THUJA [Thuj]:

-Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Arbor Vitae

Region Worse Better

Nutrition Cold; damp Warm: air, moisture,

G.-l. Tract Wet cold application, stove, bath,

G.-U. Tract uncovering wrapping

Nerves Heat: bed, sun Cool open air brain(solar Bright light Dry weather plexus) Moonlight Cold (rheumatism)

Glands Draft of air Evening till midnight kidneys(adrenal) Periodically: Free secretions prostate daytime, early morning, sneezing ovary(l.) 1-4 am / pm, night, Touch pituitary 3-6 am / pm, night, mid- Pressure thyroid night to morning, Rubbing

Blood alternate days Scratching veins Moon : new, full, Continued motion

Bones waxing, waning, Walking in open air

Skin annual, during menses Crossing legs epithelia Touch. Rest

Side Syphilis l. upper and r. Suppressed gonorrhea;salpingitis lower eruptions; warts

Animal poisoning; snake-bite Chemotherapy

Vaccines; immunizers; sera; antibiotics; narcotics bl. transfusions; gamma globulin; foreign sub. (proteins etc.)

Mercury. Sulphur. Fertilizers

Breakfast. Dinner. Tea

Onions. Coffee. Beer

Stress. Fright. Music

Stretching. Straining


Neurotic. Hydrogenoid. Rhoeo-rheumatic

Calcareous. Hyperplasic- paralytic

Highlights : Nervous troubles, insomnia, paralyses, brain deterioration, atrophy, dementia, Alzheimers; especially after vaccinations, metabolic disorder or syco-syphilis or rickets, rheumatism and phthisis of psoro-syphilitic origin. Oliy: stools, skin, sweat. Neurogenic troubles : colitis; diarrheas; ulcers. A surplus of producing life, nearly unlimited proliferations of pathological vegetations.

Base : Vaccinations; suppressed gonorrhea; inherited syphilis (plus mercury); phthisical; abuse of tea.

After vaccinations (vaccinosis) : rickets; polio; scrofula; pleurisy; nephritis; calculi; rheumatism; chronic neuralgias, lethargy, paresis, a cachexy ( the so called X - disease (like Nux-v.,Sep.)) , neurasthenia, catalepsy, syringomyelia (Morvan's disease), paraplegia, epilepsy; conjunctivitis; digestive disorders; malignancy; eczema; menstrual troubles; inveterate skin eruptions.

All manifestations are excessive, their advent is, however, insidious and sneaky.

Make-up : Flabby; heavy trunk, short neck and thin limbs. Almost a monster : grossphysique without any distinguishing marks, with ugly features, shapeless (like Bufo.); triple chins, broad pelvis, heavy breasts, large hip(adiposis), irregular narrow bossy forehead with thick hair low down, temples prominent, nose thick, massive bumpy cheeks seamed with a deep naso-labial fold, eyes deep-set and ridged, thick confluent eyebrows, heavy jaws, wide mouth, with thick lips, enormous ears. "Buffalo-like." "Too much matter and too little form." "Human gorilla." Puny. Obese, pituitary type with warts, moles and greasy face. Manly, hirsute women. Neurotic. Cachectic. Lymphatic. Scrofulous. Hydrogenoid. Chilly. Drinkers of tea.

Children: Vivacious, sensitive (tomusic), responsive, conscientious, but either immature or adultize too early, tantrumy. Stranger phobiec (like Bar-c). Cretin or even mongol (Med., Nat-m.). Faulty developed teeth, with decay. R. half of head higher and thicker (Agar.,Op.). Prone to catarrhal and neuralgic headaches. Crying babies; with a sycotic taint; from congenital inguinal hernia.

Action : Nervous phenomena with affections of skin or MM; neuralgias from suppressed gonorrhea or eruptions.Marked action on glands. Affects prominently epithelia, first causing hardening, hypertrophy, then softening. Invoked above all for hyperplasias.

"Thuja is now replacing Sul. for therapeutic blockings. Changes in habits, customs, diet and modes of life are responsible for exhibition of Thuja symptoms. Overindulgence in tea, coffee, beer, state laws in regard to vaccination, the vague of antibiotics in medicine, the large spread of immunisers and great patronisation of artificial manures and insecticides in the production of food stuffs tend to create a favourable soil for Thuja.

To conclude : A very deep acting sycotic remedy of the cadre of Arg-met.,Carc., Medo., Nat-s., X-ray etc., to fight inveterate catarrhs, hypertrophies, new growths, phthisis etc.


Jerkings of spinal origin, in circumscribed spots. Twitchings. Trembling, (intermittent, apprehensive) of hands after tea. Trickling sensation in urethra, chest.

Pains : Sycotic pains; tearing in muscles and joints (<) at rest, (>) dry weather, (<) damp weather. Burning, sticking, numbing, drawing pains;(<)warmth. Pains in the belly of muscles (like Cimi.); with frequent micturition; localized or spreading ; a nail driven as if (Anac., Ign.). " The ultimate for all pains" (M.B. Desai). Weakness : Mornings; paretic; laziness; arms weaker than legs. Rapid prostration and emaciation. Numbness rarely. Ataxic gait. Tissues Mucous membranes: catarrhs. Discharges profuse, oily, (esp. of face) mucopurulent, herring-brine smelling, yellowish,green. Bones : Tearing pains. Softening, rickets, spinal curvature. Osteo-arthritis, pelvic reflex, periostitis. Rheumatic myositis ossificans. Polyarthritis. Gout. Blood : Abscesses. Suppuration; painless, pus offensive, thin. Sycosis is the mother of catarrhs and pus. Anemia. Leukemia. Excess of venosity. Varicoses; marbling; especially-face (incipient sepsis). Vascular growths(carunculae).Hemangioma.Aortic stenosis. Aneurism after anastomosis. Glands: Enlarged. Pituitary dysfunction-poor digestion and mental deficiency. Exophthalmic goitre. Stitching, tearing pains as if torn to pieces. Growths : After injury. Fatty tumor. Fibroids. Warts. Bleeding condylomata. Polypi (soft, bleeding). Spongy tumors. Brain tumors. Steatoma. Epulis. Ranular papillomata ('rice bodies'). Gumma.Ganglion. Excrescences fungoid (cauliflower), soft, exuberant, horny (Ran-b.), fleshy. Cancers-on a syphilitic base; medullary lupus, fungoid, epithelioma, sarcoma, leukaemia. Nails:corrugated, horny, split, crippled, crumbling, exfoliating, brittle, distorted, discoloured, thickened. Ingrowing toe nails. Dropsy:Anasarca.Hydrocele.Elephantiasis; with oozing. Oedema of face,feet. Emaciation. Injuries: Growth after.Sprains. Reaction: Coryza. Mind:Agitated; affectionate yet restless, hurried, impatient, tense, too careful and conscientious, nervous and tremulous when deputed (anticipatory), touchy, secretive,yet well mannered and polite. "A spiritual chamelion," passively amative, overactive (in early life),anxious with internal trembling and chest pain about heart driving one out of bed and house. Monomaniac(fixed ideas) ; dogmatic; (passive) fanatic,yet not a bigot (unlike Hep.). Misplaced hatred.Fastidious. The solar plexus,emotions strike on pit of stomach. Fear of strangers. Depressive stage; self-reproach, shameful, inferiority complex, melancholia, ennui, sense of dissolution, dyslexia, apraxia. Attacks of blackout, loss of senses, thoughts.Passive (muttering) insanity; puerperal. Or, physical breakdown with intact mind (so during fever also). Various delusions of BODY being separate, divided, heavy, delicate, thin, brittle, made of glass; animals in abdomen, 'psudo- pregnancy' (Croc.); strangers in the room, pursued of being; that he is a criminal. Select Particulars Head : Vertigo: swinging, levitating; epileptic; worse closing eyes, riding, looking up, stooping. Ciliary neuralgia.Deep-set syphilitic headache; after sunstroke; from abuse of tea. Bilious headaches. Periodic sick headache. Dull stupefying. Band- like.Clavus. Meningitis/Encephalitis: Vaccinal or sycotic; high fever, coma, opisthotonos.After: crying; mental deterioration. Apoplexy:Threatened,vertigo worse bending head back. With coma vigil,red sclerotics,bluish suffused face, trembling hand, intermittent pulse; attack at 3 a m. / p m , while urinating. Retinal apoplexy,with H.B.P. Dry,hard, lustreless, split hair;short,thin;grows fast or too slow;falls from scalp and occurs on odd places (Med.,Sep.,Thyr.). White scaly dandruff. Eyes: Ophthalmia; neonatorum;nightly agglutination. Has greater affinity for sclera; recurring (episcleritis. Syphilitic iritis. Kerato-iritis with photophobia and opacity.Jagged iris.Pustular keratitis.Granular lids with wart-like granulations,ulcers.Eyelids heavy,drooping. Styes.Tarsal tumors (chalazion).Indolent warty phylentenular chalazcial.Vascular tumors on cornea. Fungus tumor on orbit. On eyelids meibomian cysts,nodosities,epithelioma.Condylomata in eyebrows. Vision: dim,worse in open air,reading,better by rubbing.Myopia.Sudden blindness,later atrophy; after antibiotics and vaccinations. Photopsies beyond visual field,cloudy.Floating(green) stripes. Flames. Dazzled from bright light. Ears : Otalgias; with cold legs,even unconsciousness; after tonsillectomy.Chronic otitis.Otorrhoea, purulent, fetid.Noises: hissing as of boiling water; thumping; humming. Polyps. Keloids. Granulations. Nose : Obstructed catarrh with pressing pain at root of nose; (>) after discharge with sneezing (green mucus with blood and pus). Chronic catarrh after vaccination or examthema. Summer hay fever (cp.Tub.). The "old man's pearl" (involuntary dripping); while eating. Epistaxis. Scales. Ulcer. Ozaena. Polyp. Empyemic odors.

Face :Dirty or greased (like Nat-m.). Pain after suppressed eczema or gonorrhea (or vaccination). Pityriasis.Flat ulcers.Fungus on lower jaw, easily bleeding, stemmed, angrier in wet weather.

Teeth : Dirty yellow, tartary and crumbling. Decay begins at edge of gums(Syph.), or at roots (Med.). Pain from tea drinking, better or worse by cold. Gums scorbutic,receding, with red streaks, white or black margins.Pyorrhoea, with joint trouble.

Mouth : Blistery aphthae. Tongue almost clean; mapped (Nat-m.); burning worse warm food.Taste sweet; of rotten eggs. Salivation stops during sleep, or mercurial (during sleep). Aphasia after vaccination or apoplexy. Ranula with foetid breath.

Throat : Vasculosis in. Mucous tubercles in chronic pharyngitis; swollen tonsils; chancre- like ulcers. Scraping after ices. Adenoids, after vaccination. Papillomata in.

Stomach : Desires sweets, fats, salt, refresing things. Averse to meat, potatoes. Thirst for ice-cold water :after (dinner or) supper. Downcast after dinner. Colon dyspepsia after supper. Poor digestion; of fats; sweets, mushy foods: after abuse of tea,tobacco,onions; (<) during wet weather; after vaccination; not so superficial as Puls. (Its milder version). Sinking in epigastrium; must eat. Nausea in waves (Ip.). Abdomen: Flatulence; protrusions here and there(pseudo-cyesis); incarcerated, with pressing- stitching in l.chest (or precordium), better after deflation or stool. Umbilicus protrudes when crying. Hepatitis.Enlarged spleen. Colitis (even with ulceration); neurogenic. Appendicitis,with fatty vomit and sweat on uncovered parts; after vaccination.Ileus: intussusception, caged flatus or twists in bowels; (>)lying on all fours. Caecum irritated, full, boggy. Hernias .Old rheumatism attacking bowels, liver and kidneys.

Rectum : Obstipation, pain withdraws the stool; several normal stools a day. Choleras. Diarrhea, generally painless, early morning (Aloe., Nat-s.), shooting out, imperative. Fatty, stools of coeliac disease. After anti- rabid injections dysentery ; chronic; amoebic. Haemorrhoids, tender to touch ; mucous piles. Fissures. Fistulas; recto (or vesico) vaginal.Excrescences. Relaxed sphincter, also of bladder.

Urinary : Nephralgia.Nephritis.Pyelitis of B-coli infection. Sycotic prostate trouble. Sudden urging, even enuresis. Dysuria. Urethral stricture, inflammation,carbuncle,polypus.Sycotic diabetes.Uremia,"Renal insufficiency is the basis of sycosis and of Thuja"(Bernoville).

Male : Old gonorrheas. Prostatities. Secondary syphilis; chancroid ulcers; mercuro-syphilis; inherited syphilis.Warts on prepuce (Cinnb.).Hyperemission. Balanitis; malignant balanorrhea. Orchitis, bruised or pressing,squeezing pains; induration;retraction;anxiety in. Sycotic impotence. Offensive seman. Profuse sweat around genitals.

Female : Prone to gyndecopathies. Sycotic ovaritis, worse at menses; salphingitis. Greenish leucorrhea. Menses too early and scanty; painful. Tendency to abort; sycotic. "Only Thuja can abort an abortion." Sycotic sterility (with anemia, leucorrhea); one child sterility (like Med.). Onanism,even during sleep. Vagina very sensitive (Lyss.).Exertion prolapse of uterus, vagina. Vaginismus; pruritis after coition. Various growths (see Generals) in uterus; coxcomb (i.e. honeycombed) excrescences in scars of lacerated os. Epithelioma.

Mammary indurations. Retracted nipples.

Respiratory : Chronic laryngitis.Asthma sycotic, tubercular; in children;(<)night. Bronchial tract powerfully influenced. Various coughs worse daytime, 3 pm, better at noon; dry,at night; post diphtheric winter coughs. Whooping cough after vaccination; with pneumonias, with a tubercular undertone(Bac.,Tub.). Pleurisic situations. " Give Thuja to finish chronic bronchitis with loose cough and unending expectoration. Heart: Sycotic or 'tea- friends 'subjective cardiac symptoms: also IHD.Vascular throbbing; venosity. Aneurisms by anastomosis. Orgasms.High Blood Pressure. Cardiac anxiety, with stitches; vaccinal or theic angina pectoris,dyspeptic. Oppression;during sleep (>) deflation. Anxious palpitation on walking in morning.Cramps in chest or heart,with coldness all over from music,better after deflation.

Back : Throbbing backache.Stiff neck.Flatulent pain under left scapula extending to left hypochondrium after onions.Bruised pressing lumbago. Spinal irritation,after vaccination.

Locomotor : Neuralgias; better by cold (Hering), warmth Hoyne), twitching, trembling, weakness ; jerkings of spinal origin.Paralytic heaviness; of arm.Numb stiffness (wooden feeling) of legs when walking.Atrophied long muscles. Finger tips swollen, red, cold, numb.

Rheumatism. Rheumatic fibrositis,especially of posterior shoulders and hip regions.Gonorrheal R. in fibrous part of knee joint. Right every spring. Hips give way. Sciatica( l.); after fright;with atrophy;ameliorated erect posture.

Sleep : Insomnia; vaccinal;after 3 or 4 am .Sycotic sleepiness; after dinner. Dreams:of dead;falling from heights;(dropping into a) bottomless pit, abyss; quarrels; snakes.

Skin : Mottled with brown spots, or marbled network of capillaries, livid spots remain after healing. Chloasma, of pregnancy. Leucoderma,after vaccination or suppressed warts etc. Dry or more often greasy (esp.nose) . Eruptions; post vaccinal; foul pustuleswith sunken apices; only on covered parts; worse summer,cold bath (worse burning,itching); rash; carbuncles;scabies; blood boils, in crops;herpes, syphiltic; prurigo; zona; pemphigus, syphilitic; Psoriasis; eczema; suppressed with mercury or sulphur. Freckles; moles. Cicatrices; keloid growths. Naevi; materna. Tubercles; moist mucous. Lichen urticatus.

Ulcers : bluish; burning; fistulous; jagged edges; itching; spongy; sarcomatous ( 'proud flesh' ); smarting; stinging; varicose; bounded by vesicles ; syphilitic.

Warts: bleeding; burning; flat; fleshy; moist; pulpy; horny; cleft; fissured ; soft or hard; fungus haematodes or cauliflower (acinate); pedunculated; itching; acuminate; rough, seedy; smooth; sessile; small ones, sateliting a big one; sycotic or syphilitic; pulsating; suppurating; after vaccination, onanism or suppressed diarrhea / dysentery. Troubles after suppressing warts.

Thermic : Chill : ascending, beginning in thighs with blueness of nails, unilateral (l.) . Periodical. Coldness; localized; no heat could warm him. Heat with icy hands, or of upper half of body; dry H. of covered parts with sweat on uncovered. Feverish in fungus haematodes, or cauliflower (acinate); evening, with constant one-sided headache; F. coldness.

Sweat : easy, especially on uncovered parts, or all over except head, on side not lain on, (early) sleep, before menses, gushes in company, greasy, smells sweetish, honey like, pungent (strong), sour or foul, sulphurous, acrid. Localized.

Chronic intermittent; with Nat-m. symptoms, but she bore only one child; tertian, with dreams of falling.

High fever, or habitual influenza with ill health and headache; after vaccination. Chronic slow fever; early in morning. Warm fever, with colic, convulsion, stupor, h/o vaccinations. During rainy season chill daily at 5 pm, with cold clammy legs, with dry cough that abated with ensuing fever, normal about 9 pm after supper (Rhus-t. palliating).

Typhoid; fever high at 3 am and pm, stool slips back, sweat on uncovered parts, h/o gonorrhea, gout, rheumatism, bronchial asthma (also of family), mind very clear. Variola, aborts the pustule and prevents the suppurating fever.

Collapse; of an infant , nursing from a recently revaccinated nurse.

Relations : Acute: Ant-c., Arn.,Ars., Asaf., Bac.,Bry., Carb- v.,Cast.,Cocc.,Eucal., Ign.,Ip.,Kali-ars.,Kali-c., Nux- v.,Phos.,Puls.,Pyrog.,Rhus-t.,Sabin., Sulph.,Tub.

Complementary: Aur., Calc-c.,Kali-c., Lach.,Lyc., Mag-s., Malan., Med., Merc., Nat-m.,Nat-s.,Nit-ac., Sabi., Sil., Strpt.,Sulph.,Syc-co.,Syph.,Thyr.(nerves),Tub.

Complementary also to : Ap., Caust., Carc.,Psor., Sel.,Sil. Trios :

1. Ars.-Thuj.-Tarn. 5. Thuj.-Medo.-Sul..

2. Sep.-Thuj.-Nat-m. 6. Thuj.-Medo.-Sul-i.

3. Sul.-Tub.-Thuj. 7. Pul.-Sil.-Thuj.

4. Sul.-Psor.-Thuj. 8. Thuj.-Sil.-Fl-ac.

Antidotes : Cam., Cham., Cimi., Cocc., Colch., Ign., Iod., Merc.,Nux-v., Pul., Sabi. (for warts), Staph., Sul.,Thea.

Counterparts: Caust.,Sep.

Compare : Calc-c.,Med., Merc., Nat-s., Psor., Sabi., Sep.,Sil., Staph.,Sul., Syph., Zin. (heart).

Symbiotics : Sil.

Since Thuja is a version of Sep. and collateral of Sil. (as e. g. in vaccination ), it is a good helper in persons of Sep.- Sil. build.

Thuja is the anti-sycotic intercurrent for the chilly remedies in the inorganic Materia Medica.

Thuja is cross between Natrum and Graph.


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