Ferrum sulphuricum [Ferr-s]:

- Jan Scholten


Ferrum Sulphuricum

Firm Clothing

Standing one's ground Beauty, grave, harmony

Perseverance Joy

Beatings Love and relationships

Irritability Jealousy

Group analysis

The remedy which most closely resembles Ferrum sulphuricum is Mag-s. They both have problems with relationships, with many quarrels. But Ferrum feels that the relationship has to work the way they want it to. They feel the pressure to get it right, and they exert the same pressure on their partner. Their partner has to live up to certain standards.

Ferrum may have the feeling that he or she is the only one who is making all the effort, that their partner is not doing anything towards keeping their relationship going. Because they have the delusion that their partner is not committed, they are constantly pressurising them to put more into it, which actually has the result of putting their partners off. And so we can see another vicious circle being formed.


A 35 year old woman comes because she suffers from tiredness (<) exertion and in the evening around 10 o'clock. She is also anaemic, more so since pregnancy. Her menses have always been copious, which was worse when she had an IUD. Sometimes she has a pain in her right lower abdomen and she is constipated from time to time. Past history: When she was taking her final school exams she got glandular fever, with severe sore throat, which made it almost impossible to swallow. She couldn't tolerate fat food. Many ear infections as a child. Frequent sore throats, (<) when she is busy. It starts on one side. General characteristics: Temperature: changeable: when inside she feels too hot, when outside she feels too cold. She likes fresh air, sea, mountains. Doesn't like thunderstorms. Very little perspiration. Time: (<) 9 pm. Desires: spices (2), sweet, meat, eggs. Very thirsty. Aversion: milk. (<) fat and sugar. (<) beans, cabbage, cheese, coffee (it makes her stomach feel bloated). Menses: once every three times she gets headaches. Sleep: difficulty falling asleep during stressful times. Sleeps on her right side. Relationship: this has been a problem for years. She moved in with her boyfriend and that is when the problems started. Whenever she had an opinion about something important he felt very threatened and emotional. Although he was a very creative and gifted man, he wanted a lot of attention from her. When they had a child she thought that they would both take part in bringing it up. But she had to carry the burden alone and she resented this. She used to get very angry every time he withdrew. In the end she moved out with her child. She has also had a strange dream. In this dream her friend picked her up from a party and very sneakily took her to the town hall to get married. She had a previous relationship with a similar type of man: very gifted but making no effort to build up a good relationship. When she said she wanted to finish the relationship he threatened to commit suicide, which he didn't do in fact. Mind: She used to be a wild girl. She came from a very conservative family and her father sometimes slapped her face, calling her a whore. She can get very angry and start throwing things, particularly when people don't respect her boundaries, her space. Analysis The analysis can be very brief: someone who is anaemic and who has relationship problems, that is Ferrum and Sulphur, therefore Ferr-s. Of course this explanation is not sufficient, but it can serve us to get on to the idea of Ferr-s. There are several indications for Ferrum: copious menses, red cheeks, desire for meat, (<) cold and a persevering and strong type of person. The irritability when her boundaries are not respected is also a symptom of Ferrum. For Sulphur we have the confirming symptoms: desire for spices and sweets, (<) heat, (>) outside and the selfish, demanding behaviour.

The theme of the group analysis of Ferrum sulphuricum is quite clear in this case. She is very concerned about the relationship and she works hard to build something up. She knows what she wants and she puts a lot of effort into it, demanding the same from her boyfriend. Her disappointment when the education of their child doesn't go the way she had envisioned it, is an obvious cause of her complaints. She felt that they should work together bringing up the child, but because he withdrew from his responsibilities she felt that the whole burden rested on her shoulders.


After Ferr-s 1M she felt much quieter and less hurried. There is a difference in the way she reacts when something in the relationship doesn't go the way she wants it. She is now able to be relaxed about it and they have more respect for each other. She can also say no when he demands too much of her attention. Recently she left her child with him for the first time for a whole weekend, while she went out. She sees possibilities that she didn't see before. She is not so afraid of her tiredness anymore, she feels that her base is more solid. She feels that she won't be so irritable anymore.

Short case

Another case in which Ferr-s has been of great benefit is the one of a 2 year old boy who suffered from rattling coughs. He was very susceptible to colds, with a lot of green mucus from the nose. His glands used to swell up and his tonsils were enlarged.

He didn't have much fever.

His stools were thin and smelt of rotten eggs.

His mother had been anaemic when she was pregnant and had had a desire for meat.

Desire: salt (2), spices (2), meat, fish, fruit.

Aversion: sour, eggs (2), cheese. He used to get urticaria from eggs.

Sleep: on his stomach. Often awake between 2 am and 5 am (<) teething. He was a lively, energetic child. He liked his own jokes. He was very emotional, he could laugh or cry very loudly. He loves animals. Analysis There are quite a few indications for med, but this remedy only helped for two weeks. There are also a few indications for Sulphur, but it doesn't really fit, particularly because he is so emotional. The aggravation from eggs reminded me of Ferrum. Sulphur has this too, so I thought that the combination Ferr-s would have it to an even even stronger degree. The anaemic state of his mother during pregnancy further confirmed the suitability of Ferrum in the Ferr-s combination. Picture of Ferrum sulphuricum Essence: the idea that they have to stand firm in their relationship. Mind: they feel that the relationship should work they way they want it to. They experience a certain pressure to get it right. And they exert the same pressure on their partner to face up to their own responsibility. This may lead to a feeling of standing all alone in the task of making the relationship work. They feel that they are the only person who is doing anything towards it, while their partner is just neglecting the relationship. This is often true, but the reason is that their partner has given up and lost all enthusiasm because of this continuous pressure. They also feel that their partner should play a part in the bringing up of the children, or should share in doing household duties. Or they feel that they want to talk about their life together, to deepen the relationship. They have a great desire to share their emotions with their partner, to create a mutual understanding. But although they feel very strongly about this they often don't understand that their partner may not share this same desire to talk about their emotions. The result can be a feeling of irritability towards their partner and towards others, particularly when others don't respect their space. Even sounds made by their partner can make them very angry. Temperature: cold or warm. (>) outside.

Time: (<)3am, 5am. Desires: spices, tomatoes, meat. Aversion: eggs (3). (<) eggs (3). Menses: copious. Physical: (>) slow movement.


Palpitations, high or low blood pressure.

Red cheeks, (<) wine. Dizziness, (<) wine, getting up.

Inflammations of the throat.

Stomach and gall-bladder complaints.

Diarrhoea and constipation.

DD: Arn, Ferrums, Mag-s, Calc-s, Sang.


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