Rubidium [Rubi]:

- Jan Scholten

Rubidium is a new remedy. One might call it Hahnemann's remedy, because Hahnemann initiated homoeopathy, a hitherto unknown science, which he presented with enthusiasm and a certain impulsive spontaneity, unperturbed by the opinions of other people.


The name has been derived from the Latin word rubidius meaning deep red. The Rubidium salts burn with a bright red flame.

It is mildly radioactive. It is used in electric scanners and also in vacuum tubes as it absorbs oxygen very quickly during its oxidisation process. Medical diagnostic techniques make use of its property to accumulate in brain tumours.


Stage 1 Silver series

Initiative Impulsive creation Inspiration

Instinctive Spontaneous Ideas Culture

One Simple Unique Admiration

Lonely Alone Aesthetics:Beautiful Ugly

Stubborn Art Science Mysticism

One sided Performance Show

Ill considered Queen Ambition

Naive Hurting

Not taken seriously Sexuality

Quitting Middle age

Town Province

Voice Hearing

Group analysis

Impulsively showing your ideas.

Starting up as a representative.

Stubborn ideas.

A novice looking to be honoured.

A naive actor.

Primitive art.

Presenting all sorts of ideas.

Impulsively doing anything to be unique.

A scientist without the ability to reflect.

Producing ideas without contemplation.

A foolish spokesman.

A manic depressive spokesman.

Spontaneous wisdom.

Spontaneous and creative.

Failure through thoughtlessness.

Impulsive and thoughtless words hurt.

Sexually impulsive.

One night stands.

A new talent in top sports.

Picture of Rubidium metallicum

Essence: impulsively showing your ideas.

Impulsive in showing your ideas

They feel a great need to express their creative ideas. They feel very inspired and are bursting to give expression to their talents. They want to set up all sorts of new artistic or scientific projects.

A novice looking for honour

They want to be unique, to do something different. They want to create something so beautiful that nobody can deny it. Most of all they want to create something out of nothing, something that has never been done or seen before. They want to be seen and heard, to be the centre of attention. To boost their self esteem they might even speak with contempt about other peoples ideas.

Spontaneous wisdom

Their spontaneity often enables them to get through to the core of the matter. They are too straight forward and naive to be sidetracked by all sorts of irrelevant details. They take their ideas for what they are, critical appraisal is simply not part of their make up. Primitive art is a typical art form that belongs to this phase.

No ability to reflect on their ideas

They lack the ability to reflect on their ideas. Many ideas keep bubbling up, but they can't sort these ideas into any form or structure. They often feel chaotic inside, swimming in a sea of thoughts and images. They also have an aversion to systems and structures, are hopeless in keeping time, hate clocks and can't handle money.

Their creations are not well thought out and rather naive. They will come with some outrageously naive solution to all the worlds problems, causing people to shake their head and think they are not quite 100 percent. This makes them feel stupid and they may lose their inspiration.

Failure through thoughtlessness

Their thoughtlessness is often a reason for failure. When a painting goes wrong they are unable to consider another way of going about it. When their theories turn out to be incorrect they are unwilling to consider another approach. When a performance turns out to be a flop they mope around and shake their head instead of looking at the reason behind this failure. They allow themselves to be swept along by their negative thoughts and sombre mood. They feel useless, they give up and turn their attention to all sorts of silly trivialities. When their creative flow stops they become passive and dull.

A manic depressive spokesman

They usually manage to snap out of it as soon as a new idea hits them again. They can also become quite manic and pretend that they are overflowing with ideas. They'll get to work on it, only to discover that it isn't what they thought it would be and then they'll collapse again.

Spontaneous and creative

They are spontaneous, creative people, usually with a warm heart who find it easy to make contact with others. They are well liked on the whole and feel happy in the company of large groups of people. In later stages they might avoid other people because they feel useless and they have nothing left to say.

The newcomer at the top in a sports event This is the newcomer who enters the arena of the top sports. he is not at all impressed by all the big names around him. He doesn't even think of winning or losing, all he wants to do is to play well. It is like Boris Becker winning Wimbledon at the age of 17.


Fears: heights, narrow spaces, performance, speeches.

Dreams: heights, falling.

Delusions: soft rubber ball in space with many multi coloured bits sticking out.

Mood: haughty, impulsive, instable, chaotic, impatient, emotional, optimism alternating with pessimism, laughing alternating with crying, fearful, gloomy, crying, (>) music.

Mental: lack of concentration.

Contacts: (>), (<), (>) large company, rough, tactless.

Work: (<) housework. Professions: artist, painter, sculptor, actor, writer, singer, musician, teacher, scientist, doctor, priest, bishop, medicine man, vicar, governor, secretary, representative, advertising agent, public relations, top sport. Causes: disasters, humiliation. Generals Locality: left. Weather: cold, cold feet, (<) cold (2), (<) damp (2), (>) outside, (<) gloomy weather. Time: (<) 5 am, (<) September. Aversion: bay leaf flavoured liquorice. Menses: depressed, aggressive and negative (<) before menses. Sleep: sleepy; sleeplessness, tossing and turning. Complaints Cancer. Epilepsy. Weakness; bruised pains, itching. Headache in forehead, temples, vertex. Eye complaints; inflammations, visual disturbances. Colds, with watery discharge. Voice problems; hoarseness, loss of voice, stammering. Lung complaints. Heart complaints. Liver complaints. Problems with ovaries and testes and sexual organs in general. Neck problems, stiffness, pains in arms. Weak muscles. DD: Silver series, Stage 1, Crocus. DD Krypton: don't yet feel that they should present anything creative, everything is still fine the way it is. They are doing their work, free of any obligations, but nothing more than that. Rubidium wants to create something, something special, as simple as that ! Case A 38 year old woman suffers from depression, she is discontented with herself and can't find any peace. She feels like an empty sack, no power, like an air cushion you sink into and you can hardly get out, it is as if she is suffocating. Every day she wonders how shell get through, all her energy goes into producing a meal at the end of the day. She is very irritable, mostly with herself. Doing nothing all the time makes her feel useless. Every now and then she feels a little push, a revival of her old self, but soon after that she collapses into a heap again. Music is the only thing that can occasionally bring her out of this mood, this chain that ties her down. She feels like a caged lion and would like to scream and shout and run away. If only she could live in the jungle, in the natural rhythm of the world. She hates clocks and other reminders of a systematic world. Her depression is largely due to the fact that she can't find an expression for her creative talents. She would like to be creative, but it simply isn't happening. She has been to drama school and loves acting and singing. She has worked as a creative therapist with children. These type of activities make her feel much better. But lately there has been no time for this sort of thing. She is too tired and too busy in the house with three young children. She would love to do something, but doesn't know what. The ideas wont come. If only she could feel inspired, if only the creative force would come again, if only she could make something or do something that was her very own. The house and the children are quite a burden, she doesn't mind doing it, but she wants something else apart from that. At the moment it takes all her time and energy. The children are very demanding and this irritates her. It feels like having to manage a business, housework, children, the daily running of things, she does it only because there is nobody else to do it for her. Money is another source of problems. She has no problem spending it, but she finds it very difficult to stick to her housekeeping budget. Social contacts are getting neglected. She wants to meet people but does't get round to it. She wakes up at night, holding long conversations in her mind, but never actually phoning her friends the next day. After she had finished drama school she had experienced a similar kind of depression. She couldn't find a job and spent whole days lounging in front of the fire, absorbed in mindless activities like doing crossword puzzles, cutting out recipes and reading letters. She describes herself as extroverted, warm and friendly, everybody seems to like her. But to herself it feels more like keeping up a jolly act in order to be seen and heard. She loves to be the centre of attention and can be quite negative about others, either her husband or her children, to make herself feel more radiant. But everything seems to be too chaotic, she can't get a grip on herself. She doesn't know how it all fits together and can feel quite lost, as if shell drown in all the chaos. She often feels a bit stupid when she is in a large group of people, but shell mask this by acting jolly and chatting brightly. She imagines herself like a soft rubber ball, floating in space. Attached to this rubber ball are all sorts of brightly coloured bits. These bits are her reactions to her environment, they are direct and very impulsive. But nobody can see what is taking place on the inside: here the reactions are very slowly filtering through to an azure blue coloured centre. And although the reactions are filtering through very slowly, nothing is being done with it. A similar theme runs through her own family. Everyone always clamoured for attention, everyone tried to be even better than the others, shouting and showing off and outdoing each other. The whole family thought that they were that much smarter and wittier than everyone else, a cut above the rest, and they made sure others knew it too. She was an afterthought and could never compete with her big brothers. Her reactions are spontaneous and impulsive and therefore usually quite tactless. She can be very nasty, but regrets it later on. She is very emotional and apt to burst into tears, which can change into laughter within a few minutes. She is always bright and boisterous in company, but gloomy when alone. Her attention is focused on those around her, she wants to please people and make them happy. This attitude makes her welcome wherever she goes and it also makes her a very good hostess. Generals Weather: (<) damp, dark, rainy weather. Time: (<) September; (<) 4-5 am. Menses: depressed, aggressive and negative before menses, which she only became aware of after taking Rubidium. Sleep: frequent waking around 4-5 am, tossing and turning. Analysis The tremendous desire to be creative and the depression because she is unable to fulfil this desire indicates a remedy from the Silver series. The impulsive, thoughtless behaviour is typical of stage 1, which brings us to Rubidium. Further confirmation for the Silver series: (>) large company, (<) system and structure, family sticking out above the masses, (>) singing, acting.

Confirming stage 1: Chaotic, no overview, alternating crying and laughing, alternating revival and collapse, spontaneous.

DD: Lachesis, Crocus, Platina, Palladium, belladonna, Pulsatilla, Nitric acid.

Reaction After Rubidium metallicum 1M she felt awful for two weeks. The depression got worse, she felt like an angry lion, roaring and fuming at everyone. Then she went on holiday and during that time she started to feel much better, more feeling about what is going on, more feeling of who she is and what she can do. Her strength is coming back and she has become more independent. She is more aware of when she is rejecting her husband and manages to avoid doing this most of the time. The angry lion has disappeared. The creativity has not had a chance to express itself yet, but she feels it will come, she want to start singing.

Two months later she gets a repeat dose. That same evening she feels a tremendous heat in her stomach, heat radiating out to the front. After that she has pain in her left eye again for one evening.

One year and two more doses of Rubidium 1M later she feels reborn. The inner lion has calmed down. Her artistic side is waiting like a precious stone to be discovered, and she trusts that this will happen. She has started to do puppet plays at schools and parties and gets paid for doing it.


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