Thallium [Thal]:

- Jan Scholten

Thallium is relatively unknown. Julian (1979) describes a few provings.


The name is derived from the Greek word thallos, meaning green shoot. This is because the Thallium spectrum has a bright green colour. It was discovered in 1861 and its chemical symbol is Tl.


Stage 13 Gold series

Lagging behind Leadership Management

Outgrown Organisation Structure

Nostalgia Responsible

Overtaken Serious Heavy

Going down King

Holding back Power Dictatorial

Suspicion Dignified Haughty

Disbelief Alone Isolation

Withdrawal Failure Hurt

Giving up Religion Sexuality

Ripe old age


Eyes Vision

Group analysis

Withdrawing to the old position of power.

Nostalgia to the old power.

Organisations that are outdated.

Falling back on old ideas: dogmatic.

A suspicious leader.

Staying behind in isolation.

Lagging behind in taking responsibility.

Outgrown dignity.

Withholding religion.

Disbelief in own leadership qualities.

Withdrawing when criticised on their leadership.

Failure through over dogmatic leadership.

Picture of Thallium metallicum

Essence: trying to hold on to the power that is being taken away from them.

Withdrawing to the old position of power

They try to hold on to their power at any cost. This means they have to hold on to the ways they rule their country, because they worked very well in the past. They are very meticulous and precise in their leadership. Being a perfectionist is the best way to rule a country according to their point of view.

Outdated organisations

They know that their organisation is a bit outdated and power is slipping away from them. Their methods are no longer relevant to the present situation, because time hasn't stood still and new developments have taken place. They feel that their position of power is being eroded day by day.

Nostalgia to the old days of power

The feel nostalgic for the old days, when everything was going well and they were still at the centre of all decision making.

Falling back on old ideas and ways of leading: dogmatic

They are extremely stubborn and wont believe that their advisers have the best intentions when they want to discuss some alternative ways of running the organisation. They are very suspicious because towards newcomers because before you know it they will have ousted you from your position of power. Or even worse, they suspect that their ministers are proposing some useless plans on purpose, to bring the country to ruin so they can take over. The only way to prevent this is to insist on strict enforcement of the old rules.

A suspicious leader

As said before, they are very suspicious and feel they can't rust anyone. They are inclined to get rid of their opposition before they cause too much trouble. Getting rid of them in the most literal sense of the word in the form of killing them seems to be the best solution.

Withdrawing from power

Eventually they start to withdraw into themselves. They can no longer trust anyone so they have to make sure that noone can threaten them. The way to do this is to see to it that nothing can be changed and that all recent changes are reversed. Every newcomer is a potential enemy and needs to be put out of action.

They cannot delegate and, ironically, when they do delegate it is usually to the wrong person, someone whose intentions are not totally honest.

Disbelief in their own leadership qualities

They have lost faith in themselves. Whatever they have achieved in the past is now about to be taken away from them. And they can see no way of adapting to the new situation, they don't think they are flexible enough to learn a new way of doing things.

Their is no way they can deviate from the well trodden path, and they restrict themselves to a limited range of possible solutions. They usually don't struggle against the opposition because they feel overwhelmed and can't cope with the powerful force of innovation taking place.

Withdrawing when they are criticised on their leadership Because everybody has turned into an enemy they are quite alone in their position of power. And this position is not going to last much longer. Their conservative attitude only hastens the take over bid. And thus it turns into a case of the self fulfilling prophesy. The enemies do arrive and they are ousted from their country. They don't understand how it could have happened, how they could have been manipulated to such an extent that they are totally powerless. It is a very painful experience.

The physical pains they may feel are equally unbearable. They are shooting, violent, unbearable pains which come and go suddenly.

It can be so extreme that they scream with pain, it may drive them to commit suicide in the end.

Failure through dogmatic leadership

It is the dogmatic quality of the leadership that is the cause of their failure. They hang on to the old ideas out of sheer nostalgia and don't take responsibility to keep up with the times. When they are finally abandoned and the whole business grinds to a halt they feel a complete failure as a leader.

A typical example of Thallium is Shakespeares King Lear. King Lear wants to hand over the reign of his kingdom to his daughters but he only trusts one of them. So he hands over his power to her, but she happens to be the only one out of the three who could not be trusted. So eventually the kingdom falls apart and although his court jester is always trying to make him see sense, King Lear thinks he is just a silly old fool.


Fears: heights, falling, murder, being murdered, death, suicide, heart disease, stroke, insanity, people, crowds, religion, devil, God.

Dreams: heights, falling.

Delusions: superior, alone, rats, surrounded by enemies; mania.

Irritability: (<) offended. Mood: haughty, persevering, over sensitive, restless, nervous, hysterical, excited, impatient, discontented, suspicious, complaining, gloomy, suicidal, crying. Mental: absent minded, confused, lack of concentration, rigid, insane. Religion: (>), (<), nostalgic, dogmatic. Professions: king, leader, director, manager, president, chairman, captain, mayor, bishop, top sportsman or woman. Causes: disaster, hurt, humiliation, accidents (3), beaten, robbed, attacked in their position of power. Generals Type: male, dark hair, overweight, thin, face drawn. Locality: right. Perspiration: (<) night, (<) sleep. Weather: cold; (>) open air; (<) cloudy; (<) dry. Time: (<) 1,3 am and 7 pm periodical, daily; suddenly. Desires: alcohol, drugs, bread, sweet, meat, cold water. Aversion: meat, eating. Food: (<) drugs, (>) eating, (<) fasting. Menses: absent, profuse, black; (<) menses, (<) pregnancy, (<) during and after giving birth. Sleep: sleeplessness (3). Physical: (<) rest, (<) sitting, (<) lying, (>) walking, (>) motion, (<) dark, (>) pressure, (>) rubbing, (<) touch, (<)(<)(<) accidents, (<) pressure, (>) and (<) motion. Complaints Weakness, nervousness and restlessness. Pains: violent, unbearable, shooting, electric, boring. Neuralgia, trigeminus neuralgia, Horton. Sensations: swollen, blown up, heavy, full. Paralysis: painful, atrophy, heightened reflexes; legs; Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis. Ataxia. Epilepsy, clonic, tonic, tetanic. No feeling. Cancer. Numbness: numb and tingling. Hypersensitivity: itching, tingling, formication. Headache. Occiput. Face swollen. Trembling (<) anger. Eye complaints: inflammations, iritis, poor vision, blindness, retrobulbar neuritis. Near sighted. Aphthae and salivation. Bitter taste. Toothache. Hyperthyroidism, goitre. Heart complaints: high blood pressure, infarction, failure, pain. Congestion of blood. Cerebral haemorrhage; anaemia. Pulse: too fast, too slow, full, weak, irregular. Stomach pains, pains as if an iron rod is pushed through umbilicus. Constipation. Diabetes. Problems with testes and ovaries: inflammations, cancer, cryptorchism, sterility, amenorrhoea, metrorrhagia. Trypanosoma infections. Kidney infection, urine containing blood or sugar. Enuresis. Back pains, sciatica, radiating to inside of thighs and feet. Neuralgia of face, arms and legs with urge to move, and (<) motion. Affections of bones: necrosis, inflammation. Rheumatism, Lupus erthematodes. White spots on nails, ribbed laterally. Hairloss, particularly on the lateral side of eyebrows. DD: Gold series, Stage 13. DD Mercurius: feels he can hold on to his power if he does his best, even if he has to use some unconventional methods, i.e. liquidating his enemies. Thallium feels he cannot hold out any longer, he doesnt believe he can mange total power anymore, so he decides to withdraw to a smaller territory. Case A 40 year old woman has problems with her joints. Her right shoulder is painful, it is diagnosed as bursitis. Four weeks rest and some injections gave little relief. The pain is violent and her whole arm and hand tingles. The pain is worse when she lifts her arm and moves is forwards or backwards, better from letting it hang down or pulling it down. Sometimes her fingers tingle when she lets her arm hang down and it makes her drop things. Worse from a warm shower and around 7 pm. Also worse when she works hard. It started six months ago when she was working 12 hours a day for a while. Weather doesnt affect it. Twenty four years ago she had neuritis in that same upper arm. She works as an assistant attorney and has 9 people working for her. She loves being in charge. She isn't afraid of anything and will tackle whatever comes along. She is easily angered but it is also easily forgotten. She gets angry at injustice and when things don't go the way she wants them to, or when people don't stick to their agreements. She attacks them immediately. She is always loudly proclaiming her opinions and her ideas. She is independent and very black and white in her way of thinking. She has some problems with her own family and with her in laws. She doesnt want to be too involved with her family because everybody always lived for himself. Her mother sent her to a catholic boarding school. There, as a torture, they often locked her up in a dark room or tied her up when she did something wrong. She ran away several times, but each time her mother sent her back because she didn't believe these awful stories. Her mother couldn't cope with five children at home. Her mother used to taunt her and once even cut off the tip her finger by squashing it with a metal box. She has suffered from high blood pressure for a long time. It makes her feel rushed and restless, as if their are hordes of people chasing her. She suffered from heart problems for a while, with pain radiating down her left arm, making the arm turn blue. She also gets back pains, radiating from her coccyx via the outside of her pelvis to her stomach, going up to her chest and down to her groin. It is a drawing sort of pain, worse from tension and before urination, better from pressure, and sitting hunched up tightly. It started during her first pregnancy when she slipped on the ice and fell on her coccyx. She gets frequent headaches, starting from her neck, going to the forehead, (>) fresh air, (<) turning head, noise, (>) lying flat in bed, sleep. She gets pain in her joints, in ankles, knees and wrists, (<) rain, (<) winter, (<) cold. She gets bronchitis 2-3 times a year, coughs up green-brown smelly lumps, (<) sea. Frequent vaginal discharge. As a child she had profuse salivation, it was so bad that they had to buy her a new pillow one.


Build: rather overweight.

Weather: (<) too hot and too damp, (<) draught, (<) sea.

Perspiration: profuse, (<) night (3).

Time: (<) 7 pm Desires: sweet, chocolate, cake, spices, mango.

Aversion: fruit, snails, buttermilk, yoghurt.

Food: (<) oranges.

Analysis and reaction

This woman had been coming to see me from time to time for the past seven years. She had had the following remedies: Kali carbonicum, Dulcamara, Natrum muriaticum, Staphysagria, Helleborus, Natrum sulphuricum, Arnica, Lachesis, Caulophyllum, Pulsatilla, Aurum, Cereus bonplandii, Cactus, kreosotum, Latrodectus mactans, Viburnum, Calcarea carbonica, Mancinella, Crataegus, Kali iodatum, Kali fluoratum, Sanguinaria, Rauwolfia.

Only Aurum, Cactus and Crataegus had a lasting effect, where Crataegus cured the heart problems.

At this point she returned with the shoulder pains. She felt hurried, as if being chased by hordes of people. Her blood pressure was still high and she had profuse perspiration at night. This reminded me of Mercurius, also because of her managerial position. Other confirming symptoms: angry (<) injustice, independent, closed, doesnt let anyone intimi-date her, attacks people if necessary, full of principles, black-white thinking, bossy, high blood pressure, overweight. When I asked her about salivation and she told me the story of buying a new pillow because of it I thought I had found the right remedy.

A month after Mercurius vivus 1M there wasn't much change, except that she had twice been threatened with a knife at work. I was surprised, because Mercurius did seem to fit. Suddenly I remembered Thallium, the element that is next in line after Mercurius. After Thallium 1M she really started to improve. She has taken the remedy five times during the course of two years and all her complaints have nearly gone. On hindsight we can see several confirming symptoms for Thallium: tingling, violent pain, neuritis, nobody believed her, she was tied up and locked in a dark room, they cut the tip of her finger off. Here we see the theme of restriction, confinement and disbelief belonging to Stage 13.


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