Yttrium [Yttr]:

- Jan Scholten

Yttrium is a new remedy and it deserves a special place in homoeopathic circles because the position of homoeopathy in our society is at present in the Yttrium stage. Homoeopathy isn't really taken seriously as a science, its efficacy is unproven, but you are free to dabble around with it if it takes your fancy.

Many homoeopaths have the same attitude towards it, they haven't done an officially approved course and they practice in a little back room.


The name comes from the word Ytterbium, a Swedish village near Stockholm. Ytterbium means outer (ytter) village (biu), because of its position outside Stockholm. Yttrium was discovered in 1794 in some minerals, together with the elements Ytterbium Erbium and Terbium.

It is a shallow type of metal with an iron grey sheen. It is used in heating wires, crystals for television sets, and microwave apparatus in the form of Yttrium-iron-granate.


Stage 3 Silver series

Investigating Creation Inspiration

Discerning Comparing Ideas Culture

Trying Unique Admiration

Hesitating Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly

Changeable Instable Art Science Mysticism

Underestimating Show Performance

Discouraged Put down Queen Ambition

Unofficial Hurt Humiliation

Confusion Sexuality

Middle age

Town Province

Voice Hearing

Group analysis

Exploring art or science.

Trying to get inspiration.

Investigating your talents.

Unofficial creative activities.

Hesitating about the performance.

Comparing ideas.

Surrender to criticism.

Discouraged by admiration.

Discouraged in talking.

Picture of Yttrium metallicum

Essence: exploring your creative abilities.

Exploring creative abilities

They are never sure what they really would like to do in the creative field. They try a little bit here and a little bit there, but it never gets any further than just sniffing around.

They start several courses, perhaps they even finish them, but that is as far as they get. They are so afraid they'll choose the wrong thing that they wont even start. The responsibility is too much for them, they are too afraid that they wont be able to contribute anything new to the world. Should I become a psychiatrist or a musician? is the sort of question that they can never resolve.

Unofficial creative activities

Although they may try several new things at the same time, nothing ever comes of it. They don't trust their own inspiration, thinking it isn't good enough. They don't mind dabbling in a few things here and there, but only behind closed doors. It is nothing more than a try out and not worth exposing it to the public gaze in case it invites comments or conflicts. Being involved in several things at the same time is both a hindrance and an excuse to them for not finishing what they have started.

Surrender criticism

When criticism comes their way they tend to simply go along with it. They don't really want to take a stand, afraid to be non-conforming. It is not their habit to stand out in a crowd. They often come from a relatively simple background where anything out of the ordinary was not really appreciated. The arts and the sciences were not for their sort of people, that was something for the upper classes. So when they discover an artistic talent in themselves they start to have great doubts whether this is really possible. Can they really rise above mediocrity to create something unique?

Discouraged by admiration

They are easily discouraged and the slightest setback makes them think: See, I knew I couldn't do it. When they have an off day they feel like quitting altogether, there are so many people who can do a better job anyway.

Discouraged by talking

Talking is equally difficult for them. They hum and ha and have to deliberate a long time before they say anything. They aren't used to talking in front of a group and they don't like it. They feel that what they have to say isn't important, anybody could have thought of that.


Fears: heights, ladders, narrow spaces, show, performance, speeches, anticipation.

Dreams: heights, falling, ladders, mountain, volcano, water, sea, bird, swan, blue, mines.

Irritability: (<) humiliation. Mood: uncertain, crying. Hobbies: singing, art, music, acting. Fairy tales: Rumpelstiltskin. Profession: artist, painter, writer, singer, musician, teacher, scientist, doctor, priest, bishop, medicine man, vicar, governor, secretary,. representative, advertising agent, public relations officer, top sportsman-, woman. Generals Locality: left. Weather: cold, cold feet, (<) cold (2), (<) damp (2), (>) outside.

Menses: profuse.

Sleep: sleepy.



Weakness, bruised pains, itching. nervous, trembling (3!).

Headache in forehead, temples and vertex.

Eye problems: inflammations, visual disturbances.

Colds with watery coryza.

Voice problems: hoarseness, loss of voice, stammering.

Lung problems.

Problems with genitalia, testes and ovaries.

Neck problems, stiffness. Pain in arms.

Irritation of lungs (Dreisbach).

DD: Silver series, Stage 3.

DD Strontium: is more passive, lets it all happen. Yttrium is looking for possibilities to express his creativity.

Case of Yttrium Oxidatum

A 50 year old man is depressed in the morning. He doesn't want to go to work and wonders whether he should carry on with it.

Everybody at the notary office where he works has got a degree of some sort except him. He also feels small and dependent on his boss. He doesn't know how to handle him. And he wonders whether he is really good enough for the job, he is afraid of being excluded.

His ideal is to be able to talk easily and effortlessly and to move with ease in both the lower and the higher social circles.

He was at boarding school for a while which he found terribly cold and distant. But he did learn a lot, especially in the field of music. He was the lead singer in a performance once, but on the way home his father had said: There are dozens of boys who have a better voice than you.

At primary school he had been different from the rest because he had piano lessons.

He always had to live according to the norms set by his father, he was not allowed to quarrel, he was not allowed to stand up for himself, he should always avoid any form of conflict. They also had to look up to the doctor, the vicar and the priest and look down on the lower classes.

He loves singing and still does this with a girlfriend who plays the piano. But he feels unsure about it. He did give two concerts at home but felt very unsure about the whole performance. He compares his singing with a search to find his real self. The singing goes much better when he relaxes into it and much more difficult when he is tired or when he thinks too much.


Weather: coltish; (<) heat.

Time: (<) 7-9 am.

Desires: mustard, gherkins, cheese, olives, salt.

Aversion: pumpkin, runner beans, courgette.

Sleep: much, on back or stomach.


The problems at work might make us think of Calcarea or Baryta.

But the problems in this area are not specific enough to enable us to make a choice. The theme of singing and music indicates that it would be better to look in the Silver series. This is confirmed by his wish to be able to talk easily in all social circles and the fact that is searching to find his real self.

The uncertainty points to one of the first few stages. He likes to give the odd informal performance at home, but it shouldn't become too official. He does have a music teacher, but it isn't really a professional. In other words: he tries, but nothing too official, i.e. stage 3.

If we combine this with the Silver series we get to the remedy Yttrium. This fits with his fathers remark: there are dozens of boys who have a better voice than you and the fact that he wasn't allowed to stand up for his own ideas.

There was really no reason to give anything else than Yttrium metallicum, but because this was not available I chose Yttrium Oxidatum.


Two weeks after Yttrium Oxidatum 1M his depression has gone. He doesn't let himself be rushed at work anymore. He has also made some changes regarding his singing: he has stopped singing in the choir and has chosen to go to a professional teacher, who fortunately was able to take him on. He has become much more decisive, feeling free to express his own opinion.

He had a dream of standing on a ladder, wanting to climb in through a window but his mother was standing in the way. He used to have this dream in the past, but then he had always been afraid and this time he wasn't.

After 5 months is feeling even more active and less restrained, he wants to do something really outrageous. The singing is going well, his teacher knows exactly what sort of music is best for him. He sings love songs now instead of funeral hymns.


  1. Hi thank you for this - my son was just prescribed this remedy. I had never heard of it and didn't know it was on the periodic table. I like being able to read about remedies and this sounds a good deal like him in some areas. Again thank you ! Betsy


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