fears: heights, falling, murder, death, suicide, heart disease, stroke, insanity, people, crowds, religion, devil, God.

Dreams: heights, falling.

Delusions: superior, alone, mania.

Irritability: (<) offended. Mood: haughty. Mental: absent minded, confused, rigid, insane. Professions: king, leader, director, manager, president, chairman, captain, mayor, bishop, top sportsman or woman. Causes: disaster, hurt, humiliation. Generals Locality: right. Weather: cold; (>) open air; (<) cloudy; (<) dry. Desires: alcohol, drugs, meat. Food: (<) drugs, (>) eating, (<) fasting. Menses: absent, profuse, black; (<) menses, (<) pregnancy, (<) birth. Sleep: sleeplessness (3). Physical: (<) rest, (<) sitting, (<) lying, (>) walking, (>) motion, (<) dark, (>) pressure, (>) rubbing, (<) touch.


Weakness, nervousness and restlessness.

Pains: boring, contracting.

Sensations: swollen, blown up, heavy, full.

Paralysis: Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis.


Eye complaints: inflammations, visual disturbances.

Heart complaints: high blood pressure, infarction, failure, pain.

Problems with testes and ovaries: inflammations, cancer, cryptorchism, sterility, amenorrhoea, metrorrhagia.

Affections of bones: necrosis, inflammation.

DD: Gold series, Stage 16.

DD Bismuth: is losing his organisation and his power and is feeling very alone. Polonium has lost his power long ago and is only reminiscing about the good old days when the organisation was flourishing.


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