

the above term is used to express conditions in which many of he tissues and fluids of the body become yellow, especially the whites of the eyes, and the connective tissues of the body,. Jaundice is a symptoms of some acute or chronic affects of the liver, not disease.

SYMPTOMS-Yellow rings, first of the white of the eyes, then of the roots of the nails, and next the face and neck, and finally the trunk and extremities. The urine becomes yellow-coloured or deep-brown, and stains the linen; the faces whitish or drab- coloured; there is Constipation; LassituDe; anxiety; pain in. he stomach; bitter taste;a nd generally febrile symptoms. Sometimes, especially in children, the bowels are relaxed from the food not being properly digested and occasioning irritation. there are also, usually, depression of spirits, prostration of strength, and slowness of he pulse. The presence of yellow tint in the conjunctivae and urine is very conclusive that the patient is suffering from Jaundice, and not merely from the sallowness of anaemia. The addition of nitric acid to sallowness of anaemia. the addition of nitric acid to the urine changes it to a deep green colour. When there is obstruction from a gall- stone, the most acute suffering is induced; the pains come on in paroxysms, and fare often accompanied by vomiting and hiccough.

CAUSE-Jaundice is due to obstruction of the bile-ducts, and abortion of the bile into he blood. In some disease without actual obstruction there may be a yellow tinge or real jaundice (e.g., Yellow fever, Phosphorus poisoning). In these cases there is degeneration of the liver cells and destruction for red blood corpuscles. Obstructive jaundice due either to external pressure as a growing of tumour), or to internal obstruction of the duct by a gall-stone, or as the rest of catarrh and swelling of the mucous lining.

The excessive use of Chamomilla tea, quinine, Rhubarb, or Calomel.,. in some eves, away also be stand as a cause, as these drugs may induce obstruction of the bile duct from catarrh. but sedentary occupations, mental anxiety, and nigh living, are probably the most frequent Cancerous disease of the liver, or of the gall bladder, are sometimes associated.

GALL-STONES-A not uncommon impediment to the flows of the bile is the impaction of a gall-stoned in. the natural channels of the bile. A gall-stone consists of bile in a crystalline form. The pain attending the passage of tall-stones is very severe, commences suddenly, is constantly for a time, accompanied by vomiting generally, and terminates suddenly, and is thus distinguished from Colic, and by the pains being of a more local character, and in the site of the gall-duct.


1. Acute Jaundice-Acon.m, Mec., Nux ., Hydras. (Dr Hale recommends five drops of the O tincture); Cham.

2. Chronic-Chel., Podoph,China,Dig., As., Phos., Ac-Not. See also the previous Section.

3. Gall-stones-Acon., Calc-Carb. 30, Berberis O, Bell., and application of a large jot compress over the seat of pain during the passage of a calculus through the gall-duct. Morphia (better Morphia and Atropine or Atropine alone) may be necessary in. the paroxysms of pain. China is said to prevent their re-formation..

Surgical measures may be required.

LEADING INDICATIONS.- Aconitum-Jaundice with symptoms of Inflammation, wand great pain in the region of the liver.

Mercurius-Valuable remedy, and often effects a speedy cure; it is especially useful after Acon.

China-Jaundice from malaria, with bilious Diarrhoea; and when the disease is intermittent. Persistently used, it prevents recurrence of gall-stones.

Nux Vomica-Jaundice with costiveness, sensitiveness in the region of he live, or from sedentary habits or indulgence in stimulants.

Chelidonium Maj.-Jaundice, with pain or tenderness in. the liver and right shoulder, deep red, clean tongue, bitter taste; light coloured formed stools. etc.

Phosphorous-Brownish-yellow skin and conjunctivae; frequent, copious, whitish-gray evacuations, blackish brown urine; dejection and despondency; sometimes loss of voice, cough, and other symptoms of melanins jaundice.

Arsenicum-Malignant cases, with typhoid symptoms, or rat emaciation. Ars. is also useful for the Dyspepsia following an acute attack; for Jaundice from the free use of Mercury, and for obstinate cases from fever and Ague.

Jaundice during pregnancy, or from Cancer or other tumour of the liver, requires professional attendance.

DIET-light and digestible-chicken broth;beef tea;toasted bread, scalded with hot water,r with a little sugar;roasted apples; and as much cold water as the patient desires.

ACCESSORY MEANS-Flannel squeezed after omission in hot water, or a hot hip-bath, relieves pain. Jaundice from inactivity and chronic Congestion of the liver requires change of air and scene, travelling, daily walking or horse exercise, regular and temperate habits, and the use of he abdominal compress as described in Sec. 28.

174-Peritonitis (Peritonitis) Inflammation of the Peritoneum.

DEFINITION-Inflammation of the serous membrane which lines the abdomen, and invests and supports the viscera contained therein, due to infection with micro-organism. The infection originates in one of the organs covered by or adjacent to the peritoneum, of which the vermiform appendix ranks first in order of frequency.


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