Disease of the Liver Inflammation - Cirrhosis.


Inflammation in the substance of the live occurs either in the form of solitary abscess see Section on Tropical Disease), or as a result of general septic poisoning, with formation of small multiple abscess The fibrous capsule of the organ may become inflamed (perihepatitis). This disease is best classed with Cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis-There are various varieties of Cirrhosis due to various cause. The commonest form result from chronic alcoholism, but other poisons, such as lead, occasionally cause similar changes, and it can occur from generally disease, such as gout, diabetes, rickets, and especially from malaria or syphilis.

Alcoholic Cirrhosis (hob-nailed liver-This disease is characterized by the development of fibrous tissue between the liver cells, causing their destruction. The organ is usually much diminished inside, but if there is a fatty degeneration present as well it may be increased wherein there is always an enlargement of the liver., and also of the spleen.

SYMPTOMS-Chronic catarrh of the stomach with nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning. haemorrhage from the stomach is frequent,and black stools from the presence) of altered blood in them. Enlarged veins on the abdomen and gradual accumulation o fluid in the abdominal cavity. Jaundice as a rule is slight. See of discomfort in hypochondrium, often a little fever, and scanty urine.

TREATMENT-If taken early and if the use of alcohol is given up, the disease can be arrested . Established cases are incurable, but can be relieved. Expert treatment is advisable, but the remedies most likely to be useful are Phosphorus, Arum, Lycopodium, Nitric Acid, Berberis and Mercurius. the Liver may be found to be enlarged as a result of cancer (Hydrastis, Chelidonium, Lobelia Erinus. Ornithogalum), usually secondary to malignant growth elsewhere, and is enlarged in the late stages of heart disease. the underlying general condition must then be treated.


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