

This is a chronic enlargement of the Thyroid Gland, attacking women more often than men and occurring about puberty generally. The cause is obscure; it has been considered as due to excess or deficiency of some mineral constituents in the drinking water, or to a specific micro-organism as yet unidentified. Possibly the last is the essential and the other a contributory cause. Goitre is very common in certain districts, Oxfordshire, Derbyshire, parts of Switzerland, Pyrenees, etc., and in all goitrous districts water tends to the hard, rich in lime and magnesia, and poor in iodine.

The enlargement of the gland in simple goitre does not mean over activity as in exophthalmic goitre. Generally, indeed, the gland secretion seems lessened and enlargement may sometimes be compensatory. There are few symptoms beyond the enlargement, and occasionally, pressure symptoms, cough and dyspnoea. Many cases spontaneously recover. Large tumours or those causing pressure can be sent to the surgeon if medicinal measures fail, but Iodine, Kal.- Iod. and Spongia (i.e., Iodine in some form) are very often successful, and this suggests that failure to absorb Iodine or (less likely) Iodine deficiency, is a cause of this disease. Apart from Iodine, Lapis Albus has a well deserved reputation, and if any symptoms can be obtained pointing to a deep-acting remedy, it should be given. Perhaps Lycopodium is the most likely to help. X-rays have been successfully used.


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