SYPHILINUM:artistic, but pervert; intellectual, but abnormal; refined, but amorous; lost mental equilibrium.

- Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

A Nosode of Syphilis


Mucous Membranes

Glands Lymphatic Parotid Ovaries Adrenal

Nerves Solar plexus

Bones; Long, Periosteum






Weather: (Warm) damp Frosty. Stormy Extremes. Sea air Winter. Spring Summer Heat of Sun (head)

Periodically: Night; its half (usu. latter) or again its latter half (3-6) dead of the night (2-4 am) Sunset to Sunrise 6,7,8,9 pm to 3,4 pm Noon to evening, esp. 4 to 8 or daybreak Alternate full moons Waxing moon New moon

During sleep, siesta

Suppr. eruptions, chancers

Metals. Mercury. Lead


Fright. Grief. Shock

Cold drinks (throat). Tea

Onanism, loss of fluids


Cool atmosphere (dry or damp)

Open air

Inland. Hills

Heat applied (to head, ulcers, itching)

Cold (to eyes, legs)

Daybreak. After 5 am

On waking or keeping awake

Diversion. Company

Movement: changing position; slow contd. motion; walking, in streets; travelling


While eating

Hydrophobic. Scotophobic. Nyctophobic Photophobic. Suppurative. Destructive.

Stunted. Neurotic. Obsessive. Rheumatic

Degenerant. Offensive. Ulcerative. Chronicity

Highlights : Generally a latent syphilitic or syco - syphilitic dyscrasia, a syphilitic mess, a non- decisive (but syphilitic) symptoms; S. inherited or acquired. Poor reaction, remedies hold only temporarily or just palliate, low resistance; paucity of helpful symptoms; chronicity. Utter prostration. Mercury poisoning with (or without) syphilis (either neurotic or destructive); or even without h/o. A good developer of stunted children (like Thyr.), and a rejuvinator of the decrepit aged (like Carb-s., Con.).

Make-up : Dirty, disgusting to themselves; suppurating; constant dread of infection. Allergic. Unshapeliness (cp. Bufo): Bald head, pointing lips; hare-lip; cleft chin and a big belly; smallers, retrousse nose, irregular, rudimentary teeth, stubby hands; skeletal deformities of children, dwarfed, puny, skinny, shrivelled up and old-looking (wrinkled face); distorted cupped teeth and nails; Asymmetry: one eye or ear higher or larger, six fingers on one hand only, pupils uneven, squint. Pts. born of consanguineous wedlock. Delicate, scrofulous children, with club- foot, delayed milestones, h/o inherited syphilis or of suppr. eruptions; disposed to wasting and phthisis; look crying (day and) night.


Utter prostration in morning (after a night of suffering and sweat). Debility; while walking; tottering gait; of the aged (Carb-s.).

Pains : Anywhere and persistent; increase and decrease gradually; from 4 pm or evening to daybreak; worst at midnight; shifting, and requiring shifting of position or walking. Often vertically linear (like Ran-b.). Cold pains. Nightly growing (leg) pains. Biting. Numbness; with pricking; of palms, finger- tips, soles (toes). Cramps in soles, (toes).

Epilepsy; after menses; preceded by linear headache; disordered : vision, hearing, smell, taste (putrid).

Meningo - vascular syphilis, with amaurosis. Brain syphilis.

Neuro-syphilis. Degenerative processes of the nervous system, such as paralysis agitans, disseminated sclerosis, locomotor ataxia (with swaying-tottering gait, festination, numb stitching in palms and soles etc.). Friedreich's ataxia. Brain syphilis; softening; G.P.I. Cerebral palsy; aphasia. Paralysis of face, tongue, limbs; partial paralysis; of nerves of special senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste), or organs (enteric, urinary, genital); slowly advancing hemiplegia. Cervical spondylitis. Aphasia.


Mucous membranes : Catarrhal. Discharges: acrid, copious, offensive, greenish-yellow.

Bones : Pain in long bones as if sawed. Bilateral exostoses. Caries (decay); of ossicles, mastoid, nasal, facial, spinal bones. Necrosis (destruction). Osteosarcoma. T.b. of spine. Joints: Inflamed, swollen, stiff; pains, alternating with throat pain.

Blood : Suppurative tendency; pus copious, hot, yellowish (- green) or white, putrid. Abscesses; recurring; painless; after fistula operation; felons; psoas. A septic focus due to syco - syphilitic taint (like Pyro.). Pyorrhea. Ulcers; stubborn.

Veins stand out; heat in. Thrombocytopenic purpura; petechial spots (with epistaxis) (<) after sleep. (Arteriosclerosis). Hemorrhages; cerebral. Glands : Enlarged and indurated, somewhat painful; anywhere, but esp. of head and neck. Parotitis (which is syphilitic). Bubo (r.). Dark purple lines between alae nasi and cheeks (lymphangitis). Pseudo-leukemia. Growths: Fungus-like growths. Warts; condylomata (in eyeballs, rectum, genitals). Nodes on head, palate, rectum, scrotum, vulva. Knots in muscles. Tumors; on ovaries, mammae; in abdomen, pt. has a tendency to sore mouth and gums, rice bodies. (Lipomas). Gummata. Lupus. Cancers; pharyngeal, rectal (20 yrs. after arsenic treatment of syphilis), of bones; lymph-sarcoma (lymphatic leukemia, pseudo-leukemia, Hodgkin's disease). Offensive : coryza, breath, saliva, stool, urine, leucorrhea, menses, sweat (or even without it whole body stinks). Cicatrices turn white (or red). Fissures: lips, tongue, anus, heels. Prolapses. Cataract. Dropsies; oedema pedis (r.), after sour. Nightly swelling of legs. Strictures. Destructive ulcerations; ozaena. Fistulae. Seborrhea. Progressive emaciation; as sequelae; with impaired nutrition. Injuries : Burn fever and ulceration, syphilitic heredity; fever and discharge (<) 4 to 8 pm, meningeal symptoms on discharge stopping, child's mother had erosion cervix. Fall. Brain injury: aphasia, cerebral palsy etc. Peculiar symptoms 1. Always washing hands; stays unreasonably long in bath room; an obsession; but minor concern for bodily cleanliness (not unlike Sul. here). An infection- phobia may be there in some cases; a meticulous, careful nature in others. 2. Linear symptoms; pains (in head, abdomen, chest, limbs, etc.); cracks (e.g. on tongue). Pains in vertical line (e.g. stitch from thigh through chest to shoulder). 3. Symmetrical symptoms; though may be unsymmetrical in body- build; eruptions; exostoses. 4. Multiphase or diverse symptoms. 5. Latent or suppr. syphilis may cause: thyroiditis and goitre; allergies; precancerous conditions (even cancer); dyspepsias; colics; peritoneal adhesions; chronic ulcerations; emaciation; nervous symptoms. 6. Several 'sensation as if'. Select Particulars Mind : Unstrung; artistic, but pervert; intellectual, but abnormal; refined, but amorous; lost mental equilibrium. A 'matter of fact', exploiter, schemer; worse still a fanatic, antisocial, hooligan, cruel, liar, cheat. Precocious; or backward, clumsy, awkward, dwarfish. Obsession neuroses like washing hands, folding clothes, collecting certain things, laughing spasms. Incendiary impulses (like Hep.). Syphilitic insanity. Horrid depression or despair; gives up all business. Anxiety, sundown to sunrise; and tension, (>) walking in streets (i.e. among people, not simply in open air as in Lach.). Sufferings after excitement, anticipation, mortification, constraints. Bungling in calculations (in spellings Med.). Ennui; suicidal. Far-away feeling.

Dread of night; of going to bed (not of sleep, which is Lach.); of dogs (Carc.,Tub.); of dark (Stram.); of water (as a chronic of Stram. Yet also likes working in water, bath, clothes and utensils water-washed, mania of washing hands). Children's or childish (unaccountable) fears, anticipatory; examination funks.

Dementia : Loss of memory for places, persons, books etc. but recalls events of decades ago. Dyslexia. Imbecility. Mongolism; silly laughter or weeping. Cerebral palsy, indistinct babbling speech; dysideation. Aphasia; after apoplexy of brain injury. "Brain syphilis." (softening; GPI).

Head : Neuralgic, vertical linear headaches; deep-in headaches; severe bursting, crushing; apoplectic with salivation; sunstroke; coronal (vertex). (<) night, excitement, before chill, (>) warm application, walking. Vertigo (<) looking up, stooping, turning. Brain symptoms (inflammation), from slackening of discharges; after mumps. Brain fever (meningitis) with threatened hydrocephalus, after mumps, syphilitic history, Hell. or Stram. do not hold. Cerebral hemorrhage, slowly developing hemiplegia; transient partial paralysis of arm; embolism. Hair not so black; alopecia. Exostoses, painful. Tubercles. Eyes : Various eye troubles, esp. of hereditary syphilis; from photophobia, neuralgia and neuritis to atrophy or paralysis of the optic nerve; and inflammations in the apparatus : pustular conjunctivitis, ophthalmia neonatorum suppurativa, recurrent phlyctenular keratitis, iritis, retinitis. Ptosis. Fungus oculi. Myopia. Vertical diplopia. Strabismus. Chemosis. (Vertical hemiopia.) Cataract. Pains (<) 2-5 am; (>) cold application.

Vision : black spots, shreds. Dark or black veils / clouds; after onanism or reading in the sun (Carl.,Chin., Tarn.). Vertical diplopia; one image seen below the other.

Ears : Abscess of M.E.; discharge copious, purulent, fetid, acrid. Calcareous deposit on tympanum. Catarrhal or nerve deafness (also idiopathic), paralysis of auditory nerve, with marked cachexia.

Nose : Chronic catarrhal rhinitis. Snuffles. Discharges start with daybreak. Perforated septum. Ozaena.

Face : Pain over r. eye, (<) protruding tongue. Lips fissured and ulcerated. An eruptive saddle across nose. Rupia (bulla). Lupus. Twitchings, in paralysis agitans. Cancerous ulceration. Greasy. Sunken. Teeth : Dwarfed, brittle, spotted, serrated at edges, cupped, deformed, irregular, converging at tips, Hutchinson's teeth, decay at edges of gums (not at roots ?). Fluttering, crawling in teeth. Pain, (<) eating, night, (>) pressing teeth together, pressing neck; in mercury - filled tooth, (>) holding cold water in mouth, walking. Dentition troubles. Feel sticky.

Mouth : Ulcerative stomatitis; in nursing babies or mothers; pain as if afire. Fetor. Putrid taste; before epilepsy; lost. Salivation; or dry from flatulence during sleep, sans thirst. Tongue soft, spongy; dirty; indented; with deep longitudinal cracks. Nodular swelling, chancre and destruction of palate. Herpes in.

Throat : Acute ulcerative granulating pharyngitis, r. to l., (<) cold drinks. Recurring tonsillitis; chronic hypertrophy; herpes on. Hypothyroidism with myxoedema and carpal tunnel syndrome (tingling in arm). Vincent's angina, (diphtheroid ulceration), with ptosis of l. eye, Bell's palsy (l) and slight aphasia. Stomach : Craves stimulants, alcohols (also hereditary), sweets. Thirst for cold drinks. Nervous dyspepsia; flatulence; belchings, while urinating. No food agrees. Worse esp. after: starches, beans, vegetables (esp. fibrous), tubers (garlic, onion, potato), certain sour things like tomatoes, steamed-fermented foods; feasts in pleasant company excepted. Cannot stand hunger or fasting, happy while eating (Psor.). Or appetite poor, capricious. A little cough, hot face and sleepy after dinner. Ill (distressed) for 8 hours after dinner, (<) during siesta, and well for 8 hrs. after supper, then worse (oppressed) during sleep with dreams, or the hurtful articles give trouble (oppression) only between 3 to 6 am, (>) on waking up and deflating, by day- break (helps Kali-i.).

Heartburn with pain and rawness from stomach to throat-pit. Painful spots over stomach. Ulceration; erosion from superficial ulceration of lining of viscus; of herpetic or syphilitic origin; vomitings, of food, or dark grumous matter.

Abdomen : Distress (or pain deep) in the abdomen, as if in the omentum. Linear vertical pain in centre. Enlarged. Umbilical hernia (in child); inguinal. Flatulence; obstructed. Pain in r. groin (bubo). Subtotal villous atrophy. Ulcerative colitis.

Rectum : Constant weak dragging sensation; prolapse; fissures. Intractable obstipation, rectum seems to be tied up with stricture, rendering enemas painful. Hemorrhoids. Ulcers. Fistula. Gummata. Papillomata. Condylomata. (Cancer). Paralytic. (Dysentery).

Bilious diarrhea, at seashore (>) on hills; urgent, at 5 am (Sul.), (<) daytime. Stools dark, bilious, offensive; fatty stools of coeliac disease; whitish. Obstinate cases of cholera infantum (as in Med.). D. with leucorrhea. A peculiar hydrophobia: last part of stool comes out after hearing the sound of flush or hydrant. "Rectum is the seat of many troubles." Urinary : Polyuria at night, or enuresis; free urine after a chill. Sudden urging. Easier standing. Copious, muddy; though seldom. Frothy. Diabetes; after mumps. Scanty. A spurt after stool. Male : Chancroid, phagadenic. Indurated testes. Inflamed, indurated, painful spermatic cord; nodules. Desire uncurbed. Throat and skin troubles after suppr. chancre. Female : Dysmenorrhea. Menses stinking. Metrorrhagia, every spring. Leucorrhea: thick, yellow, offensive, profuse, acrid; (<) night, bed heat; of infants born in hospitals or orphanages. Parts tender, soft, flabby, itching ((<) morning); ulcerated. Erosion of cervix; induration. Nodes on (gumma). Ovaries : Cutting pains during orgasm. Knife - like pains. Congested. Tumors on. Tendency to utero - ovarian diseases with nervous disorders, esp. in the married. Prolapse. Habitual abortions, still-borns or infantile deaths; in wives of syphilitic husbands; troubles in children of such mothers (e.g. fevers). Mammae : Tender. Cysts and tumors on. Respiratory : Syphilis of larynx. Voice trouble; before menses. Spasmodic asthma; nightly (latter half worst); after suppr. eruptions;dyspnea or hyperpnea during sleep ((>) on waking, as in Lach.); 1-4 am; (<) at seaside, in warm damp weather, thunderstorm, summer, lying. Groaning (low snoring) during sleep. Tropical eosinophilia. Cough : Dry, hard (<) dinner, night, lying or r. side (Merc.), (>) lying on abdomen, winter (and asthma in summer), spring. Whooping cough with vomiting. Phthisis; debilitating night sweats.

Chest : Soreness with anguish, (<) recumbent. Sudden faintness and sinking (emptiness?) sensation in. Oppression; attack, with dry lips, empty or sinking sensation in abdomen, high pulse, during sleep esp. if lying on r. side, about 4-6 am, after vexatious or quarrelling dreams; supper of forbidden mixed servings like milk and kedgeree or onion or sour fruit (<) the attack; formerly the attack was only of hyperpnea; (>) on waking and daybreak.

Flatulent dyspepsia of mercury-lead poisoning; after typhoid (complemented by Phos.).Gastro-pectoral syndromes: anxious twinges in (l.) chest (sub-pseudo angina pectoris), or continued aching in precordia (pseudo angina pectoris) of cardio neurotics.

Pressing pain behind sternum; backward drawing in sternum.

Heart : Lancinating pain from base to apex (opp. Med., Merc.), or even to clavicle or shoulder; angina pectoris; with a diastolic murmur. Anguish in, (<) half - nightly, (>) waking, walking, diversion.

Coronary heart disease (ischemic) in tertian syphilis (or metallic poisoning). Valvular disease (aortic first). Congenital ASD / VSD. Cardiomyopathy. Cardio - neurosis and pseudo angina pectoris; mercury poisoning; even I.H.D. Sub - pseudo angina pectoris (flatulent twinges). Anguish (<) half of night, (>) walking, diversion.

Back : Pain; heaviness or dull dragging and stiffness in loins; in lumbo-sacral joint (in an Ars. pt.); from sacral region rounding to uterus; in coccyx; (<) after urination; night, evening to morning. Locomotor : Rheumatism; shifting; muscles caked, knotty, lumpy; (<) night, damp, esp. frosty weather, (>) slow movement. Neuralgia of brachial plexus, shoulder joint, deltoid ((<) raising or bending arm backwards), forearm (radial) or neck. Palms and soles numb, stitches (needle-like). Lameness of arm; on raising then lowering it beyond a certain point it drops pendant (as if) paralysed (Phos.). Preparalytic pains. Legs : sciatica. Cold pains, (<) night, lying, in winter, hot applications, (>) cold bath (Led.), sweat. Growing pains. Fidgety. Tibia: pain and sensitiveness. Soles feel contracted. Rheumatic (painful) swelling of legs. Excruciating arthritis.

Sleep : Great nervous insomnia, worse latter half of night. Children sleep all day, cry all night; or cry day and night. Dreams of disease, of falling from heights (into abyss).

Skin : Skin lesions are a legion, which fixes it also as pucca antipsoric running on the same wave-length as Sul. or Sul-i.

Red, flery, inflammatory rash, scabs, eczema, syphilitic sores. Succession of abscesses (of boils, Anthr.). Red blotches, turn blue on getting cold. Copper-colored (offensive) eruptions, or spots (macula). Erysipelas, wandering. Syphilitic bullae (rupia), tubercles. Red, sun-dermatitis, desquamating, syphilitic. Eczema fissum (rubrum); yellow, with a red angry oozing base. Blood boils.

Scabies, itching ((>) warmth). Pustular eruptions, biting. Conial crusts. Herpes zoster; (<) night; after a fall, (>) siesta (Lach., Lyc. constitutional, but do not help). Blotches; yellow. Pemphigus, syphilitic, looking like variola; recurrent. Urticaria; syphilitic. Lupus. Ichthyosis. Emaciated, wrinkled skin, esp. of face, aged look.

Leprosy; syphilis suppresses leprosy (to become more malignant). Sickening odor from body.

Ulcers : rodent - burrowing, indolent, non - healing (X-ray), suppurating, putrid, cancerous, sloughing, syphilitic; (>) warmth; varicose; punched out; serpinginous. Maculae on covered parts.

Leucoderma (all nosodes).

Thermic : Nerve chill (after retiring); beginning in anus, descending. Preceded by headache and aching. Body blue when cold. Chill followed by copious urine, eructations. Headache and sleepy during.

Influenza. Great burning fever, wants to lie on cold. Intermittent fevers; (<) midday; to 5 pm; 11 am to 1 pm; midnight; sundown to sunrise.

Rheumatic fevers, r. side pain, (chest or limbs (<) lying on it), begins at 4 pm, or 12 to 5 pm. Recurring fevers. Fevers of unknown origin (P.U.O.).

Fevers unyielding to usual medicines. Kamnia (fever with pains ?).

Septic fevers; latent sepsis (like Pyro.); due to deep seated (occult) pus formation. Sweat; nightly; (hectic); from fright.

Typhoid; cerebral type; with family h/o: abortions, stillbriths, cancer, leucoderma, ulcers, insanity or septic fevers. Slow convalescence, syphiltic pts., dyspepsia (gastro - pectoral).

Relations : The threefold division of life, day, seasons and miasms reveals similar stages in our medicine -trios too :


Psora Sycosis Syphilis

Hyperactivity Hypoactivity Split / No activity (irritation) growths) (destruction)

Psorinum Medorrhinum Syphilinum

(morning) (noon, day) (night)

( winter) (rainy season) (summer) Bell. Hyos. Stram.

(seizure) (exuberance) (resignation) Calc. Sumb., Grap. Lyc.

(development) (degeneration) (destruction) Carb-an. Carb-v. Carb-s.

(catching) (spread) (withdrawal) Acet-ac. Mur-ac. Fl-ac.

(shock) (degeneration) (perversion) Cham. Nux-v. Phos.

(delicate) (vigorous) (faint) (attractive) (neutral) (repulsive)

Thus Syph. is collateral and symbiotic to : Calc-f., Carb-s., Fl-ac., Gaertner, Lyc., Phos., Stram., etc., a fact often verified clinically.

Other symbiotics (acute or chronic) : All-s., Alum., Anac., Ars., Aur., Calc., Carb-s., Carc.,Con., Dys-co., Kali-i., Med., Merc(-c)., Nit-ac., Olnd., Penic., Phos., Phyt., Psor., Pul., Pyro., Rhus-t., Sel., Stram., Sep., Staphyl., Sul., Sul (-i.)., Tub.

Similar : These, and Asaf., Guai., Kali-i., Nit-ac., Syc - syph.

Antidote : Nux-v. It antidotes Sul.

Acutes : All-s., Ars., Ars-i., Fl-ac.,Lach., Nit-ac., Rhus-t., Stram., Sumb.

Suggested Trios :

1. Ars.- Phos.- Syph. 3. Lach.- Anac.- Syph.

2. Penic.- Puls.- Syph. 4. Bell.- Merc.- Syph.

Syph. is an intensified close-up of the broader remedies Phos., Kali-i. and esp. Sul-i. and also complements them.

Syph. shares some of the properties of the pairs Merc. and Phos. ( among polychrests ) and Psor and Tub. (among nosodes).

Syph. represents degeneration, Medo. exuberance.

Lach. is more than an analogue: Both have nyctophobia, but Syph. has also scotophobia, and Lach. alone has hypnophobia too. Again, both have lectophobia, but Lach. has it for fear of sleep and Syph. for feat of night (scotophobia = fear of dark; lectophobia = going to bed). Lach. is hemmed in, constrained, pent up, all emotionally, while Syph. is physically constrained, blocked up, dwarfed, shrivelled, puny. For Syph. day, light and company are life, while night, darkness and isolation are tantamount to death. Phos. is similar, but has only scotophobia.

Pyro. is comparable in septic focus (dysentery, fevers); both are syco-syphilitic. Intolerance of tubers (garlic, onion, potato) is a syphilitic taint.

"Syph. when in brain-syphilis Sul. or Caust. produced a suffering and weakness... When Sul. (high) has opened up destructive ulceration (given for gummata) Syph. comes forward to heal and repair... A nosode is not always only a nosode, it is like any other non-nosode useful against its pathogenetic symptoms" (Kent). Thus, Syph. belongs to the Calc. and Iodide groups also. It imbibes features from both Lach. and Lyc. Children of Lyc. parents may need Syph. Our sweet Puls. is a mild Syph. and Lach. While considering Sil. do not forget Syph.; both traverse the same path, though Syph. is more nightly and less chilly.

Metal poisonings often simulate syphilis. In other words, our metallic remedies are generally syphilitic. Hence a dose or two of Syph. may be required to activate them. Our great anti- syphilitics are also antidotes to metallic poisoning. Hence their growing need in present times.

Conclusion : Syph. cases may run along any of these four lines-1. Indirect syphilis, neuro-breakdown (brain or nerve syphilis). 2. Direct syphilis, tissue-breakdown. 3. Sycosis, blood-breakdown (suppuration) and also catarrhs, rheumatism and neoplasia. 4. Psora, nutrition-and dermic-breakdowns.

Though usually working through singly these four may (in rare, very ultimate cases) converge. It thus imbibes the leading features of (the Kent's trio) Sul., Calc., Lyc. (which all are psoro - syco - syphilitic), and comes in helpfully to them; and definitely of Sil. too (which exhibits all the miasms, single or in couples; and therefore is a worthy analogue).

All told, it is one of the big few of our Materia Medica indeed. Needs a thorough proving and clinical employment, this great four-in-one. Hail Syph.


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