Technetium [Tech]:

- Jan Scholten

5.7 Technetium

Technetium is an unknown remedy and has not been potentised yet.


The name is derived from the word technical, because it is an artificially created element that does not exist in a natural form, which is quite unusual for an element with a relatively low atomic number. It was first created in 1937 by bombarding Molybdenum with small particles. The fact that this element cannot be found in nature is no doubt associated with the impossibility of its theme: to practice (Stage 7) creativity (Silver series).

The metal is silvery grey, slightly paramagnetic and superconductive below 11 degrees Kelvin.


Stage 7 Silver series

Adding to Creation Inspiration

Practising Ideas Culture

Doubt Unique Admiration

Teaching Learning Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly

Fine tuning Feedback Art Science Mysticism

Compliments Show Performance

Cooperation Queen Ambition

Helping Humiliation


Middle age

Town Province

Voice Hearing

Group analysis

Practising your forms of art.

Wants to receive lessons in creativity.

Admiration is shown through compliments.

Practising to be a minister.

Cooperation in science.

Failure through continued cooperation.

Failure through techniques.

Humiliated by comments about technique.

Too much technique hampers the top sportsman.

Extending religion.

Practising sex.

Picture of Technetium metallicum Essence: practising your forms of art.

Practising art They like to practice their various forms of art because there is a lot to learn before they can call themselves an expert. There are a lot of experiments still left to be done before their research can be rounded off. The way they present themselves in public needs to be polished up until they are completely fluent.

Wants to receive lessons in creativity

They need a lot of feedback, because although they feel they can create something in principle, they can benefit from the comments of more experienced colleagues. They like to polish up their talents, to mould their inspirations into more refined forms of expression. They want to back up their theories with more detailed experiments. They often feel the need to have a guru, so they look for an artist or a scientist who excels in his field under whose guidance they can continue to learn.

Admiration expressed in compliments

They love to receive compliments because then they know they are on the right track. Compliments stimulate their ambitions, stimulate them to keep following their chosen path. But they are not averse to criticism either, as long as it is constructive. At least it will show them what adjustments to make to get even better results.

Cooperation in science

They like to cooperate with others, it encourages them and they know they can learn a lot from others.

Failure through continued cooperation

Although their desire to cooperate with others can work in their favour in the beginning, it can also turn against them at a later stage. They haven't developed the ability to work on their own, to create their own ideas and experiments. This way they continue too long in the role of helper instead of discovering their own ideas. Ultimately there is no place for cooperation in the uniqueness of ones own inspirations and creations.

Failure through technique

They often fail because they get caught up by all sorts of wonderful techniques. They get so absorbed by the technical possibilities that they forget that true inspiration has nothing to do with techniques. Their creations are often technically perfect, but they lack true spirit.

Humiliated by comments about technique

Eventually they feel miserable because the comments that their work is technically perfect makes them realise that something essential is missing.

Too much techniques hamper the sportsman

This is the case of the top sportsman who doesn't progress beyond technique. They have developed the best techniques known a that time, but they lack the real ambition to win. They have the most beautiful running style, but they don't run fast enough. They alter their technique once more, but it never becomes second nature in service to winning the race, it always remains a goal in itself.


Fears: heights, narrow spaces, performances, speeches.

Dreams: heights, falling.

Irritability: (<) humiliation. Mood: haughty, crying. Professions: artist, painter, writer, musician, teacher, scientist, doctor, priest, bishop, shaman, vicar, governor, secretary, representative, advertising agent, public relations officer, top sportsman or woman. Causes: disasters, humiliation. Generals Locality: left. Weather: cold, cold feet, (<) cold (2), (<) damp (2), (>) outside.

Menses: profuse.

Sleep: sleepy.



Weakness. Bruised pains, itching.

Headache in forehead, temples, vertex.

Eye complaints: inflammations, disturbance in vision.

Cold, watery coryza.

Voice problems: hoarseness, stammering, loss of voice.

Lung complaints.

Problems of genitalia, testes and ovaries.

Neck complaints, stiffness. Pain in arms.

DD Silver series, Stage 7.

DD Molybdenum: has more fear to show his ideas and feelings, doesn't dare to present himself because everything is so new, he is afraid to be ridiculed.

Technetium has conquered his initial fears, is more quiet, has the courage to show his work, is keen to show it to receive feedback.


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