Stannum [Stann]:

- Jan Scholten

Stannum has been known since the olden days and it has also been used as a homoeopathic remedy for a long time.


The name is originally a Latin word. It is one of the oldest known metals. In astrology it is associated with the planet Jupiter.

In the old days they used to make jugs, drinking beakers and spoons out of tin. This sometimes caused problems because of a phenomenon called tin-rot which could suddenly pulverise a tin object. The same thing can happen in parts of the object, where you get tinspots which are contagious.

Bronze is made of tin and copper together (7 percent tin), and is used to make bells and statues. It is the tin that gives the bells their beautiful ringing sounds.

The main use of tin is in the manufacture of tins, because it doesn't corrode. Other applications are in solder, alloys to make smooth bearings, and in organic tin compounds like pesticides and fungicides. It serves as a catalyst in the manufacture of PVC. It used to be a component of foil, as the name tin foil still suggests, but nowadays it has been replaced by aluminium, which is much cheaper.


Stage 14 Silver series

Empty Shell Creation Inspiration

Eliminating Ideas Culture

Diverting Unique Admiration

Shrugging off Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly

Irresponsible Art Science Mysticism

Indifferent Queen Ambition

Distant Formal Show Performance

Hiding Covering Humiliation

Mask Sexuality

Middle age

Town Province

Group analysis

Discarded ideas and creations.

Elimination of honour.

Formal presentation of yourself.

Weakness through talking.

An irresponsible minister.

Blasi as an artist.

Empty inspiration: uninspired.

Discarding other peoples ideas.

Formal ideas: discrimination.

Someone who talks to weaklings.

Diverting as a form of art.

Formal admiration: courteous.

Failure through shrugging off creativity.

The decline of the sportsman.

Picture of Stannum metallicum

Essence: discarded ideas and creations.

Discarded ideas and creations

They feel that their creations are no longer admired and that people are only tolerating them out of a sense of politeness.

They feel discarded and pushed aside. They are allowed to show their ideas from the sidelines, but they are not the centre-piece of the exhibition any longer. They have no more say in the matter and all their designs are discarded.

Elimination of honour

They have been pushed aside and feel insulted. Their fame has dwindled to a mere fraction of what it was in the past; their former glorious position is reduced to a place in the margins.

This feeling is often the result of a loss of fortune or a loss of honour. They have had many successes but now their career is nearly over. It is like a late afternoon, when the highlight of the day has passed.

Formal ideas: discrimination

They are extremely formal in their ideas and convictions. Their opinions have not been updated and since their opinions don't really count anymore anyway, they don't mind what happens either way. Everything has something good in it and as far as their own ideals are concerned, they don't go for any extremes. But there is also the other side: they are concerned about people who have been pushed aside like themselves. Amnesty International will appeal to them because these people haven't got a chance anymore. And anyone else who is discriminated against can count on their support. They hate rusty old ideas and like to discuss their opinions with others.

Formal presentation of yourself

They are only allowed to present themselves to the public in a formal capacity. They no longer represent a prominent or radical point of view and are often thought of as cowards. They never take any responsibility because everything is too relative in their eyes. As an artist they daren't take a definite stand out of fear of being dumped. They always want to have their cake and eat it.

Formal admiration: courteous

Because they see everything as being relative they are very good at putting themselves in someone else's shoes. They are generous, easy going, courteous and often have an excellent command of foreign languages. They can become so good at imagining what it is like for the other person that they become quite clairvoyant. They are also good at diverting problems, they may even turn it into a form of art.

Weakness through talking

They may feel so powerless that they will go along with whatever is being said. They don't dare to express their own opinion anymore, always babbling along with other people. This makes them feel exhausted because it not their own self expression and therefore doesn't energise them. Nobody listens to them so they have to shout to be heard.

Failure through shrugging off creativity

Eventually they will fail because they don't dare to show their work anymore. They haven't got the courage to risk their neck and show their original talent. Any demand from the outside world to show what they are doing nowadays they will simply shrug off with a non committal word. It is as if they have got nothing to say for themselves. The public soon loses interest because their art is no more than an empty shell. Deep inside they feel very offended but they don't show it on the outside, remaining as courteous as ever.

The decline of the sportsman

This is the stage where the sportsman still competes in the usual tournaments, but he has got no illusions about winning anymore.

He will be lucky if he reaches the quarter finals nowadays. And having a big mouth doesn't help either, or his successors at the top will beat him without mercy.


Fears: heights, narrow spaces, shows, performances, speeches, disease, cancer, poverty, future, housework, worms, getting angry, crowds, men, people.

Dreams: heights, falling, riots, battle fields, accidents, explosion, fight, fire, parties, glittering, erotic, business, cruelties, superiority, quarrels, noise, exertions, futile efforts to escape, futile efforts to run.

Delusion: that is the end of the day (of his former glory), empty, disease, distances are increased, fainting, fire.

Irritability: Contradictory, quarrelsome, angry, malicious, violent, hate, revengeful, sarcasm, satire, teasing;(<) humiliation, (>) working.

Mood: haughty, cheerful, ecstasy, excited, hysterical; timid; empty; mild, generous; indifferent; sentimental; uneasy, impatient, changeable, restless, worried, suspicious, discontented, complaining, despairing, hopeless, anxious, pessimistic, gloomy, (<) crying, suicidal. Mental: dull, absent minded, lack of concentration, dreamy, confused, uninspired, insane. Work: (<), (<), (>), (<) (<) reading, (<) writing. Contacts: (<); (>) alone; (<) company, (<) talking and answering questions, is not allowed to talk, (<) consolation. Religious: praying (<) sleep. Hobbies: dancing(>), art, philosophy.

Sex: (>), (<), perverted, lascivious, (<) men; orgasm (<) when they are being kissed. Professions: artist, painter, writer, singer, musician, teacher, scientist, doctor, priest, vicar, bishop, shaman, governor, secretary, representative, advertising agent, public relations officer, top sports man, - woman. Causes: disasters, humiliation, hurt, admonition, set-backs, loss of money or fortune, writing. Generals Build: pale, yellowish skin. Locality: left. Weather: cold, cold feet. Perspiration: (<) night. Time: (<) 1 and 5 pm; gradually coming and going. Desires: cold, drink, sour, refreshing. Food: (<) beer, milk, warm, smell and sight of food; (>) cold food and drinks.

Menses: profuse; (<) before menses, (>) during menses.

Sleep: sleepy, somnambulism; begging, complaining, crying.

Physical: (<) exertion (3), lying down; (>) lying on stomach, pressure, bending double; (>) (>) dancing; (>) carried across someone's shoulder, (<) noise, smell, music, (>) sitting, (<) lying on right side, (<) coition. Complaints Cancer. Weakness (3), (<) talking, breathing, exertion. heavy and lame. Pressing and drawing pains; Bruised pains, itching. Headache in forehead, temples and vertex; neuralgia. Meniere, dizziness with tinnitus. Eye complaints: inflammations, visual disturbances. Colds with thin, watery discharge. Taste bitter, metallic. Tongue problems (3). Voice problems: soft, hoarse, weak, loss of voice, stammering; scraping. Lung complaints. Asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, cancer. Sighing. Chest feels weak, empty and hollow, (<) exertion and talking. Cough hard, deep and painful, (>) holding chest, mucus thick, green, loose, sweet, metallic like tin. Stomach weak and empty.

Liver problems. Worms.

Problems of genitalia, testes, ovaries. Endometriosis. Prolapse of uterus, (<) stool. Leucorrhoea. Prolapse of bladder. Cancer of bladder. Neck problems, stiffness. Pain in arms. Writers cramp; trembling hands. Swollen ankles. Vitiligo, white patches in face. Eczema DD: Silver series, Stage 14, Acidums, China, Gelsemium, Helonias, Laurocerasus, Lycopodium, Siliciums, Veratrum. DD Indium: has the feeling he knows everything better. The general public doesn't understand a thing. Stannum feels that everything is relative, that there is no absolute truth. Case A 65 year old woman has a whole series of complaints. She is very restless, which started to manifest itself after the second war. Her parents had been caught and taken to the gas chambers and, being an only child, she had to cope on her own from the age of 17 onwards. The restlessness was extreme until two years after she got married. Fortunately her husband was a tower of strength and slowly she began to relax a bit. But she never feels really calm inside. Nothing is sure in this life and she always has to react and do something when something happens. There is never a moment when she feels free of cares; there is always someone or herself to worry about. She leads a very intense sort of life. She hates narrow-minded people who are ready to spout their opinions. She herself has the feeling some things happen in life and there isn't a thing you can do about it. She likes to explain everything, to repair the damage, to neutralise a problem. When someone says something negative she immediately wants to say something positive to counterbalance it. She doesn't like uncertainty and she cannot stand injustice. She feels she will never stop crying, although she never started. She can't ever completely let go and enjoy life, there is always something. Her way of thinking is very black and white, she isn't very subtle, she reacts immediately. She is also very critical, like all people who use their brain. She used to be quite violent in her reactions in the past, but nowadays she tends to feel that everything is relative. Her children have also taught her to look at things from different sides, not always to stick to the same old opinions. She has a strong sense of duty. She would like to be creative but she isn't. She has many complaints and always feels tired. She can't stand traffic noise. She gets frequent colds with sinusitis, (<) dust, straw, (<) spring and summer, (>) winter, (<) left. She has pains in her back, suddenly, (<) cold, (>) warmth, (>) sitting up straight, radiating to left hip, with a feeling as if everything is cut off, (<) pressure, (<) manipulation, which makes her feel sick and dizzy. The rims of her nails get inflamed, especially the right index finger and left ring finger. Her hands and feet are icy cold: chilblains, red, painful or numb. She has thick, horny toenails. Headaches starting from the neck, spreading all over her head, to her jaws, worse on the left side, with diplopia, nagging (2), (>) heat, (<) tension, (>) sleep; she wants to carry on working because occupation ameliorates. She gets a dirty metallic taste in her mouth, like tin.

She gets stomach pains with a sensation of a block in the stomach, (<) 3 to 4 am. She is dizzy when she lies down, a light, floating type of sensation. Her hands and feet are often swollen. Her appendix has been removed and she also had a hysterectomy because of profuse bleeding. During her second pregnancy she had back pains for 4 months. The child was induced but the first attempt failed and the second attempt only succeeded one week later when the child had been turned around in the womb; she developed eczema on the palms of her hands, with large blisters. She also got a breast infection with terrible pains after feeding. Generals Weather: cold, (<) damp, (<) draught, restless (<) storm, (>) wind, fresh.

Time: (<) morning.

Desires: fruit (3), sour (3), sweet (3), chocolate.

Aversion: warm food, egg (2), milk.

Sleep: on left side.


The metallic tin taste in her mouth would be enough in itself to prescribe Stannum. This is what I did in fact, and it wasn't until later that I understood the mental symptoms in the light of the group analysis.

That the remedy should be one of the Silver series can be deduced from the fact that she is very interested in art and is always busy philosophising about different ideas and opinions. She likes to have an explanation for everything (Silver series) and she wants to neutralise all problems (Stage 14). She hates narrow minded people who are always ready to spout their opinions and point a finger (Stage 14). She lives her life according to the principle: Things happen anyway and there is nothing you can do about it (Stage 14). She has learnt to see that everything is relative (Stage 14).


After Stannum 1M she soon starts to feel calmer, doesn't turn things over and over in her mind so much anymore. The improvement continues gradually and she gets more and more energy. The headache, backache and inflammation around her nails come and go, but three months later they have disappeared. During the course of the next two years she gets three more doses of Stannum 1M for a recurrence of the sinusitis.


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