Hyperthyroidism-Exophthalmic Goitre.


In this disease the thyroid is over active. Cases of all degrees may be met with. Acute infection, worry, shock, nerve strain, all seem to play a predisposing part and the tendency to this disease runs in families.

SYMPTOMS.- Acute cases are known but are rare. Usually the onset is gradual. The pulse rate rises to 120, 140 or more, with visible pulsation of vessels. The face is flushed and erythema is common. The thyroid gland enlarges as a rule; the swelling is firm and elastic. A double murmur may be heard by the stethoscope placed not he gland The eyeballs protrude, and the eyelids retract (Exophthalmus). Tremor is an early symptom affecting the hands chiefly. Anaemia, emaciation, occasionally fever, vomiting and diarrhoea, are all possible symptoms. Myxoedema may follow this disease. The body output of energy is increased.

TREATMENT.- The disease may disappear spontaneously, even after lasting for months.

When advanced cases have resisted medicine it is night to consider removal of part of the gland, which is often a successful procedure. X-ray applications have helped now and then. Simple diet without stimulants and a very quiet, restful life are essential, Medicinally, in acute and recent cases Belladonna, Glonoin, Veratrum Viride, Lycopus Virg., give great relief to symptoms and sometimes permanent amelioration. In more chronic cases, Spongia, Spigelia, especially when heart symptoms (pain and palpitation) are prominent, should be thought of, but cure has more often resulted from careful case working-our with single doses sand high potencies.

The drugs oftenest used in chronic cases in this way are Natrum Muriaticum. Sulphur and Sepia.


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