- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Iodide of Sulphur




Glands; lymphatic

Vascular system

Mucous membranes




Serous membranes Pleura


One side. R. side


HEAT. Warmth in general (air, room, bath, wraps, food)

Sun. Summer

Wet weather

Change of temperature

Before storms

Morning. Night

Motion. Slight exertion


Lying on r. side


Suppr. eruptions

Mercury. Syphilis


COLD; Winter

COLD open air

Cool place

Sunset, on

Standing (but (<) soles) Motion (head) Deflation Expectoration Plethoric. Sluggish. Exudative. Mercurio-Syphilitic Gouty.Cachectic.Phthisico-cancerous.Warm-blooded A Sul. more warm-blooded, more glandular, more hungry, more phthisical and more affiliated to Syph. (Sul. is collateral to Med.); although both have generally a dermic starting point. Its sweep is wide, covering all the four miasms (though with syphilis uppermost, like Syph.), thus carrying further the work of Sul., Tub. and Syph. Sul-i. and Syph. may help a Sul. case out, just as X-ray may clear a Med. case. Make-up : Scrofulous, but plethoric, full-blooded, vascular, with strong appetites (may however lose flesh). Fully warm- blooded; desires to be in cold air, cool room, cold bath, cold food and drinks, waits for Winter, he is at his best then. However he is liable to take cold, from becoming cold from evaporation of sweat when heated (like Sil.). Vascularity. Tension and heat as if there were great vascular engorgement : body feels full, distended; marked surging of blood, with general pulsation and hot sensations and flushed (ebullitions-orgasms) with palpitations and weakness after any hurry (or running), although he is always on the go (from anxiety, impatience, nervousness), is an antirest ( like Iod. ). Glands : Inflammations. Indurations. Painless enlargement. Hard, knotty, swollen lymphatic glands in neck, parotid, submaxillary, mesenteric, inguinal, axillary. But testes sometimes soften. Goitre. Suppurating buboes; enlarged glands (as drainage?). Mucous membranes: Catarrhal states. Exudative diathesis. Discharges : copious, acrid, burning, (muco-) purulent, yellow. Caruncles. (Polypi.). Blood : Congestions. Varicose veins. Suppurative tendency; tendency to pyemia at end of an acute disease, e.g. empyema. Slow healing skins. Leprosy. Ecchymoses, extravasations after injuries (like Sul-ac.). Abscesses. Tissues : Infiltrations and exudations. Favours absorption (like Kali-i., Sul.). Exudative pleurisy, pericarditis. Painful corns and callosities. Gouty nodes. New growths benign or malignant. Bones: exostoses. Teeth feel soft. Dropsies : Ascites. Hydrocele; of boys. Hydrothorax (lungs and pleura). Oedema pedis. Hypertrophy, induration, swellings, after fever or inflammation (e.g. tongue, parotid, tonsils, liver). Later atrophy. Emaciation, marasmus, with enormous appetite. Muslces : Indurations (ossification); chronic jerking of. Sluggishness of functions. Lack of repair; cracks and fissures. Lack of reaction. Nerves : Sensitiveness to heat, light, noise, odors, "to everything." Acute hearing, sense of smell. Faintness from warm bath or drinks, odors and in warm room. Pains : pressing; constricting (band-like); with numbness. Grippy aching and lassitude; all the agonies of influenza (with little fever). Jerking. Twitching; in thighs. Trembling. Hysterical and epileptiform convulsions. Paralysis; of lower limbs. Single parts, fingers etc. turn white and insensible, itch (ears, nose, urethra, arms). Cramps; in legs. Dyscrasia, latent (occult) disease; cachexy general or cancerous (Psor.); (C. of uterus or mammae); phthisical (t.b. of abdomen, spinal cord, testes, larynx, lungs). (Pseudo - leukemia). Select Particulars Mind : An indescribable feeling throughout the body like the "general physical anxiety" ; compelling one to hurry and festination (Iod.). And later followed by perfect apathy to everything, to one's duties, neatness or even to one's symptoms. Loss of confidence and courage, of the e'lan vital. Marked sadness. Despondence. Despair. Discontent (Psor.). Hysterical behaviour, changing moods. Head : Vertigo on stooping, fasting. Congestion on coughing; during menses. Bandlike across forehead. Pressing in sides as if squeezed in a vise. Pulsating. Worse : morning till sunset, heat of sun, tying up hair, warmth, fasting, wrapping, b. and d. menses. Hair feels as if erect (bristling). Eyes : Catarrhal inflammations in psoric or scrofulous persons. Syphilitic iritis. Cataract; desire to close eyes as if to press out tears. Vision : diplopia; dim; foggy; flickerings; objects glitter; zigzag. Ears : Hot. Inflammation of eustachian tube. Stopped up sensation. Noises:buzzing; singing. Perforated drum. Nose : Inveterate catarrhs. Fluent in open air; with cough; while eating; stopped at night. Grippe. Hay fever with coryza, sneezing ((<) evening). Discharges: copious, acrid, thick, greenish yellow. Small ulcers high up in the nose. Face : Sallow; yellow; sickly; haggard; hippocratic; greasy. Lesions about mouth, esp. upper lips and commisseurs; cold sores on lips; vesicular patches. (Hydroa). Eczema; epidemic; barber's itch. Acne: obstinate; rosacea; punctata; large, painful, suppurating. Boils. Crusts. Papules. Pimples. Mouth : Toothache (<) while eating. Gums receding, scorbutic. Aphthae; ulcers in mouth and on gums. Salivation; mercurial. Taste bitter. Tongue coated at base, red at tip glazed; furred; cracked; dry; thick. Taste bitter. Stammering. Throat : Raw, dry mouth and throat; ulcers. Constant empty swallowing; but of food painful, esp. liquids. Throat sore (<) morning. Uvula and tonsils enlarged and red. Uvulitis. Chronic hypertrophy of tonsils. Adenoids (after Agrap. or Calc-i.). Diphtheria, membrane grey. Boils on neck. Stomach : Desires: stimulants, pickles, sour, lemonade, sweets, salt. Appetite ravenous, with weakness and emaciation; with diarrhea (before diarrhea, Psor.). Chronic dyspepsia; stomach is easily disordered. Unquenchable thirst. Nausea at night after eating. Vomiting: after milk; bloody, bile, sour, food. Sinking in epigastrium; pulsation or tremor after exertion; soreness. Abdomen : Liver and spleen inflamed, indurated, enlarged, atrophied. Tympanitic distension. Enlarged abdomen. Rumbling in r. iliac region and swelling at l. elbow. Mesenteric disease; enlarged M. glands. Rectum: Obstipation. Hard, knotty, pale stools. Diarrhea of the aged or emaciated, (<) morning; stools bright yellow, variable. Dysentery with tenesmus. Hemorrhoids; heat and itching at anus; much flatus passes. Foul anal discharge (mucus piles). Fissures. Urinary : Kidneys: inflammation; suppuration; pyelitis. Pains, shoot down ureters. Weak feeling across kidneys, with constant urging. Bladder : catarrh; frequent micturition at night and morning, or incontinence; unfinished sensation. Twisted stream (Sabal.). Inflammation; in the aged, with a feeling of weakness / torpor in. Dull pain in prostate region; enlarged. Urethra: Burning at meatus. Itching. Stricture. Caruncles. Urine : creamy, purulent, rasoberry smell, pellicted, thick, brown sand in, scanty. (Diabetes). Male : Mercurialized syphilis cases (Kali-i.); ulcers, nodes, exostoses. Gonorrhea: Burning at meatus or glans; discharge yellow; cracked prepuce; stricture, esp. with chordee. Troublesome erections at night; later deficient, even impotence (cp. Lyc.). Testes indurate or soften; t.b. of (and of spermatic cord). Female : Leucorrhea: copious, thick, yellow, burning. Menses: copious, irregular; suppr. Also metrorrhagia. Tenderness of vulva, ovaries. Abortive tendency. Uterus: prolapse; cancer. Mammae : Milk suppr. in nursing women. Inflammation. (Nodosities). Cancer. Respiratory : Congestion, catarrh or inflammation of larynx; even phthisis. Voice: hoarse in morning; nasal. Laryngismus stridulus. Respiration asthmatic (hay asthma), irregular; inclination to expand chest and breathe deep. Cough spasmodic, paroxysmal, dry or loose, (>) open air, becoming cold. Hard cough early at night. Expectoration yellow, viscid, purulent, offensive.

Bronchial catarrh. Chest colds. Pneumonia : neglected, abscess, empyema; hydrothorax (oedema pulmonum). Delayed convalescence; even phthisis. Likewise in pleurisy. Ulcerative conditions and cavities.

Heart : Constriction, anxiety and oppression in chest and heart. Hot feel in precordia. Pain boring, cutting. Palpitation; with weakness or fainting; from hurry or running; during menses.

Locomotor : Subscapular pain. Lumbago, bruised pain. Weakness in spine. Gouty, rheumatic pains in joints and bones; nodes on fingers.

Stitching in knees. Aching soreness below knees ('flu). Feet cold at night; perspire; oedema. Soles burn and are sore when standing (Sul.). Syphilis of tibia: pains; nodes on. Ingrown toe- nails.

Sleep : Sleepy daytime, sleepless at night, after midnight. Anxious, distressing dreams, nightmare.

Skin : Obstinate skin affections. Unhealing. Abscesses. Liver spots.

Erysipelatous inflammation. Eczema: rubrum, oozing, itching (>) cold. Herpes. Psoriasis. Pustules. Rash. Scabies. Urticaria. Vesicle on every hair-root. Lichen planus (Leprosy).

Ulcers : Indolent, spongy, suppurating; cancerous.

Thermic : Cold limbs. Chill, (<) motion, nightly, warmth does not help. External coldness, with raw burning internal heat; feverish feeling, as in grippe; sensation of heat, flushes of heat. Intense dry heat. Easy sweats; nightly; sour (in gout). Malarias tertian or quartan. Hectic. After influenza debility or hypertrophies.

Relations : Is an inverted Psor. (i.e. a counterpart). Should be considered when Sul. is likely to stir a volcano, or cannot be repeated (e.g. in t.b.) (Syph. and Lach. have similar claim). Nat-m. is very much similar, and is a symbiotic (acc. to Burnoville), it is cognate to Proteus; while Sul-i. is cognate to

Belongs to the family of Lach., Merc-i-f., Puls.,Sul. etc. which often are substituted for it; another such group is Phos.,Sep.,Thyr.,Tub.

Aur-s., Kali-i., Merc-i-f., Sul-i., and Syph. are "syphilitic Sul.", just as Med. and X-ray are sycotic Sul.

Kali-sil., Psor. and Thyr. are counterparts of Sul-i.

Sul-i. and Kali-i. carry further the work of Iod.

Complementary : Grap., Lach., Med., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Psor., Puls., Sul., Syph. After Sul-i., Lyc. acts better.

Similar : Calc-fl., Kali-br., Lach., Med., Merc-i-f., Puls., Psor., Sars., Syph., Thyr., Tub.


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