CERATO :Bach Remedies

- Dr. D.V. Krishnamoorty.

To describe the truth in everything, by whomsoever spoken, is wisdom. Thirukkural (423) Unable to decide which one among several things to choose or course to adopt-constantly changing treatment - imitating others ways, mannerisms etc.- staunchness or ardency in following a system or personality.

This type will seem to be similar to the remedy wild Oat; hence comparison is needed between the two remedies. The Wild Oat type of person is unable to choose the most appropriate profession or goal in his life. But Cerato is in respect of one particular thing only, e.g. treatment, building a house, buying a radio which are not goals in life. He has made up his mind to buy a radio, but he is unable to decide which model to buy. When a patient has been under your treatment for some time, then leaves you and goes to another doctor (though he had shown improvement from your treatment) do not get irritated. He may be a Cerato type. Such patients go from one doctor to another, from one system to another. It is not changeableness of mind as in Scleranthus; but he is only unable to decide which system of medicine he has to adopt - homoeopathy, allopathy, nature cure etc. He tries homoeopathy for some time; then it occurs to him that allopathy is the best where all tests are conducted to ascertain what exactly is wrong and thus spot the seat of the troubles. Then, on considering the side-effects and little relief, it occurs to him that allopathy is no good and nature- cure only is the best on earth.

It is, of course, foolish for a patient to continue the treatment under a doctor continuously for several years without any sigh of improvement; Suppose a homeopath is unable to do any good in his case, then it is advisable to try another homeopath, which is a healthy sign of mind. Suppose, after trying various homoeopaths and specialists or seniors in homoeopathy, he is justified in changing the system itself. This again is a healthy sign of the mind. But, when we carefully observe the Cerato type of person we find that he changes the doctor or system without any justification. He first goes to a homoeopathy, is very faithful in following the directions of the homoeopathy in respect of dosage, diet etc. and you feel that he has got much faith in homoeopathy. Irrespective off the degree of improvement, one fine morning you find him in the office of a naturopath and he shows the same amount of faith there also. You wonder how the patient could overnight change the system. If you follow his activities you will find that he abandons naturopathy too after a week and starts doing yogasanas and so on. It is a matter of indigestion as to which one is the best among several courses or methods.

The indecision of Scleranthus type of person is between two things only, that too, mostly whether to do or not to do a particular thing.

In Homoeopathy, it is said that the sycotic patient constantly change his doctor. This symptom is found in Cerato. Ignatia, tuberculinum, etc. have a desire to constantly change; this is because it causes boredom to this type of person to continue at one place or do one and the same thing for long - cosmopolitan type.

Wild Oat, Cerato and Scleranthus are to be carefully compared so that you may not prescribe for your patient one remedy where another will be more appropriate. Wild Oat indecision is in respect of ones career, profession or goal in life. For example, a Wild Oat type of person feels he should be a painter. He starts as one very sincerely, but after some time he finds that job is not suited to him (though he gets a good income from it and also does it well.) He does not have a sense of what is otherwise called job satisfaction and so he feels despondent. Wild Oat cannot give him job Satisfaction in the job where he is, but will enable him to decide the job he is most fit for and in which he can have the job satisfaction. Wild Oat, if taken regularly, will enable a person to find the one thing in life that attracts him most and do it.

How to know whether a person is in a profession that is most suitable for his talent? The most suitable profession is that which seems to be so part of us that it is as natural as breathing, as natural as it is for the bee to collect honey and the tree to shed its old leaves in the autumn and bring forth new ones in the spring. When we do the correct job suited to our tastes, we do not feel stress or strain but enjoy doing it. One need not go on wasting ones time in constantly analyzing what profession or career to take or go on changing his jobs one after the other because of his inability to find the right one for him. Wild Oat, if taken regularly, will make him realize the right thing for his taste.

The Cerato patient settles down in his profession. He then finds that several lines are open to him in it. For Example, he knows, no doubt , that the legal profession is the best for him. But he is unable to decide whether to practice law with the aim of becoming a leading lawyer or to ultimately try for the post of a judge after some years of practice; or to be a publisher or editor of law books or a law journal.

Let us take another example for Cerato. He has no wrist watch or a timepiece. He wants to buy one, no doubt, for knowing the time. But he is unable to decide which one to buy--a wrist watch, or time-piece or wall clock. Each one has its advantages as well as disadvantages. When he considers a wrist watch the absence of alarm makes him wonder if a timepiece will not be better, and so on.

In Wild Oat type of persons, they are unable to decide on the profession itself; but in Cerato, after having decided on his profession, he is unable to select the particularly division or branch in that profession which he had already settled. Let us listen to a patient needing Wild Oat.

I am secretary and I have the necessary qualifications for it and get a decent income. But I feel dissatisfied with this type of job. You know, I am a person who cannot sit continuously for eight hours in one place and work as per the commands of a boss. Moreover, the job of secretary demands punctuality and neatness of dress. I dislike to observe both; further, I should like a job which would require me to be constantly on the move. I am not a lazy person either and I cannot waste time in idleness. I am not the type who wants to earn by doing very little or no work. I do want to work but it has to give me job satisfaction, for by nature I am a hard worker, I do my job as a secretary very well, and my officer praise me. But the type of job I prefer is the one that will involve doing one particular thing only. For example, I feel that the job of a truck driver would be suitable--I can be constantly on the move, can keep late hours and strain myself any amount of driving for hours together. Moreover, it also does not require neatness of dress or the patience to answer to many people as in the post of Secretary. Suppose the above person is lucky enough to get the job of a truck-driver. After a few weeks, he feels he is a creative person and so, the mechanical and routine type of driving vehicles is not suitable for him.

Wild Oat will give him a clear mind so that he can find a job most suitable and he will stick to it and at the same time get job satisfaction.

Now, here in below is another Wild Oat type of persons statement: You know, I am going to do business because I know very well I am not suited to do service under anybody. But in doing my own business I am unable to decide which commodity to deal in. I was running a book-shop for some time. I had been successful in that trade. But it does not involve much brain work. But if it is a Real Estate business then one can do a lot by ones capabilities and initiatives. I want to capitalize on my capabilities and this cannot be utilized in running a book-shop. A Cerato type:

My career is journalism, of course, and there is no doubt about it. But whether I should do free-lance work or political reporting, or confine myself to local news, or analyze in international affairs, I am unable to settle. I feel at one time that I would do better as the Editor of a daily. Sometimes, it appears that specialization in current political affairs would suit me. I was a sub-editor for some time. Though I did well, soon I felt it was a mechanical thing to edit what others reported. I felt that in free-lance I would have satisfaction for it requires originality and tact to collect news.

Another important symptom of Cerato is to be a staunch follower of a system.

He will say that so-and so is the best person on a subject- lawyer or astrologer - and for all his problems connected with that line he will contact that particular person only and will say his advice is the best.

So also, in religion, among the various deities, he will consider the one to be more important than all.

He does not know any foreign language. Still he will say that french language is the best - a sort of fancy. Making himself a obedient follower of a particular saint, or sanyasi. You know, to do any new thing, e.g. opening a Branch office for my business, or allowing my elder son to join the army or sending my daughter overseas for higher studies, I will first go to our guru and if only he permits it I shall proceed further in the matter. By taking Cerato, he will be able to realize that it is his son who has to decide his career.

Taking a person as his sole guide in all matters, without caring to learn that he can only consult others but take his own decision. He tries to imitate someone. Will blindly accept whatever that persons considers to be true.

Some interesting expressions coming from the mouth of Cerato types:

Actor means only so and so is an actor (his favorite.) Astrologer means only........(names a person) is the best astrologer.

Making himself a fan of an actor, cricket-player etc. If a Beech type of person makes the above statement it may be correct because it is very difficult to get appreciation of praise from a Beech type of person and so unless a person is extraordinarily talented he wont be praised by the Beech type. But a Cerato type of person out of mere fancy, will praise a person in a field to be the best.

Many followers of one or the other political party are Cerato types only.

To which party you belong? This question is often asked as if one should identify himself with a political party.

See how Cerato mentality works. He will not criticize the wrong policies in his party. He belongs to it and so must do everything for it and ardently support all the policies of that party leader.

He has not studied thoroughly all the writings of an author belonging to a party of ism. If any one criticize a particular portion of such writings, our Cerato type of person cannot tolerate such opposition. If he carefully examines the relevant portion of that writer and weigh it in relation to the criticisms (Which also has to be examined calmly and then comes to the conclusion that writer was not wrong then it is a natural sign of healthy mind. But our Cerato type of person has already formed a very good opinion of a particular writer(fancy of his mind) and so will go out to make all out efforts to support that writers teachings.

(Walnut and Cerato compared: The case of Cerato is a matter of belief while in Walnut, it is a matter of faith due to tradition.)He considers Karl Marx teaching to be supreme and so becomes a communist; or he will say that a particular movement is good and so joins it.

In India, both at the Center (Parliament) and in the states (Legislative Assemblies) the whole time is spent for making complaints against opposition and who, in turn, recriminate. Things would become better if Cerato is added to the cool drinks or water meant for drinking which are kept in the halls of parliament and Legislative Assemblies. Before we conclude the study of Cerato one more symptom of it has to be considered. The persons (Children, mental cases etc.) needing Cerato has the tendency to imitate others voices, styles, ways of speech mannerism etc. He will scrupulously follow the method of someone till he comes across another person.


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