Titanium [Titan]:

-Jan Scholten

Titanium is briefly mentioned in Boericke and Clarke.


Titanium was discovered in 1791 and is the 9th most common element on earth. The name is derived from the Greek Titans, the descendants of Uranos and the first real kings on earth. The Titanic was named after this element, and, as we all know, it went down on its first official journey. In Shakespeares A Midsummer nights Dream Queen Titania wanders around lost in the woods and in her dreams.

The largest moon of Saturn is called Titan. Titan has a greenish sheen and it is very strong and elastic. Its structure is hexagonal, becoming cubic when heated above 800 degrees, after which it diffuses with Iron. The metal is very light, corrosion resistant, has a high tensile strength and doesnt get metal fatigue, which makes it very useful for the construction of aircraft engines. It increases the strength and the magnetic properties of steel at high temperatures. White titan dioxide gets used as a colouring agent. Nitinol is an alloy of titan and nickel; when bent and heated it reshapes (Ferrum series, Niccolum) into its original (Titanium) form. Baryta titanate, Ba TiO4 and leadzirconate titanate Pb2ZrO4TiO4 are piezo-electric, which means they produce an electric current under pressure. It is almost as resistant to corrosion as Platina.


Stage 4 Ferrum series

Establishing Task Work Duty

Opening Beginning Craft Use

Position Official Ability Perfectionism

Joining in Routine Order Rules

Deciding Control Exams

Amazing Observed Criticised

Half Failure Guilt Crime




Group Analysis

They have to start with their task.

Failure at the start of a job.

Beginning means failing.

Just about to make a mistake.

Indecisive from fear of failure.

Starting with control every time.

Surprised that others don't think he is a failure.

Unsure about what awaits them after the start.

The task looks like a mountain of work: titanic labour.

Picture of Titanium metallicum Essence: Uncertainty and fear of failure at the start of their task.

They have to make a start with their task

Their basic feeling is that they have to make a start. They have to cross the bridge, but they feel very tense about taking the first step.

Unsure about what awaits them after they have started Of course they are not sure what they will find on the other side of the bridge. They can't see into the future and they feel it might all be more than they can handle. In their imagination they blow it up into enormous proportions, until they are too scared to go through with it. Should I take the step, isn't it too dangerous?, are questions constantly on their mind.

Failure at the start of a job Even at the start they are convinced they will make a mess of it.

They have never proved their worth: everything up to now has only been a trial, without any real responsibilities involved. And now things are for real, which means they are on their own, which means they bound to make mistakes. They almost talk themselves into failure.

Typical of this phase is that they often collapse when they have just taken on a new job or when they have just had promotion.

They get so nervous that they can't see their way ahead anymore and they have to quit.

Indecision from fear of failure Their fear of failure makes them indecisive. As soon as they have chosen, the doubt starts to creep in Will I be able to manage? They are most surprised when others tell them they are doing well.

They can get into a panic at the thought of what lies ahead, thinking they have made the wrong choice: I should never have done this. Even minor decisions are difficult: what to wear, what to eat, what to drink? etc. The inability to make a decision can become totally paralysing, and eventually everything comes to a standstill. They can't get out of bed in the morning, don't know what to do during the day, nothing seems interesting anymore. At night they can't sleep from worrying: How can I get out of this? Their thoughts drive them mad.

Starting with control every time

Because they want to do well they start by checking everything a hundred times. But here they get stuck in the same theme: before I can move on, I had better check once more. And so they start all over again, which means they never get down to the actual business. At school they are the slowest pupil in the class, checking and rechecking every answer, which takes forever.

Expressions Fears: failure, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation.

Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, persecuted by people or monsters, dragons or lions; being taken prisoner; tools and vehicles get broken or stolen; falling down stairs, being shot.

Delusions: ordinary objects take on strange shapes like ghosts or other weird creatures.

Mood: empty, aimless, dead, despairing.


Locality: right.

Weather: cold, (<) warm, (>) outside (2).

Time: (<) 7 am. Desires: fruit (2), apples, pear, kiwi, grapes, oranges, sweet (2). Aversion: sour, milk, eating. Food: (<) oranges. Sleep: needs much; on right side; somnambulism. Physical: (<) reading, bright light (2). Complaints Cancer. Paralysis. Migraine with bright glimmering and spots before eyes, vertical hemiopia (!, half, Stage 4). Headache starting from neck, accompanied by nausea, vertigo, fainting, dry mouth, trembling and numbness of hands, diarrhoea and irritability. Vertigo, feeling unsteady, falling forwards, fainting, (<) eyes closed. Eye problems, difficulty reading and studying, letters start to tremble, spots before letters, glimmerings, hemiopia, (<) bright light, (<) exerting eyes. Objects appear small and far away. Colds, dry mouth. Anaemia (3). Stomach problems, nausea. Diabetes. Premature ejaculation. Kidney diseases, Brights disease. Skin complaints, eczema, lupus. DD: Ferrum series, Stage 2 and 4, Lithiums, Tellurium. DD plants containing titanium: Malus. DD Scandium: has a little taste of everything, without committing himself. Titanium knows what he wants, he chooses to do it and wants to make an official start. Case A 25 year old woman has had a nervous breakdown, which started a few weeks ago, when she became very unsure of herself. She had finished teacher training college and had started a job as a teacher. She was looking forward to it and started with great enthusiasm, feeling very good about it. But a few months later she started to feel unsure of herself. When she was preparing lessons she would suddenly get into a panic, thinking I can't do it. She developed a tremendous fear of failure and finally had to leave, although others assured her she was a good teacher. After she had stopped she initially felt relieved, but now she doesnt do anything anymore. She can't get out of bed in the morning, she is not interested in anything, and she can't sleep at night because she can't stop thinking: What should I do? How can I get out this? It is driving her mad. She feels dead and empty inside. She is at her wits end and feel totally helpless, also very frightened when someone criticises her. She comes across as a frightened, helpless little bird. She can't decide what to do, what sort of job might suit her instead. She panics when she thinks about the future. She can't even decide what to do from day to day, what to wear, what to eat etc. It takes her a full minute to decide whether to have tea or coffee. The prospect of yet another day to fill makes her despair. When she does make a decision she thinks it is the wrong one: Oh, I shouldnt have done that! Her fear of failure also comes back in her dreams. She dreams of being pursued by other people, of being burgled, or being shot. As a child she often dreamed that she fell down the stairs, going down faster and faster. Or that there was a strange monster in the room which turned out to be only a crumpled-up jumper on a chair. After waking up everything looked very small and far away. She also sleep walked in the past. She now has a migraine which she used to have in the past. It starts with pains in her neck which radiate to her forehead. She sees spots and glimmering things in front of her eyes; the headache is worse from eyestrain like studying or reading or looking at a bright light. Other complaints: nausea, dry mouth and trembling and numbness in the hands; vertigo with a feeling of unsteadiness, (<) closing her eyes. Sometimes she has a stomach upset and has frequent diarrhoea. The complaints are (<) 7 am, (<) alone, (>) evening, (>) outside, (<) heat, (>) sea. She wakes up at 5 am and can't sleep again because of thoughts going round and round her head.


Weather: cold, (<) heat, (>) outside (2), (>) sea.

Time: (<) 7 am. Desires: vegetables, fruit (2), pears (2), grapes(2), kiwi(2), oranges (2), fish, cheese. Food: (<) oranges: cracks in tongue. Menses: occasional irritability during. Sleep: much, 10 hours, on right side. Analysis The central theme is the tremendous fear of failure, which indicates a metal. Her profession is a teacher, she is performing a function within a larger work force, which leads us to a metal in the Ferrum series. She is at the beginning of her career when she collapses; she panics as soon as she wants to make a proper start. The theme of beginning belongs to stage 4, which brings us to Titanium. The difficulty she experiences trying to make a decision is typical of Stage 4: it is a paralysing sort of fear, which prevents them from doing anything and leads to endless postponing. Confirming symptoms for Titanium: (>) fruit, migraine with eye problems.

A DD with Calcarea carbonica should be mentioned, because of her uncertainty and the typical symptom of the monster which turned out to be a piece of clothing. But in this case it is not the feeling of being observed that is the main problem, it is more the tremendous uncertainty and the inability to make decisions.

Both these symptoms are more typical of Titanium.

Reaction One month after Titanium 1M she feels a lot better. The improvement was gradual, with several ups and downs. She doesnt feel so dead inside anymore, and she has started to take an interest in life again. She is better able to make decisions again, although she is still unsure what to do with her job and it still makes her panic to think about it. But eating and sleeping are much better.

After a repeat of Titanium 1M she gradually feels like starting some sort of job again. The headache came back after 6 weeks and lasted a fortnight.

She has no more problems with being on her own.


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