Calcarea muriatica [Calc-m]:

- Jan Scholten
Only Clarke (1985, part 1, page 357) briefly mentions Calcarea muriatica. It does not appear in Kents Repertory. It is quite likely that many Calc cases will turn out to be Calc-m in the future. The picture of Calc-m is similar to that of Calc, but it does have its own character. Calc-m appears to be a great children's remedy. Many cases in which I would previously have given Calc, with medium results, are now going much better with Calc-m.

Concepts Calcarea Muriatica What do others think Self-pity

Sensitive to criticism Care

Insecurity Nurturing

Shyness Mother

Fears Attention

Protection Self-awareness


Group analysis

The theme of Calc-m, according to the group analysis, is the fear that others will see that they need a lot of care and attention. The first part of this theme corresponds with that of Calc: 'What will others think of me'. But in Calc-m this fear is mainly focused on care and attention. They are afraid to ask for too much attention, to appear too needy and to be criticised for that. Another variation is that they are afraid to give either too much or too little attention, especially as a mother to her children. They are afraid to spoil,or to neglect, their children. And the fear is especially that, by doing so, they will be rejected by others. It is a theme that can easily be passed on from mother to child. The mother is very uncertain about how to care for the child. The child does not get enough and starts to 'whine'. It wants more nurturing and attention. On the one hand the mother would like to give this, but on the other hand she is afraid to spoil the child. And 'What will the neighbours and others say?'. She gets angry with the child and sends it away: 'Don't whine so much!'. And so the child becomes very unsure about his feelings and his need for love and nurturing.


A woman aged 50 comes with various complaints. Her first complaint is a skin rash from the sun on her chest and arms. She is especially sensitive to that in the spring. She gets little red itching lumps. She has had this complaint since the birth of her first child.

A second complaint is a frontal headache, together with a cold. She feels pressure in her eyes, and has a watery discharge from the nose. Sometimes she has pain in the upper jaw, mostly left sided. These complaints started since her second pregnancy, when she suffered from sinusitis. It makes her very tired. She is also very moody and impatient. She cannot tolerate a lot from the children. She also feels dull, 'like a Zombie'. The complaints are worse in the winter, although the weather does not have a direct influence on them.

A third complaint is itching of the vagina and labia. There is little discharge. This complaint is worse before menses.

A fourth complaint is constipation. Stools are hard, thick and dark. Stool is expelled with difficulty (<) 16 till 21 h. She sometimes gets stomach cramps, mostly in left abdomen. A fifth complaint is backache. She has had this for two years, starting two years after the birth of her second child. They were moving house and she did a lot of heavy carrying. She was exposed to a dry, cold wind. It started with sciatica, pain in the sacro- iliac joint and also in the coccyx. The pain extended to her right leg and calf. The pain is cramping and drawing, worst in the tendon in the hollow of the knee. She could only sit; lying made everything much worse. The modalities change sometimes: (<) in the morning, on getting up, sitting, stooping, standing still, bending the head forwards, lifting the legs, crossing the right leg over the left, (>) lying down, bending the leg, stretching the leg, changing position. Sometimes with cramp in toes and soles of the feet.

She has a tendency to put on weight quickly.

She suffers from painful and sometimes swollen breasts. Sometimes before the menses, but also sometimes for a few weeks without any connection to the menses.

Past history: severe mumps. Car sickness.

General characteristics:

Temperature: cold, cold hands and feet; cold feet make her knees ache.

cold weather makes her depressed.

Perspiration: often at night, on the back, chest and in axillae.

Time: (<) 3 pm; sometimes moody in the morning.

Desires: sweets (3), chocolate (3), grapes (3), coffee, smoking.

Aversion: cabbage, beans (2).

Menses: quite frequent, sometimes every 14 days, often copious, only during daytime; moody one day before menses.

Sleep: unrefreshing; lies on right side.

Mind: Quickly worried about husband and children. If her husband is late coming home, she gets very worried, so they have arranged that he will ring her if he is going to be late. She is afraid that the children will fall down the stairs. She also worries in her dreams. She dreams that she has to save her children from drowning. She feels a great need for attention. Her parents, and especially her mother, had little time for the children, as they had a business. She feels that she missed out on attention. She often pities herself. Even now she has the feeling that her mother does not help her enough. Her mother is always ready to support her sisters when they are ill or when they are having a baby, but is never there for her. Everyone has always thought 'She will manage on her own', even when she was a child. She finds it difficult to ask for help, feels that she should be able to manage by herself. She can be very moody. Is short tempered with the children. She feels like crying, but doesn't want to, so she starts to sigh and swallow a lot instead. She is afraid of insects and spiders. Also afraid to drive and have an accident. She cannot stand criticism. She reacts with 'sort it out yourself then'. She works hard, thinks that she has to. Her marriage is good. There was a problem in the past that her husband worked too hard and too many hours. He was often busy at night and even at the weekends. She felt that she was only a housekeeper to her husband. That was again the old problem of not getting enough attention.


It took me three years to come to the conclusion that this woman needed Calc-m. During these three years she was given: Lyc, Sep, Tub, Lac-c, Cimic, Graph, Calc, Calc-s, Am-m. These remedies worked only temporarily or not at all. Only Graphites had a positive and lasting effect. She became more stable. After that her complaints were sometimes more left sided, but nothing else changed. So Graphites took off one layer, but there had to be another remedy. The fact that Graphites is complementary to many remedies has already been discussed in a previous chapter.


After Calc-m 1M she first got a heavy cold with yellow-green and brown mucus. Then her headache disappeared. Following that, all her old complaints started to come back one by one, and also went away again: the swollen breasts, the backache, the constipation. After two months she felt her old self again, at ease with herself. She lost her excess weight, without much difficulty. After three months Calc-m was repeated for a return of the tiredness after a busy spell.

The picture of Calcarea muriatica

Essence: the idea and the fear that others will think it strange that you need care and nurturing.

Mind: They have a great need of attention, care, nurturing and help. But on the other side, they are afraid to ask for it. That is because of the fear that others will think it strange. They have the delusion that you have to be able to manage without the help of others. In the past there was often a lack of attention, especially from the mother. The attention that others ask for can also become too much. Then they will become irritated and grumpy. Their own children in particular can become too much of a burden. Also, because they are very unsure about their own motherhood, they are afraid that others will think them a bad mother, a mother who gives her children too little attention, or who spoils her children too much. Problems are therefore often connected to the menses or to pregnancy. They like company, are quite open and like talking a lot. They are not as open to strangers as Phos. They are the fat and happy type. They have a fear of accidents, driving, and causing accidents.

Anxiety about others, the husband, the children.

General characteristics:

Location: left.

Physique: overweight.

Temperature: cold; gloomy in gloomy weather.

Time: (<) 3 pm.

Desires: sweet (3), chocolate (2).

Menses: frequent, copious, daytime; moody before menses; painful and swollen breasts before menses.

Sleep: on right side or stomach.


Headache with cold. Watery nasal discharge. left sided sinusitis.

Mumps (the case makes us suspect that Calc-m. could be an important remedy for mumps).

Rheumatic pains.

DD: Calc, Calc-s, Muriaticums, Phos, Sep.

DD Calc: The difference is mainly that Calc-m claims the attention of the mother much more. There is a greater need for care and attention from the mother, than in Calc. In Calc there is also more shyness, and another difference is that Calc is a bit more right sided, and Calc-m a bit more left sided.

DD Calc-p: The dissatisfaction and the complaining behaviour are the same. Calc-m seeks more nurturing from the mother; Calc-p does not seek the mother so much, but rather needs new and interesting things. Calc-p is more restless and goes out a lot, whilst Calc-m would rather stay at home.


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