- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Region Worse Better

Blood -vascular COLD; air; drink HEAT; warmth system Damp; getting wet; (bath, drinks)

Heart hot damp weather Covering up

Cranium Summer; Sun Open air

Mucous memb. Warm room (cough) Motion; change

Liver Tropics. Vaults of position;

Muscles Unhealthy surroundings rocking

Skin AM : 4 (sweat); 10-11 Walking;

PM : 7 (chill) Stretching

Lying. During sleep Deflation

Touch. Pressure Vomiting

Motion (colic, cough, palp., chill). Stooping

Suppressions (discharges, flows)

Immunizers. Insulin

Bad:water, food, oil, effluvia

Open traumas. Surgeries

Frozen substances

Infected. Toxic. Putrescent

Run down. Aged. Spoilt

A syco-syphilitic remedy of wide but acute /subchronic range. A homoeopathic antibiotic (like Echi.). Infections : streptococcal, ending in a (latent) septic state; puerperal; post-traumatic; surgical; poisonings (sewer gas or ptomaine); reabsorption of pus (like Anthr., Rhus-t.); or auto; with a malignant tendency (during diphtheria, exanthems, typhoid or hectic), or after surgery. Pushed enough it is a normalizing restorative, revitalizer, bloomer and even a rejuvinator (akin to Med.). Infections again may unfold a zymotic state (like Lach.) with great rapidity (like Phos.) and mental involvement; virus (or exanthem) infiltrates in the blood-stream.

Lack of resistance and vital response, due to hangovers of (i.e. latent) pyogenic states. Chronic states with relapses; never well since some infections (influenza, malaria, typhoid, puerperal, pyorrhea, abscesses etc.); even the remotest effects. Disturbed metabolism with lack of absorption or complete disintegration due to same or old age. Also useful as an intercurrent (like Carc., Med., Syph. or Tub.). For lingering serious troubles (like diabetes, t. b., growths, cancer) on the same grounds. The 'best remedy failing' cases. Convalescence delayed.

Congestions : brain, eyes, nose, face (cranium), liver. Blood throbs throughout, even to fingertips (Ver-v.); (sudden) pulsations, before or during fever with intense restlessness. Rosy red streaks along course of lymphatics (Rhus-t.). Hemorrhage : septic; blood dark, offensive. Tingling in toes as if frozen.

All discharges horribly offensive (taste, breath, vomit, stool, urine, menses, lochia, sputum, sweat). Offensive or sweetish odor from body itself nauseous to himself. Brownish black (vomit, stool, lochia). Pungent heat. Rarely, sweet taste.

PAINS (in limbs) usher any trouble (including fevers), prostration comes much later. Sore bruised or aching (like Rhus- t. but) (>) even on beg. to move; of parts lain on (not Rhus-t.). Aching bones (Eup.). Pains in waves, (<) night, after midnight. Averse to bath; prefers warm bath. Great nervousness and restless (with achings); (>) after sleep. Nervous weakness, during convalescence, (<) mornings; paralytic. Paralysis; of legs, keeps rocking. Convulsions; r. arm or leg moves in a semicircle from r. Dropsy : Renal. Ascites. Of foot (after sour). (Epidemic). Epidemic : jaundice; dysentery; pneumonia; influenza; (beriberi). Emaciation. Injuries : Infection after cuts, burns, fractures, bites, turning septic, gangrenous mortification, rapid chill and heat. Post- surgical or traumatic lymphangitis (red or black streaks). Some Clinical Tips 1. Asymptomatic UTI. 2. Consider Pyrogen for cases of sepsis invariably accompanied with chills. 3. A prominent drug for severe sinusitis; when deeper sinuses are involved. 4. Consider Pyrogen for any acute infection, when there is temperature-pulse discrepancy (even before full-blown disease portrait has developed). 5. A best drug to use pre-operatively in septic cases (like perforated appendix) when there is a drop in temperature and increased pulse rate. Select Particulars Mind : Erethism, rapid ideation and various delusions (mainly of dissociation, duplication and expansion). Thinks himself rich. Increased buoyancy, loquacity (Coff.), playful, euphoric; during fever. Restlessness, anxiety, nervousness, (<) night, after midnight; (>) sitting up, rocking (rarely, none). Feels illness intensely (Sabad.). Fear of surgery (Arn.).

Later confused; stuporous.

Head : Dizziness on rising up.

Congestive headaches : bursting; throbbing; stunning; (>) bandaging, warmth, epistaxis. Toxic headache, approaching apoplexy; after dietetic indescritions, (>) milk, Sun, wetting head ; (>) pulling hair, vomiting. Cap-like. Shocks. Occipital, (<) coughing. (Brow ague). Meningitis : offensive discharges and sweat sans (>); automotion of one side; rolling head; syncope; low delirium.

Eyes : Phlyctenular keratitis; photophobia, lids feel dry, sandy. Cloudy, dim vision (septic dyspepsia).

Ears : Cold. Red. Throbbing. Heart pulsates in ears. Noises purring, puffing, steam escaping etc.

Nose : Cold. Catarrh fluent, thin. Sneezing, nightly, from uncovering head. Alternate sides stopped. Flapping wings (Ant- t.).

Epistaxis : septic, toxic; after headache; dreaming thereof before.

Face : Flushed; circumscribed; hectic, (<) PM, then cold sweat on face. Mouth : Troubles after extraction of (carious) teeth (with pyorrhea). Tongue: red, and dry, clean; cracked; yellow (stripe down centre), with red edges and tip; smooth, varnished look; white front, brown back; large, flabby. Saliva sticky. Throat : Dry, difficult speech. Tonsillitis, follicular; with mesenteric adenitis and a resolving broncho- pneumonia (with Fer- ph.); ulcerative. Sore throats; diphtheric; D. with great fetor. Stomach : Desires sweets, chocolates, warm food, warm water (which is retained) or cold water which is rejected instantly (Ars.) or on warming up (Pho.). Thirst for small quantities (Ars.). Retains only hot water (Chel.). Hungry, but easy repletion; distressed, like a heavy load. Weak digestion. Casein intolerance, with aversion to milk (Lac-d.). Food toxicity; troubles after indigestible foods or wrong servings, fibrous foods, garlic, onion etc. Biliousness : headache; nausea, with cold feet, (>) after hot water (Chel.). Vomiting: persistent; coffee grounds, bile, offensive, stercoraceous (in impaction, like Op.) , after drink gets heated up.

Abdomen : Cold. Full, heavy, bloated, tympanitic. Tender. Intussusception; febrile; septic. Inflamed bowels, peritoneum, appendix (cutting pains ext. to back, (<) jar, motion; (>) lying on r. side, heat ), uterus ; later ulceration, of colon. (cp.Ars.). Tabes mesenterica. Colic, like Colo. but (>) motion.

Liver : Bilousness. Jaundice; infectious febrile icterus (hepatitis B) with rheumatic pains; epidemic. Enlarged liver and spleen. After chilled foods bilious remittent fever.

In l. hypochondrium bubbling or gurgling, on lying on l. side (flatulent). Pain l. of navel (<) drinking , (>) deflation. Flatus not offensive usually (an exception).

Gastro-enteritis, febrile, prostrating (Ars.), (sepsis intestinalis), from sewer gas or ptomaine poisoning, (putrefying) canned stuffs, cheese, icecreams. Stools copious, watery, offensive or not. Tongue first coated, later on clean and red. Chilliness or not.

Rectum : Obstipation, even complete inertia; during convalescence; impaction. Stools : black (Lept.), large or small balls (like olives) first part, latter natural, highly offensive.

Diarrhea : post - typhoid; puerperal; tropical (sprue ?); painless. Stools brownish black, horribly offensive, often involuntary (and urine in septic fevers). Cholera.

Dysentery : after heavy dinner, rancid fat. Early, septicemic, or malignant. With : colic (like Colo.); (>) after stool; tenesmus recti et vesi; (creeping) chill after drinking and stool; a never- get- done feeling; mounting fever (with falling pulse). Later, perspiration, collapse, loss of reaction and response to remedies, infrequent stools or open anus. After Rhus- t. in dysentery after curds.

Sweat about anus. Fistula.

Urinary : Cystic irritation as fever comes on; urging, burning, polyuria.

Nephritis : septic (reabsorption of pus) after badly treated abscess or ulcer. With gastro-intestinal irritation, cold termini, cold sweat on face, red streaks up arm, swollen genitals, false well feeling. Toxic kidneys in infectious diseases; after over-flesh- eating, fever too high for Echi.

Renal torpidity, congestion.

Renal calculi, with pyelitis and cystitis ( Methyl-b.).

B-coli infection : polyuria earlier, pain at close of urination, tender kidney region, h/o ketonuria.

Diabetes; gangrene (from latent sepsis). With chill (beg. from heart) alternating with sweat (coming on at 4 am or during siesta), high pulse, touch-me-not; h/o variola, felon, winter scabies, abscesses, typhoid, offensive menses and foot-sweats, and free sweats at climaxis. A sweetish odor about him. Pyro. antidotes insulin.

Male : Secondary syphilis : pustular eruptions, varioliform, apalling fetidity. Testes flaccid. Scrotum appears thin, relaxed.

Female : Puerperal peritonitis. Pelvic cellulitis, severe pain, fetor. Inflammatory exudate. Ovarian abscess. Puerperal sepsis, fetus or secondines decomposing, discharge black, offensive. Lochia acrid, thin, brownish dark, fetid, scanty; or suppr. then chills, fever and sweat. Retained placenta. 'To arouse vital capacity of uterus and enable it to expel its contents' (Tyler). Milk suppr., headache, colic, sweat on face, fever, tachycardia. Never well since abortion (after 'flu): headache, heart trouble, HBP, febrile attacks etc., leucorrhea even in daughter of such mother.

Menses : scanty, one day only, offensive; with fever (due to latent pelvic inflammation). Preceded by an urge during sleep. Painful; reciprocal pains from navel and uterus meeting at half way (yingling); pain (>) motion and doubling up; spasmodic contractions involving rectum (urging), bladder (tenesmus), ovaries and broad ligaments. Metrorrhagia, bright red blood with dark clots (cp. Ip.).

Prolapsus uteri, bearing down pains (>) by holding breath and straining as during labor.

Respiratory : Laryngitis. Asthma; cardiac (dilated, h/o abortions); septic; whizzing when expiring. (Snoring). Rattling(Ant-t.).

Cough : (<) lying down, in warm room, motion, expiring. (>) sitting up. After tensions. Suspicious cough, with tachycardia, mother had t.b.; distressing coughs in last stage, with bone pains. Expectoration offensive with taste like pus, rusty mucus, bloody, yellow.

Pleurisy (true or false), sudden, suspected sepsis (after heavy feasting), in one with offensive otorrhea.

Pneumonia: high fever; epidemic; hepatization; later, abscess. Neglected (colds or) pneumonia.

Oppression, with tachycardia; in small hours, wakes him up, cause prob. incarcerated flatulence from decomposition of food fibres or garlic at sigmoid flexure, (<) after stool, (>)deflation. Feels like 'a heavy weight/load on her,' from food toxicity (like Jug-c.).

Chest sore; cutting knife-like pains in side, go through to back, (<) motion, (>) lying on painful side (Ascl-t.). Pain around l. nipple.

Heart : Sensations : tired or weary feeling; purring; whizzing; as if pumping cold water; as if too full of blood; as if enlarged; throbbing; as if sinking(with anxiety). Conscious of heart (Naj.) ; also of uterus (Helon.,Lyss.).

Infections implicate heart (Am-c., Crat.), weaken it (from septicity). Threatened heart failure in septic or zymotic conditions, in endocarditis. Toxic heart of typhoid, symptoms like Ars. After sore throat arthritis, then carditis, murmurs (like Strepto.) and high ESR but no pain, hungry and thirsty (for cold), sleepy, fever, but not chilly.

Palpitation; (<) excitement, lying on l. side, motion; audible, violent. Throbbing in vessels; of neck running up in waves from clavicles. Violent pulsations in body; before 'flu. Varicosis. HBP; h/o abortions (septic). Pulse disproportionate to temperature, too fast or still soaring with drop in temperature, or slower than the fever would warrant. Increased (cardiac action) with chilliness or oppression. Irregular. Fluttering. Weak. Extra systoles. Back : Pain; (>) motion. Weak feeling in. Lumbago; stitches when sitting. Pott's curvature, with abscess, later also fever.

Locomotor : Illness ( a cold) ushered with aching in limbs (Eup.), esp. legs (and later arms). Sore bruised pains, (>) beg. of motion, change of position (opp. Rhus-t.). Bone pains (tibia etc.), h/o abortions in mother. Joint pains; after sore throat; after perforated appendix; (<) touch, pressure. Aching about knee, (>) stretching, walking.

Ganglion on wrist after abortion. Milk leg.

Nails brittle, crumbling. Toe nails feel as if flying off (Ap.).

Sleep : In a semi-sleep all along. During sleep load on chest, oppression, awakens him (Lach.). Dreams all night ; of his business.

Sleep disturbed, restless, unrefreshing; or sleepless from active brain.

Skin : Discolored. Pale. Ashy (Sec.). Dry.

Blood boils. Scabies, with fever (Hep.). Measles. (Leprosy). Diabetic gangrene. Ulcers : obstinate; varicose; offensive, of old people (Bapt., Psor.). Burns. Eczema; with nephritis.

Decubitus : rapid (septic(Carb-ac.)); old fever (bed) sores with thin putrid bloody discharge; sloughing. Infectious erysipelatous inflammation; with fever, after surgery. A small cut or injury swells much and inflames.

Abscesses : recurrent (internal) A. after chloromycetin; violent burning (Anthr.,Ars.,Tarn-c.), poor drainage (less discharge more pain). A succession of abscesses after (suppr.) ulcer, with consitutional symptoms: motion (<) pain but (>) mentally, thirsty but unable to drink, hungry but unable to eat (from repletion), urine scanty, red sand, peevish, wining, fever.

Thermic : Prodrome : Achings. Coldness.

Chill : chilly and cold; with aching, tachycardia; (<) moving, draught, (cold) drinking (Echi.(>)), uncovering; hugs fire. Chills in waves; centre on back (begin between scapulae); chill comes after or continues after heat, followed by (or alternating with) sweat; 4 am, 7pm. Chill with heat; with sweat; or with heat and sweat. Chill absent in several fevers.

Fever : sudden (like Aco.). With aching, polyuria, burning (chest). Temperature rises rapidly, but malignancy develops slowly (opp. Bapt. Both rapid, Ech;, Carb-ac.). High fever; or a moderate temperature is felt very high (like Sabad.). Generally septic, after sewer gas or ptomaine poisoning, cold drinks, frozen foods. With : disproportionate pulse; throbbing blood- vessels; sensitive to touch (esp. a spot on spine), bed feels too hard; restlessness and aching (might appear at a later stage)(>) changing position, mentally over-active. Optionally, only aching, or only restlessness; rarely, none; with also no hunger, no thirst, no stool, no chill, no sweat, (a sort of dumb and silent fever).

Sweat : with chilliness or (alternating with) chill. offensive (even body odor). Colliquative (exhausting and emaciating). During sleep. Intermittent. Does not amel. Of single parts; lower half of body (Echi. upper half).

Indian continued fevers. Moderate continued fever from low sepsis, after typhoid, or PUO. Typhoid.

Catarrhal fever, after chilling when heated; less discharge higher fever (Lach.).

Influenza : sepsis simulating a 'flu,or 'flu with a typhoid overtone; after cold exposure. Violent attacks of sneezing; thick, gluey nasal discharge with blockage; frontal sinusitis; photophobia.

Spring / Summer fevers from sewer gas or (hotel) ice-creams. Feverish coldness, with aching; in wet weather.

Irregular fevers of latent sepsis.Bilious remittent fevers ; after frozen foods.Recurring unidentified fevers (PUO). Fevers of low intractable character (Carb-ac.).

Traumatic fever; from a blow (e.g.on chest). Exertion fever. Surgical fever. Pureperal fever. Fermentative, zymotic, suppurative fevers.Catheter fever (suppurative pyelo-cystitis or urethritis).

Hectic fever : slowly advancing hectic. In last stage of phthisis. As an intercurrent for septicity in tuberculosis. Malignant fevers, i.e.fever taking a malignant turn.

Relations : Compare : Aco., Anthr., Arn., Ars., Bapt; Bell., Bry., Carb-ac., Carb-v., Chin., Echi., Glo., Gunp.,Hep., Lach., Merc-c., Merc-s.,Op., Pimp., Psor., Pyrus., Rhus-t., Staphyl.,Strepto., Tub.

Pyrogen Merc-sol

1. Loquacious speech Hurried speech

2. Unworried although very ill Anxious and distressed

3. ....... (<) night 4. Over-excited during fever Depressed during fever 5. Tongue-dry, brownish Tongue flabby, palish coated 6. Not marked Tremulousness Tremulousness more marked 7. Salivation-less Salivation-excessive 8. More toxic Less toxic Also partially comparable : Am-c., Chin-a., Cimi., Crot-h., Cur., Dys-co., Gel., Kali-p., Kre., Linar., Lob-p., Malar., Meth-b., Mur-ac.,Penic., Sec., Ver-a. Echin. (has sweat of upper half, Pyro. often of lower half; Echin.(>) cold drink, Pyro.(>) hot drink; Echin. (>) rest, Pyro.(>) motion, change of position; both are counterparts; Lach. antidotes both; Bry. is acute of both; Pyro. more latent sepsis or zymosis, Echin. more patent sepsis; is milder than Pyro.).

Anthr. : is a Pyro. with burning and with amel. from cold.

Ars-i. : Both have threatened pyemia; Ars-i. is more hot, more chronic, is glandular and cancerous; is symbiotic too.

Pyrus. : only coldness, aching pains; but is not restless and is (<) motion. Rhus-t. and Pyro. both (>) motion but Rhus-t. (<) beg. of motion, not Pyro. Rhus-t. is junior Pyro. Is an intensified Rhus-t. and Echin. Earlier Pyro.looks like Rhus-t. Pyro. is syphilitic Rhus. It is both Nux. and Rhus. "If Ip. fails when indicated give Pyro" - Yingling. Pyro. is the Bell. of typhoid types of fevers. Pyro. is frequently required in persons of Phos. built. Antidotes : Ars., Eup., Lach., Nux-v., Rhus-t. It antidotes : Chloroform, Chloramphenicol, Insulin. Its acutes : Anthr., Bry., Cimi., Echi., Merc., Rhus-t. Complementaries : Ars., Bapt., Bry.,Calc-c., Calc-s., Lach., Pho., Psor., Sep., Sil., Sul., Syph., Tub. Chronics : Calc-c., Grap., Sul. Homoeopathic antibiotics : Agar., Cur., Echi., Eucal., Med., Pyro., Rhus-t. Counterparts : Anthr., Bapt., Echi. Vegetable Pyro. : Mal-off. Lach. is (syphilitic) Rhus-t. with Pyro. element. Is a cocktail of these five : Arn.(soreness), Ars.(anxiety,restlessness,thirst )Bapt. (toxicity, confusion later), Echi.(blood poisoning), Rhus-t. (restlessness;but Pyro. is (>) on beginning to move and is sans stiffness).

And also of these five : Ant-t.(rattling and fan like alae nasi), Bell. (resembles in early stage), Carb-v.(prostration and coldness), Coff. (excitement and loquacity), Eup. (chills, bone pains).

Pyro. is a revitalizer. Bapt. energizer. Echi. bloomer. Cur. and Eucal. restoratives.

As for miasms : Cur. psoric. Bapt. sycotic. Bufo psoro-sycotic. Echi. psoro-syphilitic. Pyro. syco- syphilitic. All miasms : Anthr., Ars., Hippz., Merc., Psor., Sec.

For viral/zymotic infections consider at first : Anthr., Ars., Bapt., Bell., Cur., Echi., Eucal., Lob-p., Meth-b., Psor., Pyro., Rhus-t.,Sec., Tarn-c., Ter., Tub., Ver-v.

Lack of resistance: due to latent sepsis Pyro., due to suppressed eruptions Psor., due to latent t.b. Tub.

Tub. similar in antidoting immunizing vaccinations, but Pyro. has a slant for blood, Tub. for nerves. Both are psoro- syphilitic.

Trios :

1. Rhus.-Pyro.-Mal. 3. Rhus.-Pyro.-Calc.

2. Mal.-Pyro.-Tub. 4. Pyro.-Bapt.-Nit-ac.


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